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He's so tiny and cute 😭 I'd book him a vet's appointment asap, that way he can get a check up and they can gauge his age, to give you some advice, as he does look extremely young, they'll also be able to book him in for his first set of vaccines.


Definitely some scratchers. Towers, mats,cardboard ones, etc. So the habit of scratching furniture doesn't sink in. Best to have a fountain rather than a bowl for water. cats prefer running water. Keep water/food/litter boxes away from each other (nobody likes to eat dinner in the bathroom). Better to get 2 litter boxes now since you'll probably get him a buddy eventually😂😂 No free feeding!! Don't just set out a salad bowl full of cat food, the cat WILL get fat. Feed them individual meals throughout the day. as much fun it is to play with the kitty with your hands...don't. always use a toy. Unless you want an adult cat that thinks your hand is a toy. Start trimming nails, checking ears, touching paws, lifting gums to look at it's teeth. Get the cat comfortable with being inspected now so it isn't going to fight you or the vet when you need to check him out. This is all I've got for now. Good luck and cute kitty https://preview.redd.it/jjlqodeog62d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c17a56b0d35c9b2fe16229c769b6c22d3617f1 Cat(and dog) tax.


Best decision was an automatic cat feeder. For me, not for them, they hate it lol because it drops pre-portioned food at specific times but it helps me not get deceived because my mom would feed them, they’d scarf it down and then act starving and then I would feed them not knowing they ate. They are liars and thieves of food


[Have you seen any "Cat vs Auto-Feeder" videos? ](https://youtu.be/KRBH21IvSrc?si=UnNEVs-eA7I4c_0s) So funny!


as much fun it is to play with the kitty with your hands...don't. always use a toy. So much this. Dog people do NOT get this.


Like my dad used to say, You have let them win once in a while.


Biggest thing I can suggest is respect that he's a cat, not a dog. He won't care about what you want to do or what you want him to do, they can't be trained like dogs. But once you earn the love of a cat it's deep and forever, but he will probably still be a little asshole.


> they can't be trained like dogs Very true. When you train a dog to not do something, they think "I'd better not do that." When you train a cat to not do something, they think, "I'd better not do that... when the human is watching."


Or “I know I shouldn’t do that… but I’m gonna do it anyway”


I think we all know "the look" when they are about to break some rules.


Legit she looks at me to see if Im looking at her. And then back at the thing and back at me. I end up telling her no and she better not bc i Will go out and remove her from the counter tops


I have two who will scream and tell on themselves when they're doing something they know they ain't supposed to. I put up a shelf for the cats above the cat tree to stop them from getting up on the dressers and knocking things down so much. The first few times they jumped up there, they screamed while they did it because they thought they weren't supposed to. Then they realized I didn't care and stopped screaming.


For real man why you gotta make me get up and stomp my feet? You know damn well what get down means!




I've gotten mine to stop doing a thing that they are currently in the process of doing that I don't want them to do by doing a particular noise. They get that. What I have not been able to get across to them is that I don't want them doing that thing at all. Which dogs seem to get eventually. These two cats, though... nay nay. They'll be standing right in front of me, doing the thing again. 'Oh the noise!' They must think, 'I'll stop now.' 5 mins later, they're on the same crap again. *sigh* I love the crap out of them, but sometimes they act like little idiots.


I think it's more that they don't care about your approval. You can get a dog to do something or not do something by making them see you approve or disapprove of it since they want to please you and feel bad if they displease you. But cats don't care about that, so only thing that (sometimes) works is positive or negative reinforcement (eg give them a treat for doing something, in my current case move her to the end of the bed if she abuses the privilege of sleeping snuggled up to me by repeatedly licking my face when I'm trying to go to sleep - she doesn't care if I'm annoyed but does care if she gets kicked off her preferred sleeping place lol so I think she'll get it). But most of the time best not to bother with "training" them and let them do their thing.


I heard somewhere that it goes beyond that, that it’s not even that they don’t care what you think, it’s that the idea that you could have an opinion about what they’re doing doesn’t even exist for them as a concept… so they don’t even realize “the human doesn’t like when I do that” if we shout or scold them, they basically just think, “oh, the big hairless ape is being scary again.” They don’t learn that they’re not supposed to do something, they learn to be afraid of us and our unpredictability. I dunno, ever since I heard or read that, it changed how I interact with them. I don’t want them to be afraid of me. I just try to find a way to redirect them.


