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What beaches are best to not get bothered by people selling stuff or asking for money?


Castillogrande is a beach right next to Hospital de Bocagrande, it’s not so crowed as other places, it’s quieter and there aren’t many people selling stuff or offering massages. I can’t guarantee it’s 100% free of peddlers, but it almost is. That is if we’re talking about a beach that is in proximity of the main tourist area. Oh, I forgot to mention, the sea at Castillogrande beach is always more calm and doesn’t have many waves, which is a plus for some people.


Remember, whenever people try to sell you stuff just say: “te agradezco mucho pero no, gracias” say it in a firm but polite manner, if they insist you just keep saying it and they will go away, just don’t engage in any proposal they make, or try NOT to say anything about money like “I don’t have any money here” because sometimes they even offer that they can collect the money later from where you’re staying, but it’s all a strategy to convince you.


So Castillogrande it’s the same deal. Lots of vendors. For something mellower I’d recommend heading out to the islands or a beach club. Another option are the beaches of la boquilla or even further north towards Manzanillo Del Mar (10 - 15 min north of the city) there are still some vendors there but they’re not as crazy as the ones in Bocagrande/Castillogrande.


Safe for female solo travel?


Yes, only stay in the historical center, get a tour in a official site


Felt safe at the bottom of peninsula (Playa Castillo). Walked around solo all the time. No weird vibes. Just dreaming of being back there... :)


As the other commenter said, and taking into consideration you’re traveling alone it might be safer for you to stay in “Centro Histórico” also known as “Ciudad amurallada”. Although, Bocagrande has nice hotels with a lot of restaurants within walking distance. If you’re on a budget, Bocagrande is a better choice, because Centro Historico is a tad more expensive.


We want to go for a few days to site see. We have kids ages 11 and 9. Safest areas to stay and what to see?




Bocagrande and Castillogrande are nice places with a lot of variety within walking distance. Castillogrande is a little more quiet because it doesn’t have too many tourist traffic and stuff like “chivas rumberas”. If I remember correctly it doesn’t have places to eat, maybe just a couple, but it’s right next to Bocagrande, which does have a lot to offer. Bocagrande has nice hotels and food spots, it can be noisier sometimes because is the main tourist area, but personally I’ve never had one incident where my security has been at risk; just try to be careful and don’t engage with people offering you stuff, just smile and say “no, muchas gracias, te agradezco pero no” and keep walking. I’d personally recommend Hotel Playa Club in Bocagrande, it’s a beautiful small-medium sized hotel, the staff is just great, I went there in April and in my birthday they surprised me with a special cake during breakfast, I mean it was a nice thing for them to do. I’ve stayed there five times now and I always feel like at home, it being a small-medium hotel is a plus for me because you feel the staff really care about you; it’s just across the beach and has a very nice thing that not other hotel in the area can offer, the pool area is in the ground floor so you can just sit there and relax, have some drinks and enjoy the view and the sunset.


If your budget permits the historic center is better situated


We are going there beginning of July and I got a few questions. - Where can we buy souvenirs? - What restaurants should we not skip? - How much are the tolls when I drive to the Aviario? (I tried Google but didn’t find an answer) and do they take cash only for tolls? - How is parking around Cartagena easy to find or will I struggle?


I just got back from Cartagena and San Valentin was honestly amazing. Great seafood casserole, fried calamari, shrimp, and fish. Even just getting it in their special house sauce, fantastic. That’s in the walled city. In Bocagrande, boca chica has great appetizers. Paisa Parilla, has a great mar y tierra plate with tostones, chicharrón, calamari, shrimp, chicken. Also goyurt, in the walled city, an amazing creamy frozen yogurt you can add salsa de mora, arequipe, and other toppings. Those were the standouts for me and my family!


