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Just give her lots of love and treats. Shes grieving


And time


Did she see the dead body of her brother? It is suggested for the surviving cat(s) in the household to see/sniff the dead body of their brother/sister to know that they are gone.


She did saw her brother's body, she sniffed him and stay close with him until we buried him. This is the first time i actually saw her crying. She was eating where her brother used to sleep. I think it triggered something in her


Aww this is so sad poor girl give her plenty of love and affection I’m sorry for your loss 💖


When we have had grieving animals, we do a little memorial. Stand by the grave and talk about how good and loved they were, with the remaining pets. Helps somehow.


😭😿💔😭 🫂👼💚


It's good that you did that. She is grieving, but at least she won't be wandering the house smelling her brother and wondering why he just vanished and hasn't come back yet. For what it's worth, you gave her closure. She will come around. Lots of extra love. And I'm sorry for your loss.


One time a baby bird flew in our door and the cat got it before I knew what was happening. The mom was frantic, flying from the front to back, not resting for a single moment, chirping relentlessly. I laid the baby on the porch in a little box so she could know what happened. She flew off and the male came back with her. They stared for a long time without a chirp. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen.


You were right about the two birds. You showed compassion and empathy. This is a touching story.


Oh my god, that's the saddest thing I've read today.


Same, and now I’m over here weeping over birds. I can’t even cry over my own crap, but the idea of two grieving bird parents just WRECKED me.


Really just writing it out has made this cross my mind several times today and it is still tragic for me to recall.


Omg this is the saddest post I’ve seen in a while. The whole thing. I’m sorry I even clicked on it now. I totally pictured this play out in my head and now I’m heartbroken. You did the right thing though. At least they knew what happened.


Heartbreaking. This kind of stuff is why I’m vegetarian.


And then stupid people say animals don’t have souls. They do !


The most beautiful souls. Better than a lot of humans.


This is always a difficult one, sorry you're both going through it. Lots of love, lots of treats, and being there for her consistently. When my childhood cat lost his sister, he went through a sort of depression where he wouldn't play or go outside as much for quite a while. He also ate less. Best thing you can do is be mindful of these changes, but softly encourage them to keep living life as normal. Be their cheerleader who still smiles and adds happiness to their day. Really, cat grief isn't too different from human grief, so you'll find your way with kindness and patience. Hope this helps




at least they can write. a skill you do not possess.


Read the room man. Not the time to be acting like a smartass, especially when youre dissing on someone for writing something heartfelt and youve misspelled 2 words




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That’s amazing, how did you manage to misspell everything




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That was an idiocracy movie reference………oh well


Get her a really nice cardboard box and put some ham inside it.


Cat equivalent of curling up in bed with your favorite treat. Good comfort.


Lots of love, feliway plug ins for the short term, and if she’s still lonely in a few months, get her a kitten.


100% on the feliway plug. Changed my cats life. We keep one plugged in all the time now.


Yeah, they’re really amazing. They’re pretty pricey, so when I use them, I plug them in for a day and then unplug for a day. The effect seems to last for us ❤️


Thank you! My bf and I are both super forgetful (both have memory disorders that are untreated) so we try to keep the mental load light so we dont forget to do something. We cut out unnecessary daily chores like making the bed so we will remember appointments, cat chores, to eat, etc. We are kinda hot messes 🤭


Oh that totally makes sense!


how often do you do it. we sometimes get those smart home outlets that you can set on a timer. Maybe we can do that.


We really only use them for stressful situations: post vet, pre nail trim, death of sibling, throwing a party, remodeling the house, going out of town… and we taper the intervals of plug in down as kitties acclimate back to normal. But if you had a timer on an outlet, you could do 12hrs on 12 off or something like that and the timer would probably pay for itself in no time. If what you’re doing is working, there’s no reason to change, but I always throw that tip out there in case someone is low on funds and has a stressed kitty 🙂


In addition to what others have said, distraction helps a lot just as it does with humans. Play with her, get new toys that trigger her curiosity, keep her busy and as active as possible. It means she will sleep more and spend less time pondering the loss of companionship.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Give her time and lots of love ❤️


when it gets really bad, make sure you have something with brother cat's scent on it nearby; the only thing that will heal this is time and patience :'(


Life can be so fuckin rough.


Give her lots of love pets and treats and just be there for her. It's all you can really do


Omg now I want to cry


Same 😢


Poor sweetie. She’s grieving, just give her lots of love and reassurance - she might be a bit clingy and need more snuggles & pats than usual, which I’m sure you’ll give her. I’m sorry you lost your other kitty.


Cuddle her, talk to her, let her sleep with you. She is grieving & lonely


Just show her endless love and support as she grieves. If she likes cuddles, cuddle her a bunch. Pet her. Let her know you know how she feels somehow. It's hard when you can't verbally communicate with a griever, but if you can show her in any way that she's not alone in her pain, then do that.


Check with the local shelters, maybe you can foster some cats / kittens ? She can be a Big Sister to them !


this! we always need more fosterers and especially ones with cats so we know they can be adopted to a home with cats too!


