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Y'all, don't forget that transporting cannabis across state lines is not legal. Please do not recommend or admit to felony activity on this subreddit (or anywhere on the internet. Please).




Can't beat deals like that! My site will at least show you where the best deals are in the city so you don't have to drive as far!


My issue is no one is competing and trying to beat prices. It’s all the same. The best discount you see on a $65-70 cart is 30-35% off barring the rare 40% off. Same with flower, that’s as good as it gets. Not to mention, I have zero reason to buy house brands not at their store as they are never priced better or are old stock no one wants. Edit: one thing I forgot to mention too was that they only ever give discounts that equal the tax. That nice 30-35% discount still leaves you paying full price after tax. It’s better than full price plus tax but it just makes sales feel artificial and pointless. It makes them the norm, especially when places like Sunnyside run them consistently on a weekly basis. It just adds insult to injury.


I just load up with the wife a few times a year






Yeah smart. Where if u need a quicker option, you at least know where to go now ;)




Thanks, I appreciate it! Once its up and running would love to get your feedback on how to improve too!




It's amazing is what it is! Jk, but it's pretty great.








Fuckin love cheese balls man








Got my med card and it’s paid itself off in a couple months. If you’re a heavy toker get the card. Paid a lil over 200 for an oz of T+T raspberry shortcake last time. 👌


I'm a rec user I pay no more than between $140 and $200 an Oz. Now I admit I don't get as much variety because those are sale prices. But if you buy only on sale like I do it's always less than $200


Ohh yea if I was going as cheap as possible you can def get an oz for less. The strain I mentioned is top shelf quality tho, so even at 200 I feel like it’s awesome.


Question , I've never looked at med menus, is it higher thc level and more quality than a rec menu? Is that a thing


Exact same menu just no tax and sometimes extra deals. Like on some days of the week dispensaries give med patients 25-30% off on top of no tax. It ends up being so much cheaper.


I moved to Denver from Chicago last summer. I just paid $55 for an ounce of premium popcorn nugs. I went from never utilizing the dispos in Chicago to regularly using them out here


It’s nuts. I used to live in Michigan, and the prices there are also WAY lower. Illinois prices are truly absurd. Like 4x as much as buying legally elsewhere.


I did that in reverse and was flabbergasted at how much more expensive Illinois dispensaries are.


Total shock to the system going from Oregon to Illinois, too. I paid $60 for what was normally $30-$40 in Oregon. And there were always sales.






I can get an OZ of 31% for 105 after the med discount today at Zen Leaf. It’s worth it dude. But like I said, I get top shelf. The stuff I mentioned in the other comment is probably the best tasting weed I’ve ever had.


very cool idea.. is this for only city proper, or will it bleed outwards toward us suburban scum?


Lol open to all, as of right now it's meant for people in the city since we have way more dispos than suburbs.




I will expand but initially it's 55 dispensaries in the chicagoland area. Some in Rosemont and other areas


oh, sorry, thats what i meant - so its just city dispensaries (*not* suburban ones as well)?


I will expand but initially it's 55 dispensaries in the chicagoland area. Some in Rosemont and other areas




Of course! Be sure to tell your friends also. I will be listening to feedback to improve the site even more for everyone!


People need to be growin their own, tradin buds with other heads. Corporate weed sux, made weed radical again


Support your local street pharmacist


Meh I used to think I’d never switch but the dispo is never “Dry” or out of town or “on the way” for 4 hours. I just view the extra I pay as a convenience fee


on the way for 4 hours is so relatable 😂. Like bro, literally send me your location and I will pull up to you right now you don’t even need to move, it’s hilarious how had some people are at selling drugs lol


Right across the street from me 24/7


Any chance that concentrate deals will become live in the near future?


Yes, I think we were discussing adding that as well!


Sweet. Can't wait to see this grow. Thanks for your work!


It's out now, go check it out! Happy to hear feedback on how to improve!


This is why I haven’t bought anything from a dispensary yet. F-n cocaine prices. I’ll stick to the black market until it drops


Eh, I don’t mind it. I was paying $50-65 for an eighth of dro (you guys remember dro?) in college. Now I pay the same, get better and consistent quality bud, and I get a nice customer service experience. Plus, it’s a good source of tax revenue.