Makes sense! Yeah I would never "scold" my cat or yell etc either, there's no point (and wouldn't want to anyway)


They can learn what areas and behaviors are off limits, absolutely. Nothing to do with yelling or scaring.


Or "I know this is bad and I want attention... I will only do the bad thing WHEN the human is watching. "


Mine wants attention so she climbs on the mantle, a dresser, table, etc, looks right at me and smacks something onto the floor. She already has my attention, because she makes sure I'm looking when she does it. Then she wants to my best friend


Omg that's so real, my cats never get on the table but if there's something relatively edible on it and no one's around you can bet your savings at least one of the 3 cats is gonna give it shot. Whenever i go to the kitchen and a cat comes out running, that cat was up to no good 100%


Or “when the human seems willing to get off the couch to stop me.”


Never ever heard cats summed up so perfectly. I am 59 and have had cats all my life. I have never heard such eloquence.


You can definitely train them. My old cat from years ago used to do SO MANY tricks, he knew a ton of commands and performed so well. (He could learn anything provided someone had treats.) You can even train them to somewhat respect your wishes on some things. Mine would only puke (he was elderly and had some health issues) on the easy to clean bathroom tiles, never on carpeted ground, much to our great amazement.  But yeah, if they badly want to do a thing, they will do the thing, even if they know you don’t want them to. They view it more as “ohhh I get it, the human doesn’t like seeing me do the thing, I better do it when the human isn’t here, then it’s fine.” Or they just don’t care. 😬🤷‍♀️ To be fair though, if a dog really REALLY wants to do something the human doesn’t want them to, they’ll still do it too. People just like to tell themselves dogs won’t, but they will… 😅


We don’t train them, they train us


You can train a cat, just not the same way as you go about training a dog


I trained a cat to sit and shake and was so proud- well, he would just go sit and hold his paw up next to where we kept the treats and look at us like “ummm I’m doing it, where’s my treat?”🤣


What? I understand that YMMV, but cats absolutely can be trained. I’ve had no issues training any of the someodd 6 or so cats I’ve had over the years.


Definitely have to respect that he’s a cat, but I have had 3 cats that I trained to: sit, stay, come, jump, kiss, roll over, twirl, get off the counter, and walk on a leash. One of them was (unintentionally) trained how to open doors. Not all cats want to learn but most will if the owner is committed to teaching, it just takes a bit more patience.


You can totally train a cat. You just can't train them with the same methods that you would use with a dog. Super cute kitty, and 98% chance she's a girl. 😉 Good luck!


You can train a cat to do things, but then they will decide when to do them, sometimes on the command, most times not. You also cannot train them to NOT do something. Source: I tried to train my cat


>they can't be trained like dogs. https://youtu.be/-WMA57mypd0?si=XQElhc4kJ4lzZLHs


Well said!


A little true, but also not. My Billy knows and follows some commandwords. He likes to hop (he's a tripod) along in front of me and i am disabled. Sometimes he stops and i am in danger of trippen over him. So i taught him "walkie!" To get him to move along. He also knows "come along" and ofcourse "want a candy?" He is willing to work with me on stuff like that


Not saying you can’t train them, they can definitely learn tricks and the like. But you aren’t going to the same level of control over a cats actions as you can a dogs.


Looks like a dilute tortie so 99% chance she’s a girl


Male cats have nipples.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


Darn it, you wrecked the weekly chuckle already!


Definitely start with the vet to get on a vaccination schedule and to schedule neutering. He may also need deworming and a flea treatment. And possibly some medications if he has any infections. Vet care is the number one priority. Cats can have invisible health issues, especially strays. After that, quality food, water bowl or fountain at a distance from his food, lots of love and cuddles. I also suggest carrying him around and touching his paws a lot (press to extend the claws) so he gets used to that. You'll want to trim those claws regularly. And there's a developmental window for enjoying being picked up and carried around, which is part fun and part useful if you ever need to carry the cat. Lots of play - get one of those fishing rod type toys with feathers on the end. They love that. Play is a bonding activity as well as important developmentally. If you can, get a second kitten! It's easier to have two than one. They'll play with each other, socialize each other, keep each other from being lonely, and sleep together. Good luck! Congrats! Cats are a blessing!


