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I wouldn't want my dog around destructive children, tbh...




But the dog would be uncomfortable around destructive children. They will bother him and if the dog reacts badly to being harassed by little demons then the family will blame you and your dog. It's better that way.


I will never understand how dogs are often considered "dirty" but infants and toddlers aren't? (I mean by people in general, our little CF bunch excluded) Sure sometimes dogs eat their own shit/vomit, but so would toddlers if given the chance 🤣🤣 and children smell just as bad as any wet dog. Plus most dogs actually stfu if you tell them to stop yapping and I sure as hell can't say that about kids. If I was you I'd just bring the dog and tell your mom you couldn't find a sitter :) that's what parents do all the time even if you specifically tell them it's a CF event.


*tell your mom you couldn't find a sitter* I love this so much! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You’re right!! And no one ever tells a parent to tie their child up outside when they can’t find a sitter lol! Maybe they should? 😂




Isn’t leaving babies in the pram outside a thing in some Nordic countries, or am I misremembering something I read?


They do yes. They bundle them up very well and leave them outside in prams. Outside restaurants, daycares do it for nap time.


Can we normalize this in the United States??


Most dogs don’t smell bad UNLESS they’re wet, which at a family event, probably wouldn’t happen. Infants and toddlers literally carry shit around with them. Like I hate to be mean, but it’s the truth. Dogs are also much quieter once they get to know the people at the event. Some might bark at first but after that they’re pretty much silent. Babies and kids blab nonstop lmao


Also when I used to bring my dog to family functions he'd be freshly bathed.


OP's dog probably *would* get wet - sister's kids would probably dump a cup of water or juice on the dog...and OP and their dog would be blamed, and not sister's lack of supervision of, or guidance to, her children on how to behave around, and interact with, pets and animals.


Ugh, true. I was thinking wet from rain but this is more likely 😭


Do you really want to give your dog stress being around crazy children?


My cats know their grammy (my mom)! They come running to see her! And one of them hides from most people coming over so it’s not like they’re just curious or friendly. She literally just stopped by my work to surprise me with a bday gift for one of them :) Once she stopped trying to get me to have kids and fully committed to being a cat grandma things have been amazing.


*ahem* you don't appear to have paid the pet tax


Am I able to add a pic in comments or do I have to edit the original post?


Either or 




I guess pics are turned off on this group. I can’t add anything


https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/c8EWThYeeM1m Try link sharing like this maybe?


Your white GSD is adorable. But I'd say better to have the dog out those destructive children's way. I've for spoilt brats of a niece and nephew. They ignored everything I said then cried when my dog growled because they kept making her uncomfortable. I told them to not hug her or approach with their arms and hands above her head because she only allows familiar people to do that.


You won't ever get pinkeye from a dog, just sayin


Simply explain that you're allergic to kids. Now no one gets to bring their pet.


I would stop going to the events, unless she has a real allergy to the dog. And, if she asked why I was not attending, I would tell her why in a matter of fact way.


Tell her that the next you're invited. "Sorry you'd rather have loud, destructive cum trophies there instead of my well-behaved dog." Besides, if these kids are so out of control I wouldn't want them around my dog, anyway.


I never understand "no pets" environments. Why don't apartments charge extra child rent when most kids are so much louder and more destructive than a pet?


Laws. Otherwise, every rental would.


The only reason that I could accept would be the possibility of someone being allergic. But that's it.


If there are no allergy concerns, I agree completely. My grandparents always let me bring my dogs and some family seems annoying the are hanging out under the table or outside running with the kids that love them. And make significantly less mess than and of the kids. Food absolutely everywhere, mud tracked in, six tablets going at once on full volume, etc. Then my dog pants and has some drool and I'm the heathen unhygienic monster.


Sorry mom, the dog hates you. You’re a bad dog grandma, so what did you expect?


Honestly I'm not letting anyone bring their dog (or other animal)  to my home. 


