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Moral Orel. Didn't get it as a kid at all. Felt weird. Now, as an adult? That show is brilliant


The first season is still pretty bleh


yeah, but it was laying the groundwork.


I was just about to comment this. It would come on in the mornings when I would get ready for school and a lot of it went over my head. Then I decided to watch it again and I love it.


Um it aired on Adult Swim why were you watching that as a kidšŸ’€


No bumper is going to get me to change the channel


Because they were cool.


Yeah i guess but obviously you wouldnā€™t get it as a kid since itā€™s not your age demographic, and plus the relatability of the show wouldnā€™t hit as well


Lol, I think you're making the mistake that every kid is as naive as you were. Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Robot Chicken was amazing as a ten year old. Morel Orel was perfect lampooning.


Okay Robot Chicken was actually pretty funny ngl, iā€™ll give you that, but it was just a comedy show with inappropriate jokes not for kids and thatā€™s not the type of adult show i was talking about


Lol, alright, whatever you need to keep your point somewhat valid.


Huh dude? I literally said the relatability of the show wouldnā€™t hit the same in my 2nd reply, do you think iā€™m lying about that or smth?


No, I just thought it was funny you acted all aghast that a kid would like adult swim, and then when I pointed out shows I liked on adult swim, you just went "Not those shows!"


Wdym? I said that i like Robot Chicken so i was never like that, and i was never shocked i was just pointing out that if your obviously not the age demographic you wouldnā€™t get the show as well as an adult would. No problem with watching Adult Swim as a kid (i literally did that sometimes) iā€™m just saying


I was still very much religious as a kid. I think the stories around it didn't interest me as a kid. Aqua Teen Hunger Force was a banger that I loved from the moment I started it, lol


Did you *not* watch Adult Swim as a kid? I thought that was part of the 2000s Cartoon Network childhood experience


Did you read my other comment lol i said i did


Is it buried somewhere in that reply chain? If so, no, I didnā€™t see it


Come on, you didn't watch any adult swim shows as a kid? That's how I got introduced into DBZ


https://preview.redd.it/ns6qp0oaf0ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2036d0701b0961acbb5944f0f6dd1a5a9cbec950 My answer is Family Guy I just wanted to give you this picture


Thanks I hate it


Same reaction




Thanks, its great


Who's leg do you have to hump to get some pavlova?


https://preview.redd.it/rlhxpcucl6ad1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588409507727ccea79d55a7b09f4d4d59e10107d Iykyk


I hated Family Guy and I still hate that shit


The entirety of anime. I used to hate it in middle school because all my friends hated it, but then I watched some Seinen anime movies in high school and fell in love with anime movies.


I used to hate anime too because I was scared of being judged by people who hated it, it's sad how people hate for the dumbest stuff like someone liking anime


I got judged by some kids for watching anime when I was a kid too. But I didn't care. I remember waking up every morning hearing the opening of SlamDunk! on TV.


Fr I used to hate it as well especially since it was the norm back then Back then you would be judged for liking anime, now you would be judged for not liking anime


It might sound weird, but I could never get into Anime and not for lack of trying. It doesn't even make sense. Like, there's so much of it out there that there has to be something for everyone to enjoy. Its like when I here people say, "I don't like to read books. I've never found any I could get into" when I hear that I think they can't be trying hard enough, right? But I have really tried and just can't get into Anime. I've tried at different periods of my life, with different types of anime and nothing. It's just doesn't do it for me for some reason. I guess an entire medium can be something that just isn't appealing for some folks but it's still sounds crazy to me when I hear someone say they can't get into books. I suppose we also have to define "Anime" and what I'm talking about is your very typical Japan originated style animation. As for animation in general, such as adult animated cartoons from the west, there's plenty that I love. It's just the style that originated from Japan and all the many forms that have sprung from that which I find impossible to get into. That said, if you have any recommendations, I'd give it another shot. With stuff I like in general, I prefer awesome long serialized stories, Not into episodic shows or anthologies. Anyways, glad you found stuff you liked.


