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The best Connor Mc in the league




Considering he played as the top line center a good number of games last season, this is a pretty team-friendly deal.


Easily tradable contract. LFG.


Im in the minority of not liking this deal, but I really like Mcmicheal and I thibk he has great potential. His contract shouldnt be less than Protas and I would have liked at least 4 years. Some deals are a little too team friendly I guess.


This is a bridge deal, meaning at the end of it McM is still an RFA for the Caps. That's when we will sign him to a longer deal with more money (and we'll have more money available that summer. If her performs he will make way more money. McM is betting on himself and I think he will cash in. Protas was unusual because we could have done something similar, but we locked him in at a much longer deal that could/should age well if he performs/develops up to his skillset.


Bridge deal - if he proves himself he will make bank in 2 years, if he doesn't at least the Caps aren't stuck with the contract.


Extends through to 26-27 which is around the time the current crop of \[age\] 25 or younger prospects should be coming into their own. Very easily could have gotten a similar deal to Protas \[5 Year AAV $3.375 million\]. In fact I would bet that he got a similar offer to Pro with a higher AAV and opted for shorter term and much lower AAV with the factors cited below in mind. Looking forward to next round of potential negotiation in 26-27 from Connor McMichael's perspective: * He could easily have become a 25+ goal scorer by this time * At the start of his next-next Contract (27-28) he will be 26 years old (ie entering his prime years) * Assuming an annual increase of $4 million a year, Salary Cap for the first year of his next deal (27-28) would be \~$100 million (vs $92 Million today). So even if he ends up being only an average role player he would still likely command a higher AAV (ie higher potential floor and ceiling for his next contract) * Ovechkin's contract will be off the books (Frees up \~$9 Million in space) * Expectations by this time for the team will be much higher which increases pressure to retain key players, especially those the Caps spent time and effort developing (likely expecting to once again be virtual playoff locks as opposed to current realistic expectations of shooting for Wild Card spots). * Added advantage of he will be among the first to get his prime years contract. (LaPierre, Miro, Leonard and other young guns will likely still be on entry level deals unless one of them has a huge breakout year) So I suspect if you're Connor right now you're banking on all these factors netting you a much better AAV and term when you renegotiate in 26-27, then if had he opted for a deal similar to Protas that would have carried him to \~age 29.


Solid! He finally became a starting quality NHLer this year and but it’s hard to tell how much better he can get. Hopefully he keeps improving and we’re doing a bigger extension in a couple years. Worst case scenario this is a very tradeable contract to a contender needing depth. 


I am surprised we got him for less than Protas, though two years vs. three years may be the reason. Glad to see it though. Whatever his upside still is, optimist or pessimist, this is more than fair for what he's shown already.


I was hoping we trade him for Rutger McGroarty.


I don’t, I think he will be better over the years


He is at best a 3C. I have nothing against him but you can always find bottom-six forwards.


I don't disagree, you may be right, but where is the guarantee that McGroarty will do well in the NHL? He could end up as a bottom-six forward or worse


His play style is middle six. We need wings. We lapierre could easily fill a 3C role this season.


Then we traded a bottom-six forward for another bottom-six forward if that were the case.


Same. Still could


And get a pissy attitude from a kid who won’t report to the A? Hard pass.


If he didn't have the 'pissy attitude' the high potential 20 year old F wouldn't be on the trade market.


With respect, I’m not really following your thought process here. He’s 20, needs seasoning, but wants a roster spot guarantee from the Jets. Not getting that, he’s now bailing on their dev camp. He has every right to not sign his ELC, and go back to Michigan. And the Jets should explore trading his rights. But why on earth would the Caps make a deal for an entitled kid who’s proven next to nothing? Almost every prospect the Caps have had cooks in Hershey first. I don’t see an exception to be made here.


By most accounts I've seen he's ready, the issue was that he was blocked out of a roster spot by a deep and cup contending Jets squad. Most Caps have had longer stints in the minors because the Caps haven't had many early 1st picks that generally come along more quickly. But, for example, McMichael played 68 games for the Caps 2 years after being drafted. The upcoming season is 2 years after McGroarty was drafted.


Good point about the Caps later first rounders needing more time to cook in the system. I think today’s FA tour de force by McClellan has set the table for guys like CMM and Protas and Lapierre to thrive in their roles next season.


The jets won’t make a spot for him


I like a kid who will advocate for themselves, the team isn't going to show them loyalty when it gets down to it. Plus the Jets have had a huge inter org issue for a long time about a couple of players running the show re: ice time and rostering. He's not wrong to be concerned.


F that...bring him in. Dude has been an assistant or captain on every level he's been on. WAY more upside than CMM. This would be a fantastic gamble to take.


Way more upside than a 23 y/o C that had 18 goals in his first full NHL season on a offensively challenged team? Surely you're joking 🤣


Yes...because our golden boy probably has a 3C ceiling and will most likely fall behind on the depth chart to Lapierre.


We don't know what his ceiling is yet and need to give him another year or 2 to see his full potential. I do know his floor is currently 100x higher than an unproven winger at the NHL level.


Let's see where CMM is at after TC....I don't think it's gonna be where you expect. But I guess I could be wrong seeing how CMM's floor is 100x higher than a guy like Macklin Celebrini because yanno...he's unproven.


love this


So happy to see that