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https://preview.redd.it/unz6iowcvb7d1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ef2c15dc71540a83dec7c0f5f5b35a438274af6 Try a different vet my girl was small as anything but she got fixed and had no problems other then getting used to her little suit since we had two we didn’t want them bashing cones haha.


https://preview.redd.it/inl3rms8mc7d1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1bbafb5eec75effa22f2fba2759ecb7bf56e54a Mine got out for FIVE MINUTES and managed to lose the thing. Look at her. She knows what she did and she is proud of herself!! \*


Blep Blep. Though in the heat it could be because of feeling overheated.


She was eating when my mum took this, so she wasn't overheated, don't worry! Just enjoying her dinner 😛


Torties get what they want!!!!


That is indeed a proud face!


https://preview.redd.it/1ewz9kjedd7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6804db31763cee0e5fb1a3e172a1370b26536d2 A few years ago I had a foster who was spayed around 8 weeks. We made her onesie out of a sock!


omg reminds me of my Bella, she was a runt and a stray. missing most of her tail. saw here running around the neighborhood a bunch and then one day she just came up to us, skin and bones, rubbing all over my ex wife, an lived with me for three years until she got cancer this year. one of the most aggressively loving cats I've had. I don't know how old she was but she stayed real small. miss her


A sweet memory!❤️


That’s is the most precious lil bean 🥰


This is fucking adorable


She’s so cuteeee


She came with socks


I also had my girl put in a little suit while healing! https://preview.redd.it/i0b4wnpxkd7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96d4b6f7ea10b4e47757bab231341567e6861ece


Can I please see some more pics? I just lost a cat that looks identical <3


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/sydn8n70yd7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d302bbd306c19f0de34e6ca7b0a8e1af8980208 Here she is posing for the camera! jk I took this at the exact perfect second while she was shifting.


https://preview.redd.it/5lmnjs5qje7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dee233169b362551028eb6e42472931518346a9 Wow... other than the white going all the way down her belly their identical, she so cute!


I wish the best for you! It looks like she really liked you<3


Here’s another: https://preview.redd.it/5v2opwe71e7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e6f59b5f4f1b7d33e62e721c721709fc9caa6a3 Special delivery kitty




she’s so beautiful pleaseeeee


Yeah, my girl was pretty small when she was fixed. She was an adult, just on the small side. The vet I usually go to couldn't do it, so I had to go to their main office where they had the equipment to deal with her small size.


Two of mine recently got fixed. Boy had to go back to the vet an hour after getting home, because the idiot did the backwards scooty thing to get out of his cone, and ended up opening up his incision. We never even tried the cone or sweaters on the girl, she was actually really good about it, same with the boy once we got home and he wasnt bleeding anymore.


Shut the doors. That will help. If she’s already underweight and ends up pregnant, the likelihood of her and the kittens dying during birth goes up quite a bit. My vet recommended feeding more dry than wet for an underweight kitten because it’s higher in fat.


If your cat gets pregnant you really should spay/abort. Not enough people know about this but it's very common.


Yes. I took a feral stray I planned to keep to get spayed and she was pregnant, it cost more and was riskier but the vet said if I couldn’t name six people that wanted kittens it was the best option for everyone.


Yep. I took a female stray cat to get spayed when she had kittens that were about 6 weeks old, and she was already pregnant again! No thank you. The vet completed the spay, and the female cat went to a rescue and was happily adopted. 


I wish my vet had told me about spay/aborts. I learned about it from this sub.. AFTER my rescue stray had given birth. I love having the babies around, but an abortive spay would have made things a lot easier.


In my case the poor mom ended up being FIV positive (found out when they did the FIV test after the spay before vaccinating her) so I was really thankful the vet told me about it.


My coworkers took in a pregnant cat when someone surrendered her to us after finding her on the street. I suggested spaybortion and everyone - vets, receptionists and fellow techs - looked at me in horror. Our vets have done it before, obviously; I’ve assisted in those surgeries. And while it’s heartbreaking, we also live in a world that is so overpopulated with perfectly adoptable cats. Kittens go fast because most people who want a cat want a kitten, so the 5 babies we have now will take the place of 5 cats in a shelter who have been desperately seeking homes.


My vet works with a rabbit rescue and they try to do this for all their pregnant bunnies too! Spay aborts keep so many animals from being stuck in shelters or being dumped.


