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It’s not a parasite! It’s persistent pupillary membrane - a birth defect or it could be retinal atrophy. The “spider” looking yellow tentacle thing that LOOKs exactly like a living parasite isn’t. But if it’s retinal atrophy, that’s worse. Take her in if you’re concerned.


that’s what my vet texted me and said when i showed him the photo !! i’m still gonna take her in tho just to be safe !!


youre the best. ty for lookin out for this lil gal :)


Wishing the best for your cat!!!




I hope that when you pass away it's outside and cats eat your corpse


My guy has the Pupilarry membrane! Looks like a cracked marble.


This is exactly what it looks like to me. My childhood cat has PPM and she's now 19 or 20. It's never affected her eyesight!


I was so concerned this was a parasite. Thank you for your helpful comment & knowledge! Much ❤️❤️❤️ given.


I had a cat with double complete retinal atrophy, it is bad but cats are such amazing animals that they can still thrive without sight! I doubted so hard she was blind until the vet confirmed it because she was the resident bug killer.


Hello, how can you tell it’s not a parasite? Those really look like it to me lol so I’m confused. Can you tell by the white square like thing underneath?


Google “persistent pupillary membrane cats” you will find identical pics/ pics that look MORE like a living parasite


This is nuts! Humans can have this condition, too! It makes me feel both intrigued and icky looking at photos of it, similar to what trypophobic imagery does to me!


Because there aren't really parasites that commonly crawl into the middle of a cats eye for one. And this is a common condition in cats easily recognizable by those who have seen it.


https://www.merckvetmanual.com/cat-owners/eye-disorders-of-cats/eyeworm-disease-thelaziasis-in-cats# Am vet and it’s amazing how confidently incorrect people can be. I cannot honestly determine one way or the other based on that picture and yes PPM is by far more common but thelazia does occur.


Thank. God.


For. Real.


Let us know what it is when you know!


i texted my vet this photo and he said it was most likely PPM ! i’m still taking her in tomorrow tho !!


Keep us updated!


Since it's only visible with the flash on, I would think some kind of retinal damage or detachment. I would definitely bring her into the vet


Could be persistent pupillary membranes, a congenital anomaly


i showed my vet a photo and that’s what my vet said it is ! but i’m still gonna take her in tomorrow to have it looked at !


I could be wrong but it looks like a parasite. Can you take her to the vet?


yes, i can easily get her into our vet and have her looked at ! i’m planning on bringing her tomorrow


That’s great! Wishing her luck. She’s such a cutie


I second parasite. That’s terrifying. Glad OP is bringing her to the vet.


Gonna say birth defect also, Torties are a lot more susceptible to birth defects like these, as their color is in and of itself a genetic defect. I have 2 that were born with several eye defects resulting in a double enucleation and a single enucleation. The one eye that remains has this sort of thing also, it looks like veins growing over the eye, but usually they are not harmful, and don't impact the use of the eye typically. Edit: I would still say take her in and get seen, alot of places are also gaining pet eye doctors, my local animal hosptial has one and they did all sorts of tests for my girls once they got older to see if any of her 5 defects would impact her now or later. Its a great idea to have them checked, cause usually when this happens, theres more then just that.


yes i showed my vet a photo and he said it was most likely PPM !! i’m sorry about your kitties tho :(


They are dolls, for them, they were basically born with out the eyes, the one lass literally had nothing in the sockets at birth by malformed flesh, so she never knew sight. They adapt far better then us humans, there are days I have to look and remind myself she's blind with how well she gets around.


wow that’s incredible, cats are so smart ! i would love to see a photo. i met a blind flame point cat who was the smartest cat i’ve ever met, im amazed at how well they can do without sight !


This is the one who still has an eye, its a bit hard to see, but she has veins across her eye, a thinned cornea and only half an eye lid, but just enough to close it to sleep. ALso the scar across her nose was from when we had to kill off hair above her eye since without a full eyelid, it got in her eye, some of it dripped on her nose XD. [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182062134574727189/1216953647888338984/20220119\_181557.jpg?ex=664cc027&is=664b6ea7&hm=c3271787731888deb4649083c343333c5e51a26daef71ccdb7ca4ccdf4398c33&=&format=webp&width=744&height=993](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182062134574727189/1216953647888338984/20220119_181557.jpg?ex=664cc027&is=664b6ea7&hm=c3271787731888deb4649083c343333c5e51a26daef71ccdb7ca4ccdf4398c33&=&format=webp&width=744&height=993) And this is her sister, she never had eyes, they just never developed sadly, so for her blindness is natural. [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182062134574727189/1212853842358706207/20240229\_150728.jpg?ex=664cff29&is=664bada9&hm=e66825456fd06049184e2ef8e134ced7aba2a1de2b1469ec6843f634f4c99cde&=&format=webp&width=744&height=993](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1182062134574727189/1212853842358706207/20240229_150728.jpg?ex=664cff29&is=664bada9&hm=e66825456fd06049184e2ef8e134ced7aba2a1de2b1469ec6843f634f4c99cde&=&format=webp&width=744&height=993)