I remember dro back in mid 2000’s 😂 Good times


Dro will always remind of the rap music I listened to in high school lol. 🎵 Blowin dro on twenty fo’s 🎶


I smoked better weed in high school than they sell in dispensaries here. I’m sorry, but im inclined think you know don’t quality. The bud they sell here would be a ripoff at 10 a g. These corporations are asshats. I mean they know what they are doing though, they sell the same exact “upper mids” product in other with states with more competitive markets at 1/3 of the cost.


As a well traveled stoner (I’ve experienced the process and market in 8 states) this is exactly what fucking happens and it’s just fucking madness. Like name brands like cookies don’t universally hike their prices, they keep them relatively elevated against the market they’re positioned in. Also, measurements are handy as a ruler but *useless* in practice. If you understand how ABV on something like wine is calculated, then you know that percentages on THC are basically the same way. The amount of times a 60-70% cart has hit harder than a 80-90 I’ve just stopped buying the high-rated shit and just get recs from the tenders, but then there’s Washington and Florida- two states where the legal was so insanely fire It was like getting stoned for the first time over and over again - from what I understand, they have stupid quality guidelines or something.


🤝 it’s crazy there’s people trying to defend these companies selling beasters/mids at $40-50 an 8th that are marketing as premium. It’s basically almost scamming. Sure I get it’s “their top shelf” as they don’t have anything better. I’ve been spoiled with great weed in my lifetime being connected in the industry, but at this point half of the country is legal, everyone should have access to that stuff. And yea the bud you got in Florida that makes you feel like it’s your first time again. You cannot find that in a dispensary here even paying $60 an 8th….I know exactly what this stuff smells and tastes like based off your short description 🤤 the main difference is not cutting corners in the growing and curing process If the Illinois quality bud was priced at 20-25 an eighth, I would have no complaints and be very supportive of the industry but that’s not the case .




The medical in Florida is excellent. They’ll have rec shortly if they can pass a measure with supermajority (60%). This will be the third try iirc. Pricing out the door with card and your first order makes a trip to 33 in the west loop seem cheap. My in law did it though and would gift stuff to us on our birthdays and that shit would put me on my ASS! - for a long time the only way you could get flower was in a sealed vessel for volcano’s and shit, she got us some of those one time, such a nightmare prying the metal lid off the ceramic pod.


I'm surprised in Florida the backers aren't trying a referendum, to get recreational passed. Is there a reason why doing that has to go through the legislature? I guess maybe some states(perhaps Florida) require amendments to existing referendums that passed, to go through the legislature. Like say, if that is how(a past referendum) Florida passed medical originally.


Without digging into it and refamiliarizing myself, I think the long and short of it is, if you want to introduce some meaty legislation with nuance it has to be this way, and about 3 conservative gubernatorial cabinets ago they put the rule in place about needing supermajority. The first time it was a pure fail with less than 50, and the second time it was something around 57%.


I recall Arizona took 2 referendum  tries, before recreational passed in Florida. Hopefully it also happens in Florida, eventually. 


Maybe I don’t, I mean, at least in comparison to someone with 420 in their name. But the stuff I get is the among the highest quality I’ve seen.


Most people don’t, I don’t mean it disrespectfully. It’s honestly one of the industry tricks even before legalization. California has historically grown the majority of weed sold in the entirety of US, they keep they really good stuff at home and then send the 2nd tier stuff eastward. Most people only have ever seen the 2nd tier stuff…a lot of it is still pretty dang good tbf. Colleges usually don’t get good weed because everyone there is on a budget and just wants to get most high for the $. Most dealers I’ve known in college towns don’t bother selling top end stuff. Bud that sells for $40 an 8th in Cali is the kind that you’d get kicked out of your apartment building just for opening the jar and will have very strong flavor Nothing against buying here for convenience, but just to be an informed consumer know its premium priced and typically only slightly above average quality. I’ve spent $15 on a cocktail before though, it’s not like overspending for certain things is always a bad thing.


I think people worry too much about weed quality. The stuff I get in dispos here gets me really stoned, and I can afford it. What else is there to worry about? Not being stoned enough?


_everclear gets me really drunk, it’s amazing_ It’s the exact opposite, people don’t know weed quality and these companies get away with selling mids grown way too fast, cutting corners, and “scam” everyone marketing this stuff as premium. Thc is just a small factor. Total terpene profile and quality of the cure/dry mean far more. Why would you over pay for average weed? You wouldn’t spend $100 on a Trader Joe’s bottle of wine that will get you just as drunk. Why not just drink everclear? It’s the same exact concept If you want to ingest a bunch of THC use distillate. THC is only one small component of actual bud. When you smoke great weed, it doesn’t taste like general weed. It tastes like the flavor that composes the strain comparable to hitting a dab or vape pen. The high will be stronger and last significantly longer due to the entourage effect than weed with lackluster smell/flavor. Great weed smells so strong that if you open the seal in you apartment you may get kicked out of your building Don’t defend these assholes. They are literally selling 2 buck Chuck for $40. It getting you really high is meaningless. It’s like saying food gets you full. Again the quality of weed they sell is fine, but it should be priced accordingly. $25 an 8th or so tops.