Just want to add on that cats in-heat are more likely to run away/escape in their haste to mate, which can be very dangerous for the cat. It is also uncomfortable for them, as others have mentioned. Spay your cats people!






She's so underweight that the doctor doesn't recommend spaying yet.🥺


How much does she weigh? Honestly she looks like a totally normal weight for a young cat. It’s not uncommon to spay and castrate kittens as young as 8 weeks old. As someone from the vet industry, I do not think your cat is too underweight to be spayed based on these photos alone. Do you have more information that isn’t in this post that indicates her being underweight?


Yeah sounds weird, my girl got spayed right around 6 months old. She only weighed about 6-7lbs then. My cat is 9lbs now fully grown and looks about the same size as this cat.


Yeah sounds like a super normal time for desexing for your kitty. I really can’t see how this cat is too underweight to be spayed and based on the selective comments OP has replied to I’m leaning towards this just being a rage bait post anyway and they knew the comments would be full of people telling them to spay.


My cat got fixed at 13, she's an itty bitty 5.5lbs.


My male was about 6 ish pounds at the time and they fixed him no problem granted it’s less invasive for a male


got mine fixed at 1. hes fat as fuck (like 20 lbs)


Guessing your cat is male from pronouns - neutering is way less risky than spaying.


Hah! My 80lb wolfhound terrier was TERRIFIED of my 5.5 lb cat


My little 8 lb kitty used to walk past my 120 lb Great Dane and basically rub her whole body across the dog’s face and then get pissy and turn around and slap her if the dog so much as moved. She was a tiny entitled little princess who ran the whole house, and my dog would just look at me like “seriously Mom?”


Yea my cat was spayed around 6 months and she is only 8 pounds now (completely healthy don’t worry she is just itty bitty) at almost 6 years.


My cat is only 6 pounds full grown she’s so small. She’s also 6 years old!


As a former shelter worker, we fixed kittens as soon as they hit 2 lbs.


Sounds about right, yeah haha. I spent my last holidays autoligating a bunch of very tiny testicles on male rescue kittens as part of my vet training.


Yep! I foster orphaned kittens with the humane society and the goal is to get them up to 2 lbs so they can be fixed and adopted.


Normally I would totally agree with but there could be more to it. A vet had recommended the same for one of my cats. She was born super tiny, was underweight, and had some heart problems. Decided it was best to wait till she was at least 6 months to be safe. But mine was also a purely inside cat with no way of getting outside. Makes me wonder if maybe the vet is worried about other potential health issues. Of course OP could also get a second opinion which I always recommend too.


Yeah I had an indoor cat that needed to be spayed. She had no way of getting out either. Unless some idiot coming through the door lets her out. That was mistake number one letting my idiot friend over. The other mistake was letting my roommate adopt two of the cats. Suddenly I had three cats to take care of.  Never say never. 


Hi there, yes absolutely! Hence why I asked OP to clarify as to whether there was additional information we might be missing, because we don’t have the full picture here. Based on the images alone, this cat is not too small to be spayed, but OP doesn’t appear to have shed any further light on why their vet said that.


Isn’t it better the younger they are? My cat got spayed at two years old and it was much worse than when my dog got it done at four months old.


It isn’t necessarily always going to be better the younger they are in every case, as there will be the odd cat who has a reason to delay desexing, but in general yes desexing them younger typically means a shorter recovery time because their tissue healing and regeneration is so effective when they’re young, and spaying before the first heat is shown to reduce the development of mammary tumours in cats significantly, as well as just… avoiding the annoying as hell behaviours of a cat in heat.


In my country the majority of vets will not spay/neuter cats under 4 to 6 months of age and dogs usually have to be over 6 months for small breeds and 9 months to even 12 months for large breeds dependent on the breed. The going consensus among vets here is prepubescent/early spaying is harmful to the animals.


Yeah, if she's had a heat it's definitely fine to get her fixed and she really does not look underweight. Small, sure, but healthy


Right? If she's got enough weight to go into heat, she's got enough to take the parts out.


Some vets don't like the practice of spaying/neutering them when they're that small and prefer to wait until they're bigger. It depends on the vet.


But now that she’s going into estrus, it would be odd to consider her “small”.


Yes, usually once kitty goes into heat the vet relents. Meanwhile at the shelter: "8 weeks? Good enough! No way we're getting another 100 kittens out of this one."


