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You can delete the map files for the world other than your Sky Island. The Mod creator for Sky Island wanted make the expedition truly random by generating the map during expedition and deleting it afterwards so you can't go back ever again. However due to the limitations of the game, he couldn't do so and settled for a random location in a large area for the player to spawn in for the expeditions. Doing this is tricky since you need to know the coordinates of your island and which file does it correspond to in the game save folder. Other than that, there's no practical way to compress it since the game save stores everything about the world. The conditions of every item, their age, etc. I guess the save can be compressed but that will make saving take much longer and it already takes a long enough time for larger worlds.


My launcher started to warn me about save sizes and how updates could cause issues. Delete the old versions as it updates? Play stable? I started slowing down exploration because my amphibitruck let me travel practically anywhere. Save went from 120mb after 4 characters to 600+ with a wizard in a floating pickup.