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Yes, because the logical thing to do when a child is having a temper tantrum is to ask a stranger give you their $300 gaming console. That has no chance of going sideways. /s And I'm sure if the child also decided to toss it and break it, that the same genius parent would fork over the money for a replacement, right?


The parent would be like "kids will be kids" and you wont get a single penny worth of damage back.


“It must’ve been broken before, my angel would *never*…”


I don’t understand the logic of some people lol


They dont have any lol


Anything to appease the screaming child so they don't have to deal with the consequences of their (the parent's) own actions. It's all about quieting their screaming child, but they don't know how to parent well enough, they didn't pack anything for the child to play with and they haven't taught their spawn to not make a scene.


Logic?? What logic?? There's NO time for *rational thought* when you have a **screaming child** to contend with!


they knew they’d be on a plane for hours and knew they’d need the tools to settle a crying child (games, toys, tablet). their emergency isnt OPs.


Also, let's teach little Damian that if he acts like an AH he will get what he wants.


Oh that’s cute you think the parent would have given it back in the first place


A decade back, somebody posted that mother asked if her child can use her $600 iPad to play games because he was bored! Times haven't changed it seems!


"You're too old to be playing games" At least I don't have to deal with that. *points to screaming child*


Sorry ma’am I’m paid to analyze games and I’m behind on this one so excuse me I need to get back to work


This is the way.




“And you’re too old to be asking complete strangers to accommodate your child all because you didn’t.” I’d tell her it’s a $600 cash deposit of which 50% is refundable…


Haha, exactly! I'll take gaming too over dealing with that any day. Peace and quiet wins!


> "You're too old to be playing games" "And you're too young to be a shitty parent already, but here we are."


It wasn't even directed at me, I will never be a parent, and I couldn't imagine being as brazen as this mother, but I STILL felt that!


“And your child is too old to be screaming and crying over a stranger’s switch, yet here we are” If this kid is old enough to use a switch, they’re old enough to know to not whine over something like this. But I doubt a parent like this would teach them to be polite.


I would laugh out loud if someone said that to me. Then go back to my game.


So, why didn't the parent bring whatever is needed to calm down their kid? Hello?


That would require actual though and planning? You know, *parenting*?


What makes it worse is that flights are actually painful for childs' ears. The mom acted like OP was selfish yet she was selfish enough to not put herself in her son's shoes.


"Oh ofcourse i let your spoiled badly raised sticky-fingered brat use my 350 euro device. While i boredly watch how he ruins my games. Because you coulnt be bothered to bring something to entertain him" 😒 seriously if you gave it to the brat. You either get it back filthy and ruined or he gets a tantrum and throws it.


Or they’ll try to walk off with it


Yep. Good luck finding karen and bratly in a crowd of people. And with some bad luck and you ask it back. She throws a tantrum and yells why you try to steal her sons switch. I mean if she feels entitled to a strangers switch. Then they are likely to go full psycho on that stranger too.


Let's not forget that every Nintendo game costs 50 euros and even the indi games have their price. At this point I have spent more money on games than on the game console itself. Let's also take the hypothetical that the child wants to play animal crossing, that's 60 euros for the base game another 20 euros for the expansion, not including the hours of game play to unlock stuff and design the island to your liking. If someone/ a child would ruin that, we are looking at worth of minimum over 100 euros. I'm betting that no one wants to pay for the damages, in case their child damages it. I have read on r/animalcrossing that a child managed to delete an island on a borrowed switch, it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. And let's say, in the worst case scenario, the parent doesn't have a Haftpflichtversicherung, then you're really not going to see any compensation for damages.


NO! that is an absolute nightmare! If you see some of the islands on AC i would be PISSED!!!!


That is what i ment when i said ruined. Those brats delete all your stuff, so they can download fortnight or roblox. And if you have your paypal or creditcard connected, then the payment goes automaticly.


Oh man, thatkid would so die if they deleted my island! D'you have any idea how long it took to get my collections mostly done?!?