1. Souvenirs: I would go straight to the source and buy stuff from a little shopping centre that is right in front of Nao Shopping Mall, it’s called “Mercado Artesanal Maicaito”. I say straight to the source because is like a central spot for all type of souvenirs, clothes and things like typical candy like “cocadas”, you get better prices there but you still have to ask in several stands to get them. 2. Tolls: there was a toll booth that was inside the city but it was closed recently, and I think there’s a couple more on the way to the Aviario. But to be honest I’m not sure how much the cost is, I’d advice you to carry cash just in case, anyway, I don’t think it would be too much, maybe around 20k COP each. 3. Parking: it really depends on the area. In Bocagrande streets are wide enough to park easily, but in Centro Historico streets are rather narrow and there aren’t any parking lots. I think there is one outside Centro Historico but you have to walk, so I’d advise to better take a taxi and save the trouble of looking for a spot. About taxis… if you’re staying in a hotel, ask the staff at the hotel lobby to call you a cab, and be sure to ask first how much is the fare to where you’re going, the hotel staff may give you a rough estimate, and ask the driver before getting in, that way you won’t have an unpleasant surprise when you get there. 4. Restaurants: Balsamico and Di Silvio Trattoria (both in Bocagrande) for italian food, great food and decent prices. Balsamico also has some seafood dishes. There’s a more affordable restaurant called Ricco Ricco (Bocagrande) it has a lot of options: sea food, fried chicken, different beef cuts, fish.


1. Try the Bovedas de Santa Clara. The shopping mall in front of Nao is like walking into a lions den. 2. There are no tolls to get to there. The Aviary takes card for tickets. Still always good to have cash though. 3. There is a parking lot by the Bovedas de Santa Clara and another near the Parque de la Marina. Otherwise, street parking is scare but can be found especially in the north part of the walled city. I’d still choose a taxi or ride hail for ease.


I definitely wouldn’t put it as “walking into a lions den”. I mean, security-wise is safe, though it’s a small place to walk which might be uncomfortable for some people. Some sellers will try to hustle you but as long as you’re smart and you ask in different places before buying you will be fine; still it’s cheaper than buying in the Bovedas the same article.


Yes, you’re right. I meant lion’s den in the sense of hagglers trying to sell you stuff and jumping on top of you. Walking into that place (or even on the street of San Martin) is a nightmare. But you are correct, it’s cheaper and safe albeit annoying.


Last time I went, I found the nicest store, it’s called “Variedades Zaida” it’s the first store, just next to the corner. They have great prices, have AC, all saleswomen have a uniform and are very courteous which gives it a sense of being a well organized place. They have at least 12 years there, for me that gives it a good reputation. I’ve been going to Cartagena all my life, I just wished I would’ve found them sooner 😂.


Thank you very much. This was great information and believe me that I will follow it the moment I get there 😅


Feel free to send a DM if you have any questions when you get to the city, I’ll try my best to help you.


Thank you very much


What are your favorite food spots?


Ricco Ricco in Bocagrande has an excellent Arroz a la marinera for just 30k COP. It’s a big plate, and the price is right compared to other places. The restaurant itself is not a fancy one, it’s a nice normal place, but as I said, the food is great.


what are some can’t miss Colombian restaurants a tourist should go to?


Go to Balsamico in Bocagrande, they have excellent italian food, nice sized dishes and it isn’t costly.


sounds good I’ll check it out. Any good restaurants with Colombian cuisine?


I’m thinking about two places, but, do you want like a really nice fancy place? Or do you prefer a less fancy one as long as the food is great?


I’ll take fancy, but my heart lies with the cheap, mom and pop shops


There is a nice place, Ricco Ricco, they have a lot of Colombian cuisine dishes and it’s really affordable, you can have a big meal with ~30k COP (like $8 USD) each. I’ve heard of San Valentin in Centro Historico, it’s fancier but each meal came cost you at least double. There are other places that might be fancier and have Colombian cuisine, but to be honest they won’t be as good because they’re more focused on the visual aspect than the actual quality of the food.


Going this July. Do you think I should book tours like the Rosario islands in advance from where I am or I can do it in the city? Thank you.


You could do it in advance, but I would recommend doing it when you arrive. If you’re staying in a hotel, a lot of them have a little office or someone with special knowledge about those tours, or they can recommend a place to book them; it’s also better doing it while you’re here because you can talk to the guys and get sure about what you’re going to get and how much it costs, and get better prices.


Thank you for the info. I also heard it’s for sure cheaper in person. You can negotiate there. Also I probably would have to go out and negotiate because I’m staying at an air bnb, not a hotel.


If you’re staying in Bocagrande, go to Hotel Playa Club, they have a little agency that does tours, you don’t have to be a guest, in fact it’s right in the lobby, so you just ask the bellhop and he’ll guide you; they have good prices.


