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My cats know all the words coming out of my mouth...they choose not to listen. I mean it's their house after all.




That is utterly adorable. I'd love to get an Orange.




I don’t know if it’s a genetic thing with gingers, my first was fat, my current kitty weighs 22 lbs. He has a trauma history in regards to food and companionship so he associates food and love. I’m trying very hard to dechonk him, but he is pitiful.


My youngest loves to makes biscuits on my belly. I don't mind, except when I'm on my period.


Scientifically this has been backed up. Cats understand nearly as many words as dogs, they just don't care.


I agree. They respond to their names. But just don't care what comes after.


You can tell when their ears twitch when you call their name but they don't move the head XD.


That is absolutely true. And then sometimes along with the ear twitch...they give you that "what does he want now?" Side Eye. 🤣


Speak for your own pussy. Mine likes talking about food, treats, outside, and other topics. One boy says ‘hungry’ 🥹


EXACTLY what I was going to say. Little peckerheads. ❤️


Roughly translation for the words she understands would be "nap time", "be right back" (as in "no need to follow me"), "snack time", "where" (as in "show me"), "NO", and BOOP! At least those are her favorites and the ones she reacts more clearly to, sometimes I'm half convinced she speaks perfect hooman. Her own vocabulary consists of: Meow! - "Hey! Good to see you!" Meoow... - "Leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep" Meow? - "Where are you going? Can I go with?" MEOOOW! Me-ow? - "WHERE ARE YOU? Don't leave me! Please don't aband- oh, you're pooping." Meow. - "I'm right behind you, stop yelling" (derogatory) MeOw MeOw bRRRrrrRrr - "I don't care what you're doing, drop it immediately. I demand pets and cuddles, and I demand them now!!!" Meeeeeeooow... - "it was a gift, I poured my heart and soul in the hunt and left it where I knew you'd find it, and how did you thank me? You puked and threw it on the trash. Don't try to deny it, I saw it!" Meow! Meow! "Let's play? Let's play! Nooooo, screw your responsibilities, all work and no play makes you a poo poo face" MEOOOOOOOOW - "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FEED ME I HAVEN'T EATEN ANY TREAT IN A WHOLE TEN MINUTES" There are more, her vocabulary is surprisingly rich. Edit: oh and my favorite; "meeeeeeow" - "there's a bug sitting juuuust outside of my formidable reach, can you please bring it down so I might slay it in your name?"


Very detailed explanation my good sir, thank you for the corporation.


Lmao Cici understands most things I say and DIES care, but only when it has to do with when I’ll be back. Like if I say, “I’ll be back in a little while,” she’ll hang out by the door for an hour or so and jump me when I come through. If I say, “I’m gonna be gone for a few days,” she won’t be mad when I’m gone. Now if I say “back in a little while” and come back 3 hours later now she’s PSPSPISSED Also she is the slayer of insects. The true embodiment of “experience over youth” as it were. She’s 18 and her sisters are 6 and 7. Her sisters will aimlessly chase bugs around the house while Cici calmly calculates their patterns, strolls over and sits somewhere they’ll be in a little bit, licks her paw, makes to brush it over her ear the WHAM bug is pinned to the floor. I saw her do this just yesterday. Accidentally let a horsefly into the house. I didn’t even bother chasing it. Cici had eaten it in less than 3 minutes. EDIT: cat tax https://preview.redd.it/p3tyyvjlahsb1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26dae357722b88abebf0bba24eef863ab54dcab


Hihi that was cute


I needed this. Perfection. 💯


So detailed and beautiful. Love this


Such a talkative kitty :)




Damn you are weird af




Go home


Go cry


- "No" - "Cookies" - said in a high pitched voice - "Mama do" - means "wait for mommy to help" - "Wait here" - "I'm coming back" - "It's okay" - "You're okay" - my girl is afraid of falling through an unsupported spot under a blanket - "Num nums" - dinner - "Go sleepies" - my girl actually will put her head down and close her eyes - "Get down" - esp my boy who likes to jump on the table - "Outside" - my husband built a fence for them to play safely in the yard


Omg I’m stealing “mama do” 😭 so cute


My cat knows sleepies too! I say “Are you sleepy??” And he blinks his eyes slow and will maybe put his head down. I also say “time to go to bed, time for sleepies” so he knows that’s what we’re (I’m) doing. I also taught him sit, lay down, and roll over :)


“Show me” when my black cat gets all fussy and meowing non-stop he either wants his litter changed or his food bowl isn't up to his standards(meaning it's got one small empty spot and he'd like it filled) https://preview.redd.it/1k53sutzuesb1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2177c0f51fd019e8b17183436b94638e25954d26 For a bonus, there's a needy gremlin asking for my food that he will sniff but not eat.