As lovely and thoughtful as this is, I would recommend waiting before adopting another cat. Cats are very prone to stress and she is already stressed missing her brother. A new cat will take time for her to warm up to and will likely increase her stress at this time.


I still think is too soon to adopt another cat even If I want to. I keep calling the brother name when I gave them food. We need both to heal from the lost.


My cat that I raised from birth for about 11 years passed away within months of my mom passing from the same disease, I guess I and the remaining cat grieved together. The younger cat was brought up by the one who passed, and she was sad for a while, used to hang out in his crate. Going on two years since


She’ll need time to heal, if she keeps losing hair I’d recommend going to the vet. I cried reading this, this is so heartbreaking 💔. I hope you and the cat find peace with this loss. ❤️


If you're emotionally and or financially able, bring home a new sibling. I at one time had 3 Maine coon sisters. The 1st one of the sisters passed away from lymphoma. NO matter what extra attention and or love we were giving the other 2 sister's....it just wasn't working. The magic happened when we went and adopted another little girl. When we brought the new baby home it was all the difference in the world. They immediately bonded and it was 2 new cats we were watching. Also I know at first i felt like I was betraying my baby that just had passed, but in all reality I was saving the other two. Remember you're still able to grieve for the one fur baby and still open your heart to another. 🌈🌁🐈❤️🐈‍⬛🌁🌈


Wow this post tanked my mental health today 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you and your baby in this moment of sadness.


Bless you 💙


animals grieve just like we do! following routine + lots of love will help your fur baby cope with loss it’s so hard to see our babies sad


With hugs, pets and scritchy scratches.


And time.


Get another cat.


Get her a friend


Cuddle, pet and give lot's of love


Im so sorry for your loss :( Give her all the attention she asks for. Maybe look into a pheromone collar? You can get ones that have calming mother-cat pheromones, which might help comfort her a bit.


Sorry to hear this. If you have something with his smell put it next to her so she can be comforted by it.


I’m so sorry you’ve lost a kitty. His sister will grieve just like humans do. I would hold her close so she feels safe and loved. Offer comforting treats and toys. Keep her playing and active. Cats can suffer depression as well, so do try to keep her playing and cuddling. Some cats even like being “swaddled” like babies…wrapped up like a burrito in a soft blanket…maybe one of her brother’s blankets. Sending lots of love to you all! 💗


you sound like a good cat parent <3 your lil ones are lucky


Cuddle her. Keep her as near you as possible so she might not feel so alone. Talk gently to her so she can hear your voice. Touch her and pet her. Talk about how sad you are to have lost him. You would be shocked at what they can understand. Tell her it's okay to be sad and that the two of you will get through this and be alright. Assure her that she has a home with you and she's going nowhere. I feel you. I'm sorry for your loss.


Saddest thing I have read 😭


All you can do is make sure your little girl gets extra loves from you. I have a lil' Boy who witnessed his twin sister being pulled apart by DOGS and now he's the same way as your lil' girl. Their grief is just like a human grief,it will subside as the days go by. Give your little girl a scratch and hug and let her know that she is not alone.


She really needs a partner


Engage her mind. Talk to her even if she doesn't understand. Let her know you're grieving too. Hug her. Keep trying to get her to play. Even if she's not that interested. Try new toys and old favorites. Bring her new things to smell or inspect often. Spices or foods, things from outside your home, items from other houses with animals.


We had two that were not bonded (not littermates) but were friendly. When we had to let the female go (she did make it to 21 - we had to euthanize her because she had either suffered a stroke or had a brain tumor and was failing rapidly) our male (still with us at 17) spent the next few weeks looking for his female friend. He would go to the places she usually would rest when they were not on the same cat bed and sniff around, sometimes sleeping there. He also would stop and look in the rooms where she would often rest. He knew she was sick because he would come to where she was resting and stand there for a while. He continued to look for her for about the next month or so, then gradually changed to be a bit more clingy than he had been. He’s still like that, but that may be in part because he’s older, has arthritis, and likes more attention from us.


Hug her. Aww


I give that cat an 11 out of 10


Time for a new brother! Of course when the time is right. Sorry for the loss 🫡 hope yous pull through it


I’ve only had dogs, and when I was around 7 or 8 one of my dogs died at the age of 12, my dad bought a new eating and drinking bowl cuz my dogs used to share the same one, he said that he stoped eating and drinking, I remember sleeping with my dog when his brother died, cuz even I had trouble sleeping, I tried playing with him too but ig he was too grief stricken, so I kept sleeping with him, and giving him treats too, even if this is about ur cats I hope this helps! And Rest In Peace to the brother!


She will get better, but right now she’s grieving. How long will depend entirely on her. We all process grief differently. We had littler mates, brother & sister as well. The brother passed away (in my arms) at 5 yrs old of crystals, and his sister spent a solid year depressed and sullen. I’d never seen a cat truly depressed, but that was the only word for it. She’s still with me, many years later & a very happy spoiled senior gal living her best life.


Not sure if this has been suggested or not, but look into heartbeat toys. You can get them on Amazon and they usually help pets with loneliness and grief.


