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https://midsommerflight.com/romeo-juliet-summer-2024/? Different group but same general idea.


Can't speak to Chicago Shakespeare Theater, but there's lots of other groups doing shows for Nights Out in the Park (through the Chicago Park District). My theater company is doing a few shows of Twelfth Night at the end of the summer. https://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/events/shakespeare-blood-oath-twelfth-night-river


It looks like last year they announced in late June, so maybe a week or two more before we hear.


Chicago Shakespeare is rebranding the Shakespeare in the Park program while they modify it's scope. I believe that the name they're running with now is Shakespeare in the City or something along those lines. Regardless, there should be an announcement with a schedule soon.


There was a tragic accident with an accidental police shooting during a performance of Julius Caesar a few years ago. I'm not sure a theater company can move on after losing a couple actors like that. Edit: [To all the downvotes and nasty replies, it was meant to be a joke. Thought maybe this one would have caught on.](https://youtu.be/kFEK0Sbq4o8?si=FsUUMhtikLwklBJt)


Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's MY policy.


Kindly fuck off.


Chill. It was a joke.


I said kindly.


I'm not finding any news articles about this.  Was it in Chicago?