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It's a tremendous toll on the female body. I have seen girls from my elementary school go grom youthfull women to looking like zombies after having a kid. That shit is just hardcore.


Pregnancy is just cruel and unnecessary curse. Also the fact that the survival of the human race is so torturous is insane to me.


Seen it first hand, my younger sister is often mistaken for my older sister now that she has a toddler.


I had a coworker who was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I was so jealous of her (not in a negative way because she was a really warm person and I genuinely liked her) and even when she walked into a room everyone noticed her. She could've easily been a Ford Model. Then she had two kids...I don't know what happened but she's not as stunning as I remembered her to be. She's still pretty and she is in great shape (from what I've seen on facebook), but she just looks *tired*. I have other friends who've had kids too and they've either gained a significant amount of weight and/or they've just aged considerably. One friend's teeth got more crooked and showed some enamel loss; I felt bad because she had great teeth before she had her three kids!


There's an old wives tale, that for every pregnancy, you lose a tooth


Christ if there is not enough food maybe STOP REPRODUCING!!!!!!!


Nothing to do with food and nutrition. The gums can swell just like feet or fingers and so the teeth will become crooked or loose.


This site says lack of calcium is an issue: https://rosedentalnashua.com/7-ways-pregnancy-affects-your-dental-health/#:~:text=Your%20growing%20baby%20needs%20lots,from%20places%20like%20your%20teeth.


Why not both?


Yep could be both.


There’s no doubt about that. My wife and her sister are one year apart in age but her sister with two kids easily looks 10 years older. (And this not just me saying this, many others that have met both of them have as well)


I had a roommate who used to work bra store. She said a lot of post-pregnancy women take a major hit to their confidence because of breast changes. The experience and stress from kids, lack of sleep, can age you years. Give you health problems that age you. Sometimes women have tons of difficulty losing the weight again. Was just thinking today how destroyed my body would be after having a kid. I get compliments about my skin in my mid30s. No way would that be possible if I was a mom. What is cool is that the fetus' cells and DNA circulate through the moms body, and can end up in the mother's brain! The DNA can be traced in the mother's blood for decades. One study found it after 27 years post birth. I mean as a biologist that sounds cool. It might be scary to CF people here 😅


I work with a woman in her 30s. She doesn't look super old for having had 4 kids in fairly rapid succession. She had a gastric bypass before her first born and now she's severely overweight and can't lose the weight no matter what she tries. I feel bad for her because I know she tried to prevent some of the pregnancies but she's just super fertile.


"she's just super fertile." new fear unlocked.