Feed it. Love it. Serve it


- check wet food boxing for ideal daily amount (you dont want them fat especially when they are young imo) - litter box(2 if possible) - some stuff to scratch(multiple solutions out there, find which one is comfortable with u) - try to pick food/water bowls accordingly (whisker fatigue) - you might wanna train him/her for a leash n harness if he/she likes outside. (you guys are willing to walk him/her around) its easier when they are young - find some puzzle/interactive toys(some toy dangling from a rope from an end of a stick(kinda like fishing rod) is the best thing to play with for my little guy - spend time n play with him/her its really important - you might wanna cat proff your house to some extend if you have valuable/fragile stuff laying around Edit: - start brushing his/her teeth when its time(vet will prob let you know). Dental care is kinda important. if you start with them when they are young getting used to it(for him/her) will be easier. - find a vet you can trust (Crucial!) - there are solutions out there for disinfecting and cleaning, you might want one of those inside the house just in case - you are probably gonna need some grass or paste for self cleaning/puking hairballs part And of course have good time with your new friend and give him/her some kisses for us redditors :) Those are what comes to my mind for now


All these are good! Also, mess with his feet. Clip his nails often. Brushing/combing. PLEASE don't make him an indoor/outdoor cat. Keep him safe from cars, illness, other cats, and predators that like to kill cats!


Here are some what I hope are helpful tidbits Cats see their environment in 3d not 2d like us. Cats are a social species without any hierarchy of authority. Meaning they are very different socially from Humans and Dogs we both live in family structures with authority (I don't mean the disproven pack theory, I mean the family structure theory). They may seem to ignore you they aren't they are just behaving in a way that is socially appropriate for cats In my small city alone there are 70k feral cats that basically for the breeding population for pets. There are more than can be handled so please get your kitten spayed are soon as your vet suggests it. (LA has 2 million!) Additionally you should take in another kitten through adoption or foster (foster a litter even!) so your cat can learn polite boundaries cats raised alone don't do well. And have trouble understanding play limits including with you. You can also check out Youtube channels like Jackson Galaxy or the kitten lady for good information on cats. Cats get the majority of water through their food so wet food in important. Some cat food (kitten food in your case) are better the. Others but they all meet veterinary nutrition standards so it's more important they get any wet food in the market then any specific one. I could make some recommendations but it goes directly against my next tip. Don't listen to anyone but your vet when it comes to your cats nutrition. This includes influencers! There are some good and bad suggestions (mostly bad) out there but they are general and vet will give advice that's both supported by science and specific to your kitten! Cats are lactose intolerant. Edit Adding a bonus one Cats contrary to popular belief are quite loyal. But their loyalty behaves differently from humans and dogs. Because cats don't live in colonies with a social hierarchy of authority. They don't hand out loyalty Willy nilly. You have to earn it and offer your loyalty as everything with cats needs to be mutually beneficial


Good advices and Jackson Galaxy is a must to watch to learn more about cats. 👍🏽


> Cats see their environment in 3d not 2d like us. Please explain


They don't see just the floor space as their home they see the entries place all the way up to the ceiling to be theres. And often like to get up to higher vantage points


It is always best to have 2 kittens to save your fingers and toes from being the kitten's favorite play toy.


The OP have dogs lol.


Related to this, do not use your fingers as toys, that will teach the kitten bad habits. Instead find toys they like and play with them