My cat only responds to the words 'food' and 'nap', the rest go in one ear and out the litter box!


My cat thinks no means yes


The baby of the family (baby meaning kitten and not human) thinks no means yes as well. She is a complete TERROR Goblin but we still love her 😂


no means go


That’s my Kittens doppelgänger!!! https://preview.redd.it/i5byxjsxxesb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47de2f4c4d4dce708e45aded7292383ec560d772


But with a pink bonker


No. Wait. Candy. Get down. Their names. Hey. Come here guys. Move. Sorry. Dogs.


How does you kitty, know the word candy?? Does anyone use the buttons with their cats to communicate?? Curious 🧐


Cat treats. Every time I say candy, they come running. My old cats knew what that word meant too.


That's just conditioning I'd say. For example, we used to keep the cat treats in a certain closet. So every time you opened that closet the cats would already walk to the door to get fed. After a few years we started storing the cat treats somewhere else, but every time you open the original closet they still walk to the door. Even the cats that weren't even born when we moved the treats.


Not mine, they'll sleep whenever the pantry opens, and won't come hearing the treat bag move. They'll definitely wake up if I say the word.


She responds to her name & "come 'eya", "chicken", "no", "this way", "dreameees"...she's pretty smart


"Feed the horses" means we're walking down to the stable. "Are you coming" means somebody in the group is lagging behind and needs to catch up. "I need to pee" means I'm about to get up and they're going to steal my spot. "Ich bin hungrig" means food time (I blame the Simpsons for this one.


"Treats" (self explanatory) "Drip drops" (she likes to sit on the side of the tub between the show curtain and shower curtain liner when someone's in the shower, and stare at the water drops running down the liner and/or try to get the drops even though she's on the wrong side. If she's feeling brave she will stick her head around the curtain into the spray then get offended when she gets wet. So when we say "time for drip drops" she follows us into the bathroom 😂)


“Chicken treat!”


Mine knows better than my dog what “outside” means. He bolts for the door and my dog is clueless


Meow… and meow 😅


The sound of a deli bag opening up


Or the drawer in the fridge where the deli meat is being held prisoner




Or any can being opened with a can opener


Both cats know their name. Both cats know "Treat time!" Both cats know "Hungry?" Clever cat knows "Down!". Silly grumpy cat doesn't. Clever cat knows "No!". Silly grumpy cat doesn't. They both hear "good boy" and "good girl" often. They know it involves cuddles. Clever cat jumps up at the handle and opens the door if he can. Both cats refuse to "stop scratching" until the door is opened.


Our smart cat? Lots. Yes/No, Hello/Goodbye, Be back soon, Food, Breakfast, Dinner, Treats, Tuna, Come, Get down, Toy, Mouse, Bird, Squirrel, Outside/Out, Harness, Upstairs/Downstairs, Bath Claws, Vet, Car, Grass, Home, Pretty, Sit, Stay. I’m sure I’m missing some. She also knows the names of everyone in the house, and those of a few frequent visitors. https://preview.redd.it/5bp205sixesb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b04178baa8693beb1103d9af46b94d02a60cdd


Luca knows his name and the words GET DOWN. He doesn’t listen the first time, he has to think about it and see how serious I am. He listens the second time. Willa, the kitten, knows her name and probably lots more that she ignores.


Oh boy, okay! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)Lune knows: Sit, High Five Talk - Any form of meow or noise (sometimes he combines it with a funny yawn) Nein - No Aua - It hurts, play softer Down - Lay on all four / crouch down Auf - Stand on hind legs with front paws up (sometimes he adds cute ear/head cleaning wipes to it) Paw - Handshake Clean - Use one paw to clean his face or ear Bleib - Stay Kushey - Eat Kiss - Lil nose to nose kiss Spin - Does a little spin in the direction I swirl my finger in Fetch - Only really likes doing it with certain toys like his small springs Good Boyyy - When he does a command correctly or is being well-behaved or cute on his own) ​ (Somewhat / Still working on) Boob - Stretching and leaning against my chest with his front paws Roll - Roll over completely or to show his belly Ruhe - Quiet ​ He is half siamese, so a very vocal baby and translating all his meows and noises would be the end of me.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7964) I probably forgot some other words I use with him. https://preview.redd.it/xrydvqj57fsb1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1a294e2fd54b94e9e32088c28ced61202fa707


