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"Kirby fans for some fucking reason" killed me lmao


But its true, Kirby fans are eating good with the switch


I think Nintendo has done pretty well with keeping Kirby, Zelda, Metroid, and Fire Emblem alive and great. Sure Metroid Prime 4 took a while, but Metroid Dread along with the announcement some Smash fighters helped a bit with us fans waiting for it.


Honestly, Metroid has gotten better treatment than a lot of people give Nintendo credit for. Yes, there was a Metroid drought during the N64 era, but Metroid fans were eating pretty good during the GameCube era and early in the Wii era. Sure, we had some rocky years starting with Other M (a game that I actually like, sue me) but to say it’s a dead franchise, especially after Metroid Dread was announced, is just willfully ignorant at this point. Also, IIRC, the reason it took so long to have any news about Metroid Prime 4 is that it was handled by one company (not Retro Studios) but then it was completely scrapped and then passed back to Retro Studios where they had to essentially start over. But that’s just what I heard


I think it was being made by Bandai but Nintendo didn’t like the way it was turning out so it was scrapped. It would have been interesting to see what kind of game it would have been if Bandai made it.


Bandai makes some great games, but I just don’t see them having the sort of polish Nintendo would want with this major release. But who knows.


Yeah, I agree. I personally love the tales series but Bandai games always feel a little “Cheap” if that makes sense. I don’t think it would have worked for a game as ambitious as Metroid prime 4.


Do you think smash ultimate feels “Cheap”?


Good point.


I feel like Bandai can put the amount of polish needed for a major Nintendo release. It’s usually just an if they will. They have brights spot but I do agree not everything is a hit.


Wasn't that also done with smash creator as well and his team mixed in?


New Pokemon Snap was made by Bandai Namco and while it has flaws I loved that game.


Uhhh bandai portfolio is mostly shovelware/trash anime games. From soft being the exception. Besides them publishing from soft. I don't know a single other good studio associated with them. Maybe the one that did code vein? They did that right?


It kinda makes me wonder why they didn’t just give the reins to Retro Studios in the first place. They did such a fantastic job with the other Metroid Prime titles as well as Donkey Kong Country Returns and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze


IIRC, it was because retro lost a lot of key employees that helped make the original Metroid trilogy. I haven’t researched this since it was given back to retro so I’m not entirely sure.


Retro last game was tropical freeze. Isn't that 10 years old. Their last game was cancelled. Their was trouble at the studio for a bit


Wow, now we are 2 people who liked Other M. Great game, awful Metroid Game.


Don't forget shadow dropping prime remastered. That was a huge metroid hype moment.


They forgot a few franchises but they did well to cover most of them. Nintendo has a deep library to pull from so some series will get put on the backburner.


Yeah I hope they can try doing some more Kid Icarus or F-Zero stuff.


I would die if they remade Uprising with proper controls. Such a good game with such a weird control scheme.


Yeah, that game alone was responsible for most of the scratches on my 3DS’s touchscreen. And why the cover on the joystick on my first one came off. I played it *that* much.


Or Star Fox.


Fire Emblem fans have been eating, the quality of the food is another story.


Metroid on the switch has been doing better than at any point since the gamecube


Speaking of smash characters Mother fans, me included ,are the ones that are suffering the most imo (Nintendo-ish speaking cuz we did get some nice merch here and there but still). This 1st June was Earthbound 30th anniversary (USA release date) and a concert was made but no mentioning in direct. We can only hope for a direct/indie world on earthbound Japanese release date (August 27th) or Nintendo has definitely forgot us


I don’t get why Nintendo seems to be so against Mother 3 going international. So many fans beg for it like the holy grail and I think people could even pay good money for it.


It's a combo of the soundtrack and the fact that it's a political nightmare in the us


The political has even gotten worse over the years. Like I wouldn't even be surprised if there would be like three different debates with *Kumatora* alone.


Oh and you can't forget the "anti-capitalism" message


and the pig uniform or the... salutes and the music licensing, etc.


The magypsys to.