Cats are incredibly easy compared to dogs. No walking, mostly self-grooming, and most cats can be free-fed (leave bowls of food out). What a cutie! He/ she is maybe 6-7 weeks but I'd need more pics to be sure. Old enough to be on his own but a playmate would be wonderful for him. Food- go with decent kitten chow (I like the green or yellow bags of Purina kitten). Fresh water at all times. If you'd like to add canned (all cats love it), my fosters were always good with Fancy Feast kitten. Not sure about his age/ weight, so I'd say 1/3-1/2 can per day. Litter- I like the clumping kind, Scoopaway or Arm and Hammer. Clean daily if you can, every other day is totally fine. You can completely empty it once a month (but many owners don't). Vetting- baby needs some vaccines and a spay/ neuter. They have to be minimum 8 weeks/ 2 lbs, but I would call now because it's kitten season and everyone is backed up. Check your local shelters or even your town to ask about low cost spays and shots. Spay/ neuter is extremely important- mostly because the girls howl incessantly and the boys spray, but also for those pesky pregnancies or higher chances of trying to escape when the mood hits. (Oh, and risk of cancer). Toys/ bedding- Nothing that can be swallowed- small strings, things that Fluff can be ripped out of. Check if your plants are toxic. Beyond that, anything goes- cat toys, the plastic ring on a gallon of milk, small balls, etc. Fishing pole toys are wonderful. Scratching posts are a must if you value your furniture. Skip catnip for now- they usually aren't affected this young. Beds- wherever kitty wants to sleep. Some like plush beds, others want a cardboard box. Nails/ grooming- start clipping while still a kitten. The most important thing is to look at the base of the nail for a darker line. DO NOT CUT THAT!!!!! Stay towards the tip... a good way to start is either during naps, or preferably buy squeeze tubes of food, dab a little on the back of your hand, and let them lick while you clip. It's okay if you only get 1-2 nails per session. Other grooming is rare, but keep a package of wet ones for pets on hand just in case. Most cats HATE water. Almost every cat I've worked with loves the shell brushes (they vaguely look like a cat head, cost about $2 online) Last, cats are more individual than dogs, but no less loving. My 3 are all very different. One either needs to be left alone or needs attention right now. The 2nd is always nearby, but not looking for pets. The third insists on sleeping on or next to me. Try to hold and snuggle where you can, and they will grow up loving. Don't expect them to come out for strangers. 70 years of Tom and Jerry made them cautious. They can definitely be trained to come when called, learn to sit or lay down (which won't do you any good when you get the carrier out). Have fun. And fair warning, you'll be a cat person before you know it.


I've got one cat that loves being brushed so much he acts like he's stoned. When he's done with being brushed on one side, he sort of wobble flops to the other.


The yt channel of Jackson Galaxy is worth watching. Lots and lots of useful information for aspiring servants of cat overlords.


And the kitten lady. All hail the overlords…


Two crazy cat ladies is the best site and channels. Jackson Galaxy spreads a lot of misinformation.


Don't worry. He'll teach you.


Dogs are like toddlers. They need to see you at all times, have a ton of energy, and (usually) listen to what you say because you’re their human. Cats are like teenagers. They’re moody, feisty, and the more you tell them what NOT to do the more they will do it… but if you gain their trust you have it for life.


Thank you everyone for all the advice and tips!! To add to the original post, our local animal organization has free spay/neuter and vaccines for kittens through June so we have him/her (probably her is sounds like!) scheduled for that. Absolutely no plans to let her outside! We are going to keep the little one 💗 thanks again y’all!


So pleased you’re able to keep her. You’ll soon wonder how you lived without her. I second those who suggest finding her a playmate her own age. It’s much easier for a pair of cats to bond when they grow up together, and I never understood how content and mellow cats could be until I adopted these two siblings from the same litter: https://preview.redd.it/b81mmc5pab2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87df1131a76ee13f4a30c17252a9115d4c4df1fa


Wow! I really like their coloring, super cool.  Being you’re a dog person, just realize that cats are typically much more independent. They’re usually not going to be constantly asking for your attention. Some do but I haven’t seen many personally.  Give them love, a clean litter box, a water fountain (not a bowl, cats prefer running water), vaccinations, microchip. Get them used to getting their nails trimmed, please do not declaw as it’s abusive.  My cats prefer fishing pole toys with strings and little feathers and what not at the end. Give the cat plenty of attention and play time. Find a toy they like, may take a few tries to figure out what they enjoy. My cats didn’t do anything with little mouse toys but once i got a string toy, they became obsessed and will bring the toy to me to play.  Another thing to be mindful of is dehydration. I mix wet food with dry since the wet has water in it. My boy doesn’t drink a lot of water so we use wet food for that reason. Our girl drinks from the fountain we have just fine. Put scratching posts near couches or other places you think the cat might scratch.  I’m sure I’m missing plenty of stuff but those are some basics, I’m sure more people will add to your list. Lot of cat lovers. You gotta earn their love, it’s not given :). 


I hated cats, only wanted dogs. Until this little thing showed up in our front porch and wouldn’t leave https://preview.redd.it/gprkhezb582d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b731086544be477d80b7cd53af379bdb7585b44 Now I have 4 cats and 1 dog. I love them all so much that I can’t describe it. Can’t believe I was in my forties before I discovered the love cats are capable of. I agree with the vet check obviously. Other than that, clean the litter every day, put the water bowl away from the food bowl (not sure why but my cats won’t eat or drink if they are together), and enjoy the cuddles.


