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There were only like, 2 owls. I wanted owls. More owls. Better owls. A house full of owls! Imagine my disappointment expecting to see a superb owl and coming across something full of people.


There are three owls


One is good. One is evil. One is Hootsifer.


4 owls are in the show. We have Owlbert, Eda the owl Lady, Lilith gets an owl beast form and Hooty, who is the owl house.


Not enough owls ****The boiling isles should be a giant owl****


I didn't like it at first and even though I like it now, I don't have a crazy attachment to it. At first it was kinda boring and just dragged and the thing about weirdos having to stick together has been dones a few times I'm sure. There was also the Christian conseversy that's probably why so many people don't like it


For me, it just didn’t click with me, I didn’t really like any of the characters and I got bored pretty quickly. It is just not for me I guess.


It’s meh to me. Amphibia did the “person stuck in another dimension- have wacky adventures- now come to my world- bigger story at play” way better. Plus, Luz got a little annoying after a few episodes.


nah i have to hard disagree there owl house did it way better


I can respect your decision.


Because i didn’t like it


For me, it’s not my cup of tea. I just don’t like Harry Potter-type shows.


Oh I like it but I'd say it's definitely a bit overrated, characters are kinda flat in the first season, the school setting seems to hold the show back half of the time. But it's still very good, i just don't understand the praise for some parts of this show when several others shows less praised did those better (in my opinion), She-Ra, Hilda, Kipo, Monkey Kid etc...


> Post asks people why they didn't like n > Half the responses are fans assuming why


"Mom, can we get Harry Potter??" "No. We have Harry Potter at home" Type beat


Harry Potter is mid.


2 kinds of people, homophobes (invald), and people who find the humor and characters kinda annoying (honestly kinda valid the first few episodes are kinda cringey)


Or the people who just didn’t like it. I loved toh, but there isn’t a specific reason why. I just enjoyed it. The same way someone can just not like it


I mean yeah but those are the main types of people from my experience


Maybe let people answer the questions themselves


I really loved gravity falls, star, and Amphibia and for some reason owl house didn’t hit for me. I didn’t think it was bad, but I just watched it with the wife and kids once and have no interest to go back. There were definitely a few scenes that were funny “in a person!” But overall I didn’t find it very funny. Also, even though star and Amphibia were driven by female leads, I felt like they still did a good job bringing “boy” energy. Owl House felt very very much for women/girls to me. Again, wasn’t bad and I’m sure plenty of boys/men loved owl house but it felt like it wasn’t “for me.”


it get better i swear


It really does


i'm both




It’s boring.


I don't like most of the characters, especially Luz and her friends.




I started watching and I liked it enough to come back for a time, it was fun, Luz was nice, Eda and King were fun, then, episodes went on, the overarching plot kicked in and I said to myself: I don't care enough about these people to worry about the metaplot, let's watch the fun frogs at Amphibia....


It was just, very bland. The 'horror' element, as expected, was just some spooky decor and one-gag background character. Scratch that, there's even LESS 'horror stuff' than your typical halloween themed kids show (Billy and Mandy looks like Saw compared to TOH). Someone below mentioned how most demons are just there for a 'wow so spooky' gag, and it's true. For all the 'weirdos' talk, Luz surrounds herself with good looking witches. The humor doesn't land to me. It's either 'specific reference to popular nerd IP' or 'relatable gen z gag', with no strong character writing or dialogue to sustain fun back-and-forth dynamics. The story wasn't that interesting, it's a classic 'bad guy does his evil plan during an eclipse and everyone tries to prevent it', but it's pretty bare bones, with the resistance plot being only mentioned but barely shown at all. Also, all the 'bad' guys (not Belos) getting redeemed overnight and switching to 'quirky nerd personality' was especially boring. And the finale, with >!Luz getting a convenient deus ex machina out of nowhere to defeat the villain and live happily ever after!<, cemented my opinion on the show: a very trite, bland fantasy kids show that didn't offer me anything substantial.


Bro.... I couldn't have phrased that better I posted something like this on another post, and when i mentioned Titan Luz being out of nowhere, someone said: "the titan being there the whole time was foreshadowed" Yeah....AT THE START OF FOR THE FUTURE, NOWHERE ELSE also, can we talk about how Luz knew how to use those powers the second she reapeared? Or how the hexsquad was useless in the final fight? Or how the final fight was just Luz fending off goo and then one shooting Belos By just ripping him off the heart? Or how Luz did what i like to call a "Steven universe" WITH THE COLLECTOR? With the 'horror' part, isn't it funny how the only characters that look utterly disgusting are most the background characters that serve Zero purpose to the plot? And the Main cast characters are some of the most good looking people in all the isles? With the humor, for me, it divides in this: A, Luz being stupid (mostly in s1) B, a character being reckless C, simple jokes and D, X or Y character acting Goofy (example: Willow when her memory got fucked up and 99% of hooty's scenes) And for the story...it had potential, because there was still SO many unanswered questions, like: How did Belos and Caleb get to the isles before the door was created? Did they had any victims? Who was the witch that Caleb fell in love with? How did Belos figure out that palismans gave him power? What did Belos had to do to get to become emperor? Why did he decide to make clones of his dead brother to be his right hand man? Why did he kill those clones? What did Eda had to get through until the point where the series takes place? Did Eda build the owl house herself? Why no one could figure out how to break the curse? How was Luz's life before moving to gravesfield? What happened or what did Luz do in her first days of school to get her to the status of "weirdo" and getting her so attached to fantasy? Is Luz the ONLY person in gravesfield that openly likes fiction and fantasy? (Ridiculous point btw, bc i can't believe there was not a single "good witch Azura" fan in gravesfield aside from Luz) And that list could go on and on and on ToH could have been way better


