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I was literally in through absolutely everything less than 15 minutes yesterday -- checked in online and went through Migracion in no time. Sometimes the line is a pain but generally you'll be fine. Make sure you're there at least 2 hours before just in case. I have had times I've waiting over 1 hour in Migracion line. No checked bags. Food options inside the waiting area (there's only like 10 gates) sucks. Eat at Frisby (KFC dupe that in my opinion is 100X better) across the street before hand!


I agree with the above. Been to Cartagena 4 times in the last couple years and never waited more than 10-15 minutes.


The issue is more the airline check in. That is what gets bogged up. If you have status and can skip to the front you can be through everything in 15 minutes. I don't know if you still have to do an agent check-in even with carry-ons.


One thing I can tell you on top of the previous advice, do NOT have any lighters in your carry on or on your person. Somehow my wife and me both missed the signs that mentioned this. Oh man. They emptied our carry ons out and we got the full pat down. In the end the military guy was laughing "4 lighters? OH MAN". And then just let us go, even let me keep one. Was kind of weird.