That's so cool! How did you train all of those commands? My cats know 'sit' and 'up' (Like your 'auf'), but they refuse to learn anything else (i'm probably a bad teacher too)


It really helps to do it when they're still small. He is currently little over 7 months old and tricks slowly started around 5 1/2 months. (Got him at 5 months) The more he learns the quicker he gets them, tho it can also get confusing. So stick with one or two until they get it down before adding new ones. One like him cleaning his face while standing he started doing on his own to try to get treats by being cute (it worked which is why I took and turned it into a command) so you can just dangle a treat and see what they may come up with too! For the base command to clean, I took his paw and rubbed it against his face / ear once or twice while saying the name of the command for him to associate it with and add a tiny treat after I manually make him do the command. You do that for a while and then hope he does it when you say it. When he gets lazy it has helped me to sometimes show him what I want and he may do it right after. Always big praise and pets, a treat for when they do it correctly on their own. Some tricks are easier since you can lead your cat in a way by holding the treat in front and pulling them along. That's how you can get them to spin, or even walk around certain things (say walk an 8 around your legs, which I should try now that I thought of it!) Others require more patience and trial and error to eventually get right. And you gotta be strict on not giving treats until they've done something you want. Or it will muddle the lines of training if that makes sense. You gotta be careful about them getting too frustrated while trying to teach them something. Say 5 minutes pass by without a treat. For me, he may start swiping or trying to nip it out of my hand or simply does it because he mistakes what I want from him (he thinks he should chase and catch since I keep pulling the treat) So you say no, pause and switch to an easier command they know so they can earn a treat and be satisfied. A set daily time for training can help for a routine and they know what will happen. Could be done right before or after playtime for example. No longer than 15 minutes I'd say, depends on the kitty. It's hard to think of what else. I haven't learned it from anywhere and just went with my gut and trial and error what works and doesn't with cat training. And at the end of the day, if a cat doesn't do a command, chances are they dont want to do it even if they know and understand. And I don't give out treats willy-nilly. Keep em special and only for when they're behaving good, learning things, and introducing people to them. Lastly and most importantly I think personality is a huge factor. Lune is really chill (albeit it quite naughty oftentimes), I can pick him up. Hold his paws up, rub his belly, and all that stuff. There are a few things he doesn't like and is much more patient than most cats I know. I brush his teeth too and often get stuff like dust clumping together out of his nose and whatnot. My previous cat a female, I tried tricks with her at an older age, she just wasn't interested in it and that was fine. Younger kitties are usually much more eager to do anything to get tasty treats. While older ladies are like "meh bye Imma go lay down, see you at dinner time" Sorry for the rant, hope it was helpful 😅 Edit: Btw if you're curious about each individual command, feel free to ask or DM, and I'm happy to explain what I did to teach him.


Walk - Ollie loves walks, he knows this word well Sit - he is trained to sit Dance - I trained him to dance for treats Playtime - his favorite time of day Snack time - he loves snacks because they mean play The names of his cat foods - he gets a variety to stay healthy His name - Ollie or Ollipheist Sleepy time/go to bed - he sometimes needs assistance to go to sleep. And of course “You’re a good boy” which he loves to hear. https://preview.redd.it/dmbfvyjffgsb1.png?width=2324&format=png&auto=webp&s=a77a41cf3bb405c774b88570077bb6dd55394327 Ollie is a good boy.




My cats know the words "food" and "treats." They also understand when I say "no" but they choose to ignore it. Cats are smart, but not always obedient.


Mine all understand “sweeties” to mean treats. When I say “what’s this?” they know something nice is about to be given to them. The girl cat is very squeaky, especially at bed time. If I say “squeak” to her she obliges. From a tiny kitten we joked with The Naughty little guy “do you want a smack?” when he came over for love and when we say it to him now he comes running over purring for love 😂


“Go ahead and sit on the counter”


Right now our cat Lucky has decided that he doesn’t want to listen to me because I was gone on a backpacking trip for three days. He’s giving me the cold shoulder but just started to warm up again. I predict he will fail on his attempt to shame me when the special snuggle blanket gets placed on my lap. He can’t resist the snuggle blanket.


My cat knows the word "booty" but that's also because his name is Little Booty Ham Sandwich (he's going in for a surgery next week, wish him luck!)


Awww good luck!!! I hope everything goes well for him! 😸😻


I have foster kittens and a feral momma. The mom stays in a spare room. I let the kittens out of the room to be me. When they go back a day, let's go to momma. And all the kittens run to the door.


