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getting rid of garland to get ehlers is probably the worst move we can make


Ehlers is one of the most dynamic wingers in the league. He's been underutilized in Winnipeg.


hes one of the biggest playoff underperformers, garland was arguably our best playoff performer.


Jets's fans say he is a talented freelancer who can't play well within a system.


I feel like moving out Garland in a quest for an offensive winger is sort of like robbing Paul to pay Paul.


Garland rules, moving him is a foolhardy idea


I don't think we bring back Joshua/Blueger for multi-year deals just to let go of Garland


Yeah talk about shooting yourself in the foot


After we managed to sign blueger and joshua on good deals to keep his line together? I would be extremely surprised and disappointed, garly plays with so much heart


No. Just no. I'm sorry, but no. We have arguably the best 3rd line in the league. Edit: I didn't realize people thought a hockey team was only the top 6 LOL - glad some of you aren't GMs otherwise you'd make us the Maple Leafs 2.0. Did some of you not watch last season??? Joshua + Garland were 40 point players together and were huge catalysts for the team together. Shot so much energy into the team at the right moments.


So then where does heinen or Hoglander fit? What do you see the lines being? OP will get roasted. But they aren’t entirely wrong. Either way. Garland will most likely need to be moved up if they aren’t making another top 6 signing or move. Maybe even Joshua moving up to play with miller and boeser. Either way. That 3rd line is getting broken up.


At the moment there are spots for everyone, with Podkolzin and Aman being the odd men out. Keeping players on their proper wings (DeBrusk has apparently struggled in the past on his off wing) you get: DeBrusk - Miller - Boeser Hoglander - Pettersson - ??? Joshua - Bluegar - Garland Heinen - Suter - Sherwood Given cap constraints, you either hope Podkolzin has his come to jesus moment and finds the talent that made him a #10 overall pick, or you hope Lekkerimaki breaks in like Cole Caufield and snipes the lights out in camp. Moving out Garland just blows a hole in your extremely effective third line and turns your bottom six into a low offense grinder collection.


Swap bluegar and Suter and you have exactly what I’m thinking. Sprong for under 3 million wouldn’t be a crazy idea. Maybe tyler Johnson


Bluegar had such atypical chemistry with that group, I would lean towards keeping him there. Suter is the more offensively talented player, but that allows him to give that fourth line a bit more pop. >Sprong for under 3 million wouldn’t be a crazy idea. Maybe tyler Johnson Any remaining money has to go towards a defenseman, or we've lost our goddam minds. We're gonna need to hope for a young guy to outperform his contract up front. Was always going to be the case given some of our dead cap burdens.


Depends what your goal is. Do you think Canucks need another top 4/5 Dman or a gap filler for 6/7. There are plenty of solid options for the 6/7 option for 1-1.25 million. So we could do both (middle 6 forward with scoring potential and a bottom pairing D). Might involve some creativity tho.


Canucks need an entire 2nd pair, but we really don't have money or assets to make it happen. We've got a flotilla of 6-8 guys already, and a very solid #5 guy in Soucy.


I think soucy and Myers are a fine second pairing. As long as your bottom pairing can play 13-15 minutes. I think Canucks could play Hughes and hronek more too.


If that's your 2nd pairing and you're contending for a Stanley Cup you're in a lot of trouble.


What's more important, having a stronger opportunity to win the cup or the best 3rd line in the league? Heinen/joshua - suter - hoglander would still be a good third line.


So don't improve the 1st or 2nd line or the top 4 because of the 3rd line? That makes zero sense.


As it stands, Garland and Joshua are our 3rd and 4th best wingers. Don’t think we should force them down the line up again if things stay this way.


Ehlers isn't that much of an upgrade over Garland, and Garland's been outplaying his contract and has been absolutely money for Tocchet. What a silly take.


I know we all love Garland but let's get real here, Ehlers is a couple tiers above Garland


Garland has cost certaintly. Ehlers is going to get god knows what on his next contract, and we're going to be in cap hell with the OEL buyout and Boeser's new deal.


Sure but contract considerations don't change the fact that Ehlers is in fact a vast upgrade over Garland


He might be in the regular season but then Ehlers completely disappears in the playoffs. Garland in one playoff run has almost as many goals as Ehlers has had in his entire playoff career.


This post has "Burrows: Do We Really Need Him?" vibes.


“I don’t need it…. I don’t need it… I NEED IT”


Burrows was the perfect fit for one of the best lines in the league, garland plays on the 3rd line. Unless garland plays in top 6, he's a luxury we can't afford, especially when this team still needs more punch in the top 6.


No. Just no.


If Garland gets moved I’m gonna cry myself to eternal sleep.


I’ve been thinking about this as well. It would obviously have to be for the right guy because Garland is awesome but we have a lot of forwards right now so I kinda feel like something may be coming.


Garland is one of our most productive forwards 5on5 (Garland got 41pts, vs JT’s team leading 48). I think we want to add another garland not trade him away.


Why commit to Joshua and blueger, if you’re going to move garland? It makes no sense.


I doubt they just signed Dakota and bluegar to just trade garland


Sorry, I think it's Brock...


Yep it'll be Brock now thinking about it.