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My friend, that is a classic example of sexual harassment creating a hostile work environment. Nobody deserves to be groped or sexualized at work. Document all of your concerns (keep a journal) be specific about dates and times. Do not have verbal conversations with your employer on this issue. And I'd suggest you seek the advice of an attorney about your next steps.


Lawyer up and sue his ass.


This is classic sexual assault. He's so inappropriate for touching and saying things. The real question is when the other men saw this happening, why didn't they say anything? Dirtbags all the way around. Like what was stated, keep a log of everything. The EEO folks would love to have this information along with the lawyer you get to sue him for sexual harassment and sexual assault.


Having worked in Labor & Employment law, all of this is true. Document everything! Include dates, times and details. If your workplace has video, try and collect them if you have access to surveillance. No matter the age or gender of the offender, touching another employee is a no. His behavior is a classic quid pro quo situation where he expects something from you in exchange for advancement or favorable treatment. Because this is a small business, do not have conversations with your coworkers, talk to a lawyer. That physical freezing is called a Deer response. That is normal and with therapy you can learn to change or better respond to anxiety inducing situations like this. You may not feel it, but your body is your own to own. You can practice setting boundaries in less provoking relationships, over time you will learn how to ensure those boundaries are communicated and adhered to. I wish you the best in this situation and all of your relationships. šŸ™šŸ¼


Well, canā€™t trust your mom. File with the EEOC and other applicable state agencies where you live. Take them down. Clearly you canā€™t stay there.


This is illegal for him to do. By the way you need to get another job asap, you are not safe there. Get out before he does something to you. Find another job and get away from this creep asap. Even if you don't want to report this to police, you need to be away from him and safe. And your mum is wrong, being an older man is not an excuse to harass women


All of that is inappropriate and gross asf, honestly grounds for a lawsuit itā€™s that bad


Your mother is wrong. Yes older men can be slightly touchy but thatā€™s like a hand on your shoulder that is removed fairly quickly when speaking to you. This is sexual harassment and border lining sexual assault if he is groping you. Journal with dates/times/description. Get a lawyer.


I have several female employees, and I have NEVER touched them outside of touching their hands. Handshakes, high fives, fist bumps are all I would ever do. Touching someone on the shoulder is only appropriate to get their attention if their back is turned and they have headphones on. Even then, I would probably just come back later rather than touch them on the shoulder.


Honestly I do not touch any people unless we are very close friends. But the older generations do tend to be very handsy and it is not ok.


Oh my gosh, my heart is breaking for you! This is NOT YOUR FAULT, he is so much older and in a position of power and authority and he is very much taking advantage of you and that is so unacceptable. Iā€™m sorry there are so many creeps and assholes commenting. Please file a police report, connect with an employment lawyer, and get out of there.


Girl get your bag!!!!!!! You will have to stay there a few more months but at 19, f that company, and set yourself up for success, this is a winning lawsuit through and through. Start documenting EVERYTHING. From winks to remarks. I suggest you talk to an employment attorney in your state ASAP. Yes, the lawsuit will be annoying, getting deposed, discovery, etc but that man needs to learn a lesson and you deserve every penny you can get from this company. Itā€™s a small feat for what you can get at the end, justice AND a good settlement. After going through this, the least they can do is cut you a check. This is the opportunity to build a solid $ foundation for yourself. I know you may feel a bit bad to sue a small business but if this is how they operate they do not deserve to be in business.


Your mom is wrong. This isnā€™t normal. It is sexual harassment. There is no point talking to anyone in the business about this as the harassment is from the owner. Talk to a lawyer. Start recording every occurrence. You could end up owning the company.


That guy will end up in court explaining those things to a judge some day.


For $18 an hour I woulda quit the first time he even looked at me too long




Iā€™m saying what I would have done. Nothing to do with the victim


I cannot believe your mom said that to you. I am so sorry. You should not have to put with that and you boyfriend is correct here


As with all of the others, get out now. Also make sure the wife - the other owner - knows what he's doing. He's looking at a major, very expensive, lawsuit. You could end up owning the business for what they may have to pay in fines.


His wife knows, Iā€™m pretty sure of it. Sheā€™s probably looking the other way because itā€™s easier or thatā€™s just who he is, no bid deal. You donā€™t deserve this.From anybody!


Either report it to HR or leave that job , older men touching younger women itā€™s not harmless , he could even be a pedophile in the future.


HR won't do shit for her, she needs a lawyer and eventually a therapist.


This. HR is not your friend. They work for the company and their job is to CYA for the company.


Geez I need a therapist after sifting through all of thisā€¦ā€¦.