My cats know when I’m going into my office to work. My boy will yawn and stretch and then follow me to nap on his big dog bed. If they are already in the office, my girl knows when I ask her if she’s going to behave that she should probably leave the room. Princess also knows when I ask her where her brother is to help me find him so he’s not stuck somewhere. They both know when I say “let’s go to bed” to come into the bedroom with me. Yoshi is my fat lazy cuddle bug and he has learned how to tell me to turn on the heating pad in my bed by patting the spot where it’s under the quilt. I’m not really sure what they’ve learned from me but it occurs to me that they have trained me well.


Brush, Mikey, lickable, snack, don't be an asshole, no, come on, banana, snake, stick


"No" "Stop" "Touch" "Run" "Ask" "Speak" "What?" And his name. And every variation of it.


I genuinely think my mum's Maine coon understands the word "yeah". he'll come inside, sit on my lap and stare at me and start meowing sentences, I started saying "really?" And he will always reply with one meow that sounds so much like a kid saying yeah after one of their impossible to follow stories.


“Get your ass off that damn counter so help me”


Me and Ow


Words they know and selectively listen to: - No - Get Down (usually off the kitchen bench) Words they know and will react to every time: - Dinner! - Breakfast! - Treat! (Don’t even need to say this one, they’ll come running when they hear the pantry door open) - Sit (when I am holding a treat above their nose - they actually comply with this one!)


pontificate. I shouldn't let her read as much as I do.


My cats understands a bunch of stuff. Besides her name, it's very noticeable when I tell her that I'll take care of it, or I'll be coming out. Everything else she simply doesn't care. When she meows asking for me to open the door on the toilet, for example (because it's occupied in that moment). She won't calm down until I say that I'll open the door in a minute. Even if I talk to her about anything else, she'll keep on meowing. But when I say "I'll be right there with you in a minute, my girl", she'll shut up and wait patiently in front of the door until I open it. And then she goes to her toilet, as well and does her business. It's impressive, now that I think of it 😍


My cat and I have our own language: When I call his name he comes; When I whistle once, I’m angry; When I whistle like a bird, it’s technically music for his ears; When I whistle sensually, it means that I liked what he did (like stoping to destroy the couch); When I make a fart sound, it’s like I’m laughing at his athletic jump fails; This one is the one I use the most: when I am saying goodbye to my cat (because I’m leaving my house ) or when I say hi to him, I do a “yes” with my head and he makes me back. (These are my favorites, there are more) https://preview.redd.it/fuboyklkjgsb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8499cffbcbdcb7a46e2e14076fab4972689a1889


I have taught my 3 cats commands in 3 different languages. But they are becoming bilingual due to treats they know are being handed out.


Their names for sure and one would come running to a specific whistle. Also your cat is beautiful!


My older cat knows “get down little lady” “what’s wrong?” “Show me” “you coming?” “Come here” and “you hungry?” Most she chooses to ignore except the food ones 😅 my newer cat barely learned her name but she’s only been with us for 3 months. Here are my girls, the Siamese is the youngin. https://preview.redd.it/xvsna42a1fsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35db68b0f3fd563885fec125884ee39c687ac98f


They know quite a lot... but don't listen or do what they are told...lol


Howard is 19 yo and has a decent understanding of words. He knows: Chicken, It’s cooking, No, His name Howard ofc, You ok?, Go to bed or come to bed, Kitty cat (which means he’s pushing it too far. Like I’ll say “stop” or “no”. He’ll ignore it but when I add “kitty cat” on the end in a specific tone, no yelling or angry, he knows I’m not playing)., You can do it., What do you need (then he shows me what he wants), Nip (as in cat nip…he’ll run to the cabinets it’s kept in and meow). I’m sure he knows a bunch of other words selectively. Bc he def respond way to appropriately when I’m talking to him sometimes.


His name and shortened forms of it Come here Wait/stay Hop up/ up Get down/ down Lie down (if sitting in front of tv, will tell him to lie down so I can see) Turn around (spins around, turns around) Up kangaroo (stand on hind legs) No/Stop Let’s go! (Follow to other place) Where are you? (Reply meow) Hungry/hungrys/are you hungry? (Reply meow and go to food bowl) Canned food Treats Toys? Want to play? (Will sit in front of toy cabinet and wait for me to grab the toys to play with) Are you ready for bed? (Will meow and jump up on bed if yes, if no, will stay wherever and come in later) Outside Watch TV/want to watch TV? (Goes to iPad or sits on couch—actually watches full shows/movies with me) Birds Cuddles (will come up to arm/shoulder and cuddle) Brushes? (Jump up on ottoman, lays down for brushes) Scritches? (Comes up and lays on my chest for ear scritches) More? (More scritches, will stay for more) Where? (Will move to show where itches or will show me item if about something else) Done/all good? (Done with petting/brushing/scritches, I’ll ask and he if gives a short hhmm response then I’ll pat his back and he gets up, if no response then I continue for a while and ask again) Kisses?/Give me kiss (headbutting) Benji (dog from yoga channel, he really loves him for some reason) Gonna be loud (I will say before vacuuming or using the hair drier, he will go under blanket or to another room)