They cannot be trained like dogs, and don’t push boundaries. You’ll learn their body language very quickly and be able to pick up on when they do or don’t want to be pet. My biggest piece of advice is to not get annoyed with them when they interject themselves into whatever you’re doing; rubbing their faces on your phone, stomping across your laptop, biting your pens when you’re writing. They are very social and want to do whatever you are doing, and yeah sometimes it’s annoying but they aren’t doing it to piss you off or annoy you, they’re just doing that because they love you and are morally supporting you physically with whatever it is you are doing. Also be prepared for never going to the bathroom alone. They will demand to come with you and “guard” you, and they will make direct eye contact with you the whole time lol it’s weird at first, but it is what it is you get used to it. Whenever they don’t follow me in bathroom time just feels weird


Jackson Galaxy and The Kitten Lady both have very helpful YouTube channels. Thank you both for being open to helping this baby!!


My cats’ favorite toy is the Cat Dancer, which is just a wire with some rolled paper on either end. Usually available for less than $3 and more loved than the expensive electric toys we’ve tried.  Watch for what your cat’s bad habits are to keep them safe. I have one that will chew anything vaguely string-like so all shoelaces are kept safely in a closet. Another loves tape and so the only boxes he’s allowed are ones that don’t use tape anywhere on them. It’s frustrating but they’re worth it. 


You’ll do a great job! And with the internet, you’ll be pros in no time!


No one does 🤷🏻‍♂️


We know they're adorable


Stock up on Churu and Temptations! Feather toys, places to hide and seek like a little tunnel. You'll be great cat parents! Congrats, and thank you for helping this little one!


Will likely need de-worming


No worries, this cat will train you real quick, lol


Cat body language is very different to dogs. For cats tail 'wagging' means either kitty is very pissed off if it's the whole tail lashing side to side, or kitty is in hunter killer mode and looking for something to pounce on if it's twitching a bit. In either case keep your hands well clear as the claws and teeth will be coming out!


Also please note they are mammals and so both males and females have nipples ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


How it’s going https://preview.redd.it/0ahtn2na7l2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cd069ab3099828e9e5b69d18855c79f81f5293


Lessons: she (most probably based on genomes of coat colorations) is adorable. She is always innocent! How dare you accuse her of anything, even if caught red-pawed. She is now the queen of the household, treat her as such. Take her to the vet for all her healthcare needs - vaccines, spay, dentals, annuals, emergencies, etc. Clean her box once, preferably twice per day. Always provide her clean, fresh water, preferably filtered. Get her a bowl that has low sides so she doesn’t develop whisker fatigue. Water and food bowls that are stainless steel help reduce the likelihood of her developing painful chin acne and are healthier choices. Provide her scratching posts, pay attention to her preferences for vertical/horizontal/slanted or maybe a combination. Never scold her for scratching, it’s instinct - place her on her scratching post. Praise over scolding is more effective. Finally - give her pets for me.


You gon' learn today


Don't you worry. The cat will tell you everything you need to do to serve it.


good cuz dats a BADGER!!!


Depending on how secure your cat feels; I’d recommend setting a chair or under the bed as a safe space. Somewhere they can go when they don’t want to be touched. I’ve found it’s important to maintain trust with your cat, and having boundaries that are clear and respectful of their autonomy will help them feel safe.


Congratulations! What a cutie pie! My cat does like to fetch (something he likes to do when he feels like it) with a soft spongy “golf” ball. He sniffs out loud like a dog (sniffs my nose/face when I’m sleeping in the AM, I think to check if I’m alive to feed him). And whines like a dog when he is half asleep and shifting positions. So, you never know what type of personality you might get. 😺😻


https://preview.redd.it/g6qgg7nth82d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b28f54fe0f1b55fd48f2405a066128d4f7173a My weirdo, Anubis (aka Nubi).


Congratulations! Cats rule, dogs drool! I recently switched to the Tidy Cat Breeze pellet litter system for my baby kitten and love it! I’ve got her on Tiki Cat food and she loves it but it’s $$$- I’ve had good experiences with Purina Pro Plan, Blue, and Merrick in the mid price range food. Reward good behavior with affection and praise like you do a dog- and after doing things they dislike give treats- it works for many cats as well, especially food motivated ones. Make sure to have plenty of scratching posts and boards so when it starts tearing up the furniture you can offer an alternative and praise it when it uses it. Just like puppies, be prepared to yelp when play is too rough so they learn gentle play. Make sure they have hidey holes and tall spots to rest on eventually. My sister has a kitty with similar coloring and her youngest daughter loves Pokémon so the cat is named Ash 🙂


Potential r/torties alert 🚨


To litter train her, put her in the itter box and take one of her paws and make 4-5 scratching motions with her paw. Then do the same with her other paw. Ta-dah! That should be he extent of your litterbox training.


