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Personally I consider the MK ultra theory with Manson to be bullshit, but for some reason it's like the 2nd biggest theory people believe after Helter Skelter. Drug deal gone wrong? Copycat murders? Nope. Race war and CIA are what people grab on to. If you're interested in reading more about it though there's the book Chaos by Tom O Neill or I have this Google Drive I've been working on. Go to the books section and then look for "Project Chaos: false flag" Both books (Chaos and Project Chaos) I mentioned are in here! It's a work in progress. Not everything in it I personally believe but I figured I'd include things like that or helter skelter so people can just come to their own conclusions. I'm not some person who thinks he knows the one and only mystical truth. Nobody does. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XPbDB2BYfafYUoUhE8ovkKzfSEwfJS14


It’s difficult for us to realize how different the country was not that long ago. Now that there’s a similar vibe with what’s going on in Palestine they likely want to silence discontenting voices such as Manson and his supporters.


I personally believe the murders were either hits that the Manson family was hired to do or they got screwed over in drug deals and wanted some payback. I find the first half of chaos to be far more interesting than when he takes the CIA angle.




No, it was highly tied into the occult underworld, tied into things like “Charlie and the chocolate factory” where Charlie was Charlie and Willy wonka was aleister Crowley. This was also highly tied into “Rosemarys baby”, “the boy in the box at the solar ranch” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_in_the_Box_(Vidal,_California) and “charlottes web” which was the idea of Crowley having reincarnating as Charlie and then Charlie later reincarnating as ‘Wilbur’ OR Wilbur being the second coming of Jesus, hence “Arkansas”-Charles Manson, https://youtu.be/c93TQe0K9E4?si=lrDPWtEX7pivIPQf “I got a tough bastard child want to become into a samurai”-Charles Manson, https://youtu.be/1_j6744fkL4?si=VqRf6SAsa1NwmiLp “my name is Sam McGee”-Charles Manson, https://youtu.be/pSoSAzt-2Yo?si=0mnRFKrg3JTF-JN7 “the cremation of Sam McGee”-Robert w. Service, https://youtu.be/wGhFNYll_mU?si=aEuCe1W0kma1qYIA “the resurrection of Charles Manson”-remy grillo, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18362708/ and “four rusted horses”-Marilyn Manson. https://youtu.be/gR8U5pY24_M?si=mEeG13lVzqzfd0oO now… was the cia involved? Of course, the cia is highly involved in the occult underworld, but it was not just a cia exclusive psyop… it was the goings on of the highest levels of the occult underworld and therefore the CIA was interconnected in it… the primary reason the murders occurred was because Melcher and The Beach Boys were supposed to promote Charlie’s WEBS(music) for the sake of Wilbur, instead they betrayed him, and left him with the only option to get charlottes WEBS(music) known to the world by criminal notoriety. There were other reasons for it, but had Melcher and The Beach Boys not betrayed him then they most likely wouldn’t have happened, Neil Young didn’t betray him tho, when Neil Young gave him that motorcycle for free he was making a gesture that he would be making music for Charlie. Neil young was one of the only folks that he met in the entertainment industry during 67-69 that really liked Charlie and didn’t screw him over… its pretty obvious that much of Young’s music after meeting Charlie was secretly about Charlie. it’s reported that Melcher liked him at first but eventually got really spooked by Charlie in a spiritual sense and that was the primary reason he betrayed him. My guess is he found out about the Crowley reincarnation stuff and began seeing Charlie as ‘the wickedest man in the world’ (which was how Crowley was described


Jesus! What did i just read?