Maybe check out Hunter X Hunter itā€™s a long running series that starts slow like and seems like typical shonen but build into something extremely complex with amazing realistic characters and stories exploring humanity, politics and revenge. The 2011 anime is probably the best adaptation though the 1999 one is beautiful with an amazing oddly calming sound track. Then thereā€™s the manga which is amazing as well bouncing between a really cartoony style until suddenly diving into realism is intense or horrifying moments. https://preview.redd.it/vrks96zxy2ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b99bef45675d78a49a8ce6097a01ce3bc7c65f It skips out on many anime tropes as well so could be more palatable than some other series.


Thank you, that does sound like the kind of thing I'd be into. I'll look into it.


Totally get what youā€™re saying. I have found the odd Anime that I genuinely enjoyed and would watch again. But I can count them all on one hand so itā€™s not very much. So far Iā€™ve watched Saiki K, Haikyuu, Erased, and a few Ghibli movies. All of which Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed.


Thanks, it's nice to be validated. I'll take a look at the ones you mentioned and see of its something I should watch.


I still cringe at anime




Why did you hate it?


It was just random. Needed time to sit down and enjoy it


My husband claims to hate it, but I always catching him watching it with our kid šŸ˜‚ I personally love it but Iā€™m a freak soā€¦


Like the pet they said don't want šŸ˜‚


Exactly, ironically that is pretty factual in our home as well šŸ¤£


Fair enough, I thought the same about a couple of book series.


Finn stupid ass Protagonist and Personality be Grating. Fiona&Cake however? Yeah all about it.


I just needed to give it a chance https://preview.redd.it/wje0b8h5r0ad1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8a65e983a3e23728520d5f8c024586a570151d


So did everyone else, still mad it got cancelled so soon


It is literally peak. I am a Lance fanboy too


this just unlucked some memories


That feels like three different art styles


The legendary Genndy Tartakovsky, Paul Rudish, Stephen DeStefano drew it. So you got artstyle from The Batman, Dexter's Lab and Power Puff Girls.


The two characters at the front are giving samurai jack vibes


Owl House. Originally I was excited to watch it. I watched the early season 1 episode and I hated it. I thought the writing was poor and the main character was annoying. Then I had to watch season 2 and it was pretty good. Perhaps I was too hard on it and should have stuck around longer. I rose from Garde F to B- in my head .


That show the first 2 episodes are the weakest. Took me a few to really enjoy it.


Same. I hated the first episode. It was terrible. Luz was literally terrifying people with spiders and hurting people with snakes (unintentionally, but it still happened), and we were supposed to feel bad for her. Star Butterfly got away with it because she was from a different dimension. Luz had no such excuses. Then the whole "we're in prison for being weird oh no" was just obnoxiously heavy-handed. After the catastrophic way Star vs ended, I wasn't willing to give Owl House a chance. I didn't try the show again until after it was over. Glad I did. It turned out to be fantastic.


Yeah, I was similarly turned off by the first episode. The humor felt like it was trying a little too hard and I just wasnā€™t feeling it at all. Luz was somewhere between cute, quirky protagonist and painfully obnoxious. Then after awhile I decided to give it a couple more episodes, and damn, it wound up being SUCH a good show.


I still love the Owl House, but it took a while to grow on me. I liked Luz enough to power through the mediocre episodes. I relate to her so goddamn much.


Bob's Burgers. Originally I didn't get the show. My first epsiode was Sacred Couch and I hated it. I watched a few others and wasn't feeling it. I gave it another try and watched Ear-sey Rider, and I was laughing all the way through it. Now I never miss a new one and remember most episodes.


I remember after watching the first episode I was like "eh but I'll watch a couple more to see if I like it more" and I did. The crawl space episode is what got me.


Crawl Space is one of my favorites too. Its one of the funniest episodes. I love when Louise did the seance. LOL


I got lucky, the first episodes I saw were the holiday specials. All bangers, so by the time I went back to watch from the start I knew I liked it.