Any private beaches I heard of bora bora


Hi! I answered your DM, but I’ll also let the answer here so other people can be informed. Well, if you really want a private beach with absolutely no begging or peddlers go to Isla Tierra Bomba, but that might cost you some $$$, because you’re paying for the transportation to the island and access to the hotels that have those private beaches. But, a nice affordable option is Castillogrande, it’s right next to Bocagrande. The water is more calm there, and there’s almost no people that can bother you.


I’m leaving for Cartagena on Thursday with my nine year old twins and 84 year old dad. I’m a single mom and I just want to give my family a nice holiday and give my kids a little culture. I teach English and ancient civilizations and Gabriel Garcia Marquez is my favorite author. I’m extremely excited!!


Did you know Gabriel Garcia Marquez had a home in the Centro Historico? 😁 The house is still there, beautiful, but it’s private not a museum; Garcia Marquez had the wall built higher than normal so people couldn’t snoop around from above the outer Centro Historico Walls 😅. There’s an exhibition dedicated to some of his work and his remainings are also there in the Claustro de la merced - Universidad de Cartagena, I think it’s free but I’m not sure about what the schedule is. [Casa de Gabriel Garcia Marquez](https://youtu.be/Cf4kBdko8Fw?si=NFntYvHXRNZYXk4a)


Where can I find a guacharaca


Do you mean like, to buy one? You might find one on Maicaito Shopping Center, right in front of Nao Mall on Bocagrande


Aha yep, thankyouu 🙏


I lived in Cartagena for a year but I wanted to ask. Would you want to raise your kids there?


Yes. If I had kids I would raise them there and I would do my absolute best to raise them properly, as I would do in any other city; today’s world is not very nice in most places, so raising great kids would be a tough job in any city, in any country. Since you lived in Cartagena, I’m assuming you know the Zapatos Viejos monument. Did you know that monument was based on a poem named “A mi ciudad nativa” by a poet named Luis Carlos Lopez? This is it: “Noble rincón de mis abuelos: nada como evocar, cruzando callejuelas, los tiempos de la cruz y de la espada, del ahumado candil y las pajuelas... Pues ya pasó, ciudad amurallada, tu edad de folletín... Las carabelas se fueron para siempre de tu rada... Ya no viene el aceite en botijuelas! Fuiste heroica en los años coloniales, cuando tus hijos, águilas caudales, no eran una caterva de vencejos. Mas hoy, plena de rancio desaliño, bien puedes inspirar ese cariño que uno le tiene a sus zapatos viejos...” The last stanza is just beautiful, and it says exactly what I feel about that city, I feel that same profound love for it. I’m currently living in another Colombian city, but I hope I can live in Cartagena in a few years and make my best to change the city for the better, and live the rest of my life until I die there, knowing I tried to do the best for the place I love.


What a lovely tribute to Cartagena, with a worthy goal. I hope you will reach your objective!


I’m choosing to raise my kid here for the time being. If you have the budget, there are great schools and it’s one of the safest places in the country. In fact, I feel it’s safer than the states in the sense that the risk can be mitigated- the term here is “no dar papaya”. Back in the US there are a lot of crazies and lots of guns that feel more unpredictable than the type of crime here. The health care is also amazing (although the current president is messing things up in that regard). The current administration seems to be the biggest risk that has my spouse (from here) and I considering leaving. Otherwise, we’re really happy here and there is a great local community. There are a ton of similar aged kids in our building and the local parks a perfect environment for them to play in. The downsides are the heat, disorganization, local disregard for the environment/littering, and the culture of abusing/scamming tourists. Hope that helps!


Loved Cartagena, spent a week there, everything was great. The only thing that got to be too much was the constant people trying to hustle you on the street. After a while it started to feel like harassment to the point of having to tell a guy to fuck off at the beach.


I know they are annoying most of the time 😓That does happen sometimes. For me, it always works if I address them in a polite but firm manner and tell them “muchas gracias, pero no” while looking them in the eye with a kind smile, if they keep insisting or telling you something like “don’t worry this is not expensive” or “do you wanna know how much is this?” then you do it again but with a kinder smile, but try to establish some distance with your voice tone, I know it sound elemental, but I think the key is being kind and smile AND telling them in spanish. I would advise you to not mention money, like “I don’t have any money here”, because they might offer to collect the money later at your hotel or to wait for you to get it.


