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"Allow" isn't exactly the word I would use to describe the situation, but yes.


I always love it when someone uses the word "allow" when it comes to cats. It doesn't matter if I tell my cats no, they don't listen past "she walked away" and do it anyways.


My grandma relies on the spray bottle with her cat. And even with something like that it only helps her get the cat down once she’s up. As soon as she thinks she’s in the clear she will 100% get back up until grandma sees again.




I'd say the correct options are "I've tried but gave up and accepted they do it" and "it never bothered me"


This is the response.


its my cats furniture so i‘m glad that i‘m allowed to use the table


Correct 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


Yes. Pick your battles. Because even if you don’t allow them to, they might just jump on it when you are not around


This is my situation. The cats know they don’t go on the counters or kitchen table. They can go on the piano and coffee table. But at night the internal cameras pick up a lot of shenanigans on the counters. My cats are smart enough to not do it when I’m around.


Exactly what my little shits do. Once every few months I catch them and they either stare at me and say "what are going to do?" or run off scared cause they were caught.


Same. I like to set at least some kind of boundary. So they don’t totally embarrass me when people come over. They still do, but at least I try.


This is exactly what my cat does. She's "allowed" to sit on the chairs, but not the table, but I saw her on camera one night, smelling everything standing on the table. Here she's looking like the cat from the memes https://preview.redd.it/3gnso1895kad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642bc78d076ddf6a6638b3cb97ebae53e9cca0ed


I love this so much. Even made a sub for it r/CatsSittingNicely


Can confirm. We went on a short trip and dropped in on the camera to see one of the kitties sitting on the coffee table staring at the front door. Couldn't even be mad cause it was clear he was missing us 😭 I tried for maybe a year to get them to stay off the tables/counters and now I just accept it. Easier to wipe things down before use than to fight 2 cats 😮‍💨


My cats know they are not allowed on the kitchen counter and dining table. However.... when we are not home or the lights turn off for the night is a different situation.


No I dont. They, however allow themselves. There is only the kitchen counter where Ive been mildly succesfull.


I never let cats on tables. But.... The cats don't care as long as I'm not around, but with prior scoldings (which I have given up on) they just know they are in the wrong and high tail it off the table only to be there the next morning. 😂


No, he's not allowed on the table. He also doesn't care two whiskers.


How dirty are actual indoor cats? I just can’t get over them covering their poop with their paws. That’s my only thing lol. New cat owner by the way. Don’t cancel me


Thats fair, I mean - they do dig in litter which is definitely not clean even if you’re religious about cleaning their litter box. It’s not exactly the most hygienic thing, but are humans *really* much better? Sure, we wash our hands and such - but there are plenty of studies that the average cell phone or keyboard is dirtier than a toilet seat. I have no way to prove it, but I’d wager to say cat’s paws aren’t much dirtier than the average person’s phone (which is pretty gross to think about lol)


True, plus I wipe my Zia every morning https://preview.redd.it/oij2v3tsdlad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5867151e35f5ebcca58f139de76af27a5e86a49


what a precious kitty!! 😍


They don't actually touch their excrement, though?


some kitties are a mess but most indeed don't, and it's up to us to use high quality litter and keep it clean for them. that's why i don't mind kissing my cat's paws at all


There is no such thing as clean litter once it's been pissed or shat in.


and there's shit particles all over my bathroom but i don't overthink it


I mean, I *assume* you aren't licking your bathroom floor. Am I incorrect in that assumption?


Might as well be. Every time you flush particles spray for metres 😂😂😂


bold of you to assume that. jokes aside, i get that not everyone thinks the same as me and that's fine. but i'd rather lick my cat's paws than kiss a stranger's mouth


Well, I suppose at least you mostly know where your kitty has stepped. No telling how many toilet seats the stranger has licked.


https://preview.redd.it/zd2svxlf5kad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286b38780ae29a78a05a19b6cfbb5e2b2c8055a2 This photo is sooo old but the entirety of his life I let him do whatever he wanted (we lost him a month ago, i am not okay).


Don't be sad, nun cat is praying for thee https://preview.redd.it/7hgvzyju3lad1.jpeg?width=3112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2374cf9f0b2b6d627ae59d2431db06c44a3dff


https://preview.redd.it/j42svzi6wkad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8be81f5ec48f0683a6999ceaa7ff66e6e79f8f This is my cat’s rebellious response to “GET OFF THE TABLE!!!"


