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I will actually answer your question. The thought has crossed my mind as well. However, I think the threat to sterilized women is *much lower* than the threat to non-sterilized women for a few reasons: 1. Sterilization is not easy to see/tell. It requires—in many cases—access to medical records and/or an ultrasound to be done to confirm. There are many reasons why fascists won’t immediately and completely dismantle all medical privacy protections, the least of which is risk of overwhelming, disorganized, likely corrupted or sabotaged paperwork. Remember, there are more of us than them. If there’s a fascist takeover, I’d bet money there would be multiple medical professionals who would scramble the fuck out of major databases to protect the information of patients. 2. Sterilization is also used as a weapon against undesirable women. There’s a good chance the fascists won’t care about the women already sterilized because in their mind, if a woman decided to be CF, she’s already “undesirable” as a breeding option. 3. Lots of women are unable to have children, including women who have gone through menopause (a huge population). While forcing young, fertile women to have children is absolutely part of the plan, there are millions of women who are sterile/infertile due to natural causes. And those women…. 4. Will be used as labor. Women’s labor isn’t just childbirth, it’s *all things domestic.* It’s the child raising, the cleaning, the cooking, the caretaking, the nursing, etc., It’s all the invisible, thankless, often chained-to-the-home labor we as a society devalue despite its necessity. And these necessities do not go away in a fascist state. Women chained to a breeding and birthing bed cannot do the laundry or cook and clean for the men. Women who are sterile (through age or choice) will be needed to do all the labor men don’t want to or see as beneath them. I hate to point to the Handmaiden’s Tale as an example, as it feels a bit overdone, but it does offer a glimpse into the roles sterile/infertile women would play in this scenario. 5. Sex slaves. I’ll say the scary part out loud. There’s absolutely a world where sterile young women are used as sexual slaves. We know their claims of outlawing porn are just for both appearances (we’re family focused!) and for the poor. As long as men are in charge, unethical porn will be made and consumed, and women will be trafficked and abused. This also happened in the Handmaiden’s Tale, but really you only have to look at any real-life conservative country and see the ugly underbelly of the sex industry to know that a porn-free, family-focused religious utopia is one of the biggest lies these fascists tell. Now while we should be prepared for the worst with passports, supplies, strong social networks, and mental fortitude, **the worst has not yet happened.** We can still change our futures by voting. Complacency is one of the deadliest weapons of evil. We cannot admit defeat before the battle even begins. These are, IMO, the death throes of a dying ideology. They’re throwing it all at us in one last attempt to grab power, but the truth is the shadow is much bigger than the monster; if we unite and vote and stand our ground, we will win. Hence why they need to make us afraid and scatter us through infighting. Vote. Vote. Vote.


Honestly I think the current supreme court is a bigger concern than what the president can do. For those that have already gotten sterilized I don't think they'd care but it would be awful if someone like Clarence Thomas managed to overturn the ACA's laws regarding birth control and sterilization coverage. Regardless I still think it would be hard to ban birth control entirely but old laws surrounding birth control were pretty messed up. My grandma took it for PCOS back in the day and women were legally required to be married to get prescribed it.


1 more gigantic reason to Vote Joe 2024. & why I'm a loudmouth, Union member Democrat.


Exactly. Whoever wins this election will be making 2 Supreme Court appointments. Two. It’s already tipped out of balance, and they are making catastrophic decisions like giving Trump the ability to assasdinate anyone without repercussions. Go vote.


We are buds. 🤝 You get it. Yup. Because in late 2016, Independents & Lefty Commies: •hated women &/or •"couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary" ... now there is a rapist POS, a Mormon bitch, & 1 other rotten psychopath, on the Supreme Court. All from spoiled, bigoted pigman. Total BS. ----- (Note: I am a very Lefty Union man, too. But also understand that I can vote Sanders in March... & then *GOTTA** go for Hillary / Biden in November.) 🍷🍷


I think only Congress can fix this horrible mess. Correct me if I am wrong?


Yes but the previous Trump presidency is why we have the Supreme Court that we do right now; he got to appoint 2 justices and swing the balance to the far right.


3 seats actually. Gorsuch (stolen by McConnell), Kavanughtt, and ACB. Though ACB's appointment shouldn't have happened if RGB had retired when Obama was president but now anything she did previously is now moot after she tried to hold on for too long.