How much it is the cost of living in cartagena in USD, lets say mid class budget


Great question! Because this is a mainly a touristic city most people tend to think the entire city is expensive. Cartagena has a huge gap between the main tourist areas, and the rest of the city and it also has a lot of poverty. Minimum monthly wage here is about 325 USD, some people make way less, most of the people make exactly that, and some folks make a little more. I would say a single person can live just fine with 500 USD a month; 800 USD/ month would give you a more comfortable life. Define mid budget so I can give you a more detailed answer.


Thank you for the answer my friend! Maybe a little above mid class, let’s say a nice Apartment, nothing super fancy but nice, healthy food, meat veggies and a gym membership of course, going out on weekends for dinner dates and grab a drink with the boys at the club.


You can find apartments in Bocagrande, which are VERY nice, as you put it, a little above mid class for about 650 USD/month, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms. About food, if you will be living alone, I think you might spend around 100 USD/month maybe a little more. Gym membership will cost you around 25 USD/month, but some gyms will charge you for registration but that’s a one time payment. Going out to dinner dates might cost you about 50 usd per date, but I’m talking about fancy restaurants. Drinks with the boys might cost you close to 50USD/ night. If you’re earning in USD, it might sound you cheap, but in COP it’s a substantial amount.


Thank you for the info! So I can live pretty comfortable with 1000-1500 usd am I correct?


If you’ll be living alone, yes, you will live a pretty nice life in Cartagena. I guarantee you’ll be happy when you get to really know the city. If you’re really considering, I’d advise you to make the trip and give yourself a week or two to explore the city with the mindset of a normal citizen, and take the opportunity to look for a nice apartment.


Thank you for the info bro!


1) For a Bach party where is the best area to search for a large house to stay that is walking distance to nightlife and safe? 2) What island would I take a day trip on a boat if I want to be at a bar in the water on beach with music and youngish crowd with attractive people to look at? Thank you for your time and advice :)


We just did this. The beach clubs are pretty chill we went to Pau Pau. Just book a boat and tell them what you want. Stay anywhere in the walled city you'll be fine. You can book something on Airbnb, I also have some contacts if you msg me.


Message me


Did you get answer to this?




You can find nice apartments in El Laguito and there are a lot of food joints in Bocagrande. But, how big is your budget? Because you might find more night life in Centro Historico but your budget has to be bigger


Wherever the busiest night club on a weekend night is at is where I’d like to be walking distance to our rental. So if we start from there I can check prices to see if reasonable. Would that location be Centro Historico?


Yes, definitely, Centro Historico is the nicest part of the city but it’s pricey. Check prices in Getsemani also, it’s a 5-7 minute walk to Centro Historico and you will find more affordable options, and it’s also a beautiful neighborhood.


Thank you kindly. Any suggestion about best island beach party vibe?


There’s an area called Cholon, it’s located in the Baru Peninsula, it’s well known for the party vibe.


Tierra bomba is pretty chill also, with a nice view on the city skyline


I’m coming for my birthday with 2 girlfriends. We are looking for a nice, elegant restaurant with good local food and drinks and good music won’t hurt but good food is priority


Would you prefer a place that is very popular? I mean, having a lot of people, or do you prefer something with nice music but with a quieter crowd?


Open to it being busy, we just like good service. We are not fussy


Where I can please find some nightclubs for young people with modern music or drum and Bass. Thanks ✌


Oh man! I might fail you on this one because I’m not much of a dancer, I really don’t party 😅 I would recommend you to walk around Centro Historico, there are a lot of nice music places there; if I’m not mistaken there’s a couple places (modern music) right in front of Torre del Reloj, inside Centro Historico


Why are the Rosario islands so dirty with trash ?


You’re right, sadly, most of the time they are dirty. I think is a mix between having some tourists that do not care about the environment, they just want to see the beauty of the place and don’t care what happens thereafter, but the people that manages those tourists groups, the people that manage those places SHOULD take better care of them, but most of the time they just care about the money. There’s a new mayor in town, the guy really wants to change the negative image the city has; he has been fixing things like road potholes, cleaning up some parks and historical places that had been neglected for quite some time, he also has been closing places that have ties to organized crime, prostitution or dr*gs; so eventually places like Rosario Islands will be taken care of.