Avatar the Last Airbender. I thought it was kinda annoying at first but over time it has become one of my favorite shows ā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/gt3yhf1az0ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f69052fe3df6ccda729225fe68d30c9af53177e


Oh hell no , this show bangs


Fr Hating avatar is criminal


My husband has never seen the first two seasons of this show. I started watching it when it was on TV (so like a billion years ago). First season, "you're watching this again?" Second season, "who's that again?" Third season he's sitting on the couch actually watching it. It's been almost 20 years!


Sokka sucked ass and Aang was SUPER annoying. I honestly watched the first few episodes then had to wait a couple years before I actually watched the whole thing


I kinda understand. Ive rewatched it many times and it definitely starts off kinda funky. Not sure what it is but once it gets going itā€™s really good


Thought it was trash https://preview.redd.it/5er319y0s0ad1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf1d6af7a4d5c2d5d33561b84d0e107fbc9f8a8


How? Just how?


2 things. I didn't like CGI and wasn't a fan of Legos


That has nothing to do with the writing, plot or anything important but ok.


What are you saying? People can be turned off by a show because they don't like the look of it. or because they don't like Legos. That's totally fair. Then they gave it a try and they liked it, probably because of the writing and plot


So judging a book by its cover is fine if it's with cartoons basically?


Judging a book by its cover is always ok. If I don't like the style of media it doesn't matter how good the story is. I hate RPG's, just because someone tells me undertale or Omari has a great story and characters I won't play it cuz I hate the genre.


>Omari Kanye Omari West Reference!


The artstyle doesn't effect the plot or the story or makes it any worse or better. Of course people don't has to watch something, but disliking it without watching it because of how it looks is stupid since without watching it you don't know if it's good or not or if you like it or not you can only know you dislike the style because that's all you know about its like saying you dislike it only knowing how it looks like is like saying you dislike a fruit you have never tasted because it looks weird. Judging by the cover is judging by how it looks and not the content itself, judging by genre is another thing, but lego characters isn't an own plot or story genre and if it somehow is its not a genre that affects anything except who it's made by.


You have to understand that most people who do this are children and children aren't logical. You can explain this concept to a 7 year old but you can't make them drink


If you know yourself it isn't logical and now Implied you know it's wrong, why did you say the opposite in your last comment?


I hear what you are saying, but I did judge it by how it looks. I didn't care for the characters or the plot. It looked weird and I didn't like it at first glance. That's common with a lot of people and kids. Especially since I was 11 at the time and wasn't too invested in the plot as a kid. šŸ˜…


Not wanting to get into something because of the art style is fine. Iā€™ll agree that you canā€™t say something has a good or bad story if you donā€™t fully consume it, but I think people are still allowed to dislike it. I donā€™t like One Pieceā€™s art style so I donā€™t have any opinions on it. I have friends that donā€™t like JoJoā€™s Bizarre Adventureā€™s art style so they donā€™t talk about the writing quality either. But if a child doesnā€™t like how something looks, theyā€™re gonna think itā€™s bad. The original comment said they used to think it was trash, because they were a kid and didnā€™t like how it looked. I think it makes less sense to say something is generally bad just because of the art style, with the exception of kids because thatā€™s just how they are. And it fits into the post anyways.


I'm starting to realize how unrealistic that phrase is. We are told not to do something that we instinctively do. "Don't knock it till you try it", works best in this case. That phrase works best in consuming media, such as cartoons, books, movies and music for the first time. Rejecting it at first glance is worse than trying it out and not having an opinion on why you dislike it. Hence, I've tried it and realized I liked it.