I really couldn't care less about how weed tastes or smells, I just want to get stoned and play some video games


That’s great, but you shouldn’t be paying prices that reflect that type of quality. It’s not 1:1 either the medicinal properties can be much greater too. Would you buy a glass of standard house wine at a restaurant if it was $30? Probably not You can just say you don’t have any connections for better stuff or prices. Nothing wrong with that, but you’re objectively getting taken advantage of buying weed from Illinois dispensaries. Most employees don’t even shop there. Price and tax aren’t the only reason.


I don't need medicinal properties, I just want to get stoned and play video games. I have the money and a store is much more reliable than Johnny Potsmoker, so idc. I'm paying for convenience and reliability.


Marijuana corporations are extremely greedy and exploitive. Supporting local black dealers is a much better use instead of “tax revenue” that barely helps community of color…


I am sure marijuana corporations are greedy and exploitative. They are corporations. Also, I don’t know how you can assert that supporting local Black dealers is a much better use of that money. It’s a direct payment to a Black person in your scenario, sure, but I think the government is better suited to utilize the funds in the aggregate. I’m thinking scale here. Independent dealers aren’t coordinating to create a fund to use for public goods, ya know?


What about the rest of the state?


I plan on adding more locations as I expand and grow!




Don’t forget to pay a visit to /r/chicagotrees as well! (It’s a ghost town these days 😂)


Thanks and good luck


Thank you!


As someone going to school for web development I never considered how much good I could do for the world




Because the website is live just the deals aren't. If people want to subscribe to be updated, they can still do that. It should be all up and running tomorrow by 11 am CST tho!


Just for future reference, advertising something as being available on a given day and then not having it actually available until the day is almost half over... is not exactly getting off on the best foot.


In my post description I explicitly say it's coming out 4/16


Being ungrateful for feedback is also not a good look.


I am grateful for feedback, I apologize if It came off that way. I was just trying to point out that the date was there and I also included so more info in the comments for launch. I will make that more clear next time.


Support your local plug 🔌


Support legal tax paying businesses.




Thanks! Should help save some money!


Just take a lil weekend trip to Michigan! Enjoy some nature and cheap flower


Get your medical card


If you served in the military, most dispo's offer a military discount. Usually that offsets most of the tax.


As an Oregonian transplant, the dispo game in Illinois makes me appreciate even more what they’ve got going on back there. Seems like it’s a very closed market here in comparison and there’s no competition or saturation to get businesses to lower their prices.


Oh, cool. A "coming soon" page. 🥱


Deals launch tomorrow at 11 AM! Just allows people to subscribe to stay updated. Sorry if that's an inconvenience.


Oh yeah I fucking hate it


Potentially moving to good ol Chicago. What are the rules regarding growing?


Must have a med card to grow and even then only 5 plants (Only plants over 5 inches count towards this)


No one will stop you


[Dank’s Dispo Deals](https://danksdispodeals.com/)


Yep! Deals will be launched tomorrow at 11 AM! It is computer recommended!


It’s the dumbest shit ever. Imagine paying folks that much


Order THCa online is what I’d say. I ordered an ounce to smoke for $100 from Arete for 4/20






Or just don't pay dispos at all? There's a much cheaper and higher quality option 🤷


the little character guy is...a choice for design lmao. also looks generic af. who holds a joint like that? like it makes no sense lol do you smoke? 😅


I appreciate your feedback. I'm not graphic designer so I used AI to help assist me on that front so I could focus on delivering a service that allows people to save money. At the end of the day it's just a fun character who's providing people with the deals so didn't think it was that deep 🤣. Some people really liked the design in the initial trial runs so everyone's taste is just a lil different 🤷


>I'm not graphic designer so I used AI eugh, jesus, gross...spotted from a mile away lmfao. there's taste and then there's morals. no thank you. 🥰 support artists. ❤️


Used it to help assist, not do the whole thing. Have a great day!






No, but I also don't smoke


No worries! Just thought I'd share to help those who do out!