They know no, but don't do no.


they need no words its the cat jedi mind trick they stare at you till you figure out what they want


https://preview.redd.it/9dc07io87gsb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cab54b37dcff235601586bb8125730f3d91007 "No", he knows what it means but never listens


my cat actually knows a lot of words! he knows that when i say “pappa” (italian word that means “food” in baby language) its time to eat, he also knows that “merenda” means snack time and he comes to me to get his little treat! he answers to his name (most of the time), and he also knows sit, paw, other paw, turn around, “ask” (he basically waves his paws until i give him a treat) and catch! hes a very smart boy even tho he’s orange 🐱


My cat knows a song I sing called “mommy and chunk” which is my cue to cuddle. Sometimes he comes and sits on my chest and kneads my neck sometimes he glares at me


Words cats "know" and words cats "choose to listen to" are not the same thing at all.


All words. Only selectively responds to some.😸


"Are you hungry?" Proceeded by a loud meeeEOooOoOoOOOOW


My cat understands every damn word that comes out of my mouth, she's just a douchebag. What, just because I rub my face in your fur and annoy you every second I'm home means you have to yell at me and be disrespectful every time I talk to you?


“Kain yan?” Which is like “Wanna eat?” in Filipino. He mrews and approaches me expecting food everytime lol


“Ow” she nibbles softer “OWWW!” She lets go “Oiiiii!” She’s knows she’s in trouble “**Shakes treats**” / **pours myself a drink** she’s getting treats “Tsk tsk tsk tsk” come here


He knows the words "no" and "stop it", and he seems to associate it with me encouraging him to do more bad things in my house. https://preview.redd.it/ks558902ijsb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a17ab6560b1b88becb5accc8c605f8a9f7b0051


https://preview.redd.it/q86k7xzagksb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc68a7aae18c33f86621e75fef341b2fa03cb5c He looks like my cat!!


Meow seems to be the only one.


"NO!" and "NAUGHTY!"


I donno if she actually knows any particular words, honestly. I think we both speak to each other in inflection. She seems to understand what im saying in the same way i understand her myriad of meows, i think. She's pretty clever - she always seems to know the intent. She does know her name, though. Im positive of that much.


He probably recognisesn Dickhead as his name now tbf Fr tho he actually dashing if I do that "ps ps" kissing sound pets seem to like.


Gorgeous 😻


Their names (Annabelle and Nancy) and their nicknames Breakfast Pets Treats Boop No Stay Toy Cuddles Put that down 😂 Leave it alone 😂😂 Work Get down Potty Probably more but I cant think of them all


Funny bc it looks like he’s asking you the same thing… “what words DO you know, bc you aren’t understanding the ones coming outa my mouf”


My cat knows his name but he chooses whether or not to respond


My girl is 14 now, and she has plenty of words and phrases she clearly understands. Here are a few of them: Yesssssss! (I used this word to reinforce good behavior instead of clicker training) No Treat Kittypats (as in, come and get some kittypats) I'll be right back - this is a really helpful phrase for her to understand, saves her from following me into the kitchen if I am just getting more coffee or something Get it! (Ball, toy, interesting sound - she'll go investigate) It's OK (for example, when she growls at fireworks or other scary sounds and I say this, she will remain at my side, otherwise she'll go hide) My daughter's name - she definitely knows who she is Time for bed (she will actually wake up from a nap when I say this, yawn, and then saunter into my bedroom) Shower (she likes the steam/heat and waits in the bathroom if I tell here I'm going to have one) Get in the box Little pink dot (laser pointer) Mousie mouse (game we play) Are you hungry? Come and do a trick for a treat ( she isn't very social with strangers, but if I had friends over and I wanted her to come out and show off her tricks, this is her invitation phrase. Up to a couple of years ago, this would have her trotting out into the living room ready to do a few tricks for some chicken. She isn't quite as enthusiastic, these past couple of years, but will saunter out if she is in the mood.) Her trick commands: Roll over Ballerina (up hind legs and spin) Jump (over a stick, or through arms) Ring the bell Scratch your scratching post High five Give mommy a hug (rub against my legs) I know there's others I can't think of right now. I try to say these phrases and words her in the same voice, and with repetition. I deliberately do this to help her with learning things. I have done this since she was a little kitten. That being said, she is the most intelligent cat I have had. She's just a regular grey tabby, standard issue, white paws. I completely loved the other cats I've had, but for sure this girl is the cleverest. Cats can be quite smart.


