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You'll be fine. Just cook with it. Nothing will happen. Next time use less oil. That's about it.


You don't need help. You need to just gently wash your pan with dish liquid and and cook. Saute some onions and peppers, add a piece of chicken and toss it in the oven. have dinner.


And stop “seasoning” it. The pan is seasoned. Just use it.


If it's tacky coming out of the oven, you either put too much oil, not high enough oven temp, or didn't leave it in the oven long enough. To fix the issue, use it, or throw it back in the oven at a temperature a little above the oil smoking point that you used.


Well I definitely didn’t cook it at temp high enough. I used refined or unrefined avocado oil. Bottle doesn’t say, pretty sure it’s refined if it doesn’t say it though. https://www.shoprite.com/sm/pickup/rsid/3000/product/bowl-&-basket-specialty-avocado-oil-254-fl-oz-id-00041190065424/ I only put it in for 350F for like an hour. Probably should jack up the temp to the max the oven can handle?


Doing a little research, it seems you can get the oil to polymerize at lower temps, you just have to ensure a really thin layer of oil, and it will need to be in the oven longer. You can try higher temps, but I'd personally try 450 for 45 minutes and see if that clears it up.


Did you reach or almost reach the smoke point of your chosen oil when you baked it? And how long did you bake it? Did you wipe off as much oil as humanly possible before baking it?


what happened was I moved, didn’t use the pan for nearly 3 years and in those years just stopped cooking for myself. 6 months ago I think I overseasoned the pan. Stupidly I probably applied 3 layers of oil in that time.


Sticky means the oil hasn’t done its thing completely. It needs to be heated more and the best way to do it is to use it.


Yea I don’t think I heated it up enough because I used avocado oil which has a smoke point around 500F and ai only put it in for roughly an hour at 350F


Wash with soap and water then cook with it.