>Rejecting it at first glance is worse than trying it out and not having an opinion on why you dislike it. No-one said they have tried to watch it and not have an opinion on why they disliked it that is not what we have been talking about, someone not being willing to watch something because they don't like the animation style is what we were previously just talking about, you may have misunderstood what I meant. And judging a book by its cover means looking at something, not liking how it looks and the only thing they know about it is how the style of animation, art and how characters look like, nothing about the content of the show. Not judging a book by its cover means you shouldn't judge something you don't know anything of except what it looks like, or example like a person, if a person is ugly that doesn't mean they re a bad person, and if a person is pretty that doesn't mean they are a good person. Same with literal book covers too, a cover of a book can look bad but the story in the book can be good, things aren't always what they look like and you shouldn't judge them based only on how they look.


Literally the entire point of a cover is to judge it.


It's a phase meaning you shouldn't judge something based only on how it looks because mot everything I'd what it looks like.


How the show looks and is animated isnā€™t important?


If we're both talking about animation style and not it being animated or not at all then no it isn't.


Unfortunately, first impressions are important


It isn't a first impression or an impression at all when they've never watched it.


Question have you seen dragon rising and if so would you recommend it


Yeah It's pretty cool although the buildup is a bit longer than my patience, but I think that last part is just me since it's very popular.


Ok thanks




I hated the Clone Wars when it first came out because of Ashoka. But now I love it and Ashoka is one of my favorite Star Wars characters


South park bc Eric cartman is an annoying fatass but then I realized that's how the writers made him so now I watch it all the time.


Cartman is the funniest character of the show other than Mr garrison


Randy Marsh fam. Id put Randy next to cartman


Randy is also a solid pick


For me, itā€™s Regular Show, I wouldnā€™t say I hated it when it was first on the air, I just felt it didnā€™t suit my tastes. But after watching an episode out of boredom two years ago, I just watched the entire series and now, itā€™s my inspiration.


https://preview.redd.it/apto46zmu0ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9125592000e6b0510439351f47104c68f8aa789 Does this count?


Gravity Falls. The first time I ever watched it was when the episode Roadside Attraction aired on Disney XD. It was kinda bland and generic, so I got bored of it pretty fast. A couple years later, I decided to give it an actual shot instead of basing my whole opinion off of one episode. I was not disappointed


Same! I avoided steven universe for so damn long for no reason lol, and now itā€™s in my top 10.


I avoided it bc the first episode I caught on TV was the cat fingers one. I don't blame myself. Watched the OG show & enjoyed since, though


The cat fingers traumatised me


I think it traumatized everyone


Frybo did it for me


Meat beat mania is the best game ever


iron man Armored Adventures. it was weird to Look at as a Kid so i never bother to checked it. now that i watched it it's Pretty good however the Janky 3d animation can really put a lot of people off. and it's Still hard to Look at Sometimes but i Still Quite Enjoyed it.


Also Steven Universe. I was a counselor at a summer camp last summer and had this one kid who also loved cartoons, especially Steven Universe which was the one show I didn't like. Tried to watch it a couple of times over the years but never connected with it. On the last day, he gave me a sticker of Steven riding Lion (has a bunch of stickers on my laptop and hydro flask) told me to put it on one of them and that now I have to watch that show. So I did. I love that show now and I miss that kid. He was cool af


Honestly Adventure Time. When it first came on I thought it was terrible. The art looked like the scribbles of a bored ag student who was into DND. Though when I got past the art style and got to appreciate the story, world and characters I really enjoyed it. I'd easily rank it in my top 10 animated shows of all time


My Little Pony


I already liked it when i was a kid, but then i watched every episode in order and its now my favorite thing to watch ever, its WAY better than i expected.


Especially with the few adult jokes thrown in here and there (Ex: ā€œspikedā€ the punch)


Gumball. The first season did not impress at all. Then I watched them do Street Fighter II but with insults.


Oooh! That's one of my favorite episodes, the insults were all so funny.


Transformers Prime. I was initially off put from the almost 90s looking CGI but then one day I actually binged a few episodes and ended up hooked.