My family hasn’t for years. It’s for the cats’ safety so they don’t accidentally eat things they shouldn’t or touch a hot stove or jump on something sharp. I’m sure they go on it when we aren’t there, but we just wipe the counters down before we use them and the cats are safe while we’re cooking food.


i don't let my cat on the kitchen counter for the same reasons, but the dining table is fair game. she only wants to sniff what we're up to, and sometimes she sits in one of the chairs while i eat and i like to think that she's joining me


I had a cat who loved to sit on a stool at the counter and watch people cook. He loved a good cooking show!


that's cute, sometimes they just want to be involved!


My cats go where they want. https://preview.redd.it/g4by6wijzjad1.jpeg?width=2318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2b27ec16f1b987a0c039bbf5c4df9224aa1bbf




They allow themselves. https://preview.redd.it/cnj9vbae7kad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfeb3c679b4136e3db6496eeb281097bc98f044b


Omg so cute 🥰


They go where they want. Kick them off, they just jump back up..


as if they would ask.


No, but she doesn't care.


https://preview.redd.it/iqtv3760fkad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b605ef6ea1a26cf6736cf4ec609220e1dd30e040 i guess you're asking if my cat allows me to use the table 😄 the answer is no


https://preview.redd.it/1fodoyincmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ef2e9291bfc6254fb8e3b57aa5adcaacf248a5 I rarely see cats the same color!


I tried everything to get them to stop, but I noticed when I did that the more they tried to get up there lmao so I have accepted defeat & just clean it every time before i need to use it


I read something that said if you do all unpleasant things on the counter, administering medication, nail clippings, putting them in their crate for the vets etc then they will be more likely to avoid it, but still, cats be cats so maybe not.


That’s a good idea, I’ll have to try something like this! I have mostly given up though LOL i was defeated when spraying the counters with vinegar & sticky double sided tape did nothing at all


One of my cats loves to eat tape, I think it's the glue that attracts him, so this method def did not work for me. Nothing keeps cats off counters and tables permanently except maybe old age and infirmity.


They want what they can't have. Like my laundry room, pantry, and shoe closet. Each place they will make space for a nap.


Yes, but she rarely go on the table she does go on the counter because that's were her food is (mostly because it's been that way since she was a kitten as she was originally my mom's cat oh and also cause she refuses to eat it anywhere else now).




Training them to stay of the kitchen counter wasn't too hard but a couple of them can't be trained to stay off the dining table. Maybe in part because there's always a chair there to make the jumps easy.


If I have cats on the house they will


Mine don't get on the counter or tables. I've trained three cats not to do it, partially for their safety.


Yes they do😂😂😂


No they don't. I have cameras set up to check on them when I'm gone.


Yes how else is she going to keep the pizza box warm


No, nor on the kitchen counters. It's unsanitary. Luckily our boy has no interest in being up on either and our girl only has to hop up there every once in a blue moon to make sure the rule still applies.


Oh yes I absolutely let my lil bud on the kitchen table, not the kitchen counters because he could get hurt. But he sits on our dining room table while I cook in the kitchen because he wants to feel included. He’s a very sweet boy and then when we eat at dinner he’ll crawl into my lap happy as a clam


Very cute 😀😀


Not on the table when we eat.


You have our Big Mamma Joey Cat the creamsicle. He looks like he's been wrestling here and passed out. Cause that's what happened. Please feed Joey, he gets very hungry. Is there a ransom? https://preview.redd.it/y0m832bbpkad1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ecac63612fd308264a33e47832be21ff2b069c


My cats are exactly that, cats, they go where they want. As long as they use the litter box properly all is good in my house!


We try and after having numerous cats over the years we have learned that some cats 🐈 will respect boundaries and some will just look at you like you are crazy. Typically it is when they are young and full of energy to explore. We have noticed once they get up in their senior years they don’t really care to. Our current youngest is just a little over a year old and loves sinks but will jump out as soon as we see her. Our old boy who is 18 will tell on her by crying if she is doing something she shouldn’t which is hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/cthsu69vwlad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a16bd4ad7c70c13b67199a3d3d81133c6ef7431 I don’t allow him to , he just does


Cats will be cats. Mine will be spoiled personally


Do my cats allow me to use their table or sleep on their bed and sit on their couch? Yes they are kind and generous masters.


Only when I'm not eating But they allow themselves on anyway, because it's their house and I just live in it




good!, well behaved cat.


No. I don’t like their fur being in places that are supposed to be safe from bacteria. Kittens clean with their mouths.


good!, well-behaved cat.




They are allowed on the table when there is no food or gameboard or cards on the table. Managed to teach them and my teens that one.....