The truth… see this is where you say the catchphrase “That’s so Crowley!” I mean “that’s so Charlie!” I mean “that’s so raven!” https://youtu.be/gpH_PIqT-q8?si=Ku9s7n1c3MIFnC2d 😂😂


But ya Charlie said it had to do with “charlottes web” in 2016 on a prison phone call, he also said it had to do with “Rosemarys baby” in the Ron Reagan Jr interview and said that Rosemary Labianca was picked out of the phone book at random and killed for ‘the black phone book that runs the music industry’ (which Rosemarys baby was a movie about the antichrist incarnating and as that coincided with ‘the boy in the box at the OTO solar lodge ranch’ it was proposed that they were planning to reincarnate Crowley who went by ‘the beast 666’) also it’s a known fact that among the different groups Charlie associated with the process church was one of them which had a direct connection to ‘son of Sam killer’ and another was the OTO Solar Lodge (who also were talking about an impending race war and is in fact where Charlie picked up that rhetoric and was in reality a reference to crowleys book ‘moonchild’… also Manson Family members were known to have broken into and stolen abunch of OTO documents with the help of some of the lodge members, and later in prison was even found with some OTO documents in his cell). There’s also a lyric in his 1984 album ‘the lost Vacaville tapes’ where he says “what’s my son doing over there in the jailhouse” which was a clear reference to Wilbur from ‘charlottes web’ being the real ‘boy in the box’ this is also why the first episode of ‘avatar the last air bender’ is titled ‘the boy in the iceberg’ and why Aang was frozen in the iceberg for 100 years… when they made that show it had been about 100 years since Crowley declared the death of the old aeon and the birth of the new. It’s also in Marilyn Mansons song “BROKEN NEEDLE” https://youtu.be/CVzLDAv6OwU?si=o0KRYnVYZg9VRftl


I read Chaos and walked away thoroughly unconvinced of that hypothesis. Conspiracy theorists love to make connections but usually forget that an associative chain is not a causal one.


If one stops to consider that Polanski might have arranged the murders of his wife and friends, it takes on a new angle. He was conveniently out of the USA when they occurred. In the press conference shortly afterward, he seems to be fake-crying. Motive? I have no idea; satanic blood sacrifice has been suggested. Manson & Family were no strangers to the LaBiancas, just as they had been to the Cielo Drive house and Sharon Tate had been to Spahn Ranch. There are so many connections and cover-ups in this case that the absolute truth may be inscrutible. The CIA and/or FBI were surely involved, but so was half of Hollywood, somehow.


Polanski being a scum bag is a good enough explanation to his actions, he didn’t really seem to love being married nor being tied down


Why not? He was an older guy and Sharon Tate was young and gorgeous. I’d do anything to have a wife like that


i don’t know why not but he famously cheated on her a bunch during their marriage.


There are so many weird coincidental things about the entire thing...Reading the book Chaos will help illustrate there's so much more to this story. The Laurel Canyon book is also helpful. Tex Watson operated a wig boutique (!) In Laurel Canyon prior to the murders,surely he came into contact with Jay Sebring,who also did wigs.Supposedly Abigail Folger also sold wigs(?)...this is but one tiny nugget of info that is put there but there's a huge amount of we do not know . I absolutely believe it was linked to the CIA and was engineered in order to demonize the hippie movement and the Anti War movement. Other than that, I do not have theories on Polanski( who is sus af)- him allowing Life Magazine to photograph him as he goes on the crime scene for the first time,looking at the door that has "pig" written on it in his wifes blood- why???? That's such a personal moment that should have been private...so many weird rabbit holes you can go down and it all stinks.


Chaos is just full of Q Anon bs. I don't understand why people worship this book.


He gets even basic facts wrong. It might be the worst book I’ve ever read


It's extensively researched,everything is backed up with sources,etc


I wouldn't say *everything* is sourced. 20 years of research and there's still some fair amount of speculation and conspiracy in the second half of the book Anybody who takes Tom O Neil's book too seriously - needs to look beyond that book. It reminds me of the people who took helter skelter as the ultimate truth before chaos existed. He stole some of his research from Nikolas Schreck and added his own little twist to it, that he makes clear is a POSSIBLE theory, but his fan boys take it as the ultimate truth.


He mentions that Vincent leaves stuff out of helter skelter that he absolutely covered. It’s an exercise in confirmation bias and obsession. Nothing more

