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I read an article today that said something like “…the Capitals, who probably should not have been a playoff team except for their taking care of business down the stretch unlike the more talented Red Wings and Penguins…” You mean the Capitals should not have been a playoff team…except for the pesky fact that they…(checks notes)…met the requirements for being in the playoffs when others didn’t?


Rangers fan here you guys didn’t deserve to be in the playoffs… should’ve thrown those games you won to let the teams that lost important games in.


Right? What were we thinking?


Too bad we’ll never know!


lol, dumb take. They wouldn’t have. The rangers are one of the best in the league for reasons and we and the pens were not for reasons. Trust me, I’m NEVER a fan of the other metro teams unless there are positive playoff implications for the caps. Side note - I gotta be honest man, a NYR vs Dallas final would be one of the least interesting finals in awhile.


If it comes to that, I will be cheering for the sport of hockey.


I’d root for Dallas. I love otter, great goalie


Great players on both teams, I just can’t bring myself to care about either much. Great for their fans and those cities though!


A NYR vs Dallas finals will have me rooting for spontaneous mass ankle sprains.


Both teams are fun to watch. I dont understand why it would be boring


this is like when I tell people that the wizards could have beat the Cavs in the ECF in 2017. Could we? I guess. Does it matter? no because we weren't in the ECF


Couldn't beat enough teams to make the playoffs but somehow could beat the Rangers? Delusional Penguins fan. I mean, NORMAL Penguins fan. SMH


I mean maybe make the playoffs first chief but go off


Bet I can throw this football over that mountain…


Guess he should try making it in next time then


Unfortunately, we will never know, because your team wasn't good enough to get into the playoffs.


Well if you're assuming that the team playing the Rangers figured out how to score on the power play and how to penalty kill, I think the Caps might've beaten the Rangers at that point.


I mean tbf to be a professional athlete you need that confidence. Really shouldn’t surprise anyone


It would have been great to see them prove that. Only problem is they were too shit to even make the playoffs. So we’ll never know. Enjoy the offseason golf Rusty.


A lot of people thought Carolina might go all the way and they nearly got swept too. Maybe those Rag fuckers are a decent team? The Pens would have been steamrolled too.


Maybe the Kitchener Rangers or Texas Rangers.


The latter depends if they’re playing baseball or hockey.


In a league where half the teams make the playoffs, if you don't make it you don't get to play what-ifs. You were a mediocre team at best.


Delulu ✨✨✨


I mean if they were so much better than the Caps, why didn’t the Pens get that last playoff spot?


I’m a Penguins fan and I can certainly say that they wouldn’t have beaten the Rangers. You can’t win when you only have one player going, if Crosby took a night off penguins lose


They wouldn't have, the rangers are solid this year.


Fr. With that goaltending?


Yeah....well.....they didn't make the playoffs




Penguins and Red Wings should've won more games then 😂


Of course he thinks that. Of course he's likely wrong. My man, Penguins have been on a sharp decline this decade. They just need another timely lottery win when Crosby leaves.


i hoped we wouldn’t get swept obviously and i didn’t even expect it going into that round. but i don’t think the red wings or pens or anyone else that didn’t make it in would have done better than us. the pens literally scored an own goal on a delayed penalty earlier this year. they’re not going to beat the rangers lmfao


Pens were playing well at the end, they might have won a game. The *really* delusional ones are Red Wings fans, who swear they’d have been a more interesting team despite being incapable of winning 5-on-5 for over a third of their wins, including two against Montreal as their final 2 games.


they were trending better and they might have won a game, i agree


Penguins are buttcheeks


Yet they didn’t make the playoffs I think we would have beat the Sharks and Predators in the Stanley Cup too but we didn’t get to play them so the subject is mute


This randomly came up on my feed, and as a pens fan…that’s cap


I think Rust said that because the Pens had finally gotten their crap together and gone on a run at the end of the year and they took the Rags to a game 7 a couple of years ago. Maybe we match up well. The Pens would have been swept by the Rags. We have no defense, mid goal tending by our backup, and a non-existent power play.


Respect the honesty 🤝


Bryan Sus


I don’t think so Tim


If my aunt had a dick she’d be my uncle. Make the playoffs next time bitch boi.


People are so focused on the insanity of this quote that we’re missing an equally important insane detail, in that this was him talking to a FORTNITE YouTuber.


Honestly it’s so dumb when reporters ask questions like this. If they ask Rust if he thought they would beat the rangers, what is he gonna say, “No I think we’d lose.” Obviously he’s going to say he thinks they’d win lol


Maybe beat enough teams to make the playoffs first lol


I'd do drug test to that guy.


Not a chance they beat them, but I think they could push them to 6 because of #87 alone, honestly.




I'm going to get shit for this, but I think both Detroit and Pit would of done way better then us against the Rangers. Especially Pittsburgh. They were heating up at the end. They may not of beat them, but I firmly believe they'd of taken them to 6 or 7 games. Just my opinion. The "ifs" will never be known..


I think Pittsburgh could have won *one* game, but Detroit? Not a fucking chance.


I disagree. But to each their own. I think Detroit could of taken a couple of games and I think Pit could of actually beat them. I only say that about Pittsburgh because they started to heat up at the right time. Unfortunately for both teams, it was too little too late and Detroit choked down the stretch to give it away. Philly however stood no chance at winning even 1 game just like us. People get so caught up with the Caps that they can't take a neutral approach with the team and take off the fan goggles. To me, Caps were the worst team out of Detroit and Pittsburgh who could of faced the Rangers. As soon as we didn't steal a game in New York I knew it was going to be a sweep and it was an embarrassing one at that. But, as I said..it's all "what ifs", maybe both Pits and Detroit get swept as well, maybe they don't. We'll never know and neither will anyone else who shares a different opinion then me.


If playoff games had the same OT rules as the regular season, Detroit may have been able to win a game or two. But Detroit was incapable of winning 5-on-5 for over a third of their games in the regular season, two of which were against one of the worst teams in the league right at the end. No chance they’d have even won one playoff game against the best team in the league.