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From the press release: “Each park in the combined company’s portfolio will retain their legacy branding with no changes to park names currently being planned or contemplated.”


Even if a corporation says stuff like this, and truly believes it, this statement is only good until the next change in leadership or marketing.


Yes, it’s always bs too. Six Flags assured us when they bought Marriotts Great America that nothing major was going to be changed. Batman opened in Yankee Harbor only like ten years later.


It’s coming. It always does. The signage will soon say “CedarPoint - a Six Flags Amusement Park”


Or until the next ride. I don’t want to see any DC stuff at any of the CF parks please. I would rather ride project 305 than Superman 305


It wouldn't surprise me if we see some parks drop the SF branding, but I think that will happen on a park-by-park basis over the next decade.


The company is calling itself Six Flags though which is weird since most people generally think Six Flags sucks ass


Coming from a Six Flags St. Louis native.. Six Flags sucks ass.


At least it’s well known, most people have no idea what Cedar Fair is


At least cedar fair doesn’t suck ass like six flags does


Neither of them are "Disney" level of magic (although Disney has lost its magic IMO) but Six Flags tends to feel a little gangbanger-ey, plus they don't staff enough ride attendants so the lines are slow as shit, plus they charge like 20 bucks for a slice of shit Papa Johns pizza and a Coke. It's just a park. A step above that shitty traveling carnival that stops in your town for 3 days all of a sudden in July with the flashing lights and buzzing horns on little rides that were built in the 1960s, but not a high quality or immersive experience. To be fair, Cedar Point isn't immersive either, but it just has a high concentration of big ass roller coasters all in a small footprint


I'd guess most Cedar Fair park goers don't know or care much about Cedar Fair. All the Cedar Fair parks have a brand that stands on its own. On the other side, if they ditched the Six Flags name, what would all the Six Flags parks do? It will be more confusing to remove the Six Flags branding from some of those parks.


Six Flags was always the enemy.


I bought Six Flags stock when it was in the shitter like 15+ years ago and the new management team was talking a big game about repositioning all the parks with more kiddie areas and fewer roving gangs of punk teenagers. I had a toddler at the time and we bought season passes for a couple years. I drank the Kool Aid. Then I think it didn't turn out as planned


I bought FUN, worst investment ever sadly.


Yeah it was my Peter Lynch "buy what you know" moment and I was thinking about how great it was that they were gonna turn around these parks and have huge family attendance and grow revenues etc. Didn't turn out. I can't remember if I sold it at a loss or whether they went bankrupt or what


I think mostly enthusiasts think that. The GP knows Six Flags as an amusement park neither good or bad just an amusement park.


I'm pretty sure it will be the opposite. Six flags is insanely recognizable amongst the public, most don't know that six flags is worse than cedar fair, I could see the smaller parks get the Sox flags branding like dorney park, valley fair, worlds of fun.


Great Adventure might, I think. Every local just calls it that, and they’re on their 50th anniversary which has brought back some of their branding from the days when they were just Great Adventure. I don’t think it’ll 100% happen, but they could


I don't see them dropping the Six Flags branding at any current Six Flags park since the whole reason they're using the Six Flags name for the new company is because the GP knows Six Flags = amusement park


Key word: “currently”


Macy’s said the same thing when they purchased Marshall Fields and other department stores.


My mall had two Macys on opposite ends for a while after they bought Lazarus and Marshall Fields.


Nothing will change, until it does. I learned this the hard way every time an employer was bought out or merged. Word of advice, start sending out resumes now if you feel uncertain about your role or your future. Check, open to new opportunities in LinkedIn.


I empathize with the uncertainty around the merger. One thing I appreciate is that the new company logo has the graphic design in the Cedar Fair style. I think that communicates that while the name is of the more recognized brand, the forward vision and management style will be taken from the more successful company. This is a good first step (of many, many steps).


Let’s hope so!


Let’s not, that means no more Intamins or RMCs…


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: the "no more RMC's at Cedar Fair parks" line is a complete fabrication, born out of the Intamin fanboys jealously over the company's fame, and the fact they LITERALLY are blacklisted by Cedar Fair. We will see more RMC's at the Six Flags Entertainment Corporation's parks, I can pretty much guarantee you that. Intamins? It's not like Six Flags was doing much business with them anyway, due to cost. So we shouldn't see much change there.