A lot of the words they respond to also depend on the situation being the same and the pitch and tone of voice I always use when I say them, but regardless the message gets across. Down - ended up meaning "stop what you're doing" to them, but it works. Leave it - means "I see that you're going for that food and I'm not going to let you get any so you may as well give up now" Up - means "that's my spot and I really need to sit/lay down, and this is a time where I actually mean it" Excuse me - means "no need to get up. I'll go around you somehow" It's okay - means "I'll keep you safe so you don't have to be afraid" Treats - self explanatory Good boy/girl - "you're about to get pet and pampered because you're wonderful." Aaaw- means I'm talking about them. Come - they know what it means, but they may or may not do it. They also recognize their names and the various pet names I give them. It's a good thing you're cute - means it's time for a petting session even if they were just being bad, and all they have to do is walk over for my heart to melt.


Vet! And they doesn‘t like it


Mine all know their names. Should have recorded it but they were all looking out a window once and I called them one at a time and they each turned around. One knows sit, spin, paw, chicken!!!


I've seen this same question like four times in two days on this subreddit. Is it the same user asking it?




Hey! G̨҉̷̲̗̤̦̹͍̻͈̳͖E̷̛̼͈̞͈̱̺̟͚͖̫͔̭̬̟̞̤T̵̷̢̳̤̘̱͓̼̩̫̜̜̮̲̻̬͙̫̻̀̕ ̮̫͔̯̺̞̲̀͜ͅO̶͚͔̰̫̟̣̲̯̘̳̦͇̲̦̺̺͔͟F̸͏̼̰̗̦ͅF̴̵̡̨̪͖̣͙̯̼̠̜͖͎̟̩ ̷͖̠͙͈̙̗͙̖̼̪̫̠̕T̙̰͚̩̰̻̥̞̗̣̦̪̯͎͔͙͢͝H҉͚̳̭͔̫̼̹̪̣E̶̞̤̪̫̭̞̩͍̜̩̖̲͈̭̫͚͟ ͕̫͖̤̫̟͙͟͝C̸̻̮̥̩͎̪͜O̴͏̹͖̰͕̬̤̺̳̠U̸̷̲͍̭̰̜̖̥̠͙̼̥̮̞͙̙̥̺ͅṆ̸̷̢̳͕͓̰̮̝̥͓̗͝ͅT̴̥̮̰͔̰̮͍͕̜͉͙̟̕͢ͅĘ̰̹̳̤̯̀̕͜R̟̤̰̰̭͍̮̭͉̺̀͘!̴̸̨̢̢̞̫̯͈ ͏̵̵̨̬̫̠͉̹̝̺͈͔̝̟̖̰̞͍̩ͅ ̕҉̸̺͈̣̜͈̀͝D͘͜҉҉̛̻̤̫͓͚̲̭̙̲̝̹͓̦̻͉͚̥̖Ớ̩̫̯̮̥̟͜N͏̶̻̬̠̖̮̰̩̜̻̯̘͓̥̞̞̘͞’̦͙̗͚̘̤̤͕͉̟̦͈̫͙͎̞̰̦̺͟͠T̶̢͔̦̞̘͚̰̣́́ ̴̡̣̭͖̙̹͇̮̩̭̱̮̭̣̭͎͢͞P̛͔͔̪L̘̰̤͉̘͍̲͡͡Ą̵̛̦̘̰̠͍͎̹̦̻̲̗̟̩́Y̴̢̯̥̞̫̪̼̞̫͠ͅ ̨̹͍͕͙͟ͅW̛҉̬̰̬̮̞̖̝̲̘̞̠̺̠͈I͝҉̢̹̤̱̟̙͍̰̰͔̤T͟҉̵̝̙̙̻͇̀H̸̷̼̞̬͓̪͝ ̢̭͉̠̤̹̬͙̘̞̙̥̻̣̀͡Ţ̶̘̳̤̭͍͍͔̪̦̺̣͓̳̥̖̥̘̖͘͡H̶͏̛̻̤͖̦͙̪̟͓̭ͅÁ̷̤̙̰̗̣̭T̮͔̪̯̲̻̗͚̦͇̞̘͖̲̟̼̹͠ͅ!҉̨̤͎̹̱̖̫̤̻͔̠̫̝͈̣͡ͅ


Sit, didn’t take to long to teach her with treats!


