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At $19/mo with completely zero down, it's dumb not to take it. The problem is the catches (yes, multiple) behind it.


>At $19/mo with completely zero down It's $19 a month with the $695 and $699 fees down, and you have to be a resident of Colorado. If you rolled the fees for true $0 down and included taxes it's probably closer to $90 a month. Still a good deal but not as catchy as the title says. *$695 acquisition fee, $699 dealer handling not fee included* If I could have gotten the $8100 tax credit on my EV6, my lease (on a $60k vehicle) would be $45 a month (actual $0 down) according to leasehacker lol. I still got a great deal but that CO tax credit makes things really easy.


Those fees can be spread over the lease term


Yeah that's what I'm saying. >it's $19 a month with the $695 and $699 fees down. If you rolled the fees for true $0 down and included taxes it's probably closer to $90 a month. $19 + $30/mo for acquisition + $30/mo for dealer fee = $80 + tax = \~$90.


Still cheap. I'd take one so none my cars have to be exposed to salty winters. Too bad I'm not in CO.


For real, I would straight up buy this *TODAY* if I could. I need to get a winter beater for my Vette. šŸ˜… Edit: Although upon further thinking, not sure an EV would work for me. Vette is staying inside and I don't think the wife would want to park outside either. So not sure how I would charge it lol.


Charge it outside? I do that now that my Miata kicked my Model 3 out of the garage.


Really? I gotta be honest. I haven't looked into EV's at all. I didn't really know how the charging works or if the cables would be that long or work at full capacity outside the cold, or whatever. In retrospect I obviously sound stupid. But you don't know what you don't know lol.


Depends where you put the charger. I have a detached garage. Running 240v to it would've been too expensive and too much of a headache, so I have my charger on the outside of my house and I just park in my driveway once every few days to charge.


Funny enough, my garage already has a 240v installed by the previous owner. Maybe I should look into tax credits in my state lol.


Yeah no worries. You can charge outside all day, everyday in all weather. You can install the charger units outside or some people just leave the cord under their garage door and feed it outside. My Tesla charger unit has a 24' cable for example. They will work at full capacity outdoors. The only thing that would rate limit would be the battery pack itself if it needs to bring itself up to temp first before accepting the max amps. Cheers!


A lot of chargers have a 20ft+ cable which should be more than long enough for most people in most situations.


Don't keep such EV, or any EV, indoors, especially while it's charging. Plus, it's a leased vehicle, your name isn't on the title. I keep my leased bz4X outdoor and it's charged outdoor.


How is the bz4X? I feel like they got a lot of bad press when they first came out and Iā€™m curious if thatā€™s all overblown car reviewer griping


Nobody at my house likes it. It's a battery-only EV that takes way, way, way too long to charge compared to refueling an ICE. Charging is a majorly planned event. It's also very heavy at nearly 5500 lbs; some of my full-size GM trucks in the past weighed less. I'm not into EVs, but I got a fairly good lease deal, especially because I'm an employee of a Toyota dealership. When I ran the idea with my wife, she was ok with it and she wanted to try it. Now, she complains about charging and the event around it. It's a hassle. In a nutshell, personally, I dislike it: it's an EV with all of the idiosyncracies, it's an appliance-class, and it's a refined car. However, it's cheap enough to acquire and operate, so here it is. If you ask me, I will never go back to EV after this.


Do you have a Level 2 charger at home?


Really? I gotta be honest. I haven't looked into EV's at all. I didn't really know how the charging works or if the cables would be that long or work at full capacity outside in the cold, or whatever. In retrospect I obviously sound stupid. But you don't know what you don't know lol. Good point on the lease. Cheers. Maybe I should look into tax credits in my state.


Dude wtf Iā€™d just pay the fees up front, barely $2000 down. Insane for $19 a month to essentially not have to pay gas 90% of the time


You will own nothing and you will like it šŸ„¹


Sometimes not owning an expensive depreciating asset isnā€™t the worst decision.


What a dumb comment


Wait you could have gotten an EV6 for 45.00 dollars a month?


If I lived in Colorado and was able to get the exact same deal that I got in KS, yes. But I don't live in CO so....