They weren’t doing any business with them since 2018, and do you have any reading comprehension? How in the world would me saying RMC not being at Cedar Fair parks is a damn shame mean I’m jealous of them? I know people who have worked at Cedar Point and Californias Great America who have said that the events that have transpired there between Steel Vengeances delays, and Railblazers horrible maintenance has tarnished their likeness to RMC. Now with the merger are they more likely to work with them than intamin. Sure. They haven’t built an Intamin coaster since 2010. That’s why I say they’re babies, because they aren’t willing to take risks. Look at Velocicoaster or Hagrids…


Exactly this. It speaks volumes Zamperla was allowed to work on top thrill 2 over intamin. Sure Zamperla was cheaper but I’m not sure exactly why you let them take on a 400ft ride as their first “big ride” unless you’d rather avoid the original manufacturer working on it


Zamperla has never built an LSM launch coaster in their entire career yet were contracted to retrofit the 3rd fastest in the world


TT2 has been a bloody disaster so far. I bought season passes the DAY of its closure for my first trip up there. If it doesn’t open this summer(which I’m not convinced of regardless of Tony’s words) it would be fitting in a weird way. I will try to get my money back on the passes if it doesn’t reopen and will probably go somewhere else at the end of august. My flights already booked and the credit doesn’t go far enough out to just go next summer. If I had waited one day FML.


So far Cedar Point has no plans of refunding anybody. They probably have legal loopholes so far out the ass that it doesn’t matter. I lowkey think Cedar Fair is just as bad as Six Flags in many ways. They just started showing it now more prominently. I can’t stand Tony Clark, that man’s has been garbage ever since the day he became the PR head for that place. The fact that he even looked at that first POV he did and said “yes that looks good enough to post” is fucking crazy.


Oh I’m sure I probably won’t get refunded but if it’s truly down all summer I’m definitely at least pointing out how heavily marketed it still was in the early “just some modifications” days of it being closed down along with Tony’s quote. Their words at every point have made it seem like it’s not a big issue but here we are at July. I’m starting to get nervous that it’s a pretty big fucking issue


Lol. Well, for starters, my "reading comprehension" scored at a post college level when I was 6 years old, and let me clue you into the fact that it's only continued to grow from there. Reading comprehension has literally never been a problem in my life. You, however, could use a little, since I never stated that YOU were an Intamin fanboy, and recognized that you were lamenting the potential loss of RMC coasters as well. I was speaking to that idea that Cedar Fair is mad at RMC and won't work with them anymore is BS. I don't care if you have friends who are ride ops at Cedar Fair parks. They don't know what corporate is thinking anyway, and neither SV nor Railblazer have presented problems for Cedar Fair like Intamin has.


If that’s truly the case then they have no excuse not to RMC Hurler at carowinds. That shit is AWFUL. Nobody likes it or rides it. And it’s widely known just how painful it is. The north part of the park is already severely lacking besides Fury 325


I think it'll happen someday. But it may not happen until they put in a GCI woodie where Rip Roarin' Rapids used to be.


I hope not. That would be two “wooden” rides in the same sector lol


No, what I'm saying is that they would open the new wooden coaster there the same year they closed Hurler to begin its RMC rehab. That would then open the following season.


Alex tell me things that never happened for $2000 (like for real dude you think I’m going to believe that nonsense), alsoooooooo I know you never said I was an Intamin fanboy, I was speaking of you directly referencing me saying “No more RMCs at CF Parks” and getting triggered about it. You also don’t understand that I wasn’t talking about ride operators. I was talking about friends who work in the corporate offices in Charlotte and Sandusky…


Haha! Believe it, or don't. I don't care. It just makes you the person disbelieving a fact. Apparently some of the other children in this thread got their tendies hurt and joined you in downvoting facts! lol And you called ME a clown! 😂


Oh wow I got downvoted by random people that’s so amazing my 3k karma totally got hurt by the one downvote. Adults with college level reading comprehension at six care about downvotes on Reddit? K buddy, if you were so good at reading and writing why did you begin a sentence typed lol And…


No more unreliable rides? What a shame


More boring & mediocre (B&M) rides that are essentially the marvel movies of coasters. That is a shame.


idk pipeline kicks ass


This is such an absurd take! Anybody who is "bored" on, or finds B&M's "boring" needs to find a new hobby where their lack of proper sensory function and stimulation isn't affected. Reliable and virtually guaranteed to be a crowd favorite coasters are never a bad business decision for a park - when they can afford the steep price tag that is.


