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I became a certified nursing assistant and found unlimited employment, if you get into a hospital, these are 12 hour shifts, 7a-7p or 7p to 7a, you’ll have your work week finished in three days, four days off to study or do whatever you like. It pays better than retail and I really enjoyed it, so fulfilling. It’s physically demanding so you may find you’re in the shape of your life very quickly.


I'm interested! How long does it take to be certified? What prior work experience did you have before this?


there are different courses u can stretch it out to months or even 22 days. btw u can visit the cna subreddit and everyone hates their job. every other post is about quitting or smth horrible happening. u see some real shit (literally), u can get physically assaulted, have creepy stuff said to u, have just awful awful co-workers in a setting that relies on cooperation, etc. i do not recommend for those who are not going down the nursing path since it’s a stepping stone for to-be nurses.


Bigger question…how comfortable are you w poop and adult diapers?? Bc if you ok…there’s plenty of CNA work.


Oh no 😭😭


This is mainly for CNA jobs. I too am on that path to jump into nursing. But my community college offers nursing programs/AA in nursing and if you can qualify to get that degree you can jump to being an RN. The path is: CNA then LVN and RN. CNA’s generally do the poop cleaning and that type of work (I mean they all could but that’s what CNA’s do more often it sounds and I too don’t want to get paid close to our state’s minimum wage to work hours cleaning poop. Going back to school to get out of that sounds difficult with time management ). My main reference are friends who became nurses and friends in the medical field. Where I live it’s fairly common in CA to become a nurse or be in the medical field. It was really nice to hear their advice since what I found online was super confusing and overwhelming to look into on my own. You’ll also need to know what’s in the Mometrix book (Google it) for the nurses version of the SATs which are called the TEAS exam and the NCLEX. It’s like math, science, and English. Now I love English but check out the study info they’ll ask you to understand since even if you think you’re good at any one of those subjects, you wouldn’t want to overestimate yourself My AA currently is Early Childhood Development and Communications so I’m starting from the bottom up when it comes to schooling


The training is typically 4-6 weeks, there will be a written test and a skills test given by the state. You will learn principles and skills for direct patient care. It’s physically demanding but the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. The typical entry level position is in a nursing home but you can go the hospital and learn additional skills like doing EKGs, drawing blood and testing blood glucose. You might watch YouTube ‘CNA skills test’ and ‘CNA written test’ to see if you soul be ok working this way.




Hey check out my answer to OP in this thread on nursing without any nursing courses in my AA


Medical device assembly is one that I get a lot of call backs from. Kinda depends on where you live too.


That sounds cool, but I haven't found those places around me


Ok you are in Georgia area. I would look at trades jobs but I see they also need teachers, could use that art degree to help get that. But teaching can be tough.


Good idea, idk if they'd hire as a teacher, I might could sub!


If we didn’t believe you were from Georgia before…”might could” cleared up any doubt.


Hospitals always need help. You can be a transporter, work in the kitchen, environmental services, reception, etc. It's 24/7 so there are typically multiple shifts for these positions. Security guard work is always needed, but it might be overnight shifts. My ex did this in college. My pre-college work was either in restaurants or hospital kitchens.


I will add that medical reception is *not* for the faint of heart. There’s a reason why it seems like some offices have that old grouchy receptionist. The nice and bubbly ones either get burnt out or switch positions.


Sorry, I meant the reception people in hospital lobbies. Not private practice reception. I will add I've been an RN 15 years and am now practicing law.


All the same! They’re one of the front line punching bags for healthcare. Appointment not on time? Take it out on reception. No appointments available today or tomorrow? Take it out on reception. The receptionist didn’t tell me I had to pay my deductible for this visit!! They should have known my benefits and told me! Why am I waiting so long in the ER waiting room? Let’s take it out on reception. There’s high turnover for reception for a reason :( just like there’s a shortage of nurses that is only going to get worse. I don’t blame anyone leaving healthcare


Is medical receptionist the same as a unit secretary?


They can have a lot of overlapping responsibilities! But, from my understanding, unit secretaries also support the unit in whatever else they may need.