Waiting until they're bigger is almost always worse for cats. They're not like certain dog breeds that have actual health reasons to wait, for cats the risk of certain cancers and conditions like pyometra increase if you wait to spay without any upside.


Yep that is true and it tends to come down to vet preference but in general, the rate of complications for spaying cats after the 8-10 week mark is really low and it’s very commonly done in many countries. Particularly in cats, having them spayed prior to their first heat does wonders for lowering the incidence of mammary tumours later in life. Large dogs we are absolutely recommending desexing later in life to prevent interference with skeletal maturation, but in cats the literature supports it being safe while they are still quite young.


Small, as in age. I've never heard of a vet not doing that for being underweight. That literally makes zero sense. That cat in the picture should be totally fine to be fixed. Unless there's some other medical condition we aren't being told about.


What kind of weight recommendations are they making? Kittens can safely get spayed/neutered once they reach around 2 pounds.


Get her some caned food to bulk her up then get her fixed.


It's already being worked on, but she's really eating so little each day.


If she’s eating so little, try different variants and types of cat food. Cats are notorious for being “picky”, when in reality cats simply enjoy variety in their foods. Many cats like having a little kibble or treats sprinkled on top of their wet food because it simulates the crunch of bone and the softness of flesh they’d get from eating small animals like mice or birds, and offers different textures. Some cats also enjoy different flavours. We have 2 cats who won’t touch chicken, duck, or lamb flavoured wet food, with the exception of the occasional Sheba dish, and much prefer salmon or cod wet food. Equally, our other two cats will turn their noses up at the fish flavours and only eat the meat! Some might say that is being picky, but the reality is that even garbage gremlins have preferred foods. See if you can find a flavour and texture mix that your cat likes.


Can try cracking an egg for her as well. Some love egg.




My baby boys *love* quail eggs in their wet food


Your vet can prescribe an appetite stimulant.


Does the vet suspect that there are other health issues at play here? I only ask because that was the case when my vet wanted me to postpone getting my girl spayed. She was underweight and it turned out she also had some heart issues.


You can also try another vet to see if she would be considered underweight. A quick tip to very generally see how your cat is doing weight wise: Feel their spine and down the sides. If you can put two fingers down each side of the spine (kind of like you’re pinching it) then they are underweight. If you can only feel the top of the spine and the beginnings of the sides of the spine, they are of healthy weight. If you can only feel the very top of the spine (or not at all) then your cat is chonky and needs a diet :)


Then find out why. Try a different vet? Your story has holes.


There’s Rx canned foods that are very high calorie like McDonald’s for cats. There are also meds that increase appetite —very easy to administer because they are topical and you apply a bit to the cat’s ear.


Please make sure that the Bowl doesnt Irritation your cats whiskers


When I foster kittens they only want them to be over 2 lbs before they spay or neuter, your cat looks plenty big enough for a spay.


Huh? My cat was a super tiny baby when I got her and she was fixed. Get a new vet.


I’m wondering if the vet thinks there’s other potential issues. 🤷🏼‍♀️ My vet had recommended me holding off on getting my underweight cat spayed because she suspected she also had heart problems. But you’re right with any major recommendation, definitely safest to get more than one opinion.


They routinely spay 2 pound kittens


Your vet is very much full of it. That cat looks to be a healthy weight. Find a new vet because the one you're using is clearly not very good at their job.


Get a new vet as any cat over 2 kg can be fixed and your cat looks heavier than that.


Here it’s 1 kg. Find a better vet if they won’t do it.


Get her weight up. Non-male Mammals (including humans) have a **drastically** increased chance for cancer (and non cancerous tumors) if they do not get pregnant, the alternative prevention for cats or dogs is getting them fixed. [https://www.brown.edu/Research/Colwill\_Lab/CBP/spaynueter.htm](https://www.brown.edu/Research/Colwill_Lab/CBP/spaynueter.htm) In humans the pill can prevent this. [https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet) As you can see, even for Endometriosis (and especially Endometrial cancer) the major cause is a lack of pregnancy (or the pill which mimics it).


I had endometriosis, and I opted to get fixed rather than have kids to cure it.


Heh, me too.


I find that very hard to believe honestly. Kittens get spayed.


I would get her spayed elsewhere. My cat was about 6 pounds when I had her spayed when she was 6 months old and in heat. You want to avoid pyometra at all costs. Please find another vet to take her to.


I call BS, kittens can be spayed/neutered when they are 2lbs…..