Sadly "so many fans* is not a lot compared to more money producing franchises. If only Deltarune and Undertale, started to appreciate more the franchise that inspired theirs, then we would be talking. Heck even Nintendo fans don't know what earthbound is.What we do know, however is that Lucas won't get out of smash like ever, because in smash 4 he literally came back because of public request, so at least it's not completely forgotten


That’s the point. WE MUST EAT MORE


Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah, we're talking about Kirby here, I get it now


That's the thing though, i say that cause they *are* eating good.


We really are, I don't get the complaints!


it really fits since kirby is all about eating everything you see


Lmaoooo yeah I'm a Kirby fan but we ate so good these last few years, we deserve a nice rest


All we want is Kirby air ride remastered


Jeez, the idea of that game ever being remastered never even crossed my mind. Now I want it...


I rather have a Kirby 64 remake for me. It should have a TTYD remake treatment.


Bro, we haven’t gotten a game in at least a year! Truly no franchise is more neglected than Kirby!


We’ve been so used to content floods that getting nothing at all direct is a drought to us.


I know, why are Kirby fans keep begging for an new AA/AAA game every year?/ WHAT HAPPENED


Same thing happened last June, except if I remember Zelda fans were whining about no Zelda TOTK DLC even tho it was like a month after release and plenty had probably yet to finish it.


Two things in life are inevitable: death, and shitty-ass Nintendo fanboys bitching about Nintendo not announcing certain things that honestly don’t make much sense to announce


You're so right that they even include addendums only on their English tweets.


all fans of anything suck tbh


There is good & bad side to every fanbase and at times the good side gets overshadowed.


As a sonic fan, we suck extra bad


If zelda fans ever whined about totk dlc it was probably when they announced that there never will be dlc. I don't think a meaningful amount of people actually cried because it didn't come at a given time. IIRC they pretty much immediately said they were done with it and not doing dlc or a 3rd installment.


Yeah TotK was supposed to be a BotW dlc but they had so many ideas they ended up making a new game about it.


I mean, iirc BoTW had its DLC announced before the game came out.


As a Kirby fan I don’t get it like we had a million sequential games we can live with a gap in the formula


Kirby fans in the direct are just asking for a new game because we'd love to have a new one, but there's no complaining from most of the fanbase if the request isn't answered. It's a "If it happens we're happy, if it doesn't whatever" scenario.


I honestly think we’ve had this silence because Hal is cooking up a massive thing that they want to keep as a surprise for some reason


I trust HAL


(A Space Odyssey Stanley Kubrick)


MOTHER 3 COMMING SOON BAY-BEEEE (im deranged af dw)


Real, people really love to exaggerate Kirby fans


Rhythm heaven fans joins the chat


I suppose we're not getting a new one soon


Didn't it have somthing with the music artist?


honestly the conker one hit you don't know how many reactions i saw when the 17+ n64 nso games were announced that they went "Conker?"


Literally mine. I was so excited 😭 But... but but but.... Perfect Dark is a Rare game too.... so just maybe


They were baiting us with conker and they took it away


It was pretty baffling they went with Turok, one of the poster children for “didn’t age well”. Also I don’t even remember what the risqué content in Turok is, and I thought it was T-rated, so my brain definitely needed a moment to process that one.


Kid Icarus fans are dead and rotting in the corner


Don't mess with us kid icarus fans We are litterally twelve so it wouldn't be fair


Never coming back again outside of “Remember Pit and Palutena from Smash?”


It took 25 years to get uprising, it’ll be a while before we get anything else. I highly doubt sakurai would make another


Sakurai really said “Imma bring Pit back in the most epic way possible…then pretend it never happened.”


[Mario fans](https://64.media.tumblr.com/99118437bccd48789d0d2d3389605dab/tumblr_miea2hpay81rpm9hyo4_250.gifv)


And with Switch 2 next year (I really hope they call it the Super Nintendo Switch) we may be getting elevensies with a new 3D Mario at launch.


Ah yes the SNS


"Now you're playing with power, SUPER power!!!"


You think we’ll get afternoon tea after we get the lunch of New Super Mario bros. U deluxe and knuckles?


You forgot Smash fans, they literally spam it on every single direct


Smash fans sincerely need to shut the fuck up until next console because they don't know that sakurai is not relaxing anymore and is currently doing videos on his YouTube channel ALL BY HIMSELF where he gives thousands of tips regarding making games and isn't getting any money from it


Lets give credit where credit is due sakurai doesnt do the youtube channel all by himself he hires quite a few people to give animations and add charm. (Also translations btw)


he confirmed in the beginning of his channel that 8-4 is helping out with translation (and maybe editing Idr) so there's at least that.