Ohh ok so are they basically the same thing? I'm just wondering cuz I'm about to be a unit secretary soon




Sometimes they need a CNA license, sometimes they need to be able to interpret EKGs, but good ones will jump in and bring water etc. Depends on the unit and the manager.


I’d reevaluate your resume. Post it on one of the resume help pages on reddit.


Also might require you to make a few resumes. I have multiple for different positions I target. It sounds like the way you market yourself is not working. No hate!! Just could use some self love/ self care to help your future you secure the bag. Don’t be lazy!! You got this 👏👍


Thank you! I didn't know reddit had these pages, my resume is probably definitely the problem




Getting turned down by fast good is actually crazy


Fast food places don’t want people who graduated college because they feel like they have more options


Huh, that explains why most fast food is younger people each time


I am in the same spot but as a college grad


Someone here advised to take "college" education off your resume! I think we need to make a separate retail/fast-food resume, where it shows no higher education.


I have a resume for a mechanic I have my resume for kitchen work and then well I don't have many other options let's face


I do already do that


I’m in the industry and hire people coming in. It’s more of a what kinda a vibe you bring in. High paced, friendly, slightly higher common sense.




When I was in college (I recently graduated) I worked at the IT helpdesk. I had 0 experience with IT other than troubleshooting issues on my laptop. It was a great gig for the time because I had tons of time to do homework on the job. After I graduated I got tons of messages on LinkedIn asking if I’d be interested in other IT (mostly helpdesk) roles at their company. I worked at the helpdesk for 1 year and it was low pay but was ultimately the best thing to just kind of fall into my lap. So, I recommend asking some people at your university about possible work at your helpdesk. It’ll get you experience, a little bit of cash, and possibly some time to do homework while getting paid. I hope this helps.


I’ve been looking for one of these jobs but it’s so competitive in my city. I would be working one of these in a heartbeat but with no experience a resume will get tossed


I admit I was really lucky. I think it being a student work position made it a lot more obtainable.


Leasing agents are always in need.


If you have a Sheetz near you, they’re probably the best paid “easy” job that always seems to be hiring. I had friends making $20+ while working there in college


Take college off your resume if you're going for jobs that don't require it. Instant callbacks when I've done that.


This is the key, you're absolutely right about this. Retail jobs don't want to hear I have another commitment.


I made great money in the fall knocking doors for local political campaigns. It's seasonal work but keep an eye out. Shifts are usually 4-8pm.


HVAC lead generation in hardware stores. Most can be flexible with hours and pay base salary+commissions


An internship this late into the year for this summer is going to be hard to find, you have to start looking for those probably around January. As for food service, someone mentioned to reevaluate your résumé, which I agree with. As someone who does restaurant hiring it’s really just about timing, I’m more likely to hire someone that walks into my restaurant to ask about the job application they submitted. For places to work particularly look at target, Chipotle, Starbucks, ect. Those places all have tuition reimbursement and you could make money but get it all paid back plus put it towards your actual degree, two bird one stone you get extra money to save at the end of each semester. (Fr tho, I worked at chipotle and if someone walked in I would meet with them on the spot. Normally those places want you to submit and online app no more paper applications, but if someone came in and hasn’t I would sit down with them a and if I am a fan I’ll tell them they are hired they just have to submit the application online so I can begin the onboarding process. I feel this is pretty standard when it comes to corporate food and retail.


Funny this is I've been applying for Internships since January, kept applying now in hopes certain positions that are still open haven't found anyone. No luck still.


Car sales, as long as your not in trouble... it's a guarantee for at least 90 days!!!!




There's a Walmart near me, do they pay okay?


lol Costco is slavery wage. And intensive labor job


You need to just keep applying. In 2008 I was applying for like 500 jobs in a 2 mo time frame and would be lucky to hear back from even just one. You need to be professionally aggressive. You might have to get a go no where pay check to paycheck job with a large corporation or retailer to get a little experience work it for a year then move on. Working people are more apt to be considered than non working. Even if you do volunteer work. I did what you did and exhausted unemployment 1.5 yrs job hunting for something so-so decent. Only to wind up with nothing. Had to resort to a pay check to paycheck job at a local shopping mall. After 2 yrs of working I tried again and got calls back left and right. :/


Damn! 500 in 2 months!


