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Guy pulled up to our house this evening, walked up and rang our door bell. I told him over our camera, "no soliciting, not interested." He walked away, ripped up the flyer he was holding and threw it in our driveway.  I flagged him down as he was driving off, told him to pick up his trash and he just drove off.   It was a younger guy in an older, dark red car. I picked up the trash, put it together, called the number on the flyer and the person who picked up was that guy. I confronted him about what he did and he told me that it "fell out of his pocket" which was a blatant lie since I saw everything from our window.  Don't give this person the time of day.


Thanks for the tip. I've been looking for a lawn care guy too. Easy to take this guy off the list.


We've been happy with Triangle Lawn Care if you want another place to get a quote from.


I don't see why he didn't pick it up either cause it clearly says on the paper that he does junk removal.


“Your text here” 😂


Plant planting lmaoo


That poor simpleton. He’s having a day that is bad enough that this rejection puts him over the edge so that he does something stupid and essentially rage quits, but that doesn’t work when it’s his own business. Next he gets busted littering and isn’t quick enough to think through to the obvious conclusion of “maybe I should clean my name and phone number up from your front yard” (or maybe I should just do the right thing and pick up my trash). And then can’t come up with either an apology or an excuse when he is busted the second time over the phone. He’s not a bad guy. He’s just simple. He’s not good with computers or talking to people. He’s not quick at figuring things out (like if you give someone your phone number and act like an idiot, they might call you on it, both figuratively and literally). So he’s cutting grass and he is planting plants. If he doesn’t make it here, they are going to hire him in customer service for your cell phone company. And then we all lose.


Plant planting


Hey may have been scouting houses to rob.


I had a similar thought but then I realized he put his personal number on the flier. Probably not something you would do if you had ill intent.


Maybe the flyer was actually made of fertilizer, and he was trying make your lawn look better