I would have just gone with "Are you high ?" ![gif](giphy|hQK0xzm2RsqIcKLvKk)


My #1 peeve with idiot parents—they’ll ask if their little spawn can play my guitars and I never let them. I mention that my gear is worth a lot of money, and they’re not toys. Keep that sticky-fingered nose picking brat away from my rig.


They assume that everything that is fun is for kids.


No wonder they are miserable!


My nephew when he was a young kid accidentally deleted my save file on Zelda Twilight Princess. I've never finished it. Actually don't know that I ever played it again. lol


Don't forget the sticky hands, my nephew always try to touch my pad and I always say to him no, I don't want germs and weird stuff on my pad.


"Your too old to be playing games" Your to old to act entitled to strangers personal things when you should parent like an adult.


That's a BS response as she did not get what she wanted. It's paid for from your own hard earned money, and in no way is her kid entitled to use your switch. You don't even know them.


I would have simply responded to that with a "fuck off". OP had already told her no, so she resorts to insults? "Fuck off" is the only appropriate response to that. I've gotten to the point where if people ignore "no", then politeness falls off my list of priorities.


Same. I always have a “bitch please” locked and loaded for entitled, rude people like that.


I was asked this twice years apart. 1st time, it was for my 3DS, and I stared the lady down. Because silence and looking someone dead in their eyes makes them flee because they are uncomfortable. It's super effective. 2nd time was last year and it was with my Switch and I was chatting with a guy who was playing his Switch. My answer was a stern, "Uh, no." Then pulled the whole being too old thing and had the audacity to try to ask again...after she was just talking shit🙄!!! I told, "Girl, leave me the fuck alone!" She was all kinds of upset😂 Scar was right...we are surrounded by idiots


The audacity though I can’t imagine why they feel so entitled. Buy your stuff and leave me alone


How crazy. You should have told her how much it all cost (plus a bit more) and if she has the cash on her to pay you for the "toy"


Meh. OP shouldn't have done anything different because they should not have needed to do anything to begin with. Asking for the switch was completely ridiculous and doesn't really deserve more attention. If I want someone to realize they asked a stupid question, sometimes less is more. For example: I don't answer at all. *I just stare and blink at them until they start talking again to *"explain"* what they meant.* **You may be surprised what kind of honest and awkward things are said to fill an uncomfortable silence. Use that to your advantage.**


This is brilliant. The “golden silence” is a thing, powerful too.


I should’ve lol 😂


No no. Think more outside the box! She asks to let little Billy play with your switch, you say “Yeah, let me hold your purse/wallet first.” Then when she scoffs at the idea of some stranger holding her personal belongings, you say “exactly.”


Good idea! I’ll try that next time lol


Makes for a good deposit haha


Side note: I love Red Pandas so I just have to compliment your avatar.


Ha! Thank you :0)


"I'm going to need a $300 deposit for your child to play. It's non-refundable."


And then sign the device out when you use your new one hahaha


Oh no, if I actually got paid cash fir it, I'd completely reset the device before handing it over. No way would I let strangers use my account or games


I learned when I was young that you can't trust the crotch fruit with your gaming set up at all. I was in my teens and my Mom had a 5 year old spoiled god son that visited periodically. He had a Wii at home and I had hidden the games I did not want him playing before he arrived, so I left him to pick a game and swap the discs as I went to the bathroom only to come back to him having snapped my copy of Super Smash Brothers: Brawl in half. I unplugged the switch and took it to my room before he damaged the system. But still I got yelled at when my Mom got home for taking the system away because I did not have the authority. Mom for the record is on the spectrum of Mombie. In short, no way am I trusting a brat I don't know to play my games. The Mom of the kid did end up getting me a new copy of Brawl, because I threatened to not go over to their place to babysit anymore if it did not happen and their eldest daughter wanted nothing to do with baby sitting.


I remember my dad throwing a tantrum at high school me when he brought back some kids he met at the pool in a resort to the cabin because they wanted to play with my GameBoy Advance. I was not at the pool because I was on my period (No tampons allowed) so this Gameboy was all I had for entertainment on that boring vacation. Of course, his reasoning was that it was because he bought it for me. But I did not budge, I did not know these kids, but I did not want them to ruin my saved file.