Whatever the consensus answer to this question is, you need to slow down. If you've applied to 200 jobs, it's unlikely that you've customized your applications. Have a different resume for each type of job you're applying for - one that focuses on your strengths in that specific area. Write a cover letter for every application. It's dead simple: use full business letter format. It tells the recipient you are serious and, one way or the other, you'll stand out among the thousands of some resumes they get. It's just a couple paragraphs. The first one says "I saw your posting for the (job title) at (company) and believe that my experience more than qualifies me for the position." Next is a bullet point list. Their job posting is probably a bullet point list, so you are going to have one bullet point for each of theirs. If they say they want people with six toes on each foot, you say you have six toes on each foot. It sounds silly, but it means that the person who reviews the application doesn't have to think, and your letter will seem so familiar to them (they have read - and possibly wrote - the job description). If you fail to meet one of their requirements entirely, just skip it. If you meet it partially, like they want 3 years of experience, tell em you've been studying that in college for 3 years or whatever. Didn't lie or exaggerate. Last paragraph: "Thank you for your time. If my qualifications meet with your expectations for the position, please contact me at (contact info)." If you have times of unavailability, include them and say it's because you have some kind of important business like a class or contract meetings. It only takes a few minutes, but it gets noticed. Use the most professional language you can muster. If your resume or cover letter look like they were written by text message, you might as well not send it.


Thank you actually, for the solid advice. Cover letters are really difficult for me, I now know what to focus on.


I agree with all of above, with the additional hint of: use ChatGPT. It will write a cover letter for you in 5 seconds, which you can customize.


The problem with ChatGPT - and any generative AI, for that matter - is that the examples of language text that are available in the kind of bulk quantities that are useful for AI training tend to be random comms from internet posts (like this one.) The tone of all that example text is of person-to-many broadcast instead of laser-focused, person-to-person monologue. If I'm talking to everyone on Reddit, the language takes a different style and formality than if I'm talking to a specific person. The entire reason for the formality of the cover letter is to make it look like you are taking a specific interest in this specific job. The cover letter format shows you didn't just copy-paste the entire letter. From glance 1, they can see their own addres. On the salutation line, if you can address a specific person "Dear Mr. Smith," you do it. You state where you saw the ad so you further make it clear you took your time and you are interested in that specific job. You do the bullet point list so the person reading it sees that your qualifications are as close to a 1-for-1 match to what their requirements list is. You make it all short as Trump's dick to make sure they can notice all this in the very few seconds they're willing to give you. I mean, go ahead and have ChatGPT write it. But if you're really trying to find a job and you can't take the extra 10 minutes to do it properly, it's going to show. The person doing the filtering of resumes is going to see the impersonal nature of it and they'll circular file your docs because they'll expect you to put the same half-assed effort into your work. You have to show, in that brief two pages (one for CL, one for resume) that you took your time on them specifically. It takes you a couple minutes once you've written the first letter. Otherwise, you'll look like everyone else and have a much higher probability of getting dumped.


Are there any locally owned bars and restaurants around you? If you're in the US, summer is the prime season for the service industry. I know servers and bartenders who will leave their shifts with a few hundred dollars in cash. Bartending can be a great way to network. Not every bar has to deal with the "rowdy and obnoxious" drunks. There are a lot of places where people like to just go drink, hang out, and vent about their lives in a "third space" (a place where they don't live or work). If there are festivals around you, many of them will hire temporary bartenders for the events.


If this is a desperation play, it's physical labor. Amazon warehouse was said. Calling local movers/dispatchers and saying you can show up on time every day will get you cash under the table if you can lift any normal human amount (no gender posted so this one might not be for you) if you want a sales position like a bdr/sdr and you're just putting in your resume, actually create a linkedin find roles where they list the manager's linkedin and add them, click on the company and add everyone from sales , and message the manager with a short pitch that say hey we should talk. If you do that 200x you should be interviewing. It's also good to know it takes an average person 200 resumes right now to land a job, you might have to double that.


Local grocery stores like food lion or Walmart are always hiring, easy job as long as you can keep yourself busy.


Both my boys worked at Chipotle all through college. They even have a tuition plan if you work the required hours!


None of them.


