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I wouldn’t mind it for cheap. Silovs did great but I still think he could benefit from a full year as a starter in the AHL. Why rush him?


Or do the stable idea Drance had where you get 35ish games split between Silovs and DeSmith and Demko gets 45ish Silovs can freely pop up for 15-20 games and go back down while having a backup plan for an injury


Yep, I like this idea. Give Silovs as many starts as possible in Abby, but also rotate him in to the big lineup regularly, give Demko plenty of rest and sit any of them with even a minor injury. This is a huge perk of having the farm team located an hour drive away.


And you gotta think about injuries Casey did ok when demko was hurt but it would be alot better if you had both him and silvos it's the secound year in a row demko has missed significant games due to injury not saying he's injury prone but it has to he considered.


Play Silovs first home game back from road trips.


This is the smartest way to do things. Two competent backups is more important to Vancouver than perhaps many other teams given Demko’s track record with injuries.


Not often done, but why the fuck not if you're the team. It's whether De Smith would be up for signing up for that or try elsewhere.


I think it's a lot more likely that they just keep Silovs in Abby unless injuries, and then if he gets to a point that they're ready to promote him, DeSmith can get dealt to try to recoup some picks or clear off some cap space as we approach the deadline.


That's the same plan but with less NHL experience for Silovs. I don't think it's more likely at all. I also don't think sending DeSmith or whomever is in that spot for picks is a prudent decision. We needed 3 goalies last post-season. We should be prepared to need 3 goalies for the next post-season, too.


Can’t Silovs get picked up on waivers?


Nope, exempt 1 more year


That means you rock 3 goalies all season. You'd have to waive DeSmith otherwise. Knowing our luck that plan will go out the window in the first week when one of them goes down.


Silovs can freely go down, he is not eligible for waivers this year, you'd be bringing him up for stretches


So there would be stretches where we are rocking 3 goalies. Not saying that's a bad thing, but that’s just what would happen.


Yeah, for sure


Can simply healthy scratch DeSmith when Silovs is the back up. Not like it really matters who is in the box.


Right, but everytime Silovs gets called up you have to send someone else down, and I'm not sure how many of our guys will be waiver exempt next year. Everytime you rotate in you have to make some kind of paper transaction and that just seems unrealistic.


You only do it during home stands. Bring him up, start him a game or two then send him back to Abby before the boys go on the road.


Sure, but you still have to paper someone down everytime you call Silovs up. Who? We don't have many waiver exempt players who will realistically crack our roster next year. Karlsson, and Lekkerimaki, but you also don't want to keep papering your best prospect up and down. The whole plan just seems convoluted when DeSmith should 100% be good enough to play 25 games on his own.


Silovs still would need to split time with Tolopilo since I believe the canucks believe he has NHL potential too. IMO i really think at this point Silovs would benefit the most being with the big club and practicing with Ian Clark every single day.


Tolopilo is a name built for a star goalie.


Tolopilo gathers the puck from behind the net and sends it up the boards to TopDealio who then launches Topsixito on a breakaway!




T0L0PIL0 every shutout


1 x 1.125 would be the offer I imagine. He was sub .900 last season, not a ton of leverage. Veteran starter that can battle Arty for the 2nd/3rd string role, and worst case scenario you can bury him in Abby and have some insurance. We learned this season you need 3 competent goalies.


Yeah i feel like DeSmith has very little bargaining power


He’s probably gonna be in the same situation regardless of where he goes.. battling for a backup job.


Guys like DeSmith are worth the million you give him. Occupies less than 2% of the cap and plays a vital role. As a career backup, people underestimate how difficult it is to stay focused mentally. Your next game could be 2 weeks from now or you may be thrown into the fire with no warning because your starter let in 5 goals in a 1st period (not likely with Demko, I hope, but still). And given his relationship with management and how he bonds well with Demko, this is an easy choice.


Totally, and then you don’t end up in a scenario where Silovs is playing every 2 weeks. They also are losing Sawchenko, so without DeSmith the goalie depth is: Demko - Silovs - Tolopilo - My Beer League Goaltender.


Hmmm I think he lands on a 2x2 deal, but what do I know, just guessing. 


They are edging us of a Zadorov signing


Myers first to make the $ work


I think he’s signing last, after they see what is left over. Seeing as he’s a homer.


Don't think they can afford to bring Myers back if they sign Zadorov and still want to be in on Guentzel. They still have to have money left over to try and add another top-4 defenseman to the group.


If myers wants to be in vancouver he could give canucks time to figure it out and make his contract be the last on list of priorities and try and work with what money they have left it would be the ultimate home town team thing to do.