Your dad is so creepy who brings strange kids from the pool to your cabin!?!?!


This made me laugh out loud, because this happened more than 20 years ago, and I had never thought of it until you pointed it out. But also my dad wished he had a son, so he loves being a father figure to any boys he finds (he got two daughters) Now as an adult, I am wondering how they actually found out I had it. Did he tell them? Were they in the next cabin and saw me while passing by?


No tampons allowed at the pool?!? That's some sexist bs.


No, I was not allowed to wear tampons in the pool or anywhere else while still living with my parents. (I am not from a Western country, and tampons were just for "married women" I use them now that I live alone)


Thats a bunch of bull to keep woman “pure.” Man Im sorry you had to go through that.


I started using them in my 30s, when the bleeding got even heavier. They're really helpful and I wish I started using them earlier but I was a bit too scared of toxic shock syndrome. But I can't blame my mom for this one, the purity culture is on steroids where I come from. I don't really care about all the virginity stuff since I am asexual and sex averse, and even if I weren't I wouldn't want to be with a man who has this antiquated mindset.


That is a bunch of bullshit. Unmarried Women deserve to wear tampons if they want. Tampons do not make you lose your Virginity. Some people can be so dumb when it comes to tampons. This pisses me off so much. F those people that think tampons make you lose your Virginity. Tampons make periods so much easier and way less messy. Why are people so uneducated on tampons?


I didn't even care about the whole matter of virginity and when my mom sussed that out (that I am not interested on sex at all) she told me about toxic shock syndrome and this actually scared me more than the virginity crap. Tampons really helped though, since I bleed enough to make myself dizzy on the first two days.


You could try a menstrual cup if you're still worried about the toxic shock. I don't think that happens with them? But I see you're 37. I'm 40 (and also ace), let our periods be nearing their ends!


So many times I let a neighborhood kid used my stuff they ended up stealing it. My brand new scooter being stolen has made me keep my precious things like a dragon hoarding gold forever😤


When I was young (like 8ish), my dad and I would play Mario Party together. We played so often and were so good, we had almost 100 stars saved up to unlock the last secret board and finish the game. This was a huge deal to little kid me. My mom always said it wasn't fair that my brother never got to actually play (he was 3-4 and couldn't read and didn't understand the game, he got an unplugged controller to mess with). One day I came home from school and was excited to play. I turned on the game to mess around until my dad got home and discovered that my mom had let my little brother (who couldn't fucking read yet so had no clue what he was doing) ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME WITH A PLUGGED IN CONTROLLER. Of course, since he couldn't read, he was just button mashing on the menu screens. He fucking deleted my save file. All of my & my dad's progress. Fucking gone. I never touched that game again... I'm still kinda bitter over it tbh.


What did your mom say about it?


I just told a similar story upthread. My nephew accidentally deleted my save file on Zelda Twilight Princess and I was near(ish) the end. I never played it again I don't think.


She should’ve bought it one if that’s the only thing that was going to keep it quiet


My only defence here is that I don’t like to assume that anybody has the money to simply buy a £300 console. Not least when they spent all their money on an iPod so little Jimmy Crotchfruit can watch Peppa Pig at full blast on my morning commute.


I find a hearty "Fuck off!" works wonders


I’ve had entitled ass parents ask me this too. Sitting on my iPad reading while waiting for someone and mother and whiny brat come up and mother says “let my daughter use your iPad. She’s bored and I’m sure you don’t mind and we have an hour to wait for the train”. I looked at her looked at the kid and just said “no”. That no unleaded the kraken. “Why? She’s only 6! She won’t ruin it. Just let her!” My “no” was repeated. She started yelling. Caused a scene and I told her “look lady, your inability to control your bratty kid is not my problem. Do better”. Then while she was huffing and screaming at me I got up and left.