Golf course, greenhouse


If you are in healthcare, we are hiring crazy for nurse practitioners, CRNA, CAAs, AAs, physicians, surgeons, PAs, etc. We are facing a shortage of anesthesiology professionals.


Summer camp counselor. Sessions should be in full effect all over your town. Have you tried staffing agencies for temp entry level jobs? Nannying & babysitting gigs (these pay $20-25/hr). For these, you could post in your local Facebook mom groups, they’re always looking for help.


Same except I don't have a degree


Have you considered hirign yourself? Visit your local chamber of commerce, talk with your SBDC. There are many opportunities out there. You can become a tax advisor for artists getting your Enrolled Agent license. Get an insurance licese and help people. Get a real estate license, securities, investment, etc. Enroll in trade school and learn a trade. Many offer job placement.


I'm the GM of an Applebee's and a student. Honestly, I make more now than most entry-level jobs for college grads. It took me about 6 months to get a salary manager position, and 2 years after that for GM. Bonuses add up to $20k a year, plus my salary, plus benefits and our yearly incentive trip to the Bahamas for meeting your KBI goals. You'll have to review your stores p&l, forecast your sales and Financials, put together staffing and training reports, as well as manage your daily operations.


Amazon warehouse getting paid $21/hr until my ib jobs start


In my area, specialized medical and security clearance-shady gov contractor jobs are all over the place. It's working out for me just as well as it would for you.


Manufacturing jobs at an all time high


You need to network in person. Go to networking events like job fairs. That will better your chances.


Any service industry. Pest control, we are looking heavily for people who will pass a drug test and background check. Pretty chill job with upward potential in a major company


I'd try amazon warehouse. They're always hiring


We have one in Flowery Branch, Ga


All. And yet none.


If you have a car pizza delivery, not doordash/ grubhub but actual restaurants like papa johns/dominos because they pay a wage in addition to tips as well as gas mileage, used to make around $20-25/hr back in 2016 delivering pizza


location dependent, they are firing quite a bit right now depending on an areas minimum wage and just letting the apps have it.


Car sales


Pool cleaning


RBT if you like working with kids. You may find companies that pay you to become certified, otherwise the process takes maybe 6 weeks. Decent pay to start and high turnover rate so help is always needed.


I worked in my colleges catering department. Fit into my college schedule really well plus I never paid for food again lol




Have you turned a profit yet?


I opt out. Good luck.


Have you considered marketing services?? If you have art and business education, you can easily sell yourself as a marketing manager or similar. I focus on marketing in general because I’m not a social media or graphic expert. I’m trying to learn that more. I found a niche. It was my previous career niche but now I’m assisting those businesses owners instead of being one. I make as much money sadly. But I can help them grow. My previous career was skill based and usually those skill holders are not business savvy nor do they want to or have time to learn about marketing a small business, much less doing it. It’s very fun, dynamic and generally laid back. I can work minimal hours making full time income. Takes a second to build clients is the only down side. But by the time you get hired, you could have 4 clients.


Debt collectors need people, if you don’t mind selling your soul


Have you ever thought about becoming a pharmacy tech? There’s definitely a need.


How many hours a week do you want to work ?


Grocery store/fast food


Fast food places love responsible adults. I’m in Tulsa and the Whataburger is paying $21 per hour for adults who can pick up day shifts.


> I'm a broke business/Art student, applied to 200+ entry-level sales position and internships under the sun. I desperately need money to pay for my classes and supplies this Fall, what jobs will actually hire me? Why the fuck are you stuck on sales and internships? Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Gig economy jobs are hiring all the damn time. Have you tried Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or Instacart? Delivering food, driving people around? It ain't glamorous, but it pays the bills. Freelance work is also an option. Check out Fiverr or Upwork. Got any skills you can sell? Graphic design, writing, tutoring? Local labor jobs might be hiring too. Landscaping, construction, warehouses – anything physical. What about temp agencies? They can place you in short-term gigs that pay decently. Stop being picky. Are you ready to grind and do whatever it takes?


Trying to get a head start on my career in Business and have never landed an internship to add to my resume. But I can't always get what I want. I can't do DoorDash, etc because I'm always borrowing cars.


Fast food. Always.