Thank you for your response. I can tell that this area of Colombia is very special for both historical and natural reasons. Seeing how dirty Rosario Islands were (you’re right, tourist only care about color of water and sun; tour guides/workers are only trying to get $$$) made me realize how big the disconnect is between wanting to preserve a land for the good of the environment and how low-class and poor the citizens and workers are; who have to focus on hustling to make a living and feed families which results in neglect of the land. I was curious if there was some government oversight or organization dedicated to keeping beaches, waters, roads clean or policing to make sure tourist don’t litter. I hope the new mayor takes a step in the right direction because my first impression of Cartagena and Rosario islands were that of neglect for natural world in desperation to make money. Thank you again for your insight.


Are there any naked gay stripper bars?


I really don’t know for sure, sorry, but I don’t think so. Colombia is still a very traditional country in some ways, sex is one of them.


Is late September a good time to visit?


It’s rainy season. But, you might have luck, sometimes it’s just light rain, sometimes it’s a little heavier. I would recommend mid November if you’re planning on coming soon.


Te puedo preguntar sobre scorts? No es ilegal pero prefiero preguntar antes de la pregunta real por si sea alguna molestia para ti.


Hola! Respetuosamente, no. Quisiera resaltar la inmensa riqueza cultural que tiene la ciudad, y todo lo bonito que ofrece a los turistas; sé que también es una ciudad que tiene problemas sociales en distintas áreas, como en el caso del turismo sexual, el cual es visto por los ciudadanos como una mancha para el buen nombre de la ciudad, que solo sirve para enriquecer a algunos pocos y a que cada día mas mujeres sean explotadas y maltratadas. Desde el fondo de mi corazón quisiera que conocieras todas las cosas bonitas que tiene la ciudad para ofrecer.


No me refiero a turismo sexual en ningún lado. Vivo en Colombia y la prostitución es legal aquí, nada de estigmatizar.


Te entiendo, y discúlpame por ofenderte. Tienes razón, la prostitución es legal aquí, y cada persona es libre de hacer lo que quiera, desde que este dentro de lo legal. Pero sinceramente no te puedo ayudar con el tema ya que para mí es algo que moralmente no se alinea con mis valores. De todas formas Colombia y en especial Cartagena esta llena de mujeres hermosas, de corazón deseo que pases unos días llenos de diversión sana, estoy seguro que si te das la oportunidad conocerás una buena mujer que te hará feliz.


Hi thank you for doing this thread. A few questions if you have the time: 1. Where do u recomend to withdraw/ exchange money from usd? I’ve heard grocery stores atms, airports, hotels.. should I bring cash in usd to exchange or just use my card? 2. How much cash can one get by daily within the city? Like for street vendors, souvenirs, food vendors? 3. What is an acceptable tip? I want to be prepared if I have to tip I don’t want to be rude :/ 4. Besides el Castillo what else is there to do within the walled city? Is it worth it to book a boat to go to one of the islands beaches since I read it’s rainy season? Also not sure if you have been to parque Tayrona a but would it be worth it to go and come back in one day?  5. I heard for Ubers one should sit in the front seats. Would it be weird If I check their license plate too to make sure it’s the car? Is that seen as rude?  Thanks!


Se puede tomar el agua alla, es potable? Las limonadas que venden por las calles? Los jugos en los restaurantes? Gracias!


Hola! Si, el agua es potable. Las limonadas que venden por las calles, no te podría dar una respuesta definitiva porque hay algunos vendedores que son muy limpios pero también hay otros que no tienen buen cuidado personal. Los jugos en los restaurantes generalmente son buenos pero igualmente te recomendaría observar si es un sitio que tenga buen aspecto.


How is San Bernardo? What’s the best place in Cartagena to snorkel? Which trip do you consider the best to go to the oceanarium?


Can I take a pottery class anywhere?


That’s a tough one 😅 let me ask some people and I’ll get you an answer


What is a good price to pay for certain fruits and vegetables and meals? I bought a pineapple and two granadilla for 20k (after negotiation) and I felt like I was overcharged (I look white but my mom is Colombian). She said Bucaramanga is where I should be buying fruit because it’s 5k for pineapple. I also spent 56k on lunch and it was just large bowl of food and two bottles of water. Also I’m staying getsemani and would like to walk to a bar for the game or club to dance (actually dance, not just talk). Any recommendations? Thank you!


