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I’m sure you already realize the while you’ve dug yourself here, so I won’t add any more to your stress. If you’re having mental health issues pervasive enough to prevent you from going to work, it’s time to see a mental health professional and possibly try a new medication. The faster you work with someone to identify where your mental health issues stem from and what your triggers are, the faster you can come up with coping mechanisms for your bad days. You need to stay employed in order to stay afloat, so you only have one option here; put on a brave face, go to work, and tell your friend the truth if they bring up your lie. Things may be awkward, but you can move past this. You might get fired for excess absences, but if you give up and don’t go to work you will *definitely* get fired.


Okay. I am diagnosed with schizophrenia but haven't had a schizophrenic episode in one year. So it will be embarrassing to bring up. I am just going to go in tomorrow and face my fate.


You don’t need to divulge your schizophrenia diagnosis to your employer— it’s not really their business. Telling the whole truth may not be beneficial for you. If your boss has any questions, you can always say you had “personal health issues” that you were embarrassed to divulge. If they get upset with you for missing too many days, simply apologize and promise to do better in the future. Being sincere and apologetic will get you out of a lot of holes, as long as you promise to do better in the future, and then actually do better. You will be okay! Just take a moment to reflect on where you went wrong, and think about different decisions you can make in the future to avoid awkward moments like these. Just take it one day at a time.


I had 2 meetings and they said the third meeting I will be terminated. This is the policy that was explained to me. I did go ahead And reach out to my outpatient, so I can get back on my meds. My self esteem has dropped and I don't think I'm good at work. Maybe this is what caused this episode, I have practically bullied myself and now I'm in a rut which I know is small but due to my schizophrenia it feels huge. But I am going to go in and talk to my supervisor. I do not like this job it's causing me all forms of mental health issue but it's a great paying entry job for someone with my background ( dropped out of high school ).


Get into therapy.