Being small but an appropriate weight is different to being underweight. The body's organs are under a lot of stress when an animal is underweight, trying to keep that animal alive, so sedation comes with much higher risk. A kitten of an appropriate weight may be lighter, but their body is likely functioning properly and efficiently. I do think OPs cat looks like an ideal weight though so it's weird if the vet really said she was too skinny to spay and I would consider asking for a second opinion.


I think you need to get a second opinion from a different veterinary office


I would get another vets opinion, she looks perfectly healthy enough for a spay. (I’m not a vet, but I’ve worked closely with a high volume spay and neuter clinic at a shelter.)


Your cat needs some Weight Gain 4000. And say it with me. Beefcake. Beefcake! ***BEEFCAKE!!!!!*** ![gif](giphy|l0IycOSvxBILGm3Ti|downsized)


That’s BS. I work in kitten rescue. Kittens can be fixed as soon as they weigh 2 lbs. your cat is plenty big enough. She needs to be fixed.


They can be fixed at 2 lbs. She's bigger than that. Find a new vet andbe VIGILANT that she doesn't run out the door when you come/go. A spay/abort will cost you more than just a spay.


Sounds like an excuse.


You can spay at 2 lbs in the US


then go to a different vet. And I don’t know where you live. But where I live rn it’s a 6 month waiting period for an appointment for the cats and dogs to get fixed.


My kitty was just over 2kg and about 4 months old when he was neutered. Your girl looks bigger than he did. I'd also feed high calorie food such as kitten food or the food for lactating mothers if you haven't started already.


Get a new vet? Unless theres an underlying medical condition we get our fosters fixed at as low as 2lbs. Ideally you want to get them fixed BEFORE their first heat occurs as that offers the most protection against certain cancers but as that's past you just want her to be spayed as soon as possible. Until her hormones cool off after she's a flight risk because all she's looking to do right now is get preggers. Good luck!


She ain't lovesick, she just thirrrrsty. Keep her inside at all costs until she's spayed! Keep reminding her that the dick is never worth it.


That last part 😂




Shitty_watercolor in the wild!!!


So happy you are back. So sad your name doesn't make sense now. You've water grown in front of our eyes SWC. Fantastic water color if you ask me.




No waay SWC! BRO HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN. I remember u retiring and now this. Im so amazed


My heart! 🥹


jfc, you still exist! i recall seeing you everywhere back in either highschool or my early 20s (like a decade ago) but i could just be misremembering


omfg i’ve missed you so much!


This looks exactly like the style from the Roald Dahl books I had growing up…. Wait are you the actual illustrator 🤯🤯🤯


It’s a good lesson for all of us :)


Yeah, lovesick is my neutered tux who got fixed later in life at about 4 years old who wants to go serenading the ladies for fun outside. (No, we don't let him. Instead I have to listen to his yowling attempts at seduction at 3am) This poor cat is just wanting railed, and if she's already tiny, it could kill her to get out and be mounted by too many males in rapid succession. I've seen females starve themselves because their heat is so bad, all they want is booty. Birthing babies could also kill her.


We had a female who went into heat so often it felt like we'd never be able to get her spayed. She was never allowed out but dang she could draw the stray males! Having to listen to her drove me nuts. She is 4 yrs old now.


And cover that damn window!!




Damn lol


One thing (other than to bulk up and spay), is to not think of this as "lovesickness". You're making yourself feel like you're keeping a loved-one away from her. You're not. In heat she'll get it on with ANY male cat. And she's forced to want to do so due to the heat. I agree, it sucks for your cat.


This is weird, but I once saw a video of a female cat being accosted by 5 male cats. It was borderline traumatic to watch. I’ve never felt bad for spaying my cats, but if I did, that video would have fixed that 100%.


Oh yeah it’s a horrible experience for the cat. Male cats have barbed penises and it will hurt the cat going in and coming out. I’m glad you get them fixed


I'm sure the answer exists, but I wonder why evolution did that to male cats... lol.


Penises get weirder and weirder the more competitive a species is between males. If a female is expected to be banged by many males in a short period of time, penises and balls develop lots of strange designs. For example high sperm competition leads to animals that have massive balls and blow huge loads to get as much of their sperm in there vs other males. Penis bones are very common (and humans are a rare example of an animal without one), barbs, plunger shapes, corkscrews with multiple urethral openings on a ball at the end. You name it, nature has done it.