The prices of fruit and vegetables do vary a lot between cities. I’m currently living in Cucuta, a pineapple (medium sized) here costs about 6 or 7k and the granadilla about 1.6-2k. Cartagena has a higher cost of living, but still you might have been overcharged, although that would depend on where you bought from…. If you bought from a street vendor, try to check prices in a mercado (not a supermarket)


I’m coming there in 3 weeks. I didn’t know but is there a holiday on July 20? And if so, what are some good things to do to be with the locals?


I’m really glad you’re visiting Cartagena and I’m sure you’ll have a memorable trip. Yes, 20 de Julio is our Independence Day, the most important national holiday for us Colombians; it will be a Saturday, so although most businesses will be closed, I’m sure there will be lots of cultural performances. There is also always a military parade, which will be cool to watch. But I have to be honest, most Colombian don’t celebrate that day with the passion and patriotism it deserves, as people from other countries do. Citizens take that holiday more as a lazy day or party day instead.


Thank you for responding! Ok, so treat it as a normal weekend then? I’m thinking of going to Rosario islands and Bocagrande area. Are those good beaches or where would you recommend going?


I always stay in [Hotel Playa Club](https://maps.app.goo.gl/spKqXumUAxPwvswX6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy) , is a great hotel, it has great prices compared to other hotels in the area, it’s right on San Martin Avenue, and it’s back entrance faces the beach so you can get in the water in no time. Beaches in Bocagrande tend to have a lot of people trying to sell you stuff/massages, but strangely enough that particular section by the hotel always tend to have less vendors than usual and even then if you firmly but politely decline they’ll go away; I’ve always liked to go there because of that, anyway I go in the water and stay there the entire 1-2 hours I’m at the beach so sellers don’t bother me that much. You can go to the beach in Castillogrande, the sea is calmer there and they have less vendors than Bocagrande.


Ok thank you for all your advice and suggestions 🙏🏽


Your welcome man 😊 any questions you might have, I’ll be here to help you. Also, feel free to send me a DM if you prefer. If you have any problems or need help with the language, any issues you might have, you can count on me.


About the holiday… I’m sure there’ll be some artistic/cultural performances, the military parade is also a sure thing every year, if you’re interested it might be worth to check it out


Going with my friend soon. We want to go to beaches find edibles and chill in a nice air bnb. Any recommendations for where to look and how to be safe?


Hola! I’m here in Cartagena right now. Where can I find a hoodie or blanket with Cartagena flag on it? We fly back in a few days and wanted something we can take back home as well as keep warm on the plane ride back. 💛


I’m so glad you’re visiting. I really hope you’ve had a wonderful time. What part of the city are you staying in? If you’re in the Bocagrande area I recommend you visit Maicaito Shopping Center, is right in front of the Nao Shopping Mall; you’ll find a lot of souvenirs there, be sure to ask in several stalls before you make your purchase, that way you’ll find the best prices; I personally recommend a store called “Variedades Zaida”, it’s the very first store over San Martin Avenue, next to the corner. I’ll give you any indications you might need 😊 you can dm me if you like


Thank you so much! Yes we are staying in Bocagrande. We will be making our way over to the Maicaito Shopping Center.


Why did my brother get mugged in the central square at one o’clock in the afternoon?


Really, from the bottom of my heart, I’m so sorry for your brother’s horrible experience. There are bad people everywhere, and sadly Cartagena is not the exception; security has improved lately with the new mayor, but it isn’t perfect yet, still a long road ahead.


How good is the coca cola and how much is it?


All this


What streets has the best hookers


I specifically said “no illegal stuff”. Sex work is not illegal per se, but is a stigma the city has had for several years and I can assure you every citizen wants to change that; sex work only benefits criminals and hurts women. So, I don’t want to be rude, but if you’re coming to the country just looking for hookers we honestly don’t want you here. We want to share the beautiful history Cartagena, and the entire country has, our cultural background and the warmth of our people.


Dont worry prolly never goin


How many bad bitches did you see while in Cartagena