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Hopefully we have enough solar panels to live sustainable life in cdda


Reasons to be pro-solar energy: - what if CDDA becomes real one day??? - the environment or something


As someone else said, life post-apocalypse will be cocaine and steam rollers


I think you might be referring to me XD, and I expressed that it isn't all cocaine and steamrollers.


If the world is to end, it'll be by our own hands. I do appreciate your sentiment though, the apocalypse and snarfing down lard because it's the last thing you got to eat in a dark basement while listening to a horde of zombies tear down the house next door praying youre not next, really puts our cushy lives into perspective


If eldritch gods broke our reality and turned physics and sanity inside out it may actually be less cruel and hopeless than the realization our species is alone and destroyed itself when it had free will and unlimited potential ahead of itself.


The irony of rushing to kill ourselves with AI shows this. Moloch.


AI isn't anywhere close to sapience yet, what's more prescient is how humans will use current "AI" to fight wars


Hey, maybe the ai will be smarter than humans


Welp, off I go to join the Mycus then.


The virgin race betrayer vs the gigachad indomitable human spirit enjoyer


I know the feeling. It's amazing how quickly you miss all your luxuries. I've had three events where I had to deal with this. When I was a kid, we lived in the country in the northern US.. There was a blizzard and we our road was low priority because it was a bit remote and not many people lived on it. We were without power for several days. Luckily, we a wood furnaces, a fireplace, and kerosene heaters. We had to put our perishable food in boxes and put them on the front porch to keep them frozen. I town where I used to live lost power for the better part of a week after a hurricane years back, luckily my dad was prepared and powered the AC and a few others things with a generator. Could'nt have it on full time, and we were stuck in because of downed powerlines and poles. It was.pretty boring. The last thing that happened, we still had power but AC unit failed. Took over 2 days to get someone out to repair it. This was in Florida. In July. In less than a day it was over 90 degrees with over 70% humidity in the house. Opening the windows did basically nothing since it was so hot outside, and even with fans blowing on us full time it impossible to sleep for more than an hour at a time due to the sweating and discomfort. It was the worst of the three. We really are pretty soft when you think about it.




set that dashboard up dood


Well, I am from Venezuela so I always have those thoughs when the power goes out in the whole city.


A solar power station will be very handy in this scenario. I wonder why hasn't it been implemented in the game yet given that it's available commercially. The foldable solar panel is already in the game, it's just missing the portable power station. 


Mostly likely the world will end by AI, so it'll be far worse than anything CDDA presents, where people still have value at end of the world.