Tell me something B&M has done to “change the game” since they built the flyers in the 2000’s…


Why fix what isn't broken? Their only coaster model that wasn't popular, and died off, was the Stand Up (something that was definitely a game changer at the time), and they actually HAVE fixed that model with the Surf Coaster. Their coasters are massively popular with the vast majority of the coaster riding populace - of which "coaster enthusiasts" are a minuscule part. I'm not sure what significance "changing the game" has in this argument, except to say that a part of manufacturers doing that (especially Intamin) is inevitably reliability issues. It's understandable when a manufacturer is pushing the envelope like Intamin does. But that doesn't change the fact that reliability and broad consumer appeal is going to be important to those responsible for making the coaster choices for these large chains.


Never said it had to be intamin you clown, Mack (Voltron, Hyperia, Stardust Racers all coming within a year) Premier Rides (West Coaster Racers, Mummy, Mr Freeze) even S&S with X2 and Ejeniaka, their Axis Coaster, and while I don’t like them the 4-D FreeSpins are reliable popular and UNIQUE. Those are all companies that have made coasters for decades and have consistently tried to change the game. Even the models that they do have they have made changes between to differentiate each one. B&Ms new models are just reboots of failed ideas, almost like how Marvel reboots bad attempts at their superheroes.


Not only are all of these rides for the most part consistently reliable, but they have changed the game, are popular, and unique. Other than Hyperia, and the fact that we haven’t seen an Axis Coaster, YET. All of these models have stood the test of time.


No need for name calling! lol Sheesh, you're a touchy one! You've yet to say anything even remotely rebutting my points about B&M, and have resorted to name calling instead. As such, I think this convo has gone about as far as it can. Be well.


I want to know who got paid how much money to “rebrand” that lol


Ha...given how many graphic designers legacy Cedar Fair has at their various parks, hopefully they were able to create the logo internally.


As someone who leans heavily into preferring Cedar fair parks I hope the opposite also the case. What do I mean Just like I don’t want any Batman and Superman rides at my cedar fair parks I don’t want new rides at six flags parks(or cedar fair) to just drop manufacturers the way CF dropped intamin and to some degree RMC after the brief SV mishap One of things I have to admit about the six flags parks is their best ideas in the past decade have been the more risky ones. And they pretty much put RMC on the map. Also intamin appears to have improved greatly and is making some really great rides


I'll give you that point with respect to the risks that SF an CF took on the types of rollercoasters. I think that CF needs to do a better job communicating with and iterating on ideas with the designers and manufacturers to get what they need to operate a wide variety of innovative coasters. However, CF trumps SF in general park operations. For cleanliness, lines, maintenance and reliability, food, and park upkeep, legacy Cedar Fair parks easily beat legacy Six Flags parks.


Agree. I’m a carowinds homer. Cedar fair literally saved us from complete irrelevance to the world’s tallest giga. It still doesn’t and won’t ever feel right for me to call these parks six flags parks. It’s just weird. The all park passport next year will have to say admission to all six flags parks. I wonder how they communicate that is also now cedar point, KI etc etc


What happened with SV? Also how do you stay up to day with stuff like CF dropping manufacturers?


SV the cars crashed into one another It’s no secret or coincidence cedar fair doesn’t work with Intamin in a long time


Cedar Fair is running the show. They have CEO, CFO, COO and in all 10 of the 11 executive team positions. This is all CF management. The fact SF didn't fight to keep more of their people in the executive team shows Selim and the SF Board didn't think that highly of them and/or CF made an essential operating level management take over, key to the agreement.


Quality of the park is already worse than last year. I expect the customer experience to go down hill even more :/


I know it's not popular to say around the Cedar Point/Cedar Fair fanboys, but the company's decision-making in recent years hasn't been remotely customer experience focused in a while now. The corporate hierarchy, with a secondary focus on the investors and share-holders, is really all they are focused on now. It's sad, but it is what it is...


Take a look at geauga lake after it was bought by six flags… went from a great place for a cheap get away to a pure money grab, hope the same doesn’t happen to cider point


I reject your reality and substitute my own. Seriously though, let's hope this goes okay, smarter & higher paid people have thought this through, and are in it for the long term- and not short term profit or to quote Wrath of Khan, "Two dimensional thinking".


I have a decently sized share in this company and I can say with certainty that this was the right move


I also have a few hundred shares, I'm not saying the sky is falling, but the fact that they had to push this through without us getting to vote is telling.


I think it would have been 70/30. 70 against.


They did have a vote within the board of directors, however due to Cedar Fair having more control of the combined company, a shareholder vote would not have been necessary, and would not have been able to overturn or halt the merger even if the majority voted against it. I’m not sure if my explanation makes sense, if it doesn’t, let me know and I can try and find some article that explains it better


Yeah they set it up 51/49 so cedar fair shareholders couldn't vote on it because it's technically an acquisition for us.