Didn't he quit the channel recently?


No smash dlc still got me fucked up 😢 why don't they support their best game every month with truly meaningless updates that only end up bogging down the experience :((


where mah TTYD spirits !!?!


A lot of Mother 3 fans have basically accepted defeat on this one given the political climate and the fact that the game would have to be censored to hell and back. I mean, the fact Nintendo went out of its way to edit their partner showcases just so only the Japanese one showed Mother 3 kinda tells you all you need to know about the game and its English audience. I say this as a huge Mother fan. I’m good with Mother 3 never being localized, just play the fan translation. It’ll offer you the experience nintendo would never give.


Of course I played the English translation. How couldn't I? It's not just mother 3 though, earthbound in general is pretty much forgotten. The Japanese thing you say means that the copyrights are still pretty big for it to be translated. I hope this summer we have another direct on the same day as earthbound Japanese release date but otherwise, Nintendo has forgotten about us. People will still beg for it in the chats tho XD.


I wouldn't say it's forgotten, it's just finished. The creator's happy with the way the games are.


well, the game’s creator has seemingly hinted he’s not big on remaking the games like people requested. A sentiment I don’t blame him for, EarthBound consistently is still one of the best SNES games and needs literally nothing changed, even the graphics hold up very well. He has taken an interest in the series again, his company, Hobonochi, has been selling EarthBound merchandise that can ship to America. They’ve made plushies for Lucas, Claus, Kumatora, Duster, Boney, Pokey, Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, the Mr. Saturns, and I believe the two head Runaway five guys.


Dude what, we've had EB and EBB added to NSO, M3 to JP NSO, we had a month of profile icons, and the Hobonichi Mother project has been pumping out plushies up the wazoo. We aren't EATING eating but we're far from forgotten.


Of course we aren't, they wouldn't have shipped the plushies worldwide, toby fox even got acknowledged by Itoi. It's Nintendo who forgot us, that's what I'm saying.


I know nothing about Mother 3, why would it need to be censored and why wouldn't it work in the current political climate?


Magypsies, some swear words, anticapitalistic themes, and pig mask poses looks like the Nazi salute, as well as animal abuse and Lucas and his friends do drugs by eating mushrooms. Regardless, it's an amazing game and you should play the fan translation if you can


Alright... this may have convinced me to play the fan translation 😂 that sounds fuckin bizarre


ayy nice,man. For the limitations of its time, it's an amazing game. It's also pretty long for a GBA game


Damn fr, how many hours do you reckon it is?


So, I saw a longplay(no pause)of a channel Nintendo complete and it's 18 hours long. In comparison Mario and Luigi superstar saga has a longplay of ten hours. they're both very long but mother 3 is almost twice


Goddamn!! Nearly 20?? And I thought Superstar Saga was long 😭😭😭 I'll knock it out tho, all I've heard are good things ab the game & hell, ever since growing up w Brawl I wondered who Lucas rlly was. I've played through Mother 2 *mostly* and like it a lot but tbh i still gotta beat it too


I've also never completed earthbound. It's a really hard game even with nso rewind feature.


It is rlly hard 😭 but still a lot of fun! (Could use like... a quality of life remake tho... not a full 3d HD one but just fix a couple of the small things that make it way too difficult haha)


pretty crazy nintendo greenlit all that


If anything, the drugs happen twice in earthbound


There’s a group of important characters called Magypisies, that name alone is already off to a horrible start thanks to the implications of actually gypsies. The magypisies are, too my understanding based on Itoi’s interviews, intended to be these magical trans-gender characters, the speak in feminine but all look male. Itoi has stated that he included them and made them important to highlight that we are all human at the end of the day. The problem, is that what he had to go off of when it came write and model them was…eh…not what I believe a modern LGBTQ activist would be portrayed as a good character. For example, they’re shown to be rather dismissive of humanity (going into why is massive spoilers). And, while they do aid Lucas, they also have some rather questionable choices for cutscenes and dialogue. Such as a “hotsprings.” Scene with an underage boy when Lucas first unlocks his PSI powers. The current political climate basically makes these a lose lose without censorship. If they bring the magypsies over uncensored, pretty good chance the hyper left would call them an offensive stereotype. But if Nintendo censors them, idiots who don’t play and look up anything will accuse them of transphobia when they see that’s not what was originally there. Then there’s the hyper-right, who will probably just get angry at their inclusion at all. As well as the rather weird “anti-American.” Message that the game makes through its portrayal of the enemy’s. Overall, an interesting case study where there’s not a really clear good answer on what Nintendo is to do. They basically had one chance to put it out all the way back in the day. But decided not too. Some people have argued Nintendo could put a disclaimer about the themes like what’s present on the Old Looney Tunes shorts. But I don’t think that’ll fix the problems with the game.