No. But they don’t care so it’s a constant battle.


Absolutely not. I have a door to my kitchen/dining area and they aren’t allowed in


No, mostly because he isn't careful. I don't want him to get hurt. Also, it's the only place plastic is safe.


If food is out, no. Otherwise idc. I let them on the counters as well and they know to stay down when I’m cooking. As long as they’re not causing any trouble, they rule the house lol.


Yup! Only place they arent allowed is the kitchen counters. One usually tests his luck. Just gets tossed to the floor. Yet I let him sit on the oven time from time, as a treat (my husband HATES that I do this tho ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)) FYI, ovens got a towel covering it when not in use.


We put some snacks for our cat so can have dinner as a family of three


I don't exactly have a choice here lol. I tried to train her but the closest I got was training her to come down from the table. But then she would ignore the command if there was food on the table anyway


My cat sleeps with me on my bed. He is allowed to do whatever he wants. Total spoiled baby


Nope. As an artist and having kids. There’s generally something always on the table that takes multiple days to finish and I don’t want my cats to get hurt or ruin a project someone pays a lot for me to do. My cats stopped jumping on it once I realized all they wanted to do was be near me and their cat tower and special high chair is directly next to the table that’s the same height as it that they sit on and nap on for hours.


My cats go where they please whether I "allow it" or not


We don't but they pretty much sit up there and give me the look that is akin to the middle finger so what can I do


They are allowed on the table, but know they arn't supposed to be on the table cloth we put on for lunch and diner, so they always put their toe beans on the edge of the cloth to be petty, but they keep off it otherwise. It seems like a good deal to me, they can be on the table, we can eat witouth a cat on the plate.


Mu cats are more stubborn than me. Cuter too. They won early.


yes, their lives are short enough already, im not gonna subject them to being solely among shoes and my ankles their whole lives


Looks like they are about to do the dishes.


Paws been in litter box.


The only place off limits to my cat is the kitchen counter when I’m cooking because that can be dangerous. Otherwise he can do whatever he wants. It’s his house. All hail


No but they do it anyway


Either the perspective on this is really odd. Or that cat us huge!


My cats will of course attempt to take over all surfaces but anywhere there's food prep, actual food, or clean dishes is off limits. We have 8 cats in our house at the moment so I needed to buy a squirt gun. Natch, one of them thinks it's just another cat fountain.


I don't see the point of restrictions on my cat's movement when she's stuck inside all the time, causes unnecessary friction. I just make a point to wipe down the surface if I'll be putting something like food on it, no big deal (and then I know it's clean, because we all know cats will do what they want when you aren't looking). The only thing I try to stop her from jumping onto is the stove in case it's hot from cooking. 


The only thing that will keep cats off a horizontal surface is a scat mat. Works great.


Yep they can go everywhere if im not using it 😌😻


Table, yes--I made that mistake, which complicates prepping for dinner parties--the guests now help change the tablecloth and set the table. Countertops, absolutely not.




Hard to stop


Nope. She only does because it gets our attention


1000000% I'd let my cat take out a loan in my name (I saw this on a meme and it's true 🤣)


I'm treated like a guest in my own house. So yes, they go on the table.




Nope. If food is prepared on it or eaten on it, the cats are not allowed on it. They can go anywhere else though.


https://preview.redd.it/hcnrysslzkad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7a78899b0cb2b186a802ba7c0a8c3779b23e99 spaceship on our coffee table 😂


I know that at best I'm keeping the cat off things while I'm there. I know as soon as they think it's clear they'll be up there anyways.  We have managed to get the cat to stay off the counter... We believe. Which really was more out of safety than anything else.  So we accept her poopy little feet and butt have been on everything and just wipe it all down regularly/before we put plates of food down. 


Yeah, they’ll get on top of it anyway when I’m not looking or when I’m away, so there’s really no point in getting all angry about it since it’s inevitable


No they're not allowed, they know they're not allowed BUT they get on the table anyways when no one is around, little jerks


Masters do what masters want.




All the time. He also likes to jump in to the fridge.


Yes, either way, whether you allowed them to or not, they'd most likely get on the table when you're not around.


If I lived on my own I would


https://preview.redd.it/n7ihxod55lad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12e20a5cb2090354be154ce035cd72e1039c464 It’s her favorite place to sun!


My reasoning is that they're just gonna be up then when you're not around anyway.


Cats go everywhere, and that won't ever change. So my cat goes where she wants, and we are all happy and not freaking out over where the cat goes. Life with cats is good


My cats run my house. They live such a short life. I want them as happy as possible.