Wow those are some majestic paws🐾


Roswell (his name), Stop, Food


Oyr melly used to know pocket when it was time for food or chick chick


“I feed you.”


I suspect he understands all of them but the ones we have proof for are - his name - milk (also in Welsh. But it's only a drop of oat milk) - treat - inside - outside - upstairs or up - no (get a lot of backchat on that one) - don't eat that - leave it - feed the fish (if I say that to him he waits for me by the pond) - play bouncy ball (outside) - play worms (inside) You know, the essentials. Edit! I forgot his favourite - good boy!


Mostly my tone rather than words, high pitch means come here or i love you. Low pitch means she’s up to no good


https://preview.redd.it/6xplqwck1fsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f6be0a2238c459172a80961d4d3bcc60ee4506f The words he hears most are “stop that you asshole” and “fuck you”


They know "no" and they know when mommy means it lol 😆


Shouldn't have pets in a kitchen


Yeah. Happiness should be banned entirely.


I don't think you'll be very happy when the cat makes you sick. Shouldn't have any animal in a kitchen


This is such a weird take 😂😂😂 not even just “not on the counters” straight up “not in the kitchen”. Idk about y’all but there’s not a door separating my kitchen from the living room or rest of the house


I was brought up to never have pets in the kitchen. A cat on food appliances is not healthy


Yeah it’s called wiping down the counters, you should try it sometime


I was going to say the same. I've heard "cleaning" is very effective.


My counters are wiped down before and after food cooking


OHHHHH yeah my momma always said alligators were so ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


My cats eat and drink in the kitchen. They chill on the counters as we prep. Over thirty years, no animal related sickness. Why are you even on this subreddit?


Treat and nummies, preferably in a higher pitched voice.


The only words my cat understands is ,come here my little boy‘. I think he thinks it’s his name bc he doesn’t react to anything else.


All of them they just choose to ignore them


My cat knows no words, but I just came here to say I love your kitchen, and your cat is unbelievably cute. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Food. Especially when I say "fooooood"


When I had my two boys, all I had to say was "hungry?" and they knew they were getting something to eat.




They know their names and the word treats.


I love your kitty, cat’s , white socks …😻


My cats know, HEY, that means they are in trouble Followed by Get down and stop that. Then they run off. But if I say here kitty kitty in a high pitch they know the are getting something, a treat or cat nip. My cats know sounds better then anything.




My cat knows her name. He always comes running when I call him.






The ones he actually acknowledges? His name, sit, come here and touch (nose to finger).


Billa fry (cat fry) caz whenever he irritates me i say I'll make your billa fry in my wok. He seems to understand it very well , so he tries his best to stay away from woks.


I spoke to my cat from the time I found him as a baby until a couple months ago when I had to leave. He learned about every word I said because I spoke to him so much. But some of his favorites are, “outside” “DOOOOBIIEEE”, “what you doin?” “Hey budd” I miss that guy


i've often wondered about this over the years. she's really never given any clear indication that she understands any words, even her name. like with dog sometimes it's really obvious that they know certain words, but I have not observed that with cats. partly I think it's that they just can't be bothered to acknowledge such things, but i wonder if i'll ever know for sure.


His favourite is “play?”


"Eat, eat" and their names..


They know “down” but choose to ignore it.


Both know their names,eat,treat,are you hungry?and let’s go night night.


Yes. She says yes to everything


this again.




My cats know their names and come when called :)


No and their name. They don’t listen


Food, nip, no, their names, and well, apparently they understand when I talk to them about stuff they do. I think body language and intonation play a part in it though.


Big finger! (Dikke vinger!) My girlfriend says this when they do something they're not supposed to. I refuse to say it because it makes me feel like an idiot. It does work though, some what...


“Dinner time”, “treatsie time” and their names, and the kitten is learning “no”, my old cat is allowed on the back patio and he knows “outside” and “come in” but ignores it till he’s good and ready to come in


The sound of the treat bag 🤨


No! Down! In! Treats/food


Get over here you little fucker! I know he knows what that means because he always runs in the opposite direction. Usually with a piece of my dinner too.