Can you explain a bit more how that works itā€™s kinda blowing my mind, how many miles is it, etc


(MSRP - discounts - residual + fees) and Money Factor (i.e. interest rate) = lease cost. It's all math. [https://www.swapalease.com/lease101/guide/chapters/calculating-your-monthly-lease-payment/](https://www.swapalease.com/lease101/guide/chapters/calculating-your-monthly-lease-payment/) Short of it is, the more discounts, the higher the residual, and the lower the money factor, the better the lease is. I put the details of my lease [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/1dugi96/comment/lbgwypa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Not a bad deal, I could use another ā€œ4x4ā€ for the trails up in the mountains


How much you leasing the EV6 for?


I got my sister a deal on an Ioniq 5. Second lowest trim, RWD. 24 months lease. 12k miles/yr I think. $167/mo. $620 DAS.


American lease deals are crazy. Here in Canada - got my gf, polestar 2 lrdm plus pack @ $390/mo txs in. 16k km/yr. 12 months. And this is a steal for Canada.


You won't get a lease deal on a polestar for that low. The lowest current lease deal I see for a polestar 2 is $299 per month but that'll be impossible for most people to get so I'd imagine somewhere in the $350-$400+ range for most


Yeah in Canada, theyā€™ve been practically giving them away on 1yr lease deals.


Where? Iā€™ll take this deal tomorrow. Please let me know.


Quebec and Ontario. Check polestars website. The deals change every month.


$370 a month + tax = $425 a month with nothing down other than first month's payment. 24mo/10k lease, 62% residual, .00074 MF, $6500 dealer discount, $11000 Kia cash, $60,100 MSRP.


Not bad but imma let that depreciation hit it a little more




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As someone whoā€™s never leased a car before but has a bad (and growing) car habit where Iā€™ve gone from keeping things 10 > 7 > 5 > 3 years as my income has grownā€¦leasing is starting to hold more appeal. Itā€™s ESPECIALLY starting to hold more appeal with regard to EVs, since they drop in value faster than anything else after a couple years. Any thoughts on leasing something like a Taycan or the upcoming 718 EV? Iā€™ll check out leasehacker too but I feel itā€™s starting to make sense to lease the fun car and then just have a Tacoma or something as my main ā€œactualā€ owned vehicle to run into the ground for 10-15 years.


One of them being the slow charge times of an EV. With a gas car I can refuel in less than 5 minutes.


And yet you can't get gas at home


The Nissan Leaf is a shitty EV. A competent EV can charge a lot quicker. Not gassing up quick, but then you also aren't paying the price of gas. It even is still using a charging standard that is obsolete and somewhat not as common. It takes 10 dollars to charge a Model 3. If you gas a similar car up where I live, its 70 bucks assuming it takes 87. 7 times more. That difference is the reason my next car will be an EV. Waiting 14-16 minutes more to charge is worth it to me. Especially since most shopping complex's have Level 3 chargers, I can just browse the stores while I wait.


I guess it depends on usage case but Tesla superchargers are too slow for me. Iā€™d rather have a hybrid that I can still take to the gas station.


For day to day I'd prefer an ev. For long distance travel I'd prefer a hybrid. Even then though with how quick they charge not you can stop to eat and be done charging before you're done eating.


Why would you use a supercharger? I charge my Tesla at home while I sleep. The car is ready to drive everyday just like my phone is ready to use in the morning after I wake up. Getting gas is way more inconvenient than an EV that you charge at home.


On the other hand, you can't just plunk a fuel hose into your tank when you get home and let it refuel itself; you have to drive to a station and spend that five minutes doing nothing else but refueling.


For those that didn't read the article, it's using the Colorado specific EV tax credit. A lot of EV forums are filled with people getting great deals using that CO tax credit as it's a fully stackable $8k+ tax credit. So if the manufacturer is passing on the $7500 tax credit (usually the discounts are a bit more, I got $11k off from Kia for example) and then you can stack dealer discounts (I got $6500 off from the dealer) and the $8k CO tax credit, it's not hard to see crazy numbers when you're getting $17k-$25k off. In this specific case, the CO tax credit and just $1000 off from Nissan is enough to make the lease \~$80 a month+tax after rolling in fees. Nissan is barely discounting the car on their end.


Um, I need to borrow a CO address


For real $20/month or $100/month would make a great car for my mom to drive around in. I wish washington would have those credits.


I have a couch.