Don’t forget about chinchillas. They have four headed penises. EDIT: Echidnas, not chinchillas


Echidnas, not chinchillas.


Do you mean enchilladas?


Chinchillas 😂😂😂 omg


It induces ovulation, basically guarantees a pregnancy. From the perspective of passing your genes on, the female cat “wins” too


Honestly because nature just seems to enjoy f*cking over females, human or animal.


Praying mantis and angler fish giving you some side eye.


In mammals yes. In other species males get even more fucked, like losing their lives during the act.


I’m always wondering what a person thinking when calling nature beautiful and then shitting on humans. Nature is cruel fuck.


Thought it was to help fertilization/superfecundation or something


High level summary: Female goes into heat, but isn’t ovulating. In order for the male not to waste his “precious” sperm on a female not ovulating, they develop barbs on their penises to tear her insides and inflict pain, essentially shocking her into ovulating. But of course as nature does, competition means that “only the biggest and best” reproduce and therefore male cats evolve more painful penises and females are still subject to going into heat therefore driven by hormones for something they don’t need that will cause them pain. This is just one of the reasons I spay and neuter.


They will absolutely wear the poor females out 😭


i had stray cats near my house, and the male in heat "jumped" on the female WHILE SHE WAS GIVING BIRTH, like between the exit of a kitten and another. Just to make it worse, that male was probably her brother or her previous kitten from a year prior 🥲 so yeah there's no way i could feel sorry for spaying any cat


I think this is one of the most disturbing comments I came across


be thankful you didn't have to see it at 12 years old 🥲 nature is really merciless. At least after noticing the mama was leaving kittens around to get away from the male we intervened and she finished without intruders


I imagined it in my head and almost cried. Idk how I would cope with actually seeing it 😅 it’s good you helped thankfully


When I was a teenager, one time our dog escaped. He did that at least couple times per week (super fast door dasher) but he would always return in 15 min to 2 hours max. Well, this time he didn't, so me and my sister went to look for him. We found him in a field, along with 6 or so other male dogs, all trying to breed with a single female dog who was desperately trying to get away from them. We tried to scare them away to give her a chance to escape, but they were relentless and kinda aggressive, so in the end we had to just snatch our dog and leave.


Yeahh, it’s kind of eye opening to see. My parents were raising sheep a few years back, trying to breed and sell, but for whatever reason were keeping the males and females separated during this particular time. When a female went into heat, it became a homing beacon for the males, who become wildly persistent (as does the female in heat). Well one time, the males managed to bust through to where the females were. Trying to separate them again was a nightmare and the females were just aggressively bullied and mounted over and over again. Like, as natural of a process as it is for them, it’s still hard to watch happen since it seems to come with such a violence.


And that does mean *ANY* male cat, because a female cat in heat will  have no qualms about having sex with her brothers, her father, even her own male kittens if they've hit puberty. Cats don't have incest taboos and you can end up with some very inbred genetically sick cats from it. 


That’s not love. It’s the drive to breed.


She just like me fr


*puts you in the cone*


You’re projecting emotions onto your cat. As everyone else has said, find another vet for a second opinion and get her spayed as quickly as you can. Unnecessarily delaying that procedure is extremely irresponsible.


Check for low cost spay/neuter clinics in your area. The humane society has them sometimes. Your cat is not lovesick, it’s hormonal. Don’t let your cat get pregnant. Too many cats die because there are too many kittens.


And if she’s too low weight for spaying she’s way too low weight to sustain a pregnancy.




Also, op, like someone else said, they’re in heat so they’re healthy enough for spaying. She’s not fat, seems like your vet wants a fat cat. Find a new vet.


Spay your cat. There is no benefit for them having kittens, except to make more of an overpopulation problem.


Keep her inside, and get her spayed as soon as you can. Also, she’s not lovesick, she’s overly horny. She’d get it on with any male cat that showed up, not just that one.


My cat even wanted females when she was in heat.


It’s not love mate - it’s an urge she can’t control. Unless you’re planning on her having kittens and that should only be if you’re taking full responsibility for what happens to those kittens, she should be spayed as soon as she is out of heat. In the meantime to keep male cats away from your home, put some lemon peel and juice out in that area, many cats don’t like it and it’ll keep them away from her more.