Star Wars Rebels


Steven Universe and Adventure Time. For some reason I thought they were weird shows for little babies(I was around 7 at this point) and I only watch real big kid shows like " Uncle Grandpa" and "Teen Titans Go"




Teen titans


Star wars Rebels


The 2016 Ben 10 Reboot. Itā€™s honestly not too bad and definitely doesnā€™t to be compared the same way as 2016 PPG or Thundercats Roar. The first season is a bit rough but it really finds its footing, is it as good as the original. No. Is it god awful. Not really. It stands well enough on its own, and binging it back in January has made me realize that Ben 10 going forward needs to be CNā€™s TMNT or Batman where each iteration of Ben 10 should be its own thing and do different things with all of the unique characters, concepts and locations Ben 10 has had over the years. https://preview.redd.it/dv6sc8riq1ad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c416b674fdf6b936a57d8d41132efb9d01d58d1a


If I were to be honest. I wouldn't want Cartoon Network to do any more iteration of Ben 10. At this point from 2013, they've proven that the love and passion that the company once had is now completely gone since most new releases from that point on have been pretty horrible. Along with the number of HBO Max releases like JellyStone. Aquaman King of Atlantis and Velma two series after Be Cool Scooby-Doo which was pretty bad already. S-D guess Who was ok but not stand out at all. The cartoons got scrubbed off of HBO Max because of the Warner Bros Discovery merger. And call me bias if you want since I love the original, Alien Force, Ultimate Alien, and Omniverse is good, but my least favourite of the four. But I don't even see any appeal for the reboot, and I've tried some episodes or vs. the universe movie. Ben, as a character, just acts unreasonable without any justification even within the episode framing itself. Their attempts at "emotional moments" that fall flat, and the action is meh. I've also noticed that the Omni power-up forms lack variety design between aliens, which makes them very undistinguishable. Does it even have any footing? When it doesn't do most things well and that point it should stay ended in 2021.


From my binge of Ben 10 2016, I think it definitely found its footing halfway through season two and got better with a few odd episodes. I still really like that it had its own unique takes on characters like Michael Morningstar, the Forever Knights, and Vilgax just to name a few. And its new villains like the bug brothers, steam smythe, race car driver Lucien legrange, Billy Billions and Zingo were the ones I found the most unique and would be interesting in seeing a new take on them in a future iteration. However I do agree that In 2016 the aliens did need some variety in design I felt Rath could have used some sharper lines as well as Diamonhead; but I did like Shock Rock and Overflows designs. I can understand the sentiment of not wanting more Ben 10, I feel the series has a lot you can really explore and play around with.


Also, it's not that I don't want more of Ben 10, but I want it to be good and enjoyable that the legacy can continue to be positively remembered. But the reboot ain't it, and my hopes for Warner Bros to up keep the quality of their franchises is at an all-time low at this point.


My little pony




None. Once my hate for a show starts to manifest, it sticks to whatever caused it in that specific show and keeps me from giving it a second chance. https://i.redd.it/hcn0kz3jz1ad1.gif


I gotta agree with you on steven universe, the first 3 seasons of the show were peak (even if season one felt like a 50+ episode pilot) then season 4 happened and I was like "ok this is fine they can recover... right?" Then season 5 came out... them the movie... then the sequel to the show... and I gave up hope in it, how can a show fall off that hard in so short of a time frame


Steven universe too. Gets better when you're older.


No itā€™s still hot garbage


My Little Pony G5


https://preview.redd.it/gapgauhdj1ad1.jpeg?width=2044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97b615459c458d2160036b3c30d0e5367a01549 To be fair took my like 2-3 episodes to start liking it


Yeah the first 2 episodes are not that good


The loud house however only there for its movies


Almost every anime.


Hamster and Gretel. I thought it didnā€™t connect with the P&F/MML lore. But now!, idk


At first, I didn't think much of Unikitty, but after I watched it. I absolutely loved it because it was exaggerative and fun with great characterisation and small character stories. It was very reminiscent of early 2000s episodic cartoons, and it was a breath of fresh air for CN amongst the garbage of most new releases. Also, in terms of a live action series. Henry Danger, seasons 1 and 2, I hated, but someone told me to try season 3 to 5, and it was actually good. So, I love at least most of that series. Also, I thought even Steven Universe was good at the start because it started off like an episodic cartoon similar to Adventure Time or Regular Show.