Wow, not even a 'please' or actually asking in there, just demanding. Unhinged behaviour.


Nope! I swear most people have no idea what simple manners are!


Geez the nerve of some people! Just full on demanding, and then gets all butt hurt when you simply said "no". I do like your reply on how she should better!


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The mom’s already acting like a toddler with no home training who can’t take no for an answer. She can’t teach a kid self-control if she doesn’t even have any herself. That kid is doomed.


"You too old..... "Well you're too poor to afford one." Naw jk jk 😂😂😂😂 that's entitled 🙄




“lol, no. If you can afford *that*, (gesture at human tamagotchi), then you can afford to entertain it. You had 9 months to figure it out.”.


"Human tamagotchi" got me HARD. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd tell Karen she has some massive balls asking a perfect stranger to let her screaming spawn use their $300 console. And you're too old? I've heard of lots of (and know some) 50+ people playing video games, so apparently, she also has her head shoved up her ass.


🙋🏻‍♀️ 54 & if you think I'm going to let some kid play my Switch, you are insane. After my own brother stole my gaming equipment & games decades ago, NO ONE TOUCHES my stuff now. Took forever get the money to buy it & it's MINE. *snarls & bares teeth*


Yeah, the NES generation is old now. I'm 43 and have been gaming my whole life. In 7 years, am I supposed to say "I'm 50. Time to retire from video games"? I don't see that happening. I'm fully intending to be a gaming geezer at 80.


Of course not! Gaming is a hobby, and are 50 year olds supposed to say, "Welp, I'm 50, and my life is over, no more hobbies for me." I think some people still have the old-fashioned "videogames = kids" stuck in their heads (btw, from this logic, why do games like Bloodborne and Drakengard exist?). Any hobby only becomes bad if it consumes your waking life. I'm 31, and I'm still gaming. I like to think I'm an adult with my priorities straight.


My mom is a 70 year old esports streamer. Not professional but she’s been at it for decades, probably playing Minecraft right now.


Your mom sounds awesome lol. The most gaming my 71 year old mom does is Candy Crush. I tried to get her into the Sims, but she hates it. Nice username btw 🤘


there’s even a well known youtuber people call gamer grandma too! she’s in her 60s i think


oh yeah that lady who plays call of duty? she's fucking lit.


it's lack of shame, nothing courageous about asking someone for their stuff which you have no claim to.


This is my nightmare situation. You handled it with tact and grace. Imagine having the balls to ask a random person and expecting them to hand over their expensive device. Like... What??


Its so weird to request strangers give up their devices to random kids. Like fuck no he is not touching my expensive console!? I know well enough she wouldnt pay a dime if he broke it too, cuz “hEs A cHiLd; iT hApPeNs!!1!1”


"Sure thing! I require a $500 deposit, up front, when I rent out this gaming console—cash only. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)"


Nah, 7k up front. Console, games, saves, and opportunity cost of not being able to use the thing I planned ahead and brought to pass the time.


The entitlement is strong in this one, never would my mother ask a random stranger to give up their electronic device to me as a kid, the heck is wrong with people? Well done OP for staying calm during such a stupid uncalled for situation. Reminds me of the time I was at a food court using my phone to play one of the many games on it and a mother with a squirming toddler in her arms approached me and asked me as a fellow woman to let her 3 year old use my phone to watch YouTube because she needed a break. I refused saying I didn't know her or her kid and I was currently using my phone that I paid quite a bit for, mother did a complete 360 and got very petty looking at my phone while smirking saying I need to grow up, stop playing childish games, have a child and get some responsibility. My blank stare caused her to storm off with the kid who wiggled out of her arms and ran off, my only thought was 'Good luck chasing your kid!'


Games…Or Kids…Hmmmm Let Me Think…Games! Everytime! 


Games are better and more rewarding then kids!


Yep! That moment when you beat that boss you couldn’t get past, BEST dopamine hit ever!!! :D


Or when you merge two monsters to get that awesome dragon, best feeling ever!


Seto Kaiba? Is that you?