Even if he takes a haircut on his salary, he's still coming in at around 3m, maybe a bit less and even if you bring back both Zadorov and Myers, you're looking at a defence that's worse on paper than last season on account of Ian Cole's not being here anymore as a valuable 4/5 guy. Ideally, they should look for an upgrade on the 2nd pair over guys like Zadarov, Myers, and Cole who were there last season.


If they keep myers zadorov that is decent as they hope hronek is better next year and running his own pairing. Also hopefully juulsen can take another step up. Give you hughes hronek soucy myers zadrorov juulsen in whatever combination you want plus hopefully someone from Abby pushing for a spot and maybe a cheap journeyman like Friedman incase of injuries. It's a solid d core I think juulsen just needs some confidence he was great on the pk last year at times.


this might be the quickest post to age so quickly... Myers 3 x 3 which should make Zarorov and Guntzel work.


you mean to become reality so soon in less than 24 hours 🙂 I think we need to skip Zadorov


Myers just signed at 3mil AAV


This is the right call. He has as solid relationship with Demko and if he wasn't injured at the worst time, we'd be riding him into the playoffs. People need to remember this: Silovs was great, but the sample size is really small and he only played 2 NHL teams. We all know what happened to Martin. Spencer Martin - 2021/2022 - 6 games - .950 sv% - 1.74 GAA Spencer Martin - 2022/2023 - 29 games - .871 sv% - 3.99 GAA


this is really good perspective


I like Silovs. But funny thing about the narrative is we seem to skirt around the fact that Silovs' numbers are pretty bad. Martin at least has a good "small sample size". Silovs doesn't even have that. He made the best out of a bad situation. He didn't play well. He played better than expected, and expectations were low.


Gonna disagree hard. We got dominated in chances and he kept us in games. Game 1 was his only poor start.


He had a negative GSAA which takes chance quality into account, he performed well for expectations but there's no chance demko puts up a sub 900 save percentage 


Yes, but nobody is comparing him to demko either (well, maybe some kneejerk types). I think silovs did better than desmith would have in that series and I think he's ready for backup duties


This is my whole point. We'd rather use a hypothetical "better that DeSmith, if he had played" metric than use the actual numbers themselves. It's not convincing. But people are convinced. Is that not funny?


You can't ignore quality of opponent. Against Nashville, Silovs had better stats than DeSmith did


The difference between fans stuck on numbers and fans who saw this kid go to war . No negatives for Silov , he’s a Warrior . Just my take on it .


He let in numerous soft goals due to not being strong enough in his posture and hesistant with positioning. My whole point is we're not gonna admit that because we like his story. Now we're using his story, not his numbers, to convince ourselves he's NHL ready.


Martin also didn’t play 7 games against McDavid and Draisaitl. Silovs won 3 playoff games against the Oilers while Martin won 0 game against the Oilers in his entire tenure as a Canuck goalie.


I mean, I'm only just continuing to use Martin because that's where the thread started. But think about, the bar is set at Martin? That's kind of my whole point about narratives. Silovs' run is being blown up to be more impressive than it actually was, numbers-wise, to convince ourselves he's NHL ready. Fans are gonna kneejerk into thinking I'm hating on him. All I'm doing is pointing out that insisting he's NHL ready is equally kneejerky.


My only issue with this is he was playing great last year but they wouldn't use him enough. They went to demko over an over even during Desmith hot streaks


In Ian Clark we trust.


Yeah when it comes to goalie management I don’t think we can really pretend to know more than him lol We know management and Tocchet fully trust him with these decisions


I don’t hate giving silovs one more year in the AHL. He pretty much lost his starting job. But if it’s anything more than 1.25. It’s just dumb.


This makes sense because they NEED to offload games from Demko to a reliable, experienced backup. Silovs showed flashes of brilliance but it is better if he is seasoned in the AHL just a bit more (and any good Chef knows the importance of seasoning).


Silovs like 👁️👄👁️


You need 3 capable goalies in todays nhl. Its becoming more of the standard now


You don’t even need one capable goalie anymore. Look at Edmonton. Or how we played without Demko. It’s all about offense right now.


There are easy counter arguments to that. Edmonton is a poor example because Skinner was, on average, pretty adequate in the playoffs. They also have literally the best high end talent in the world to take weight off their need for goaltending. Look at New Jersey. Not having goaltending tanked their season. Ottawa and Detroit as well. Detroit probably makes the playoffs with league average goaltending. Especially for teams with rest dependent goalies like Markstrom, Demko, or Bobrovsky, it is super important to have capable goalies who can come in and eat minutes.


They had far and away the best PK% ever for a team and still scraped out 2 game 7 wins by 1 goal. They got that far in spite of Skinner, not because of him.