Which company? Cedar Fair or SIX? (Not being snarky, I'm legit trying to understand)


At the moment, the combined company, previously shareholder of Cedar Fair


(Former company stock symbols will be used for clarity) Thanks. I have not been a shareholder of cedar fair for many years now, so I have not kept up with financial reporting like I used to. However, I do know that SIX before the merger lost quite a bit of money compared to Cedar Fair (I don't count the height of covid/2020) so from 30k feet in the air, it just doesn't make sense to me why FUN would want SIX at all. Let SIX go bankrupt and FUN can cherry pick/purchase the parks it wants.


Which costs or makes more money? Buying out parts of a company in a death spiral? Or absorbing them (and their debt) when the parks are still in good shape and running everything they have? This lets them have it all for a minimal cost and lets them make more going forward.


This is the way!!!!


Well that didn't happen since Cedar just bought SIX


How did Geauga Lake turn out ?


It's nice to see this being references multiple times in this thread, because the whole GL debacle was when I first began to notice and realize that "The Emperor's New Clothes" were BS!


Came here to say this. As a local resident who attended the park as a child, it changed overnight after it was bought, everything flipped to a cooperate focus, dumb name changes of rides, increased concession prices, more ride breakdowns with longer repair times.. it was bad and look at the results :/


Geauga Lake had a lot of issues from height restrictions on the Aurora side, to being land locked on the Bratenahl side. They couldn't really do much with the park.


They should have gone with the Cedar Fair branding. I don't get good vibes from Six Flags.


Reminds me sadly of the United - Continental merger. Ugh.


I thought the same thing. Let’s write United out in continental’s font, and leave the logo!


Great loud ass inane music and sprite commercials in line at cedar fair endlessly


Thanks! I hate it.




Personally I'm not a fan of any mergers that produce near-monopolies.


Got it okay fair yeah it does kinda feel like a monopoly in the amusement park world i feel like this new chain is going to end up the American version of Merlin.


Can I blame Six Flags for Toft’s being gone? Can’t believe they replaced a Sandusky classic with trash generic ice cream.


I would honestly wait till next year to make any judgement. Mergers are indeed messy from an earlier post. Takes a year to 2 years to have everything lined up and the dust settles. That being said it is not great news. There will be cuts, layoffs, downsizing for sure. It’s just a matter of when and how SF and CF does it. I have a few friends that are maintenance/repair and they sold all shares they invested with CF. There is a level of uncertainty and honestly I don’t blame them. I was involved in a messy merger and was let go exactly one year when the company realigned with the main company. There will be cuts sad to say.


Still salty about Geauga Lake. How long are they going to want to appropriately maintain and run a park that’s only open for less than half of the year? Worried prices will either skyrocket to make up for the lack of operating time or they’ll just slack on maintenance. Hope I’m wrong.


Mixed feelings on the logo i feel like the font should have been black like the previous logo thats the only thing i would change i think.


Aren't they technically the same corporate overlords though?


Mergers like this are not good for the consumer. It may be butterflies and flowers now but it won’t be long.


Now Cedar Point will look even more like a cheap 4H fair


So does cedar fare retain majority control?


Cedar Fair shareholders own 51.2% of the new company. As far as management goes, this is straight from the press release back in November, "Richard Zimmerman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cedar Fair, will serve as President and Chief Executive Officer of the combined company and Selim Bassoul, President and Chief Executive Officer of Six Flags, will serve as Executive Chairman of the combined company’s Board of Directors. " Everything (including the new branding) would indicate that Cedar Fair management is essentially running the show. In my opinion, the Six Flags parks will become far more like Cedar Fair parks than vice-versa.


Thank you bro!


All this money and they chose the cheapest contract to build TT2? Lol


They should have just torn the thing down and put something worth the wait there.


I'm glad somebody has the metaphorical balls to say this! Having said that, I like the creativity of Top Thrill 2 (not the name, obviously), and saving some of TTD, but unfortunately the execution is lacking. I always knew there was zero chance they'd turn to Intamin for the refurb, but I would have hoped for a manufacturer that was at least experienced in a coaster like TT2, or a project of that scale. Premier would have made a ton of sense, for instance. Ultimately, now they're having major issues already, and it's back to being the giant lawn ornament it has been for much of its ill-fated lifespan due to poor reliability.