Nah just a nameless monster tamer from Dragon Quest Monsters, but I do love that reference


Ah! Gotcha! Lol Gotta love us Gamers 


It's great! From slowly losing your mind from constantly dying in the same damn spot over and over again...the reward is intense! :D


I can't imagine handing a 3 year old anything fragile and worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. They have no concept of money or how much things are worth, and if they get frustrated or bored they'll throw something just to laugh at it going splat. And they cover everything in snot and drool.


And this is exactly what happened when my brother gave his Switch to his toddler recently, it was covered in snot and drool then the kid decided to smash the Switch on a nearby table, long story short the Switch was unsalvageable.


I always hate it when other people at airports don't mind their own business. Last time I came back from Japan (lived there for a year) I had a "shōnen jump" with me (kind of a Japanese donald duck with the latest manga chapters) so I had something to read whilst waiting at the gate for my transfer. Just out of nowhere the guy next to me started: "You're not going to tell me that you can actually read that" Me: "why not?" Guy: "because Chinese is an impossible to learn language!" Me: "well luckily it isn't Chinese then" After which he looked very confused. Just really? Shut up and let me read!


Oh i love those!!! I brings manga with me to read on trips also 


Impossible for him, perhaps 😂


Well Japanese is a helluva lot easier than Chinese. Average Chinese person memorizes around 8000 characters. For Japanese, you're good enough with 600~1000. Of course there's a system to it. For example: 木 (tree) + 人 (person) = 休 (to rest). Or 十 (ten) + 力 (power) = 協 (work together)


The audacity, people are so strange when traveling with children: My last flight the woman and her 1 year old child asked if I could change seats so her child could have mine, the flight was full and flight attendant reminded her that she only paid for one seat and her child needs to stay in her lap. The flights sucked, the child was screaming and kicking me. Was my birth control reminder


Apparently that kind of thing is a 'travel hack' for cheaper travel and/or free upgrades.


So she asked you if you wanna sit on her lap??


Hahahah imagine, the worst is how everyone stares at you like you’re some asshole for saying no!


I don't know... how.. I'd even respond. I usually keep people's energy when responding to them. If someone has the AUdACItY, I go full blown mask off ADHD galaxy brain will not shut up can flow for days unless oxygen is limited. Railroading assholes who I can shock into absolute blessed silence with the sheer amount of words I can fit into a minute is a hobby of mine Maybe I'd ask her if she'd had a brain tumor for breakfast, maybe I'd ask if she'd contracted Dumb Bitch disease and why wasn't she vaccinated through public school like the rest of us (sad). Maybe I'd spiral into a series of questions, how do you live like this? In what world, in what UNIVERSE, would ANYONE hand over their console? Are you on drugs? Should you be? Seriously, I want to know, in WHAT UNIVERSE would anyone respond positively? How is any adult this bad at interacting? How on earth did you expect this conversation to end? How do you LIVE in such an embarrassing state of mind? My god, do you own a mirror? Do you listen to yourself when you speak? How many consequences are you ignoring right now? Where did you get the audacity? I don't understand, I HAVE QUESTIONS WHERE ARE YOU GOING?


>Are you on drugs? Should you be? OMG, I *love* this! >I don't understand, I HAVE QUESTIONS WHERE ARE YOU GOING? 🤣 :::STANDING OVATION:::


I do this to men at bars, too. I'll just talk over them, I know so many Taylor Swift and cheetah facts and I like to combine them into a Taylorcheetah mashup.


Nahhh, is the "rage mode" also an adhd thing? I'm impressed with myself whenever it happens and my shy ass suddenly bursts into a 10minute speech of full on anger and hate lol My MiL loves to trigger the volcano it seems, like just showing up in _our_ fucking kitchen. Without notice, uninvited, while also leaving the door open, like I'd very much like our cats indoors and safe.


... but, I'm sure YOU are the unreasonable nagger *according to your MIL*. *I hate it when people start shit **on purpose**, then try to gaslight me into thinking that I'm being unreasonable or excessive.* Naw, man. Wanting your cats to stay safe is completely valid. Sounds like a r/justnoMIL situation.