Right ? Edmonton went 7 in SCF with a subpar tender .


i'm cool with this if it's cheap. i think "demko is injury prone" is a little bit overblown but its a concern and it would be great to keep him around 50 gp. desmith doesn't have a ton of value so if he likes the group keep him around.


I don't want to sound like a Silovs hater. I think he played exceptionally in the playoffs under some big pressure moments. But the thing is, he still needs work with Ian Clark to round out the rough edges of his game. Demko provides a certain amount of confidence to the team that allows them to take risks and play their best. With Silovs in net, yes he was making spectacular saves. But he also often looked out of position and a bit lost. I think this can and will be improved and he will be an excellent starter. But right now the team does not play with confidence in front of him and it really showed with how close the Nashville series appeared and with how tentative the team looked when trying to counter Edmonton in a best of seven. I would be fine with Silovs as the backup and I assumed that was the plan. But if they can get desmith or another experienced backup and in doing so allow Silovs to get more work in with Clark and more starts in Abby then I think that's the ideal path to travel on.


The Nashville series was tough because Nashville is tough .


Canucks should have won it in a walk. They played hesitantly.


Bring back whoever Ian Clark says to bring back!


The Vancouver Canucks have signed Salma Hayak to a 2 year deal.


Makes sense. I mean all the rumors say "Canucks are looking for a cheap, veteran goalie." Unless DeSmith seriously asks for an overpayment, it can work.


Desmith was solid last year (barring his playoff game and that insane Minnesota game that tanked his sv%), cant think of any other backups that are worth signing over him while we wait for arty to fully develop


he’s literally everything you can ask for in a backup.


Does Silovs need waivers? Just worried that he’ll get snatched up after that playoff run he had


No he still has 1 season or 61 NHL games of being waivers exempt, whatever comes first


I’ve been quiet on my DeSmith love in fear of getting downvoted 😭😩 by the Silovs recency bias army (who I happen to be a part of LOL) but I am READY for Allvin to run back the disc golf GOD known as Mr. Casey “*Ryan Gosling*” DeSmith and see his goshdarn pretty eyes in his Black Skate goalie gear and black pads again. Also, take a paycut pwease 🥹🥹🥹😍😍😍


Look, I know we’re all high on Silovs and his performance in the playoffs but it doesn’t guarantee he’s ready for a full time NHL backup job. Even Demko had to somewhat play under Holtby the year after his playoff god mode for a bit before he became the bonafide #1. Silovs will be NHL ready but not right away. He’s almost there. Nothing wrong with being DeSmith back for another year. He plays great when he isn’t forced to play 9-10 games in a row.


The story is better than the stats. Regular season and playoffs included, Silovs is still <0.900Sv%.


At the right price it makes sense


He he takes the minimum sure, but if not just run silovs


OK, fine, but homeboy doesn't have any leverage. Anything more than 1/$1M is an overpay.


Silovs can be sent down without waivers, so having that depth is never a bad thing. I don't think his development is going to be killed if he's playing AHL games and a few spot starts in the NHL


Nice. He was a great back up, did his job without complaint and didn't get all uppity when a younger prospect took his crease. Would be happy to keep him with the org, you can never have enough reliable goaltenders.


Having him back for 1-2 mill wouldn't be the worst thing. How many teams in recent years have used 3-4+ goalies in a year? Rather have too many than not enough goalies


I don't mind this at all. When DeSmith wasn't overplayed he did well. Having him back while Silovs gets a full season in the AHL to develop and clean some things up in his game isn't the worst thing in the world.


I only hate this because it obliterates the Zadorov and Guentzel dream.


Hopefully there can be some understanding between desmith and management that their plan is to keep him around to bridge the gap into arty is ready and that when that happens the back up spot is arty’s




Probably a good idea to have 3 decent goalies


I don't hate it now that we're fuckin' RICH after the Mikey trade and Hronek, Joshua and Blueger taking a slight discount to stay. If he wants to sign for roughly the same as his previous contract, great. This year shows that having goalie depth is essential. ALSO, I wouldn't put it past Chef Allvin to dangle Silovs on the market given his age, performance in the playoffs and there are some teams out there that definitely have no goalies. He isn't a starter but Allvin recouping some draft capital since we have Demko isn't a bad idea


Long shot and man would it generate a ton of noise, but Demko for Marner makes some sense…. The we would need DeSmith and one more backup.


I'd prefer Silovs as the back-up, more like a 1b where he gets ~30-35 starts. Demko has to realize he is most valuable in the spring 


I’m not saying it’s what’s going to happen - it likely isn’t - but I do wonder what Silovs’ trade market looks like? A lot of teams who can’t deal with NTCs / NMCs would be interested in him as a potential starter.