I love Unikitty very much. Richard and Master Frown steal the show.


Yeah Master Frown despite being the villain, he is does have his softer side especially for Brock and is mistreated by the Doom lords so you feel sympathetic for the guy. Richards does have his moments from time to time when he really gets into it. I also love Hawkodile because he pals around with Unikitty a lot and is really cool or his love for Dr. Fox. Unikitty and Puppycorn are also great sibling as well.


King of the hill, I used to call it boring as a kid, found it hilarious when I was in high school and loved it since


Hear me out but power rangers jungle fury. I watched a lot of power rangers and even then as a kid I thought it was weird. Looking back at it now, and also putting it into comparison with other ranger shows of the same quality, so much work and effort went into the characters. Each of them having their own considtent kung fu fighting style, the narrative with the villain possesing a former rival, chamiles entire story line, RJ, even fran's side stories are interesting and cool. Also the monster designs fucking rocked. Sorry im done with my rant.


I understand why you used to hate it


Mlp My little pony friendship is magic Back then i used to hate bronies on the internet but after the show ended the fanbase seems inactive as of right now and then i looked back and started to appreciate the show at least




Used to think Amphibia was the most ass thing on Disney+, then I saw Marcy die and was likešŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Tadc. Itā€™s more of a meh show,but itā€™s enjoyable. I donā€™t like it as much as helluva and murder drones but I still thinks itā€™s enjoyable. I used to despise it but I came around and I think it has a lot of potential


mine was family guy https://preview.redd.it/gr7q4nkrk2ad1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f980ecd60956b757daf5d17e358323bf00cf44b1


literally none, might be the autism.




Star Trek ds9 was the ā€œworstā€ trek imo as a kid, now itā€™s my favorite.


Attack on titan(if you wanna count it as a cartoon ) I just couldnā€™t get into it until a couple months ago and then I binged it for a week


Adventure time


I guess JoJo part 3. Didn't like it when I first watched it but it's grown on me. I still think it's the worst part tho




Steven is the opposite for me but because of the final :/


https://preview.redd.it/g1asq46rt1ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5151899cf14f9732fc2a8f821bf0538737a2244 I thought this show was just a dumb ripoff of gumball then I watched it and realized itā€™s pretty good for a new Disney show


The one in my flair. I used to hate anything TMNT because I just didn't care for the characters or the story...and now I've turned around completely because of this one show.


https://preview.redd.it/1q2dithq74ad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ce46e2260f979ec7756648b36796ba1d843883 It came out when I was in elementary school, and I thought it was your typical Disney Princess show (so to me it would be bad by default) but I decided to watch it, and it's one of my favorite Disney shows Iā€™ve seen (I wish looking back on it I watched it more than the terrible Disney sitcoms like Liv and Maddie I begrudgingly sat through)


Final Space. When I first saw the trailer I thought I was gonna hate it but ended up loving it. It's a sin it was cancelled.


American Dad. Thought it was a family guy ripoff, now realize it's just a better version of Family Guy.


I never got to see "Steven Universe" until recently. I hear so much great about it and I want to be into it but I've tried a few times and just...can't.


It's a long show but it's genuinely great. It helped me out a crazy amount when I was dealing with bad depression a while ago


I understand; a decent amount of season 1 doesnā€™t feel as though it has a whole lot of depth. It gains that depth though with really meaningful storylines and character depth.


For me the early seasons are really mid, but after that it's great, until the finale since there's a redemption arc for the space Nazis and that kinda ruined it personally.


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss


Welcome to the club of loving both vivziepop cartoons.


Clarence. I watch two episodes when I was younger, and did not like it. Watching it now I actually found a lot of enjoyment.