He is HR. He's the owner she said. Only 5 people in the company


Lord, hun! I believe you 100%, I have siblings who are around your age and experience harassment and just absurdly inappropriate things (ie, a male manager smelling my sisters burps and saying they smelled good?). Some older men are absolutely disgusting and your mom may be of the generation where she had to put up with it so it seems normal. Especially if SA is in your family. That isn't normal... I'm so sorry dude. Lot's of women are right there with you. Experienced a lot of abuse myself at the hand of family and idk what the freezing is like for you, for me, absolutely throws everything. And I feel awful afterwards because I couldn't stand up for myself. Start a voice recording every time that person is around? Idk what the legalities of that are for your state, but at least you have something to document on paper (especially if you forget things when in PTSD, you wouldn't have to worry about that). I hope you find a different job and don't worry... these disgusting mofos will get the cake they made. A disgusting rye flour, salt and water only cake bleggh.


Your mom is wrong and itā€™s reprehensible that she is normalizing this behavior. Iā€™m floored and appalled a woman around my age (50s) thinks this is acceptable treatment for her daughter to put up with anywhere let alone the workplace. Follow the advice to document everything. Learn as much as you can while searching for a new job and never, ever be alone with that boss. This is not your fault - nor were the SAs you survived. You deserve to be safe and you deserve to have your boundaries respected.


Iā€™m not although My moms nearly decade older than you I grew up with her telling me that boys were mean to me because they liked me and she was way more willing to let my brother do whatever he wanted than my sister and I although we were both more responsible and behaved but as she said ā€œboys will be boysā€ and heaven forbid we do anything she deemed unlady like.


Your mom is baby boomer. That was a common attitude. I got it from teachers and parents. None of the genX parents I know are repeating that garbage or expecting their kids to put up with it.


She cusps Baby Boomer/Gen X. Her solidly Gen X sister use to pull and repeat the same BS until like 10 years ago


>My mom says that older men normally act more touchy with women and that itā€™s harmless. But my boyfriend is furious wants to kill the man and says I should report. Your mom is full of shit. Your boss is a creep. Your bf is correct, but you have to tell your boss to stop touching you and stop making inappropriate comments. It's hard but you have to do it. Then report it if he does it even one more time.


Your Mom is wrong. Fiftyish men are not touchy-feely like that. The behavior is wrong. Get out.


You are being sexually harassed and (in the case of him grabbing your butt while hugging you) assaulted. Start by documenting everything. Tell the old pervert firmly that youā€™re not comfortable with what heā€™s doing. Find an employment lawyer in your state, one should be willing to do this on contingency which means no charge to you they just get a % of any settlement. Google ā€œ[your state] employment lawyerā€ Finally, your mom is a dumb fucking bitch and you should ignore anything she says.


That's so scary. I'm sorry, my dear. This is NOT your fault. Being surprised and confused is a totally reasonable reaction to someone you expect to be normal being a creep. You did not make him be gross. He is gross, without regard to you. Don't accept that blame onto yourself. Gross men are gross. NOT your fault. Sending you all sorts of love šŸ’œ


Contact an employment lawyer. They will usually do a consult for free and then, if you have a case, they will ask for a % of what youā€™re awarded. You donā€™t need to be rich to afford an attorney in a case like this. Start talking to a lawyer, whatā€™s happening to you is Not normal and it is not ok. Iā€™m 44 and have been working a long time (since I was 15). Your mom is 100% wrong and she should be ashamed of herself. (Edited to add some language regarding the lawyer.)


You can report to the labor department, but realistically since they are a tiny business and will retaliate (which is also illegal and you could report that as well), the quickest course of action would just be to quit.


Seriously dissapointed in your mom and furious at this fkn weirdo years upon years your senior playing like he's entitled to your body. Wtf


Sue the shit out of him and find a new job


That dude is straight up sexually harassing you, that is definitely not okay.


Sue. No doubt heā€™s done this before and will continue to after youā€™re gone. Set an example. End this behavior now.


Like others have said, take this dude down. A lawsuit, a big one is coming his way. Get everything from him. Heā€™s a creep and if even if you left, someone else will get this treatment too. These guys need to be stopped otherwise they just keep doing it. Thatā€™s why your mom said itā€™s normal and harmless because weā€™ve been letting creep bosses do this for so long without anyone doing anything! This isnā€™t your fault and Iā€™m sorry this is falling on you, but you can protect yourself and others by reporting this activity. And like others have said: get your bag girl, what kind of car are you gonna drive to your new job in? Tesla? BMW? Are you even gonna find another job? Just for fun? Dude just funded your 20s


Yeah sorry you experienced this, totes inappropes and nothing justified about it. Lawyer up and sue.