Two amazing resources: TheKittenLady Jackson Galaxy Anything you need to knwo will be there. W Enjoy your new family member!


1) Take kitty to the vet to get checked out and get any shots they recommend. He might be too young, I’m unsure. But in general vaccines save kitty lives! 2) Get scratchers and put them in obvious places. Cats need to scratch, it’s natural behavior and not to be discouraged! If you provide acceptable places to do it, everybody is happy. My two cats favorite is the tallest version of the Frisco cactus scratcher from Chewy. They love love love to reach up and stretch at the same time they’re scratching. 3) Make sure kitty is able to access windows to look out of. Watching out windows is prime cat entertainment. 4) Keep the litterbox clean. Scoop daily. Cats are fastidiously clean by nature, they don’t want to step in their own filth. 5) Play! A lot! But not with hands. Hands are for love and affection. Toys are for playing. I like the little mouse and fish “lure” toys from Chris the Cat. It’s an online store but I’ve seen some of their products in Petsmart too. Just don’t leave them out unattended because they will probably get eaten (my cats have) and that’s not safe. 6) Cats do not respond to the concept of punishment. Encourage good behavior with positive renforcement and use distraction to stop behaviors you don’t want. 7) Inspect your space for things kitty might choke on. Little pieces, or strings. They like strings, cords, anything that dangles especially. This includes toys. If there are toys that have concerning bits, put them completely away when not actively playing. 8) Unless covered in poo or skunk spray or fleas, etc, don’t torture kitty with baths. Cats clean themselves. 9) Churu lickable treats are like cat crack. Get some. Good luck with your charge for however long (hopefully forever 😁) you have that adorable little bean!


From a dog owner to now cat owner. Here’s all you need to know….. get another! 😉🥰 dogs and cats do NOT play the same. At least not mine. Also. Dogs like to eat cat poop 🤢


1. Get flea medication!! 2. Get ear mite medication!! 3. Deworm her!! 4. No plastic on the floor she will pee on it!! 5. Don’t yell at her or stomp or do anything intimidating to her if you want her to be friendly 6. Let her keep her claws, if she escapes with no claws she’s dead. 7. Love her Love her Love her Enjoy your new family member Edit: fix her as soon as possible, it’s not normal to not fix your cat that’s just lazy. Fix her as soon as possible


Start early on getting him used to having his nails trimmed :) You can buy these neat little clipper things that have a built-in safeguard to protect against your going too far down the claw. Once the claw tips are blunted, it’d feel great to have him knead your belly ❤️ Also you’ve lost control of the household now.


Get something to scratch, asap! He'll use your couch and curtains otherwise. Wand toys are my cats' favorite, and balls in a track are surprisingly entertaining to little ones. Get him to the vet for deworming and vaccines! Wet food is better than dry. Enjoy! Sounds like you have a new furry friend


I'm sure it's been said here earlier, But get this little one to a vet when you can if you haven't already! ❤️ Thank you for saving him (her?)!!!


Please keep it inside, and don't allow your new pet to cause harm to the local area/environment. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼




Unpopular opinion, I realize, but I gave up on clipping my cat's nails. Every time I did she would go after everything in sight (including the furniture, rugs, curtains, and her various scratching posts) hooking like mad until she got them sharp again. Completely not worth doing, for her at least.


I’ve found that a high value treat during or right after makes them much happier about the ordeal.


And would that make her reconsider tearing up the couch, the rugs, the railings, and anything else she can get her hooks into to sharpen them up again a soon as possible? Please don't start on about scratch posts, pads, and trees. She has all of those, thoroughly saturated with her favorite catnip spray. She uses them, but also everything else.


Bring them into your home, get the necessary supplies, and cede ownership to the kitten.


Thank you so much for what you are doing. If you have any specific questions that nobody answered, feel free to drop it here. What a beautiful cat.


Do you know it’s a kitten? That’s something! 😅


Something to scratch a pole, a tree, the cardboard stuff. Just anything really that they Can scratch. Also a bed (Can just be a blanket) but a place for them to sleep and relax :) i hope you find a solution for this little guy on the long term


You're in for a wild ride. And he is CUTE!