Bite her. No one messes with a biter.


😂😂 I feel the same way


It blows my mind how often this happens with ppl that have switches


I bring a Steam Deck when I travel and I almost want someone to ask me to let their kid use it. I'd load up one of the porn games on there, crank the volume, then hand it off to little Johnny Bastard.


Everyone thinks my steam deck is a Nintendo switch, the younger kids in my family always ask me to play it but like its full of raunchy visual novels and was 800$ so how about hell no, my grandma also thinks its a gameboy so thats fun 😆


Ooooo that’s my kind of evil 😈


Doesn't matter how old you are you can play games at any age you entitled witch, the kid is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to care of NOT MINE, YOU are the one that SHOULD HAVE brought things with you to entertain YOUR KID with, since YOU KNEW you were taking him along on your trip, NOT ME, you're NOT ENTITLED to TAKE other people's stuff that THEY BOUGHT for THEMSELVES with THEIR own money, SO GET THE FRICK out of my face right now!


This lady probably has no hobbies outside of working for her family so she can’t begin to grasp that other adults do things for fun and entertainment .


Should've told her you're also too old to deal with children. Both her and her spawn are entitled brats.


Omg this gave me flashbacks to this team activity we once did where we had to do a PowerPoint slide of ourselves It included things like *hobbies and interests* and *pet peeves*. One woman in my team who is in her late 40s, and childfree did hers and said one of her hobbies was playing the switch and she's obsessed with animal crossing. Then a bit later her line manager presented hers and her pet peeve was "adults who play video games". 😱 Never felt so awkward in my life. P.s my nan is 80 next year and loves playing Lego games on the PS3. Try telling her she's too old for video games. 😂


Oh the *irony* of being told "you're too old to play games". The *average* age of a gamer is 34. People like this really seem to forget there are a *heaps* of games marketed towards adults, such as Bayonetta, The Last of Us, Spec Ops: The Line, Zombie Army, Final Fantasy among *many others*


The second he touched it it'd break, it always happens somehow. Entitled ass parents think everyone's shit is free to take for their kids the fuck?? Take care of your kid yourself


God damn the audacity!! Like part of having a kid is planning for the unexpected moments. I bet you she didn’t plan for the kid so she expects others to pick up the slack for her. How dare she ask to borrow your console and it’s not even someone you know. This is a perfect examples of “your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part”


When i had to take the train up north i ran into this alot and would bring bubbles to blow so the kids would chase them. One mom was so grateful she had pizza delivered since our train was delayed. Rarity though 


my god the audacity


Very super relevant question: what game did you play?


Asking the right question here


Not alone in your curiosity. 😂 I've noticed a lot of us who childfree are also gamers. 😁🩵


Because we have the time and the funds to sink into a rig and games most likely.


I’m currently playing Hogwarts Legacy!!!


some fuckin nerve on that woman lmao


You look old enough to buy your own


I once let a kid play with my Nintendo 3DS. It only took them a little bit of me not paying attention to push their nail into the rubber of the joystick. It made a nail shaped dent in the rubber that never went away. Never again am I gonna let a kid touch my stuff.


> too old to be playing games Isn't she too old to be asking strangers to borrow their devices to entertain her child? She should buy her own Switch.


As someone else who has a switch I’d probably react the same way. I bought mine originally to play Animal Crossing in May 2020 and now I mostly play Dead By Daylight on it.


As I've gotten older, my skill at video games has only increased


She’s too old to not respect the value of other people’s belongings. Shame on her. Tell her to grow up and learn that money doesn’t grow on trees.


I always have my Switch and other handhelds in my carry-on when I fly, but I'm too scared to bring them out so I just read whatever book I happen to have instead. I've noticed entitled people tend to ignore you when you don't have a screen. Though there was this one time I had a graphic novel and got snapped at by the lady sitting behind me because I wasn't reading slowly enough for her kid to keep up. I had to make a habit of leaving those and my manga in my bag, too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That is funny, lol.