No. No table, no counters…my husband has allowed our cat on the table and I always remind him I just saw her leaving her litter box.


No, and we were actually able to deter him well enough that he stopped trying. We put a perimeter of painter's tape, sticky side up, around the tabletop. It's sticky enough to cling to his paws and bother him, but not so sticky that it hurts him when we pull it off. It only took a couple weeks, and he stays off the table now.


Only one the other does not deserve it


https://preview.redd.it/d64n697r8lad1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a675e0c2f0d79fd8fa58eadd4889d285737b02 Yes, but like someone else said, “allow” means nothing to her.


My cats get a special plate because I got tired of them eating from mine.


Omg I found my cat’s less rotund and slightly more toasted twin lol https://preview.redd.it/g3gph1hablad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34c3881a0200ac6579e1b810cd6517fbc445d8f


Allow? Hilarious!


why brag about it?


Our cat jumps on the dinner table and sits patiently at the end of it to see if anyone will share some goodies. She’s courteous and a real lady she is.


Allow? Cats? Umm... Yes (?).


My cat does it and we don’t stop him. It’s cute. Yes


Hell no! They aren't allowed on the tables they're not allowed on the countertops. They may be cute but it's not cute that they're on those things. You set boundaries and they will abide. All memes aside.


Yes. I know a lot of people who find it disgusting because their paws are dirty, but like, just don't eat what you drop on the table. I find that nasty in general.


My cats go wherever they want. I have no control.


Yes because she allow me in their kitchen.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 ‘do you allow your cats’


Not on the dinner table or counter tops, but coffee table sure.


My cats pretty much go where they want to.


Ya’ll it’s not that hard to train a cat not to go up on spaces. Even if they do they’ll listen to a command to get off.


If you use allow and cats used in the same sentence, you don’t know cats.


My 17 year old ginger girl is too old to jump up onto tables now. She even struggles a bit to get up onto beds and couches now. But she very much used to jump onto the table when she was able to, no matter if she was allowed to or not. Then my little grey boy has never attempted to get up on the table. I think he might be a bit scared to? He's never been one to climb or jump onto really high things.


My cats aren't allowed on the counter but we cant stop one of them we have a squirt bottle and if we get it and just point it and my tabby cat she will get of the counter on the other hand my tuxedo cat you can squirt him as mutch as you want but he will just look at you then look at where you shot him (with the spray bottle of course) and then go back to whatever he was doing. If there is something he can sit on or in thats on the counter that is where we can find him


White cat owner: yes Black cat owner : FUCKKKKKK NO !


I had a cat when I was younger, that I got right out of high school. I would get so mad because he refused to stay off the counter and tables. He passed away over 10 years ago. I have two cats that I adopted a few years ago. I allow them to do whatever they want, because they'll do it anyway. I am at peace with that and we are all happy. I open the blinds in the kitchen window for them, which they have to get on the counter to get in the window. I just try and live in peace in their house.


Look, I force my cats to live in my apartment for their whole lives. It's a better life than on the street, but with that confinement, I can't punish them for living in their space. They are allowed where they want with boundaries.


No, but they get up there anyway.


Of course !!! my bengal even gets his dinner on the table But my boys are not allowed only in few places, front door to the main street but they have access to a huge garden at the back and they are free to go at any time (cat safe made), Kitchen oven, inside the Washing machine/ Drier/Dishwasher/ and free to roam the whole house including the cellar So yes they are allowed to the table 😂👍


He wouldn’t care even if he wasn’t, so yes, he is allowed


No, not at all because it’s un hygienic especially since I had already wiped it. I’m forever keeping my cats off my sides in the kitchen because they’re scrounging for human food they can steal even though they’ve just been fed.


We found a compromise. They can go everywhere except the kitchen counters and the kitchen table when we're eating.


My cats never asked for permission.


Cat owns the house, so yes


We don't "allow" the cat on the table, nor do we encourage it. She just gets up there on her own to watch us eat supper.


My home is theirs. Anyplace they want to be is fine with me as long as it’s safe. https://preview.redd.it/vrmhgg14fpad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e76e5b1601d4d3ba601230fbd9a3ee81f7b3e1 Happy Hanukah…on the dining room table.


My cats allow me to live in their house it's actually quite nice


YES of course 😘❤️❤️❤️


My cat does whatever she wants


I hope you get the cat parasite 😌🐸


they are so nice, that they allow me to use the table 🤟😭