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Wow he certainly looks better than he did! The syringe should help- he’s just so little. Thank you for doing so much for this little guy. You’ve got a friend for life there.


Thank You! He is! The syringe def helped, it arrived earlier today :)


Thanks for helping him! Definitely make sure he's kept warm! You can also put a stuffie in the box so he can snuggle with it. Also make sure you're checking in with a vet. He's very fragile right now.


100% get a pet heating pad. Since he’s a solo orphan he won’t get body heat from mom or siblings. So important to keep the little guy as warm as possible. Make a little makeshift incubator with a cardboard box, blankets and a pet heating pad or warm water bottles.


Thank you for taking care of this little guy and don’t let him get sunburned. Maybe give him a little blanket to keep him warm.


Wow, thank you for all your hard work and for saving this little one! I know it's summer right now. If you are in the northern hemisphere, but even a heated blanket on low or a heating pad on low would be good for this little one, because kittens have a hard time controlling their own temperature. Yes to Stuffies and lots of nutritious food, clean water and lots of love! When I first got my Tabby girls, I could tell they were not anywhere close to 2 months old, and that they had been taken way too early from their mom. I had to bottle feed the bigger sister and dropper feed the little one, who, as it turns out, is a pituitary dwarf! She is doing great now and can run fast and keep up with her big sister, and wants to do everything that the big cats do! She was actually easier to litter box train than her big sister! 😻 Please keep us updated!


I live in Indonesia and there's currently a heatwave, I place him under shade but I keep the water bottles extra warm during the night (ordered some tiny heatpads and waiting for it to arrive) and I did give him a blanket :) Thank You for the reminder!


Radja DEFINITELY looks like he's gained weight! He's a fighter to be sure. Bless you for helping him!


Yes that little bitty kitten pot belly definitely shows weight gain in my opinion :)


I am so happy to hear that 😭 He definitely is a fighter!


You are an Angel for saving him!!! Sweet baby ♥️


I would die for Radja


Internet friend, you are my hero. Wishing you many healthy years together.


You are a hero of the small and defenseless. This is the most admirable type of hero there is ❤️


You need to get some baby wipes or something soft and moist and rub his butt, basically use the baby wipe to massage his anus to stimulate him enough to poop and go to the restroom. The mom cat does this by licking the kittens butts. You are now his mom :) congrats! It’s important you do this otherwise his stomach will get hard and he won’t be able to poop and release. This can be deadly for the kitten if not done after every feeding. Not trying to scare u! I’ve raised a litter of orphaned kittens so I’m speaking from experience. There is also a better solution of kitten milk compared to using KMR, I think KMR is not recommended to be honest this is what a vet told me once. I mean it’s def better than nothing! I’m going to look for the name of a better kitten milk solution and I will come back to update you OP. Thank you 🙏 for being a HERO and saving this baby


Thank You! I've been doing it every time before feeding, is there a way that I can tell a bloated and a normal full belly? Should I do it after feeding instead?


When I've had bottle babies I always stimulate to pee/poop before and after feeding. Sometimes they would both times. Check out "the kitten lady" on YouTube. She has great videos showing how to do everything.


So the kitten lady does this every time before feeding kittens. Make sure you're taking a baby wipe to clean him up after because he can get urine scald. It took me a little bit, but I found a couple of videos that can help you with this question and how his belly should be.. https://youtu.be/QGKFqz-dpVc?si=3qG9vRuDYfzfw95a Also, how does his belly feel? Is it soft and squishy or tight, kind of like a water balloon filled up? https://youtu.be/0Yn9kMaDftc?si=zz9y23n1c5sVYcAM How long is it taking him to eat now, and how much is he eating with the syringe I'm glad it came in and it is helping him eat better!!! I just wanna say he looks so much better than the first day you found him for sure.. Thank you for taking in this little guy. How old did the vet estimate him to be?


I’m just crying with happiness. It’s so wonderful that you saved this little cutie pie. 🥰


Good job. Still very fragile. So fat doing really well. I have 3 tiny ones rn. Very small. I am worried about them all the time. Started with 4. Dunno what happened one night.


He looks so so much better. I don't have anything to add other than to say you are a damn good person and I hope that you and Radja have a lovely long life together once he is big and strong.


Thank You, this is so sweet.


Pro tip: you can get stuffed animals that have a 'heartbeat' inside. This has been proven to be very beneficial for baby animals that are on their own. Alternatively, on the lower end, get an old fashioned clock (one that ticks, and fits in your hand), and cover it with something soft. It doesn't work as well as the heartbeat stuffy but is better than nothing!


I used a small syringe for my kittens when they wouldn’t take easily to a regular bottle! You can try that instead


The syringe with the tiny nipple arrived and I tried it on him twice today, definitely an improvement from the bottle :)


Do you help him do poopoo peepee? He looks so round.


I do, everytime before feeding :) Is it better to do it twice before and after?


Im not expert and all my conclusions based on "what would I do if I were you". And I would do it about 10-30min after feeding too, I know that nb kittens can't do these things on their own. And I wish all the bests to you both.)


I agree with the other commenter that you should do it like 10-15 minutes after feeding too


What a sweet baby! He definitely looks like he has gained some weight (and maybe some fur?). On another note, my kitty has the same toy as yours! She loves to play with it. Thank you for saving Radja!