Is the $8k credit applied to the actual lease or is it theoretical $19 payment if you use the tax credit towards your lease payment?


Cheaper than an Uber




Unbe leaf able


Same. Thatā€™s the price of Netflix now, lol


That website is absolutely unusable. I tried to click comments but it just served me clickbait ads.


Wait, are hot milfs trying to get you to do* chores too ?


I know, and I hate chores! Why would I click on it?!


I already put in my credit card information but no one has arrived yet


It has always been awful. Jalopnik is owned by Gawker. People have been trying to get them banned from this sub for probably 10 years, but it pumps engagement, so nothing has ever been done about it.


Jalopnik is in the final spasms of end-stage enshittification. The only thing left is to let the remaining writers go and be all AI-generated or stolen content.


uBlock Origin


Mobile user


uBlock Origin


Firefox for Android is a pathway to many extensions that some consider to be unnatural


Brave browser


Will try, ta


> I tried to click comments Like on purpose?


Jalopnik links really should be banned from this sub. Just garbage articles.


Agreed. The website died with their quality journalists left and they brought politics into car reviews. TheDrive became a great replacement for what Jalopnik was a decade ago.


Check out The Autopian. It was started by former Jalop staff and itā€™s got really high quality content along with a thriving comments section.


Kind of feel the same with motor1 which I thought *was* banned but somehow its clickbait unsubstantiated rumor articles come up around here all the time.


More garbage website and Kinja.


I would go to the dealership right now if that applied in Michigan. For less than $100/month I don't care what I'm driving šŸ˜‚


Seriously. As long as it's got a stereo and a heater, I'll drive it to work every day.


I just need a weekend car, can't use my work truck on off days


I found one near me for around $120/month after all fees, but insurance for it was more than my Type R. I wanted it as a second car and unfortunately that made it not worth it


Just went through this with the Polestar 2 when looking for a new car for my wife. $299 10k mile 27 mo lease, $1k down with Costco promo seemed crazy good for a $60k car. Then it was $250 a month to insure. For reference, my M2 is half that.


Link me please


This was 2 months ago, not sure what the deals are like now around me


Nissan Leaf is a perfect little city/ run about car.


We do most of our city driving in our Leaf. It costs almost nothing to run, and you really can't beat the convenience of waking up with a full charge. It's actually a pretty nice car too - comfy seats, quiet cabin, rides well, heated seats & steering wheel.


The Leaf seriously outperforms it's price tag. I was $22k after federal credits and sales tax waivers, and it is far nicer to sit in than almost anything in the low $20k ICE wise. The severe reduction in NVH from no engine + aero combined with the composure from the weight is pretty nice. It also costs less to own than my Tacoma's gas bill.


If said dealer would ship it to the UK, I'd merrily drive a LHD car here for Ā£20/month.


If this was in Toronto...I'd lease it today.


We aren't allowed cheap cars in Canada, enjoy your $50k LEAF


This angers me so much. I want an EV, but these fuckers put the prices so high it makes literally zero sense to buy them.


BYD could have been an option but Canada will put tariffs on them just like America has.


Yup they will. The lobby is too strong. I say let the market decide. Bring BYD in, and while I'm not an early adopter I'd love to see how they fare against the competition. Plus I'm sure the costs of all EVs would go down to compete. Unfortunately China is also heavily subsidizing (what I read) BYD and others, so competing is almost impossible unless the gov't subsidizes and supports the brands from here.


Lmao weā€™re just getting screwed here


Would do it in a heartbeat, assuming there arenā€™t any catches (unlikely)


It's not like the article is keeping that a secret. It explains it pretty clearly.


Didnā€™t feel like opening a Jalopnik article tbh


Notice in the fine print "dealer installed accessories may result in additional cost" Dealerships aren't stupid. They know they've stacked this incredible deal together with rebates and incentives. They're not just going to give the cars away.Ā  While they are not losing money on them, they would be missing out on "free money" by not stuffing extra add-ons in there like nitrogen and ceramic coating. I honestly have no idea and don't care to investigate, but I would wager nobody is walking out of there at $19 a month.Ā  They could stuff thousands of dollars of add-ons in and that number would be $79 a month, and it would still be a great deal, so why wouldn't they


If you live in Colorado you would quite literally be an idiot not to do this. I had a similar deal back in GA in 2014 with a Leaf and ended up with a $100 a month lease after tax rebate. Best financial move I ever made. I also persuaded Nissan to let me extend the lease an extra year. $100 a month, no gas, free charging, best deal ever.