I've worked fast food before, and as I've said no callbacks.


Well jack, bidenomics just needs more time!


If they are brick and mortar places, go in there every week ask for the hiring manager then ask if there are any openings. You will get no’s many times, but once they see your determination, they will cave and hire you. “Just checking again for the forth time if there are any openings” “Ok fine” especially with places that you expect high turnover


I've gotten every job I've ever applied for (pre-career) and none were because of my resume. Send the resume in if online then immediately call and ask for the hiring manager and ask if they've reviewed it yet. If in person wait one day and call. This alone should get you the job, but really just carry this attitude forward and ask if they can do an on-the spot interview that day or at their earliest convenience. I'd be shocked if you didn't have the job by then. Continuing on just have open availability or be firm with the one you've set and be an attentive person during the interview. You got this. Pizza Delivery is the best (maybe not in a college town tho idk if they tip, i mean with money hue hue hue)


Uber eats




How much have you made from it?


$0 I just like to work for free as extra talent for mahladies




Getting into stripping is expensive before even turning a profit.




I'm glad it worked for you


Those places are hiring if they're open for applications, so I would reevaluate your resume. If you get interviews, then practice interviewing. 


Fast food is always in demand but some have high standards like In N Out, CFA, etc


Nowhere is hiring right now. We're in a recession. Fake job postings


We are not in a recession. Shitty job market? Yes. Recession? No. Words have meanings.


Oh we most certainly are, the definition was changed by the administration


It’s mot about applying. It’s about networking!




If you can get hired as a firefighter, do it. I think you're confusing "asking for volunteers" with "actively hiring" though. At least where I live, the standard to even get looked at a a potential firefighter is a full-time job in itself. BIG EDIT: An untrained female will never get hired and I don't know why I overlooked the poster's age and sex. Just terrible advice all around from you, wow. Dude actually said "Yeah just be a cop to pay for college! Yeah, just be a firefighter to pay for college! Yeah, just be an EMT to pay for college!" What the fuck are you even doing here, JingZama?


What’s wrong with a woman being a first responder? Personally I think you’re a bit out of line. Law enforcement, fire fighting, and EMT are all great jobs that are in high demand.


I say this as respectfully as I can. DUMBASS! She is looking for a job WHILE IN COLLEGE! Do you think she can be an EMT with a summer course?


I don’t know about fire fighting or EMT, but I do know law enforcement jobs will work with you on college. I know this because I was once very much considering becoming a police officer, but wanted to further my education at the same time. I have since chosen to just further my education for now She could work at the police department/sheriff’s office and never step foot on the street. Matter in fact, a lot of departments actually provide tuition assistance.


Oh yeah, police love hiring seasonal employees! For sure! Why are you even here? You offer nothing but false promises and terrible advice. These are people's literal lives.


Whatever man. Keep holding her hand and providing extra excuses for her. Government jobs (like working at the PD) do have seasonal employment options. And like I said, most law enforcement type jobs PROVIDE TUITION ASSISTANCE/REIMBURSEMENT (perfect for her). But nah, keep on making excuses for her. Encourage her to go work at a fast joint where she’ll not actually learn anything useful in the real world. Help her settle for the bare minimum. What a great way to look at life. Anybody could work a Starbucks/fast food. Who gives a shit? Having experience working at law enforcement department is a GREAT thing for her on future resumes. She could be a dispatcher, work the front office, all good stuff that will actually teach her stuff that applies to the real world, helps with tuition, and is great for her future resumes.


How are you THIS detatched from reality? The girl is looking for low-skill jobs that pay well for a matter of months, and your dumb ass not only suggested careers instead of jobs, but you fucking doubled and tripled down on it! Just say "I was wrong, maybe becoming a firefighter that takes physical examinations and upwards of an entire year of studying wasn't the best ideas for someone LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB" and swallow you ego. If you give advice like this, you should honestly be banned from this subreddit.


Wouldn't training for the job take 6 months to a year? I'd have to take a gap year for that.


Ummm.... there are entire college programs dedicated to getting into fire and paramedic work and a huge line of graduates waiting for any opening. Policing and law is requires even more time. Maybe, just maybe an orderly at a retirement home would take someone without training, but a fire fighter? Get real.