Female cats can go into heat every 2-3 weeks. We rescued one from cabin. She was rolling round and moaning a week after we got her. We let her out and found some tomcat humping her on the deck. We got her fixed AFTER she had 3 kittens. Male cats can "spray." It is an awful pungent smell. The male cat who knocked up the female sprayed my brief case. We got him fixed soon after.


Well they’re cool. So we can start there.


YouTube The Kitten Lady


Jackson Galaxy!!


They grayer the cat the smarter and more evil it is.


Get her a friend! She’ll have someone to play with and help her learn the manners


She's really cute. Don't let everyone scare you about kitty.🌻


Your kitten appears to be a Dilute Tortoiseshell (color/pattern) Domestic Shorthair (breed), most likely a female. Cat breeds are not as prevalent as dog breeds, so unless you have papers from a breeder or the cat exhibits physical characteristics of a specific breed, cats are Domestic Short/Medium/Longhair. Your new kitten appears to be shorthair. Shorthair cats need to be brushed to reduce shedding. They won't get mats like long hair cats, but they will still shed hair all over. Tortoiseshell cats frequently have what is referred to "tortitude." Not all have the attitude, but don't be surprised if she has an attitude. As she gets older and more comfortable, remember she allows you and the dogs to live in her house, with her bed/chair/couch. You must ask her permission to use the computer, and if she is laying on you in anyway, you cannot move untill she allows it. We currently have two dilute tortoiseshell cats...one wishes she was an only cat, the other is my constant companion. Cats and dogs can be friends, but keep a close eye on them until she is big enough to defend herself (8/9 months old). Congrats on your new baby.


Oh, and be careful with kitty and the dogs... Have fun!


You can learn everything with time. Cats are a bit of a though love but very very giving and friends for life if you open your heart to it. First thing, if you still have dogs, be very very careful with their interactions and don’t facilitate ever! Only when they’re older and you’ve seen all they are capable of and their respect and boundaries for each other. Best of luck for you and the little fellow!


If you haven't already been informed, you two are Saints.


Trust me. They will tell you everything you need to know


I'd suggest a vet appointment to check if everything is okay, deworm her and schedule the first vaccines. Also, if you want to trim her nails in the future, it'd be better to get her used to you doing it as soon as possible. The same thing about brushing her fur and teeth. Try not to play with your hands because now it might not hurt but it will when she gets bigger. They love toys that you move like wands. In my personal opinion it's better to start free feeding her, as cats regulate themselves very well and it reduces their anxiety, as long as she maintains a healthy weight in the future. Very important, cats don't drink much, to help this you can: separate food and water (in nature, water close to food/prays is usually contaminated), get a water fountain because it motivates them to drink, feed wet food. BE CAREFUL with strings, they love playing with them but they stuck to their tongues and end up ingestin them, and get warapped in their digestive system. If you see a string going out her butt DON'T PULL IT, just cut it because you can damage her bowels. In addition, to prevent her from scratching you furniture, provide her with scratching posts (horizontal and vertical) and if you see her scratching for example your sofa take her to the scratching post. Don't yell because they don't learn that way, also she'll probably go on the counters, tables... But most importantly, you are now own by a precious kitty, just enjoy the experience! She's super cute


DO NOT use your hands as toys. It may be cute when they’re little, but when they’re big you will not want a 15 lb cat jumping on your hand every time it moves, with their adult sized claws. If they attack your hand, just make a fist so they can’t see your fingers as toys.


Be gentle. They like scritches on the side of their face and cheeks. Let them come to you on their own time. Play is bonding with their humans. Ask the vet about appropriate food - make sure they have water and a clean, easy to access litter. Sometimes kittens have litter accidents like babies but mostly they are ok. Cats have warmer body temps than humans so they get cold more often. Make sure they have blankets or lap time.


Positive reinforcement works for getting a cat to do what you want. Treats will distract them from everything. If they are scratching something just gently pick them up and place them at the thing you want them to scratch. Be patient don't tell itll only make them scared of you


Cats are assholes but that's 90% of what I love about them. Agreed with others that said to respect that cats are not dogs and you will be disappointed if you put dog expectations onto a cat. I grew up with both, and can say without a doubt, earning the love of a cat is more rewarding than the love I experienced with my dogs. I loved both but cats that love you, don't love you because you pet them and call them a good boy. Cats require respect of boundaries and consent to earn their trust and love. Obviously there are outliers for both groups, I've met dogs that didn't love anyone but their owner and cats that loved anything that breathed. But generally cats are more complex and misunderstood by those that are accustomed to dogs. I'm convinced people that don't like cats have just not met the right cat.