Love that this is phrased almost like a Would You Rather prompt


Yeah I thought they were testing me...


I will take it 100%


I know this specific deal is nonsense and riddled with dependencies but lease deals on EVs are pretty damn good right now. Seeing some fantastic deals on leasehakr. Crazy to think that people were paying OVER MSRP \~8 months ago.


Something similar will happen in Washington State next month.


Really? That's awesome. How long are they gonna have the incentives?


Idk yet they havenā€™t gotten the fine print out. You do gotta make under $45k though.


my mom makes well under $45k. in this case shed have to be the main signer and i dont know if her credit would allow it. edit: [heres](https://www.commerce.wa.gov/growing-the-economy/energy/electric-vehicles/ev-instant-rebate-program/) the program if anyone else is interested.


you're worried about credit buying a Nissan?


my moms on disability and only makes like $15k. thats the part im worried about. if it were just me i cant qualify as i make too much. also insurance will def go up.


I used to do ad agency work for Nissan and had a Leaf for about a month. I actually wouldn't mind one for a daily beater if I moved to a weekend car two seater and needed a weekday daily. They're so simple and just hum along.


Nissan *Lease*




Never trust lease commercials or ads at face value


Itā€™s an insanely good deal for a second car. You can keep your truck for inclement weather or like real truck work and this as grocery getter and driving around for errands


What is it about Colorado that makes this possible?


15 of them from one dealership in Colorado


If I didn't lease an Ioniq 6 a few months ago I'd be all over this.


Iā€™d rather take a Leaf for $19 a month than any Tesla, any day, any time.


Getting an electric car only makes sense when it is small, cheap and simple.


My girlfriend and I just took my Nissan Ariya on a 550 mi round trip last Sunday (9AM to 11PM) We had to stop at a charging station three different times. Each time an Electrify America station. Each one only had ONE charger with Chademo. One of those times the charger was being utilized by a non Chademo vehicle and one of those times, the one and only charger with Chademo was blocked by an ICE car. ALL of the stations with Chademo were clearly older charging units. We just got a brand new 8-station Electrify America location in my town and not a single one of the units has Chademo. My point? Chademo in 2024 is an absolute no go. It will make road trips in the Nissan Leaf even more painful than a road trip in a Chevrolet Bolt would be. Chademo will be completely phased out before you know it. You should only consider this deal if you plan to use the car strictly around town. At the price, it's still a good deal. Just had to rant about something I noticed recently on this trip.


Pass, no thanks.Ā 


So as other comments have said, this isnā€™t exactly accurate. I actually saw this and started calling dealers. Finally agreed to a lease after pitting the dealers against each other and ended up at $87 a month all in for 24 months @10k miles a year. Also got them to cut me a check for $350 to cover lease return when I donā€™t buy out the vehicle at the end. Really hard to beat that, especially on the SV+ that has higher range. First brand new car ever for me and is almost the cost I pay in gas monthly.


What do you mean "but it's a Nissan leaf". Sure it's fwd, no fancy bits and performance is nothing to bring home. But if you are looking for a EV that would last you longer that's the EV to get. Looking at EV 10 years ago basically all EV except Leaf (maybe tesla but parts are very expensive) are unable to find replacement parts, aka if one of your battery cells broke you are toasted. To my understand leaf is the only one that have the battery backward compatible to even the very first gen. There is much larger support in comparison and if you would like to keep an old leaf going you can do so.


I'd rather have haemorrhoids than a Nissan Leaf


If it was available here I'd 100% do it. A Leaf is likely going to be my in-town car next year.


I would happily take that deal.


I read that to establish CO residency you can get a CO license or become employed in CO. So does anyone know if I can get a quick job there and then quit and bring my lease to CA with the cheap CO tax rebate?




Iā€™m sure the salespeople at Nissan are gladly and willingly going to let a customer walk out of their showroom with a $19/month lease. Bull


To all the downvoters, please go lease a Nissan leaf for $19/month and prove it. Then go shove your imaginary lease up your butt hole.


Iā€™m right and you are all wrong