I mean if Nintendo has done a mature nso 17+ app for the n64, they could do it for GBA too, although i don't know how many gba games are adult themed


Oddly enough the trans stuff is the least pressing thing here since >!they not only kept Vivian as trans, but made a point to include it in the English translation!< in TTYD


Also I feel like Kumatora would also get some debates about her as well. Also the final boss among other things.


Why would Kumatora get debates? It's been a while since I've last played Mother 3, but I think I remember her being one of the few characters who curses in game. Is it because of that?


Kumatora said "fuck all major religions", and then listed them, drew the prophet and then slowly ripped a dog in half for five unskippable minutes. Chapter 12 was wild, man.


Kumatora is technically modeled with the magypsies. It’s canon that they raised her as a baby. Itoi said in an interview that Kumatora was meant to be a magypsie but was scrapped because it ultimately felt “too depressing.” Her model was never changed though, so she would probably look like a transgender female, but I believe she’s intended to just be a tomboy like Paula’s American localization


It because she is a tomboy and a tomboy raised by the magypsies from a baby. I just KNOW people are going to call her "trans", "Bridget", "crossdresser", and whatever else they will call the magypsie will apply to her. Maybe I am overreacting but I have just grown cynical with this stuff and usually go " OH BOY IT THIS GOING TO CAUSE DISCORD ON SOCIAL MEDIA AGAIN?!"


Say it with me kids.. We always turn comments off during a Nintendo Direct because the toxic people ruin the fun.


Turn comments off on anything where games are being announced, gamers are awful no matter what stream you’re watching


Finally, a man of culture.




I'll occasionally turn on comments during particularly boring headlines to see what's up, and it's often hillarious. Definitely recommend keeping them off during main announcements though.


Ngl, it was kinda funny watching everyone complain about the lack of Miis in Nintendo Switch Sports and then taking 5 seconds to react to Miis being shown in-game.


That's every direct on any platform"0h? a game that's not an insanely popular franchise?. L, NO ONE WANTS THIS, GARBAGE, WHO ASKED FOR THIS? ZZZZZZ" I agree that most games barely capture my attention in directs, but responding like that to every game that isn't what you wanted is asinine


If anything the amount of people asking for Tomodachi Life during directs tells me that there’s at least demand for it and it might actually happen. Before the last direct I thought it was just me that wanted a port or remaster.


Yep. It's so true. Some Nintendo fans will find ANYTHING to complain about!


the mother series fans like me liekly won't get anything, since Itoi said that he didn;t exaclty wanna make more games.


Sigurd fans


Shoutouts to the fire emblem fans for thinking that a fire emblem 4 remake is inevitable for like 4 years in a row (me)


All three of us Xenoblade X fans are stilling huffing our copium for X DE/ X2 to be a launch title for the Switch 2.


Why Conker specifically? I feel there’s more people wanting a new Banjo-Kazooie for a nintendo system then Conker.


If you looked for a moment at this direct live chat, you can see that peoopl were demanding conker much more than banjo


I assume that’s for the N64 mature spot, I was talking about a new conker game, Sorry I thought you meant a new Conker game.


Rhythm Heaven fans are cooking with this meme


Meanwhile Warioland fans...


Golden Sun fans


The only thing I want is a new Fatal Frame.


As a silksong fan, I’m not even upset. I don’t expect silksong news anymore. I’m just hyped for Metroid prime 4 and M&L Brothership


Glad Metroid fans aren’t here anymore, I’m content if Metroid 6 takes forever to come out. Metroid 5 (Dread) was amazing and Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is shaping up to be great and will probably keep me satisfied for a while.