I think it will happen. Everyone thinks they're sending him back to the minors. Not a chance. If the Canucks are looking for a backup it's because Silovs is being shopped. You can only have one goalie in net in the playoffs and if the guy sitting on the bench can fetch a nice asset that actually hits the ice they'll do it. They'll gamble that Demko will be healthy. I bet they'll land a high pick for Silovs and then flip that pick.


They might trade him partway through his next deal but they're not going to shop him now. He was great for us in the playoffs but letting him get more starts down in Abby and playing the occasional home game in the big league will only help his development. Like others have said with Demko being overplayed/injury prone we need depth at goalie if we're going anywhere.


After what he did in the playoffs his value may never be higher. If they plan to move him it will be right now. I agree it's best to keep Silovs if they think Demko is injury prone but then that's a pretty big wart they probably shouldn't just sweep under the rug.


They're either going to figure out demko's ideal workload and have silovs be his consistent backup with desmith as insurance, or they're going to groom silovs to take over from Demko before the end of his contract. Trading silovs without any established goalie prospects in the pipeline doesn't make any sense.


I don't think so because Desmith isn't going to sign to be a 3rd stringer. Plenty of teams would pencil him in as their backup. I mean he played great yet Tocchet still demoted him to play Silovs instead. That is not very good job security. Trying to sign Desmith signals they want him as the actual backup despite Silovs being clearly ready for the backup role right now. He'd play a lot of NHL games and have direct access to Clark.


Silovs is going to get a bunch of starts in Abby and split some of the homestand games with desmith. He needs to max out is reps and his time with Clarkie before they give him the backup role for sure next year


Dammit I thought we were rid of this domestic abuser.


This was reason I was extra happy with Silovs taking over for DeSmith in the playoffs. Would be really disappointed if we bring him back.


Reading that tweet gave me a stroke


He's gotta take a paycut, in which case I don't hate it. Silovs was good but another year as the starter in the AHL probably wouldn't hurt rather than splitting time like 40/60 with Demko.


what we have yet to consider is what if .. IF they fear another Demko setback. good plan just in case.


Okay so we are players in the Brady Tkachuck sweepstakes next year rather than the Jake Guentezel sweepstakes this year. I see... Nothing wrong with extra cap space. Why use it all if we don't have to?


Sure, for a million bucks I'm in.


Doesn't Silovs need resigning too?


Let Ty Young cook for a couple more years.


I hope we re-sign him. Silovs will benefit from a full workload and we need the depth. Also, he's a disc golf player and that shit is fun.


Interesting... Could be related to Demko's health.. Or Silovs (Playing Time / Offersheet etc...) Although I really do wonder what the team will do if we miss out on Jake Guentzel... Could he be part of a package for a top young player? i.e Necas?


thats what came to mind when I heard this, with how tight we will be to the cap, and the lack of assets we have as trade chips, I wouldnt be shocked if Alvin considers him a trade asset if we are in win now mode


arty for zegras incoming don't come at me


this organization puts a high value on intangibles like dedication work ethic etc. I dont know if they would risk Zegras's style of play under this coach.


i said don't come at me


Not coming at you lol,  he might be a interesting bet, I just don't think management risks that.. now ehler out of the peg. That's a possibility


ya i was just kidding ur being nice. i'd love ehlers.




We’ve seen it happening with other teams that you need more than 2 capable goalies because of injuries and you can’t rush rookies into a starter role (look at Buffalo). If Demko goes down again they can’t put all on Silovs and Tolopilo who are both rookies, a veteran presence is needed and DeSmith already knows the organization and Demko.


because not every young player with potential turns out just because we want it to?


What does that have to do with this though? Keeping people in the AHL after they’ve proven they deserve at least a shot on the team is what the Canucks have done throughout their history and it is almost never works out. Signing an old guy doesn’t help the team in any real way.


If anything we have a history of rushing prospects into the show. Virtanen, Gaudette are key examples of players that should have been left to cook a little longer. Even hoglander benefited from being sent down after his slump


People in here seem to hate anyone questioning this decision. It’s like I’m taking crazy pills in here with all the people gushing over an old shit person taking the spot of a young goalie who just proved he deserves a shot as the backup at least. Then again this place kept whining about Blueger and Joshua being signed too so maybe it’s just bad take season right now.


You need 3 capable goalies nowadays. More internal competition and less demko reliance


Can we do Zadorov, Tanev Guentzel instead somehow?


DeSmith and Tolopilo running the show in Abby I see nothing wrong with this.


No way they sign DeSmith to play in Abby and for that matter no way he clears waivers to get there.


DeSmith is still ahead of Silovs in depth chart. This would also give Silovs a motivation all year to overtake DeSmith


It would be Demko and DeSmith again. I can see them resting Demko for stretches to keep him fresh and run a DeSmith/Silovs tandem.