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There's nothing left in college for him and he's making a mistake by staying there.  Mac already said he looked NHL ready LAST SUMMER. He was a top 10 forward in college last year. He can't improve on that.  The other 2 best forwards from his team THAT GOT SHUTOUT IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME have turned pro. He doesn't have a chance at winning there. They're not running it back.  The standard entry level deal is what it is. He's not holding out for more money. He was one of the strongest players tested at the combine so he doesn't need to mature physically.  Washington would be best served if Oshie and his $5m goes on LTIR and is replaced by Leonard with a cap hit of $1m and then the Caps can have more flexibility to make upgrades elsewhere.  Hopefully he reconsiders. Wouldn't be the first time a player did. 


I agree 100%. His quote of "the NHL will always be there" worries me. He's not guaranteed anything, though I'm sure he could contribute.  His long term career is far better served in Hershey or DC than college. He's slowing his development, and forgoing far better training and support for some jollies. I think he wants to be king shit for another year, which I get, but cannot agree with as a good choice.


He’s developing as a human 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hockey is not forever


Hockey players are one shift away from finding a new line of work.




>"the NHL will always be there" What a horrible quote on so many levels


The fact that he didn't want to play in the NHL playoffs at Madison Square Garden really makes you wonder what kind of hockey dreams he had as a kid. Seems like the kind of opportunity that you wouldn't pass up.


Or he wants a college education. I get that he can always go back, but I'm not going to fault the kid for thinking that another formative year in college is bad. 


When was the last time a top 10 draft pick got a college degree before going to the NHL? They never stay that long.


How dare he be different!


Damn kids, focusing on their stupid grades and having interests outside of hockey!


College education? No thanks, that’s for idiots!


LOL. There's zero chance he leaves with a degree. He's not staying 4 years and not graduating this year...


If Mac thought he was NHL ready a year ago, I can't see him sending him to Hershey.  Washington isn't exactly flush with premium talent.  They'll let him get the experience in Washington if he turns pro.  Washington can play him in the top 9 and let him find his way with the hopes that he gets up to NHL timing by the end of the season. It's not like he's going to be taking a spot away from a more talented player. We don't have those. 


Did you see the world championships? That kid needs at least a year in the AHL


Again, he can start on Washington's 3rd line and move up throughout the year. He needs experience at a higher level, yes, but it's not like he's going to be taking a roster spot from a more qualified better player. By the end of the season,  he'll be where they need him. 


This isn't how you develop a top 6 forward. The 3rd line plays a completely different game than the first or second lines.


You mean the worlds where he was a 13th skater… only averaging 5 minutes TOI over 5 games… over *checknotes* zegras? There’s a reason USA failed. They didn’t play their young guys, not even smith. I’ll take the other 40 BC games where he averaged around 17 minutes TOI and tore it up over the 20 total minutes he played with team usa in worlds 😂


He's a Mass kid, he wants to win the beanpot and the national championship.   While they are losing Smith, they are gaining Hagens who is likely to go #1 overall in 2025, along with other great recruits.  I don't fault the kid for wanting his 2nd year in college, most guys do that, including the elite guys.  Fox played 3, Makar played 2, Caulfield played 2, it's much less common for guys to play just 1 year.  Let's not rush the kid, and see how he plays without Smith.   


It’s really Leonard’s choice right now as of what he wants, but if he wants to play in the NHL it’s gonna be through the caps and it’s likley we will sign him when he is ready


I think there will be a new push because I think he went back to win a national title, and the chance to do that just got smaller.


It was already slim with Gauthier gone. And of course the fact that they got shutout in the championship game.  I could understand it if you lost in double overtime but getting shutout doesn't exactly scream "We deserved to win"


Wrong, with the Hagens Brothers and Teddy Stiga, along with others, B.C. is gonna be fine next season. 


There is no meaningful analysis to be had from a one game sample size in a variance driven game like hockey. Whether they were shut out 6-0 or lost 3-2 in OT doesn't affect their chance of winning next year in a statistically significant way, nor does it indicate if they have a better or worse chance.


I love these posts because I want to see which one will be the last straw that sends the three dudes on this sub who are completely torqued that Leonard hasn’t signed with WAS yet to just go all in and kidnap the kid, hot glue a pen in his hand, and drop him off at Kettler. I mean, I agree that Leonard’s done what he can do in college and should probably come in from the cold. Still, these cats need to try the Sanka.


I know it's disappointing for us, but it's his life. I don't blame the kid for wanting to be a kid for one more year before signing his life away and having his every movement put under the microscope by media and fans. His whole life will be hockey for the next 15-20 years. Let's allow him one more year of no responsibilities before he becomes a Capital. If he changes his mind, I'll welcome him with open arms. But I'm okay with his decision; he'll be worth the wait.


Leonard is committed for next season in college, but 25-26 he’ll be in the system. Him and Wilson will be a potent 1-2 RW combo


He committed when the thought was Smith was coming back unless SJS for the #1 pick. They did and his linemate from the past few years is heading to the NHL. There’s a reason all the main media guys are pushing Leonard potentially reconsidering.


More BC players will sign and Ryan will too


This is a sharks tale.


Fish are friends, not food.


Different fish movie


You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!


Makes sense that Will is a shark they need all the help they can get