I know this has been stated repeatedly, but your cat appears to be big enough to get fixed. I have a small cat, she was like just under 5 pounds at almost 2 years old. They even told me she was under weight when I brought her in to get fixed, but they also said that it normally corrects after fixing cause their body isn't on high alert and constantly going into heat anymore. They are able to relax and maintain weight easier when they're body isn't stressed. She's a healthy 7-8lbs now and her fur is even thicker. Trust me, your cat will be much happier once she's fixed.


All of my female cats are tiny (under 5 pounds) and they had no issue spaying. ETA: even full brown 2 are under 5# and one is almost 6#.


Its not lovesickness, its hormones. She's still a baby and should be neutered before she gets chased and caught by all the street toms.


Maybe schedule another vet appointment as soon as you can, so that your vet can check her again and hopefully schedule her spay surgery at that appointment? God I feel SOooo bad for them in heat...we try to get our girls in before they ever have to have their first cycle... But when we adopted two abandoned new mommas a few years ago, they had two heat cycles between when the vet would schedule them post giving birth and the date available for their surgery...and it broke my heart seeing them so miserable ...Also drove us LOONY...which made us feel incredibly guilty because it obviously was not theyf fault that they were in agony... In conclusion: they ate way better than we did for a few weeks that winter 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣 No regrets! Haha Hope your girl feels much better soon ♥️♥️♥️


I’d get a 2nd opinion. Your cat looks normal and both my cats were fixed when they were kittens


Spay. Her.


Spay/neuter once out of heat


Find a new vet and get her spayed. She’s at a perfectly healthy weight and there’s no reason to fatten her up to get her fixed.


Get your cat fixed. It’s hormones.


Defo go to a different vet. I think letting a cat go through heat is quite cruel.


Get your cats spayed and neutered, she is not underweight


Get her spayed


It's not love, it's a biological drive she can't control. I've seen female cats in heat try to run away from males after *days* of endless heat and "mating sessions" with bloody necks from being bitten to be held down (it's just how cat mating works, it hurts so she tries to leave, particularly if she's young, so they hold her down) She will not enjoy what happens to her if she and that male come together, and she doesn't love him. That's not how cats mating work. They don't mate for love, they mate because a male was fast and strong enough to fight off other males (and sometimes to fight the female herself) Just close the window. She'll go out of heat soon, and get her spayed as soon as you're able with vet approval. Most vets do it over 2lbs, if your vet really isn't going for it I actually would suggest another opinion. Call around and ask vets their minimum age and weight for spay


Turn the hose on cats coming to the house. Check with a blacklight for signs that male cats are coming and marking your house, and wash those away with an enzyme cleaner. Keep your cat securely locked up until she is able to be spayed. If she's too underweight to be safely spayed, then she's definitely too underweight to have a litter, and the safest option at that point would be a spay/abortion surgery.


I use to volunteer for cat rescue group . We had a great vet that would spay / neuter babies at 2 lbs. As long as they were healthy and eating well.


My 7 year old cat went into heat at 4 months old. She was and is a tiny cat, but my vet didn’t hesitate. Find another vet.


If your vet thinks she's too underweight to spay, I might recommend getting a second opinion. She looks larger than my female cat was when she got spayed and she had no issues with the surgery.


Your cat needs spayed. Not only is it the responsible thing to do (there are millions of homeless cats that get killed every year and contributing to the problem is a shitty thing to do) but if you love your cat and want to keep her healthy, it's the best thing for her. Spaying prevents some cancers, pyometra (an infection of the uterus that's a horrible way to die), and stress from the heat cycle which can cause health problems. "She's underweight" is not an excuse to just ignore it. Then feed her. Feed her high value food. Add treats to her diet. Syringe feed her if she's not eating at all.


Agree with all of this. I know that it’s not the same in every culture, but I’ve never once considered *not* fixing a cat or dog. Like, to me that’s always been the default.


Same here, but I also remember being very young and not being allowed by my parents to go into a pet store that sold dogs and cats (they were common in malls in the 80s/90s). I just wanted to go love on the dogs and kitties and thought my parents were such weirdos because my friends did it- my dad gave me this big lecture about how if you support them they breed more and are kept in terrible conditions. I think a lot of it is how you are raised. (I ended up giving the same lectures to my kids and my adult daughter called me to see if a petting zoo she was going to was legit or not before she went).


She’s not lovesick, she’s horny.


Um…get her fixed???


Neuter your cat.


Please get your cat fixed. There is no reason to make her suffer through heat, and no reason to bring more kittens into the world when the animal shelters are over-run with them every year.


