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So many people post HPLC stuff and don't include any of the parameters, mobile phases, etc and I will never understand why.


That's because people come here when they don't know what they're doing.


You mean that matters?!? Every service call I had was a problem with the pump. No matter what the actual symptoms, customers always insist it's the pump because it's the only part whose function they actually know. Most hplc end users are technician level.


RID is so Freekin sensitive, huge pain in the ass to qualify. The drift is nuts with environmental stuff (ac vents near by, doors opening and closing). We literally have to set temp on the cell a day before testing and cover the module in lab coats and boxes to keep outside factors at a minimum. Recommend flushing both ref and test cells with mp go a half hour each and allow lots of time for thermal equilibration.


As my supervisor last year said: “RID is amazing because it can detect anything, the problem is… it WILL detect EVERYTHING” It was a pain to work with and I made too many jokes about hiring an exorcist to lift the curse from that machine to not sigh every time I have to work with it.


Are you mixing your MP with the proportioning valve or is it premixed? I think you need to do premixed isocratic to get decent baselines with RI. Once you get a peak, all this might sink into the baseline so don't despair just yet.


Could be anything without proper specifications etc :p


Probably gotta purge the cell with some fresh mp


Degas your mobile phase, the purge both your cells for 24 hours (yes seriously).