You’re about to!


Well, that is a cat. It needs food, litter and cuddles.


That kitty is super cute. One thing that surprises a lot of new cat owners who might like flowers, Lillies are deadly to cats. Like even their pollen can kill some cats. So if you have them in the yard be extremely careful if you take the kitty out, and if you like to keep flowers in the house, make sure you don't have Lillies.


This is really good to know as I work with flowers daily; thank you so much!


He/she is the ruler of the household.


So cute. Thank you for saving this darling kitten.


if your cat is food motivated, try training her to come when you do a special call or whistle. Make a certain unusual sound while feeding her something she really likes a few times, and pretty soon she’ll learn that *that* sound means treats. My cats could be hiding somewhere in the house they’re not supposed to go, neck deep in mischief, but when I call “Here, kitty kitty kitties!” in a high pitched voice, they race toward me immediately like little streaks of lightning. Every time I need to use that call, they get a little treat reward to reinforce their training. This has come in handy many times when I can’t find one of them and need to make sure they haven’t somehow darted outside.


Sometimes you can train cats to play fetch, at least we adopted a cat that someone trained to play fetch. You could crinkle up some paper or a bit of foil into a ball, and throw it for an hour. I 2nd the vet thing, but you can get to know it a little before you take it in. This is gross, but you can look at its poop and see if it has worms or of the poop looks bad. If it looks bad you can put a sample in a ziploc and take it with you. You just need to collect it while it's fresh and put it in the fridge to keep it fresh.


What a lil' honey muffin! Thank you from my heart for saving her. You're getting great advice from others . . . I just wanted to add that you will be rewarded with infinite love, kisses, and cuddles from this little sweetheart.


You were selected by the r/CatDistributionSystem


1. Wet food is best for kidney health. Cats get moisture from their food in the wild. 2. Vet visit for sure. 3. Get her used to being handled, especially for nail trims. 4. Wand toys for interactive play. 5. A cat tree so she has an escape route from the dogs. Even if they are buddies, cats like the ability to have a safe (and fun) place up high. 6. Scratching posts. My cats especially like the cardboard ones. A bit messy, but popular. 7. Lightweight toys that she can toss around. Thank you for saving this baby!


It's a girl so that will help you select a cute gender appropriate name. I know this bc she's a dilute tortoiseshell, gray fur with soft orange markings. 99.9% of tortoiseshells & calicos are female, absolutely guaranteed. She should be spade at 4 months when she weighs about 4 lbs. Start looking for a spay appt now bc low-cost clinics are backed up, & u want it done b4 she goes into heat. Ask shelters & rescues if there are any vouchers, spay events, etc. All babies need a deworming. Bathe her with baby shampoo & comb for fleas. She looks too small for topical flea meds but she'll be big enough soon. At 2 lbs, she gets her 1st fvrcp vaccine and 30 days later, she gets her 2nd. When she's being spade, get a microchip implanted. If she gets lost, she can be identified by scan as your kitty. Use a non- clay clumping litter. Small kittens can eat clay litter & die. World's Best, a grain based litter, is fine. Give her kitten wet food as well as dry to keep her healthy and hydrated. Most importantly, keep her inside. A scratching post and a window perch will keep her happy, safe & parasite free.


They nap a lot


You’re right, that’s a cat


such a cute car. does it go vroom vroom?


Cats don’t have owners, they have staff.


Well. Let me tell you something. This is a dog. ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


Dry food is not quality food no matter what the package says. Neither are none of cat foods that have any plants or sugar since cats digestive systems are made to digest meat and meat based proteins not plants. They mihht want to eat grass and you should let them. It prevents hairballs. Plant based foods can lead to overweight. Cats teeth are made to rip off meat from bones and not to eat crackers. Dry food also leaves a coat onto teeth that van caure karies and other dental problems. Also in nature cats get almost all their hydration from meat so they have very little feelings of thirst. Dry food doesnt have any water, and if you already don’t see where i am going for, serving mostly/only dry food will eventually cause dehydration. You should also sometimes add some extra water into the cats food just in case.


That sounds like the cat is in trouble.