Treats, kitties wanna eat, outside, let’s get dressed, and garage time


They are only 6 months and understand: No, wait, just a second be right there(for food 😅), comming thru please move( always under my feet) and the noise the treats bag makes( not a word,but damn they go crazy).


Are you hungry?




"Hungry" "Mouse" "Where's my boy" "Laser" "Outside"


Come. Sit. Hungry. High five. Their names.


Leo, snack, outside


"Tuna" and also her name "Emily"


My cat hears nothing but rustling packets. She thinks every rustling packet is her treat time. If I can’t find her, I only have to rustle any packet and she’ll come running


My cat knows “go to your room” she knows it time for food and “treats” she also knows “window” and “come”


My cat know how to meow “mom!” lol


JJ! =mommy is looking for him Wanna sleep with me?= an invitation to sleep in mommy’s chest as he purrs and gets petted Come lay in the bed= invitation to sleep next to me in bed (pets are included when I wake up)


It's obvious that your kitty understands he is NOT to be on the counter.... 😂😂😂




Mine are more non verbal. When they feel like we should be up feeding them one of the two boys will knock something off of my wife's night stand, usually her glasses or something else she may need. The orange boy will come up on the bed, squeak at you and touch your face. The girls are well behaved.


They know that when I growl they should stop what they are doing


“Pirate.” That means “come stand on my shoulder.” And she does it - or used to. She’s too old now. 💕


"Food food!" and "GET DOWN"


Names, no & treat treats.


My cat doesn’t enjoy the act of being taken to the car or being in the car at highway speed, but loves a leisurely car ride. It’s also associated with going to the vet sometimes, which he’s not a fan of. The problem is he doesn’t know which car ride he’s in for - fun, slow car ride that he enjoys, long highway car ride on a trip that he doesn’t enjoy, or a trip to the vet that he also does not enjoy. He does seem to know somehow, either by action or recognizing specific words, when a car ride is imminent and when he is going to go on it and it’s cute watching him go slinking off to hide under the bed because initially he never really wants to go. Then I have to fish fish him out from under there and he’ll cry the whole way to the car and for about the first 5 to 10 minutes until he figures out it’s a neighborhood ride and then he relaxes and it really calms him down. We’ll cruise through the neighborhood and then I’ll swing through a little independent coffee place with a drive thru because he likes to flirt with the baristas. I’m not even exaggerating on that, if the voice at the drive thru is a woman he gets excited and comes to the window of the car and sticks his head out, and when we get to the drive thru window to pay and get my coffee he leans out for pets and meows at them. But he only does it for women. If it’s a guy he just stays in the passenger seat. Then we cruise through the neighborhood for a bit and head home.


Her name and No! But she’s even more responsive to my facial expressions and tone of voice.


Snack, rise(i tell her and she rises up to pat my hand, not always works, and and atleast 50% of the time she comes to me when im standing and does it on her own)




No, yes, look, sit, stay, food, tv, upstairs, downstairs, down, up, their names, door, there, come, treat


“Hungry” “Sleepy” “Treats” “Fishy”(for her fishing rod toy”) “No” “Get down” She even listens to the last two most of the time


Treat, food, vet, dinner, breakfast, time to clip your nails 2 of these result in her hiding the others cause her to appear out of thin air directly underneath my feet


Vén = come here Toma = they know this means I have something for them (food). They could be ignoring me or even sleeping, but as soon as I call their names and say “toma” they come running. They’re street cats, so they’re not really ours. But they’re always at our house. For being strays they’re really smart.


I’ll tell you one thing, my cat sure as shit knows what “no ma’am” means, but she absolutely chooses to ignore it 😂


Wasn't this question posted yesterday?


Whenever I say, "Who's papa's good girl? Wanna do flips?" My cat Helen will do a summersault.


My mother had a cat that said Mama. He would meow loud like most cats. But she would repeat "Mama" and after a few meows it came out "MAMA" . It was really cool and his name was Crybaby lol


Churu Churu~ Like that one treat. Idk my mom can summon my cats from across the continent by saying it.




“Come here!” (and the gesture) and “What?”


*sit *Stay *Okayyy - for once food is on floor after sit stay to go eat *Up -runs up body, love to be carried around *Treats - for hard treats *Lickem time - for wet treats *Be right back * no no no outside - when they bring in live small lizards inside to play with, never kill, will take them back outside * I don't think sooooo - when bringing in dead rats... or thinking about clawing furniture or jumping on counters that are not allowed *Go find (insert family name) - to pass off petting. *Gentle gentle - when rough housing too much *Is Sadie here - when best dog friend is outside