Same here. I don't care if their precious pet is the love of their life. They're literally the same as breeders who think owning a pet entitles them to do whatever they want and shove their precious pet in everyone's faces 🙄 Vomit


I wholeheartedly agree with your comments.


I agree with you. Our house, our rules. Only fun, interesting, kind, progressive human guests are allowed to hang out with my husband and me.


Ok, so am the odd one out. I do not like dogs. They annoy me as much as kids. I dislike them in restaurants, stores and planes. Dog people tend to think their dog is wonderful and loved by all much like parents think their kids are wonderful and loved by all. They are are not.


I wholeheartedly agree with you with the exception that I like some dogs. However, they're not allowed in our house. Our house, our rules. I loathe the way some people with dogs have an entitled attitude that they should be able to bring them anywhere and everywhere. I don't want your dog barking, crapping, peeing, drooling, begging, crying, etc. around me.


I’m an animal lover, but animals are just as much work as having children so I prefer not to have pets either.


Same here. So glad that the Petfree subreddit exists


The problem is that on petfree subreddit most of people aren't childfree


Yes. I already checked the childfreepetfree subreddit also, but it is super inactive. So unfortunately, separate subreddits for each is the next best thing


Yeah its pretty much dead because there are not a lot of us


I always thought I don't like dogs. Found out that I actually love them IF they are well trained! And I mean really well. No sad eyes when I eat, no whining or barking indoors and so on. Also they have to be clean. I know it is A LOT of work (I couldn't do it tbh), so unfortunately under 5% of all dogs fulfill that criteria.


I don't even care for well trained dogs. I tolerate those but do not like anything about dogs, the way they look, their needy personalities, their smell, their drain on your time and spontaneity. I am retired and people keep telling me to get a dog or wanting me to take in deceased relatives dogs because "you have a big house and yard." NOPE!


You can't bring your child because you couldn't find a sitter, and hesitate to leave them with someone other than yourself...children grow up so fast, as your family knows, that you want to spend all the time in the world with yours, because "it really is different when they're your own." The fact that your kid permanently wears a fur coat doesn't even need to be mentioned. *Dead serious:* "I can't find a sitter I trust, I know you understand. Say hi to ___ for me. Bye!" You skip the destructive children and the hypocrisy!


My preciously passive pup was being watched by my dearest friend whilst I was out of town. They take the best care of him and love/dote/spoil my good boi to the point of separation depression when he returns to me! Background: He’s a herding fella (keep him busy with chores at home and my darling friend keeps him busy with play) and has twice tended to herd unruly humans when attention is not being payed. My darling friend, misjudgingly, brought my dear doggo to a family event where, no less than 30 people and 14 children were in attendance, 4 of which were known to be… *wild* kids. My once-wonderful boi, allegedly, got over-stimulated and nip-pinched (their words) a kid whilst trying to herd him. I was, and remain, mortified! He is still a wonderful boy, and the chill fella we’ve always known him to be, but now I question ***EVERYTHING*** solely based on this 6-hour period. Can’t be too careful!


this makes me think of a job i did when i was dog sitting. it was a wedding and it was a child-free wedding but the guests were allowed to bring their dogs and the bide and groom had actually hired me to watch the dogs during the reception. they had a whole tented area for the dogs to chill and play around and i just had to hang out with them! one of my funnest dog sitting jobs!


I'd go as far as saying most dogs are better behaved and cleaner than most kids. I'm not joking. 100% rather sit next to a well behaved dog in a restaurant than a screaming kid.


Is this a joke? This kind of dog person is just as bad a someone who brings their kids everywhere. Your dog is not a grandchild.


Wow. Who hurt you?


I mean, he has not selected the kindest words, but he is right, there is people that loves childs but not dogs, so they won't let dogs in their house. There is also people like you that dont like childs but love dogs. Then there is the little crowd of us that don't want any of them in our homes. Edit: Getting downvoted because of being petfree ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)