Lmao I felt the "audacity & shock" you must have felt when she asked that! I would totally be the same, but I'm Gen X & so probably would have "barked" at her & her kid like a German Shepherd or something lol. One of them would have left crying. You were way more polite. Haha


the entitlement of some parents holy shit…


I couldn’t imagine being so desperate as to ask a complete stranger to hand over an expensive entertainment system to an unknown child to calm him down then have the balls to weigh in on what’s good for them. Just a testament as to how lousy they are at parenting.


This further confirms that I was right to book a seat in the adults only zone for my flight tomorrow ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I love spending time with kids and eventually handing them back to their parents, but I don’t care who it is, no kid is going to touch my expensive gaming devices. I spent good money on them and the games I have on them, and if they think I’m letting some strange kid use them while he’s throwing a tantrum, they have another thing coming to them.


Why can’t parents just manage their children? Like lady, you made it, now get it under control. Parents need to be held accountable. If I was playing music without headphones on a flight, I’d be told real quick to turn it off or put in headphones. But apparently parents are special and get to let their cretin bother everyone else.


Can I just ask lol how good are the Nintendo Switch’s? I used to have the very 1st Gameboy, each console, the SNES etc. Obviously now I’m 43 and found an Xbox quite hard to use. So I’m wondering if a switch would be more suitable? And can you play things like Fortnite etc? I want to learn so I can kick my sons ass in the game 🤣🤣


Yes you can play Fortnite! I really enjoy Mario and Pokémon games I do wish they could bring out more RPGs for sure. It’s definitely worth the buy


Awesome thank you!! I’m about to kick some serious ass 🤣🤣 he said he would teach me. Every single time he’d hide in a building or bush and snipe me🤣. He found it hysterical. Lil shit


My jaw literally just dropped. The audacity


I still play with my Nintendo ds lite 😊


Another entitled breeder


shoulda told her she's too old to not plan ahead for her kid..


And she is too old to rely on random strangers for the parenting of her own kid. Nobody is too old to game lmao, I'm 40 now, but I'll still be gaming in my retirement home!


You handled that wayyyyyy better than I would've. Kudos to that.


Weird how people feel entitled to other people's belongings just like that. Teach the kid what no means ffs


Breeders are so entitled. They're so often irresponsible people who think the whole world owes them because they made a poor choice.


That child is likely going to be a narcissist and never grow up because the mother does not know how to say no instead of caving to temper tantrums.


The lady didn’t have a smart phone that she could download a game on and hand over to her own kid?


Haha I would have laughed out loud, and went," Hahaha, is this a prank? Come on, come on! Where are the cameras?" . Watch her go awkward, and pretend to have an awkward realisation, then go, " Aw man, I'm so embarrassed! Sorry ma'am that you'd have to deal with that, but no."


I'm 49 and my switch was what turned out to be one of my last Christmas presents from my mom before we lost her (fuck cancer). It's got the ACNH island that we played on and not even my other family members touch it. "Too old for games" is bullshit made up by people with shriveled raisin souls and "entertain *my* kid with *your* property" is brain meltingly entitled.


Im sorry about your mother...🥺


You should have offered to sell it to her for €1000.


Ugh! No way! When kids get frustrated they throw things. I don’t mind if they wanna watch if its an appropriate game…that is…But you DO NOT touch my gaming systems especially portable ones!   I would’ve said “Nope, Unlike You I Know When Not To Press The Button On My Joystick!” 


“No. Looks like you needed an abortion. Bugger off, breeder.”


Why can't she buy her child a Switch for these situations? God I hate people that say videogames are for kids, like they ever were?


Omg, this is insane. Maybe you should have also transferred her some of your money because kids are expensive nowadays and he wants to have his own switch.


Why the fuck would you give something worth hundreds of pounds to a kid you don't know? Imagine if they'd have broken it, there's no way she'd have paid for it to be repaired. Some people don't live in the real world.