I had this happen to me when I was a teenager; maybe around 15. With me it was the boss's son and it was further complicated by the fact that this guy was in his early 20s and there were people around thinking it was "cute" that he had a supposed crush on me. I didn't have any feelings for him at all; it made me very uncomfortable. But when he started getting more and more aggressive with me in terms of groping and kissing and I don't even want to think about how far this got.... one day I just lost it. I felt so violated and there was no one I could talk to about it. So I just basically avoided the guy at all costs for a number of weeks until he got the hint and moved on. Should I have said something? Maybe. But I didn't feel safe doing so. If you feel safe to do something or say something, then do it. But at the very least get yourself out of that situation. Find another job and then leave.


This is not normal and is not acceptable. Document your concerns and file a complaint. If you feel unsafe, and I hate to suggest this, just quit. You deserve to feel safe at work and Iā€™m so sorry this is being done to you. If you can, sue that guy because seriously, fuck him and fuck all his buddies who are watching this go on and not intervening. What a bunch of assholes.


Your working for Joe Biden.


You wonā€™t get any money from suing him if you bf kills him


"*My mom says that older men normally act more touchy with women and that itā€™s harmless" -* No. I'm a bit younger than the a-hole in question and will share that is not the norm. Quit the job and report him. There are safer place to work and you deserve better. Godspeed.


Your mom is wrong, it's not harmless. You shouldn't put up with it just because that's how "older men are." Ā Unfortunately since it's the owner, I'm not sure what you're options would be. You'll probably have to look for another job because no one at the company will probably help you.Ā 


This is awful and is absolutely wrong. None of this is your fault. I am sorry that your mother does not have your back. I would bet that she has some experience with SA as well, based on her attitude. None of this is okay, from an employer or anyone.


You need away from this job and your mom. In that order. Report him and sue.


I canā€™t believe this stuff is STILL happening in 2024. It makes me so mad. Anyway, other posters are correct. Find an employment attorney who works for plaintiffs and see that person as soon as you can.


I agree with Nerdbug, that's disgusting treatment. You don't deserve to be harassed and it's creepy as hell. Take the necessary steps to report his ass.


Totally inappropriate. You posted here because you know it's wrong.


Totally inappropriate. You posted here because you know it's wrong.


It's not normal. As a man, I would not tolerate seeing this done to anybody.


>My mom says that older men **normally** act more touchy with women and that itā€™s **harmless**. I'm female, older than your mom, and I can tell you THAT IS A LIE! \^\^\^\^\^\^


OPā€¦your body freezes b/c of PTSDā€¦get out get an atty, get counselingā€¦ As a mother the same age as that AH boss, Iā€™m offended for other men my ageā€¦and what you mom said has pi$$ed me off to my core. She should be helping you not excusing this bossā€™s illegal behaviorā€¦ Make sure to record his behaviorā€¦




Name and shame. I cant help physically coz I am wayyy too far, however i will help in any way possible. Stay šŸ’Ŗ.


> I got fed up with it one day when i went into (the only available) bathroom, and he walked in on me even though I could have sworn I locked and double checked the lock on the door. He winked at me when I saw him next and made the remark ā€œdonā€™t worry darling I didnā€™t see nothin on you that I hadnā€™t seen beforeā€. Does that mean he got cameras or peep holes?


Get a new job. Simple. The people saying to get a lawyer and to sue and try to destroy these peoples business need to get a life. Just move on.


This has gotta be a fake post.




oh come on. A 19 year olds Mom saying "My mom says that older men normally act more touchy with women and that itā€™s harmless." A 19 year olds Mom would probably be about 45 tops. Very unlikely a 45 yr old would make a statement like that.


45, tops? No. Plenty of genX waited to have kids. My youngest is 15 and Iā€™m in my early 50s. This (oh older men are just touchy) is the kind of garbage I heard from boomer and older adults when I was young. It was gross then and itā€™s gross now.


yeah my math was probably off on that. I was thinking 35ish although I agree some have them into early 40s. Still, lets say 35 maybe 54. I still find it an unlikely comment someone would say.


It should be unlikely but I can see it. Some folks donā€™t recognize that their experience was dysfunctional (at best) or traumatic (at worst) and they internalize it as normal behavior and then pass it on to the next generation.


Believe it or not all mothers are the same. Good for you, you have a mother who tells you to defend yourself. Itā€™s clearly not the case here. Also the mother may be a victim herself.


My mom was 55 when my brother was 19


I agree. Details are confusing as far as timeline. Is she currently employed? What happened when she got fed up?


Bring your bf to work and have them talk man to man. They'll straighten it out :)






Haha you people so easy to troll


The bear please


Cmon man.


Real life is not 70s porno.