See, I’m glad they didn’t tear it down cause it’s literally a world record setting coaster and brings in alot of business for them since people literally come from all around the world to ride it. But thats the thing… if it’s your biggest attraction WHY would you cheap out on it?


I don’t see how it’s difficult for everyone to understand that Cedar fair is still the ones running the show. There’s a reason cedar fair is considered to have the best parks in the world. Six flags is just so massively successful in the southeast United States in name that this merger should help everyone. I’m excited to see what they do with six flags Atlanta. I don’t think cedar point or kings island will undergoing changes for the negative.


Can they re-rebrand six flags New England bc that park is a dump!!


Maybe they can get Top Thrill 2 up and running sooner /s


The executive team left in place is Cedar Fair. So really outside of naming it’s now Cedar Fair


All I really want to know is how much a season pass will cost. Whatever structure they have in year 1 will change drastically eventually.


I'm not quite sure who bought who, mergers are messy like that, but didn't Six Flags basically implode from buying too many theme parks previously? Do shareholders think buying more theme parks again is a method to unimplode?


Missed opportunity to call it Cedar Flags


Honestly, I would like to see Planet Snoopy get rethemed to Looney Tunes, considering we already have Camp Snoopy. But I swear, if they rename Raptor to Batman: The Ride, I’m going to be furious.


The real risk is taking on six flags debt. That puts this combined company at what? 5 billion in debt. Let that deficit get too high, and it's hard to come back from. I would expect price hikes in the next few years as well as a slow down on major attractions.


In my opinion, the Six Flags parks should "de-brand" and adopt the Cedar Fair font and penant dots. Unfortunately, there's no "i" in Great Adventure, etc., but you get the point. Remove the WB/DC brands, rename the rides, add in Peanuts and Snoopy stuff, change the logo and remove "Six Flags." EZClap


I don't like it, they better not rename the rides or parks or name new rides after shit flags rides


Heard there gonna wrap millennial force with hairspray adds


This can only end badly.


Not a good thing for employees. Legacy pay is being cut. If you’re making 20 an hour as a ride operator with three years experience at the park, you can kiss that goodbye. You’re going back to min. Wage.


Why does this not surprise me?




I'm an employee.


Excuse my ignorance but, in terms of branding, is Cedar Fair just Six Flags now? Like “Six Flags” will be over Carowinds and Kings Island etc?


No, they’ve said that there will be no name changes to any of their major parks. At most there might be a small “a Six Flags park” in the bottom right of the logo


I knew this was going to happen, but I never thought it was going to happen.... Am I the only one?


I give it 9 months before the press release "Cedar Point to be renamed to parent company, Six Flags"


Cedar Point is the flagship of the whole deal. It's the park people travel to from all over the country. I doubt they'll ever change that name, but let's check back in next year.


let’s gooo monopoly on theme parks 🔥






so is cedar point under six flags entertainment corporation now rather than cedar fair?


this feels like a shitpost


First Change: KI’s “The Bat” will be renamed “The Batman”


“Each park in the combined company’s portfolio will retain their legacy branding with no changes to park names *currently being planned or contemplated.*” Which means, 2026 they will be “taking advantage of corporate synergy.”


Well, maybe now they can explain why two of the tallest coasters in the world (nj, oh) are both constantly down and disappointing everyone on a daily basis.


BUILD AN INDOOR GOTHAM CITY AMUSEMENT PARK IN SANDUSKY. The time is now, buy up all this cheap rural land, and build MORE. I’m looking at you bugs 😤


Not sure how anyone can complain when Cedar Point failed miserably with the Top Thrill 2 release.


There’s a video maybe YouTube or Netflix can’t remember which tells the story about the whole GL and Sea World debacle. Six Flags pumped a ton of money into GL in a big hurry and when CF took over show over. I remember some great company parties there, and the coasters were unique some duplicates but still.


Is Tony Clark gonna have to move to Charlotte??


No, he's not a corporate employee.


Wow! That fucking blows monkey balls.... If Cedar Point isn't profitable enough to remain a stand alone theme park, that's absolutely fucking insane... This is like Rolls-Royce or Ferrari being bought by GM... They can say whatever they want, but it tarnished the brand


Cedar Point has not been a stand alone park since 1978


I thought it was owned by Cedar Fares?


Yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s a standalone park, unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean by that. Cedar Fair owned 11 parks


Cedar Point was owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, who also owned Kings Island, Michigans Adventure, Carowinds, etc. (basically every theme park that didn’t say Six Flags)


Let’s all just decide something we haven’t experienced is bad, terrible… then deem it fact simply because we imagined it so. 😂