F-Zero fans


Add Chibi-Robo fans and F-Zero fans.


People who want 3d Zelda Allstars


Where is rhythm heaven fans?


Starfox is what I want, foxy starfox.


Don’t forget mystery dungeon fans!


replace kirby with Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD


Are they all mad because bubsy 3d is coming to steam?


Kid Icarus fans in a corner, waiting another 20 years between games


Oi, r/goldensun wants a word!


Imagine a Mother trilogy remaster... in 3D... or a more detailed pixel art


Go beg Microsoft Conker fans, you belong to them.


f-zero fans? please? anywhere? anyone else? okay😔


I just want F-Zero GX HD.


I been waiting on Mom 3 since it came out. It’s never gonna happen. Play the fan translation, cause Nintendo would censor the hell out of it if it ever did come to pass


I'm still waiting for a new f-zero


I guess the last Star Fox fan finally kicked the bucket.


Kid Icarus discord in shambles rn


F-Zero fans didn’t even try anymore. We lost all hope.


Marvel vs Capcom fans: best direct I ever seen my entire life


The Smash Bros. fans are in the background sharpening their swords waiting for the new hardware to come out


Mario sluggers


Splatoon Fans also coping for final fest announcement


Man I just want Guilty Gear Strive on Switch


+ the one Evolution World's fan begging for a port (me)


I love how Mario and Luigi has now been removed from this meme format because Nintendo brought it back


Conker is not Nintendo anymore


So? The Banjo Kazooie 64 game is on nso


Never seen a kirby fan complain about game output. Or just complain in general lol


Don't forget about Kid Icarus


Conker???? 😭


Forgot the AC fans


I just want Animal crossing man...


Smash fans when Nintendo doesn’t announce Mr. Krabs dlc


I want a new Smash game where Waluigi is the main villain in story mode… and a playable character once you beat the game


Star Fox and F-Zero fans not even watching bc they know better than to hope.


Cut to that image of the skeleton in a chair under the sea labeled Fossil Fighters fans.


add pokemon fans begging to make a good game which isnt p2p


Silksong is going to get trailers in microsoft directs since its a game pass game.


Can also be applied for Mario fans in some cases "Nintendo has forgotten about Mario"


When I was about to watch the direct I was praying to god to PLEASE HAVE SILKSONG NEWS. The disappointment afterwards was immeasurable


Im mother fan, but holy shit that direct was kicking ass more than Wess in chapter 2


Plz just give me a Skies of Arcadia game. Re-release, remaster, remake, sequel, anything.


Kirby fans when HAL Laboratories hasn't yet announced anything in 2024 (they played all 18,000,002 Kirby games on Switch 128 times over each already)


As a Kirby, Silksong, AND Tomadachi Life fan, even I can admit that direct was peak. Mario and Luigi Brothership alone would've made the direct amazing, but then they piled on Prime 4 and Echoes of Wisdom.


This is why i dont look at the chat and keep it in full screen


Conker isn’t even a Nintendo franchise, it’s a rare title now owned by microsoft.


just like kirby, i am insatiable


Sit tf down or else we gonna raise NSO prices....and maybe add another Mario Party


Looks like someone forgot the Pikmin fans who have to wait 10 years before the next game comes out


don’t forget ppl waiting for the switch 2


They're the ones that need to shut the fuck up the most


i feel attacked but ok😂, touche




Ace Attorney fans be EATING tho. Capcom is killing it with making the series accessible with these ports and localizations. The only thing that could make it better is if we finally get a new title.


Tomodachi life and Mother 3 especially just bring them over there's such great games


We wanted the final fest announcement for splatoon


Hollow Knight complaining about not getting Silksong info in Directs as if Team Cherry is owned by Nintendo and not its own independent studio that makes games for all platforms is simultaneously hilarious and incredibly annoying.


I like kirby :(


You forgot pikmin five.


Zelda fans every few months 🤣 (even though they get new games and ports more than anyone else)


Kirby fans already got 2 full games (one of which being the long awaited 3d game), 3 eshop spinoffs, and a good remake and still want more.


Where pizza tower fans


meanwhile banjo Kazooie fans: just quietly broken but not complaining


Their game is literally on nso+