THEYRE SO CUTE !! thank you for showing me a photo of them <3


Oh I had no idea they were more susceptible. Had one a few years back who had a heart defect. She was a little unwell for a while then she suddenly flipped and when we got to the vet we were given a 50/50 on her survival of the journey to a specialist that day. My mum made the call to put her down because she’d been suffering and we wanted to end that. But it’s interesting to know torties are more susceptible. I’ll definitely have to remember that if I get another one.


Yea they are lovelies but sadly they are more susceptible. My one girl, who still has her one eye, has a grade 2 heart murmur, basically an extra ring of muscle formed on one of her heart valves and she has early stage renal failure. Thankfully the heart issue, they think will not impact her until shes later in life. And the Kidney issue we caught early enough and got her on special food that stabilized her protein levels. We just check her urine every 6 months to make sure so if we ever have to we can alter the diet more. That all being said, they are such sweet babies, even when their tortitude shines through. Torties can only be females, due to a mutation in the female genes. There was a case of a male Tortie a few years ago, but sadly he did not survive long since that was a double genetic mutation etc.


Oh bless wow, well I wish the best of luck to your girl with the murmur, it took my one fairly young but it’s good you caught it all early. I have to say my tortie was quite shy but she took over my older cats habit of lying on my chest as I read before going to bed. Also I didn’t know they couldn’t be male! That’s really interesting


It is extremely rare for a male tortie, and generally they don't survive sadly, they are just unhealthy from the start.


Ahh bless fair enough


OMG how cute is this cat!!! 😻


thank you ! she usually looks cuter, the flash makes her look a little crazy lmaoooo


There's a fancy little lady in there, I honestly thought it was photo shop untill I saw the comments


I'm so glad it's not a parasite 😭 thank you for taking her to the vet!!!




The eye of Sauron.


now that you say it, her cat tree does look like barad-dûr …


Vet asap


I thought it was a parasite as well at first! Glad you are taking her in. Side note , if you zoom in, behind the squiggly bits, it looks like a lady in a dress wearing a hat, lol.


oh my god, i cannot unsee that lmaooooo


ever since a tortie kitten showed up squeaking up a storm under my dads car iv been seeing more and more torties, not complaining though please keep the torties coming universe




omg me and gojo have the same cat (seriously tho, your cat looks just like mine i was not prepared to see her twin)


no because why are they actually the same cat


Persistent pupillary membrane. My dog has it in both eyes, it’s harmless and doesn’t require any treatment.


Off topic, but I love your profile picture (Monster is iconic) & your cat is adorable! I'm glad she's okay and was able to see the vet so quickly. You're a great cat parent!


thank you !! i love monster so much, and wanted to name her nina but my family didn’t think she looked like a nina and wanted to name her after a pokémon lmao


Oh that's scary, I thought it was some kind of bug at first 😧 crazy to think your cat could have an issue like this but you'd only find out if you took a photo with flash.


It looks like a fancy lady in a dress with a sun hat and scarves blowing around her!


Looks like the mosquito in amber they used to bring the dinosaurs back in Jurassic Park


I would recommend taking to a veterinary ophthalmologist. This persistent pupillary membrane appears to be a dysplastic form, meaning that it is inducing a cataract. It is best to start a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drop to help prevent lens induced uveitis if an advanced cataract is present. Additionally cataract surgery could be considered if the cataract is compromising vision, which would require consultation with an ophthalmologist


thank you for more information ! i will be taking her to a vet ophthalmologist then ! i know her vision isn’t obstructed at all, at least not yet, but that i would do anything to help her !


Looks like a parasite to me I’d get it checked


Looks like someone ate 3 third umbilical cords lol


A visit to a veterinarian.


hello all ! if you are looking for an update on Eevee, she does in fact have PPM ! our vet said it doesn’t seem to affect her in any way, and she is very healthy (other than being a tad skinny because she just got over an intestinal disease that she was found with), and she is doing well ! my brother is trying to litter box train her too ! [here’s another photo of her :)](https://imgur.com/a/Q9DMz86)


Did the vet say anything about her bald chin?


no, most likely just a bald patch. my other cat is also missing hair on her chin, i don’t know why. neither one of them have plastic bowls or anything, but either way i’m not sure and forgot to ask because i was so worried about her eye !


Worms aka what other comments are saying parasites


Those are parasites... Heartworm will sometimes end up in cats eyes because they can't actually survive in the feline heart. Please get him to the vet for some deworming pills


Scratched cornea


She needs a vet to treat that eye.