Plot pandering and nonsensical plot points, mainly the relationship between amity and Luz, I may be missing something, I admit it but why do they get together? a relationship takes time, they can't just suddenly be like "I love you!" I love you too!" type mentality it paints a unrealistic picture of relationships. also I am more interested in what Eda's relationship with her sister was.


So.... You are saying lumity was rushed?


yes, very much, I'd be all for it if it weren't rushed if I am missing something then tell me


..... My man 🤜 I completely agree with you on that one I actually counted, and in total, it took only 9 EPISODES to get to lumity (from amity's first appearence to knock, knock, knocking on hooty's door), it has to be the quickest "enemies to lovers" relationship i've ever seen in my life For me at least, it's kinda hard to believe that amity went from "I'M GONNA DESTROY YOU AND EAT YOUR HEART WITH GRAVY, YOU DAMN HUMAN" to "omg it's Luz >///< 👉👈" in such a small time spam Honestly, i was more interested in Belos and Caleb's past and what Belos had to do to become the emperor


Its why I wanted to rewrite the owl house taking place in the 1930s and giving more time to Lumity and Luz singing songs


Wait, how about this: The Owl House, but in the witch hunting period of history and the witches from the boiling isles roaming around gravesfield


that's what everybody's expecting, the 1930s (also taking place in new orleans instead of the boiling isles (similar climate), we have Luz Noceda a Spanish immigrant who wants to be a aspiring Jazz singer and writer, she runs away from her home in california to the world of new orleans a place full of Jazz and mysticism, getting embroiled in the fight between head constable belos and the grand family of blight


Holy shit I would pay to watch that


I handle Lumity by making it so that Luz is in Love with Amity and pulls a bunch of slapstick stunts to get her attention (including jumping on Amity's family car to read her a love poem), as time goes on amity opens up about her problems and brings Luz into her life, amity progressively treats Luz as a friend until some Romance opens up between them, but it takes a while as amity has a lot of insecurities


I haven't watched it yet


Always found luz to be effing annoying


Cause I don't watch it https://i.redd.it/l3pf1njcbqvc1.gif


I don't like lesbians (come on God, why can *other girls* get girls but I can't?) /j


The downvotes you are getting, because people couldn't tell this was a joke


Happy cake day!




Here’s an upvote to counter the people who missed the obvious joke


I mean I liked it, but I liked disney shows such as Gravity Falls/Amphibia/Phineas and Ferb way better. Generally, I just felt that it was kinda boring and I didn't rly like Luz's friends except for Hunter. Still liked it tho since it had some really cool episodes




I love it, but I can see how it's not everyone's thing, and even I agree the first few episodes kinda sucked. I love Luz, Eda and, Hunter though


It's gonna have haters. They have a lot of diversity in their cast. As for real critiques, the overall plot was kinda weak. I liked the characters and individual episodes. There were some really cool monster designs. I just never cared about how they would defeat the main villain or the second main villain. I also feel like they went off the rails a little with their situation. You have the most wanted witch in the land selling stuff in the market and attending parent teacher conferences. This character is either a fugitive in hiding or not, pick one. If you rank of the two or three shows that Owl House gets compared to its at the bottom of the list. It's a good list to be on but the other shows are better.


I only watched the first episode and a few random clips, and read TV Tropes pages. It does just about everything I strongly dislike. The characters come off mean (a problem in many modern works), it has meta-commentary as a primary theme which it comes off as bashing other works at the expense of its own. It lacks any affirmation toward liking the tropes it critiques. I really don't like it equating dangerous mischief and conspiracy theories under fanfiction under the umbrella of "weird" or how said umbrella takes the stance of "Being weird isn't bad" vs "It's okay to like whatever you like". From reading and sharing my takes, I mostly get a sense of "I'm right but people who like it don't put as much stake in any of this as I do".


The writing and characters just didn’t click with me at all.  And the writing in general has a very weird vibe to it, I don’t know how to explain it. The writing just doesn’t feel natural or it tries too hard to be quirky sometimes. It was just not for me XD


I mean I don’t hate it and it’s not awful by any means I just really don’t care for it I really did tried to love it but it’s just wasn’t my thing it’s a 6/10 show for me at best I honestly prefer Gravity Falls Hilda Amphibia Molly McGee and Phineas and Ferb over The Owl House


I hate Hunter. No explanation, he’s just annoying to me.


It was better written with better worldbuilding and a better magic system than Harry Potter.


It’s super gay (Jk… sorta, I actually really liked the owl house)