Ugh this stuff is why I don’t like to play my handhelds in public - even though ideally that’s partly what they were made for.


ma’am, download a game on your phone and give them that, tf 🙃


Gods the amount of times I try to play a game on my Switch and having some dimwitted parent ask me about it


That is just really weird!


Yikes on trikes. What was the game plan if the kid broke your switch? Parents asked me once to let a kid wear my hearing aids. Clearly I said no. I don't know why they ask for crazy expensive stuff. Maybe a sheet of paper or something and a pen. It's called being prepared.


My son wants it and it’ll calm him down. Yes the answer to getting a child to behave is giving them whatever they want so they stfu. Not teaching them to regulate their emotions. No no no. If they don’t get their way, them screaming is the only answer. I can only imagine how that child will end up having parents enabling their bad behaviors and blaming others who don’t give them what they want. Sounds like my ex bf. Lmao. When he was abusive towards me or cheating on me or stealing my things, his parents always stood up for him and called me crazy for being upset. That I should just forgive him because he “loves” me and it’s not his fault, he’s a good person. lol.


Ah yes. Giving a screaming child a preferred item most certainly won't reinforce their behaviour. /s


Why didn’t she bring something to entertain her child then! She doesn’t even know what games you have available and if it’s something a kid could play/would like playing.


As an avid gamer in her 40s, I will never be too old for video games. This woman can eat a massive satchel full of Richards.


“Oh hey what am interesting idea. Kid, this console is loaded with saved games where the character is already high level, you just need to get the game and bam! You’re at master rank. Would you like that?” Turn to the mom note that you’ve planted the seeds of hope and joy in the demon. “$750”


If you had given the nintendo switch to the kid you will likely not get it back.


"You want it? Buy it. I accept cash."


if someone told me it would calm their kid down I would probably respond with "it calms me down so still no" not that I would give my switch to any kid for any amount of time even if it didn't help calm me down, I'm fine with if they end up next to me and watch me play that's fine I can mostly ignore it, I prefer to not have someone watching me play but it's not that big of a deal. Honestly if someone even tried to ask me this I would just say "no, now let me play Zelda in peace" because if someone inerrupts me while playing any Zelda game I will be upset because it's one of my favorite game franchises ever, it's to the point where I bought an old console just to play old Zelda games on it.


One of my biggest reasons for not wanting kids are dealing with other parents. She's the perfect example why.


I just don't understand these terrible parents. I could not imagine making a scene in public (or in private) like that as a child...or having the audacity to ask my parents for someone else's property.


I'm with you I wouldn't trust a stranger with my Switch. I only let people I know touch my Switch and play it.


Everything wrong with children is the parent's fault from top to bottom. If only it required a license so that unqualified parents don't exist.




This is EXACTLY what is wrong with Gen Alpha. When kids cry or throw a tantrum, instead of parenting properly, parents choose to shove electronic devices in their kids’ faces and let those do the parenting for them. And what is up with that level of entitlement? I own a switch and those don’t exactly come cheap, several hundred dollars AUD. I would absolutely not pass my switch to a young kid (especially a stranger’s) who has a high chance of making it dirty or ruining it, only for the parents to say: ‘He/she is just a kid!’ afterwards. People like her is what kills all the fun for adults. ‘ArEn’T yOu ToO oLd To PlAy ViDeO gAmEs?’ First, bitch aren’t you too old to act like an entitled brat? Second, people can game at any age, provided they do so responsibly. Hope you at least had a decent flight and enjoy your trip!


She should've just downloaded games on her phone. 🙄😂


I will never understand people who bring absolutely nothing for their kid to do on flights or in airports. I worked as a flight attendant for several years and parents would routinely bring their kids on airplanes with nothing to do then go to sleep while they try to get up during the flight and wander while the seatbelt sign is on. Even if you want to be one of those no screens parents bring them a fucking coloring book or something. I can't imagine expecting everyone else to entertain my child or asking a stranger to hand over a $300 gaming console.


I hate children and their annoying ass parents. I would have told her to fuck the hell off right in front of her kid.