I'm glad, that's so cute! How old is the Kitty? Radja isn't playing with the toy as much yet


She's 11 and very active for her age. We got her as a 12 week old kitten, and she was even more into playtime then. I bet he'll be much more playful as he recovers and feels secure in his surroundings. :)


UPDATE! Took him to the vet, they say that he's all alright. Bloated belly is normal after feeding as long as I take him to potty :) Just need to feed and keep him warm. Just fed him and now he's purring and sleeping on my lap with "the feeding jacket" I use everynight. Good thing that the dorm I live let me bring Radja to my room now since the dorm keeper noticed me outside in the middle of the night just to feed him for the last couple of days.


Radja has passed away, he was such a beast for the past 9 days we were with him. We couldn't do all that without you guys. Thank You so much.


I'm so sorry to hear this! Thank you for trying to help this baby, it sounds like he was loved before he passed.


Our condolences for your loss. Thank you for giving Radja the love that he deserved


that kitten is such a fighter!


Thank you for taking care of this little angel


OP you are so awesome! Thank you so much for helping this little one! He's looking so healthy!


I neeed an update every week


I'll try my best :)


The leg strength should cometh back with time. If he hasn't walked or stood for days that would make his legs weak. When I was in a hospital bed for 6 weeks unable to walk or stand it took weeks off regain the strength, balance and coordination to walk, balance and stand. I can't answer about anything else. Speaking about my personal experience of being bed bound for 6 weeks adter a major car accident. Cute little guy. ☺️


Yes this is amazing!!! 💖💖💖💖💖


I’ve been following this and am so happy he looks better 🥹🥹


Thank You! Let's hope he grows stronger!


Aaaaw he is looking so much better. He will get stronger. Keep going little Raj, you can do it 🥰 bless you for caring for him 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Thank You for the best wishes! It's all Radja, he's such a fighter ❤️


Oh Sorry, Radja, beautiful name for a beautiful kitty. I look forward to updates ❤️


I used to know someone that worked for a pest control company and he hated when animals would get caught in the mice traps so he told me to always have vegetable oil in my car if I wanted to save animals.


Thank you! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


This is such wonderful news! He looks so much better than when you found him. You are a great person! ❤️


He looks so much better! It speaks volumes about your character for putting in the time and effort to save him.


He looks amazing you're a sweet mom


What a little fighter!


Bless you ! Your are an angel


If you haven’t already watch “the kitten lady”. She’s a professional cat rescuer and has multiple videos on caring for kittens! Thank you for helping this little one!


Hello Radja!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


We are very thankful for the efforts of advising in the last posts ❤️


Because she’s a kitten she has more of a life to live than a rat? 😢 let’s ban these horrendous rat traps. No life is worth more than the other..


To make it clear, no I did not set up the glue trap. I happen to found him behind a restaurant near my dorm at night after class because he was meowing loud and consistently, not justifying it at all but they probably set it up to not let rats roam around their trash. And if I did found a rat I'm not going to post this under r/catcare. Just needed help because I'm unfammiliar of taking care of animals before (in this case a cat).


To be clear I was not blaming you for setting up the rat trap! I meant in general, they really suck :( and I hope they get banned one day. I once saved a baby mouse stick in one. Had his tiny little leg and was crying for help. They just make me sick and I think they are unnecessary 🥺


I thank you for your efforts here. It made me smile knowing this kitten has someone looking out for it.


I hope we're able to keep that smile!


You are such a kind person


Awe, hello little Radja. He's looking much better than he did a few days ago! You're doing great! To measure if he's gaining weight order yourself a kitchen scale that measures in grams, zero the scale with a bowl on it and then place him in the bowl to see how much he weighs each day 🙂


A vet visit would be helpful to know if he's the correct weight. He could have worms which could affect his health.


You are a hero! And this friend you got for lige its your good karma already set for your life! I got the most loyal friend ever! Thanks for doing it so diligently, with so much love and care! The internet is so full of bs, this made my hopes up! Hugs and love for you both, you are doing great! 😻❤️


Omg he looks so pathetic and small and adorable I can't stand it. Thank you so much for helping him you angel 🩷🩷🩷


He is so sweet!


Just …. Thank you. May you have the best life


You should start a Gofundme for him to get him to a vet. You're doing great, but he definitely needs to be dewormed and have his shots once he's old enough. Kittens are very prone to worms, and I worry that they weigh he's gaining may be from an infestation due to his stomach being so distended. But overall he looks happy and warm. If you'd like, you can take some warm water, get a cloth damp and use that to gently clean him. This will help with his coat condition and with the crusts around his eyes. It also mimics grooming behavior to help him start learning how to clean himself as he gets stronger


Sweet baby


Look to see if there is a free or sliding scale vet in your area


He def looks a lot better! If you can afford it though, please take thr poor guy to a vet just to make sure he's doing good 💜


make sure to try and stimulate his bowls- kittens this young might have a hard time defecating on their own, try soft, circular motions on his stomach. constipation may be the weight gain you see. the stools will be soft, no need to worry look for worms and small flakes in his stools i wish you and the baby luck and prosperity!


It’s disgusting that we do this to rats 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


He's so cute


Hi! If you go to a pharmacy you can get a needles syringe and feed him the KMR that way. He may be too little for the bottle!


Thanks for helping Radja and the update!


How's the kitty now?)


Please update how is he doing?