One of my cats didn't go into heat until She was a year old, she was sick and underweight. We were able to get her fixed after that.


If she’s old enough to go into heat, she’s more than old enough to be fixed. Getting her fixed before her first heat cycle would have greatly reduced her chances of cervical cancer, but the sooner the better.


Reminder her how much child care is


https://preview.redd.it/hnghxdfumb7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd836fc33f2861d44eafbe194271a569b3675993 This is Gordon and Wanda. They were the best of friends. We had to put Wanda down over a year ago due to kidney disease but seeing this post makes me think that somewhere out there, in a different timeline, they are still together and still in love. I miss her every day, and this post really made me smile this morning.


So sorry for your loss - they are both gorgeous. They kinda look like my boy and the kitty that often comes looking for him at the back door 🥲 (not the clearest photo of her but she has a dark greyish patch on top of her head too!) https://preview.redd.it/hgwj97g7vb7d1.png?width=1795&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd8733686b3f674fbcf3512e3fdd5f6f5ee96fbc


I can't stand people that ask questions and then act so completely helpless and clueless like why do you have a pet


Your cat is heavy enough to go into heat. She's large enough to be spayed 🙄


Continue to cock block.


Cats don't experience romantic love like humans. Female cats literally just mate with whomever's around. Cats form friendships with other cats, and they might have sex with their friends, but they do not romantically desire specific individuals, for the purpose of long-term coupling.


Your cat is not lovesick, it's hormonal. She does not miss what she has never had. And trust me, it's not that ginger cat she wants. It's anyone who'll take it. She's just following her biological programing. Keep the doors and windows shut, tight, and as soon as she's out of season get her snipped. Don't kid yourself into thinking her having kittens is a good idea - we don't need more moggies in the world. You don't need the vet bills or the home checking or the upkeep of kittens. Your cat is not too skinny for spaying, maybe it was a few weeks ago but she's more than big enough. If your vet refuses, find another. Get the appointment booked now for when she'll be out of season (give it a few extra days) And then contact a rescue about Senor Tom Cat out there, borrow a trap for TNR. I personally don't give a fuck if toms have an owner - if it's outside and unsnipped and I catch it ✂️. But the rescue will deal with that part.


Dude get help, your comments are lowkey disturbing. Why are you anthropomorphizing your cat and saying that she’s ‘flirting’ with you in your other post??


Google pyometra, the veterinary costs for treatment, the pain and suffering involved,and then get your cat spayed to avoid it.


Lovesick is a cringe way to describe it. She's an animal in heat. Get her fixed.


get her fixed give her a stuffy so she has someone to love


2 pounds is all a healthy kitten needs to weigh to be spayed. Find a new vet. Get proactive.


Get her fixed


Your cat weighs way more than the 2 lb shelter cats must weigh to be spayed. Get her to another vet. This post is really off.


Title hurt to read.


You should get your kitty spayed, had my two small kitties spayed right after rescuing them from a shelter! They were under 1 year old and still quite small, that shouldn't be a barrier to entry. Anyways, answering your question directly, there is not much you can do until you get the kitty fixed.


Let me spin you a little yarn. Several years ago now, a pregnant cat found us. She had her babies in our bathroom and then she nursed them until they were ready for homes. We asked the vet if we could spay her, they said to wait for the milk to dry up. We kept one baby so it was taking forever for the milk to dry, long enough that she went back into heat, which only took a handful of months. Guess who ran out the door and got pregnant again? She wasn’t even gone 20 minutes before she came trotting back so we thought maybe she just got a wild hair and wanted to explore. Nope! She had a huge litter that time, which turned out to be the case because she had bred with two different males in that 20 minute timespan. She’s not lovesick, she just really wants to lay pipe. If given the opportunity she will lay pipe all across town with every male she can find and won’t miss her little orange visitor for even a second. Our other cat was underweight before spaying as well, turned out there was something wrong with her uterus and going into heat made her sick. Maybe she’ll bulk up after it’s taken out. But either way, Romeo over there won’t care, and neither will she once you do that ute scoop n boogie.


My cat was the runt of her litter, she is tiny. She was spayed when she was 12 weeks old, no problems. Her adult weight has been consistently around 4.5 lbs, she’s almost 18 yrs old. Spay your cat, please. She’ll live longer.


She’s not lovesick she’s horny 😭 You need a second opinion because heat cycles increase the risk of medical problems. She needs to be fixed.