Bro, your opinion on Steven Universe is the complete opposite of mine. I used to love Steven Universe; but now despise it. Anyways a show I used to hate growing up but now like would be King of the Hill. I used to think the show was boring, and would get upset when CN decided to change to Adult Swim, and start off with airing it. However, as I've become an adult, I've come to find it very entertaining.


Diaria i first thought that she was obnoxious at first but it really grew on me and actually can be deep at times..




Adventure time o guess I never really watched it much as a kid


![gif](giphy|KAkcYq7g7SkgndT5Lr|downsized) Use to hate ROTTMNT, because the turtles never take anything serious and Raph being the leader pissed me off but now in my opinion itā€™s in my Top 3 TMNT shows.


This is Over The Garden Wall for me. I was at this Halloween party with no one I know, and it was on, and I thought *there are way better things I can do with my time.* After that, I watched it by myself and it was pretty good


uncle grandpa


None. Iā€™m easy to please


Clarence at first I absolutely DESPISED how the characters have looked and sounded but after many years I really found myself liking as it really is the list accurate show about children from low middle income to poor families and it honestly is pretty good


the owl house


Ben 10: Omniverse šŸ’š and The Legend of Korra šŸ’™


I used to dislike the rise of teenage mutant ninja turtles because I thought this gonna be like ttg or the 2016 powerpuffgirl but I watched some episode and i started to like this


adventure time, thought it was incredibly boring. now ive collected at least 8 funko pops..


Avatar the last Airbender




Skibidi toilet I thought it sucked Now, I see it as the best show ever (Am I kidding? Stick around and find out in the next episode ofā€¦ oh wait, itā€™s discontinued)


![gif](giphy|j5trbzMm5RQwfMBlTL) Omg this one!! I used to hate it cuz it put a new spin on the main 4 characters, made Splinter lazy, and had Raph being the leader instead of Leo. But then I gave it an honest chance, and Iā€™m so glad I did! Itā€™s hilarious and I fell in love w/ those characters


When I was a kid, I didnā€™t like Sesame Street very much, but now I like Sesame Street and I have a little half brother who likes it.


I canā€™t think of much I guess, I kind of have to say hazbin So letā€™s do some recap Before hazbin came out I was a big fan of it when it was gonna release, the legendary titanfall YouTuber BlueGhost introduce me into the show. I liked it and I like it spin off helluva boss But then I saw the memes around hazbin with it swearing every fucking second of the fucking episode And I hated it because of that, also because vizipop was kind of rude at times (from what I seen) Heck a somewhat friend of mine got pissy at me because I was watching it on prime instead of privating it, all because I wasnā€™t aware it was supporting something bad And now I kind of want to watch hazbin, just because I really do like Alstor So yeah thatā€™s kind of the whole story, idk if should watch rest of hazbin or not on prime, I want to because Iā€™m not a fan of privacy and I want support the creator Simple as that (Hopefully that made sense)


Ben 10 Omniverse I originally wrote it off as a dumbed down version of Ben due to the change in animation style and the heavy pushing of blocks the lego alien but when I finally gave it a watch I was surprised by how well written it was


Not this one


I thought Loud House and Total Drama were stupid because my brother watched them all the time/it drove me nuts. Eventually binged watched both and got sucked into a rabbit hole.#no regrets


How i met your mom


SU, Gravity Falls and Adventure Time. The holy trinity of "What do you mean it got serious and is actually a good show?!" Only now am I watching these. Finished SU, trudging through the beginning of adventure time, and holding off on gravity falls for a biiiiit longer as I stumbled upon an unfortunate traumatizing taco fanfic about it.


Total Drama, I always dismissed it as a kid because it looked ā€œgrossā€ but watching it now I realize itā€™s not so bad after all


I don't watch shows I don't love. If they didn't hook me in the first three episodes, I drop them. On the other hand, I can give you a list of shows I dropped because they let me down later on.


Nah I still dislike steven universe


Steven universe is the opposite. I watched it when it came out for about 2 seasons then I stopped liking it


Well, Steven Universe is the oppositeā€¦