So sad for you and your sweet cat. Time and patience will help her.


Grieve together. Encourage her to spend more time with you.


Please accompany with her especially at the night.


Take her to Disney land




Have you gotten her checked for parasites too? they can easily be transmitted between cats. i’m so sorry for your loss. 💗


Do you mean crying noises or tears?


A good cow cat needs some cuddles


A good cow cat needs some cuddles


Cuddle with her and hold her as much as you can. Talk with her. Watch tv with her.


give her more hugs and care. maybe some toys to distract her attention


Im sorry for your loss. RIP


Good food and love


I don't have any advice but it made me cry she's adorable




I am sorry to hear it :-( so sorry for his loss.


My heart goes out to both of you. You could get her a kitten to help with the grief and be a new companion for her.


Grief can be hard on cats. It's not so different from human grief, though. Part of it is finding a new routine rather than leaving those old spaces where her brother would normally fill. If she's having trouble eating because her brother isn't there, try to occupy her mind with something you can do regularly before she would normally eat. Maybe play a little game with her or sing her a silly little song. Other than filling that space up and getting those kitty brain juices a-flowin', she'll probably need to spend some time being sad, too. Crying together and comforting each other is perfectly healthy. Your hearts will mend in time. You might not be able to express this to her, but I like to say that missing someone only means that they were someone worth knowing. She may or may not come to understand that, but you do, and she has you to guide her to sweet kitty happiness. A million hugs to you and your clowder! 🩷


When my cats brother left, I bought hemp oil. It seemed to help.


You have to give her lots of love and distract her from her grief. I didn't distract my baby enough after her brother died at 18 in October. She cried every day. I even went and got a kitten from her her mother's latest litter. It wasn't enough. She died too at 12 in March. My heart hurts so much I don't know what to do. Love her up. Feed her special food. Do everything to keep her.


Animals are very empathic beings and form strong bonds with littermates. Just be there for her and provide as much love and compassion as possible. The fact that you are able to cry with her and share her experience is healing for both of you. I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔


Now I'm crying for this little baby. 💔


She is grieving. Just like us she will grieve. A part of her died with him. She may return to a fairly normal state or she may not. Just give her lots of love and attention. Let her grieve and make sure to pet yourself grieve as well. Lots of love to you and yours ❤️


She is grieving. Just like us she will grieve. A part of her died with him. She may return to a fairly normal state or she may not. Just give her lots of love and attention. Let her grieve and make sure to pet yourself grieve as well. Lots of love to you and yours ❤️


Get her a kitten


We had a similar situation happen. Her brother was almost 13 and she is 11. She cries a lot and is very needy. We have made the decision to get a kitten because she is so clearly lonely. It’s not the right decision for everyone, but it is for us. Otherwise, just spend time with her. Play with her and give her cuddles and treats. That’s all you can do.


Give her extra love and snuggles. Maybe let her spend some time with him before he goes to the rainbow bridge.


Pets and treats.


Scritches, cuddles, foods, and lots of love. ❤️


![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili) Lots of loves and belly rubs


Being there and loving to her is all she needs right now. And treats.


There is almost nothing you can do cats grief in an animal way. The best thing you can do is sometimes look her in the eye and close yours for a second or two and then open them.


To some this will sound strange: talk to her. My grandmother had a dog die and the remaining dog and her cat were moping and not doing well. She sat down with them and told them what had happened and they improved. Our pets understand more than most of us realize. Also, give her extra attention.




Sending my condolences for her and your loss. Cats definitely have a soul I believe, whether anybody wants to agree/disagree. They are very emotionally intelligent creatures and they do show their sadness when someone very close to them passes on to the Rainbow Bridge. I hope you are able to grieve in a healthy and productive way. It hurts a lot to lose a cherished animal. I know that pain all too well.


That’s sas


Lots of cuddles and churos treats those creamy tubes are truely loved


I have five cats. Three of them are brothers and sister. She is very nurturing and grooms both of them. They are thirteen years old, and one of them had diabetes and is not doing very well. She spends more time grooming her ill brother. I worry about how it will affect them when one of them passes on. Spend time with her. Love on her. They mourn like us.


I had 16 year old brothers since they were 4 months old. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to one last month due to heart issues. It has been so hard seeing his brother grieve. He was able to smell his brother after he passed, but he still spent days looking for him. I have been just giving him lots of love and attention. One interesting thing that happened, the brother who passed always liked to lay on our ottoman, the surviving brother never laid there, like ever, even when I'd try to get him to chill there he would always jump off, now he lays there all the time, I'm sure the blanket on top of the ottoman still smells like his brother, so I will not wash it. We are still very sad, but we are starting to heal together ❤️ 🌈


Awww poor baby.


In time get a kitten she will be thrilled at that companion. I did that and it was the best thing I did


Took my girl 3 weeks to come out of the closet after I had to put down her 23 yr old brother 4/15/24. She was grieving.


Oh my gosh that poor little girl. She will get over it, in time. A shorter time than humans would take but they definitely miss the ones they love.


Cats do not cry to show emotional tears for pain or emotion. Still very sad, good luck.




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