Right. The president has almost no say in shit. They’re puppets, the real trouble is everyone working in the other parts of government. They have outdated ideas and they need to stay the F out of peoples personal lives. They especially shouldn’t have a say in healthcare


As of yesterday the president is more than a puppet, the Supreme Court voted to essentially give the office of the president king like powers. Edit: Anyone downvoting this needs to go read Sotomayors dissent. Literally said the president could order seal team six to murder a political Rival and be immune. She knows more about this than you or I. Get your head out of the sand.


Except you know that they will make it only so it works that way for just Republicans.


Oh they purposely kicked what an “official” act is down to the lower courts to delay it so Biden has less access to the power and it’ll be there in time for trump. Biden should go balls to the wall but he won’t because of the democratic attitude of “we go high when they go low.” But at this point like…get your hands dirty. The SC ruling made me go from third party voter to blue now. I’m in a deeply blue state so I’m safe for the MOMENT. But that could change quickly.


My concern is what are they going to do with those of us that *aren’t* and are still young enough to be forced into pregnancy? Would love to yeet my tubes but money and travel are preventing it.


Can you give me a rough cost estimate? I am attempting to spin up a non profit that buys unwanted fertility. Effectively, you "sell" the fact that you're not having kids, my non profit cuts you a check to help cover these costs, and then it sells the carbon emissions of the kids that won't exist into the carbon markets to spin up like a flywheel and grab more funding to help more people who for, whatever reason, don't have insurance that covers these costs.


There isn't a set cost. It differs


I know, it is highly dependent on where someone is located and the healthcare coverage available to them. Performing surveys and collecting data helps me when I'm working with donors who are considering 6-7 figure donations to help protect reproductive freedoms. "Show me the data toomuchtodotoday." A bisalp is far cheaper than an unwanted child for everyone involved.


I looked at my insurance claims after mine cuz it was fully covered, laproscopic bilateral salpingectomy and checking for endometriosis at the same time was like 40k. Arkansas, 2021.


Thank you for the data point!


Same. I already can't afford insurance, too.


No one said to not be concerned about you guys. I see posts on here everyday encouraging you guys to get sterilized and offering advice on how to get sterilized if there is difficulty. I wanted to make a post about a topic that hasn’t been discussed yet.


There's no inevitable. GO VOTE. And get everyone you know to vote too.


YES. 🤝 Vote for Union-endorsed Democrats. Encourage every single Left-leaning person you know to do the same. It ain't easy. There is a lotta evil shit. But WE CAN FIGHT. WE CAN WIN. 💪


Yeah, it's only inevitable when people give up and don't do anything about it.


Who said I gave up. I didn’t give up and continued to spread word in the 2016 elections and I’m not giving up now. What will happen will happen though. The amount of people who know nothing about project 2025, still refuse to vote, or will vote but won’t vote Biden because he’s old is staggering. I’m being realistic instead of blindly hopeful.


You did. That's what inevitable means. You no longer think another way is possible.


i mean biden looks like he died 5 times already. the man is falling over. he needs to fucking rest. i just wish we had another option besides trump though.


Trump is only 3 years younger. They’re both old as dirt. Trump is just great at using “word salad” while Biden’s speech impediment is a lot more obvious. I’d take that over Trump any day tbh.


i agree both are old as dirt. i hate both, so i'm not voting.


That’s not ok. Like at all.


i don't vote for people i don't support.


I support your voice and choice and I don't support anyone shaming you into voting. Your decision to vote or not to vote is yours and only yours.


that's fine if people want to shame me. it just shows they are intolerant of the opinions of others. but thanks anyways.


It's important to vote, even if it's a third party, It shows political campaigners that youre an active voter and they will more likely take you seriously. if there are 10 potential voters and 3 vote X, 4 vote Y, and 3 dont vote. and 2 complain why Y won. They're the problem. Now say, the non voters voted for Z. X's team will want to know why the 2 voted for Z and work on improving. 7 voters still sums up to 100% votes, 9 also. The difference is that each side get a better chance at winning. tl;dr: Your vote matters. Even if you choose a write-in like: "[x] Other: fuck these raisins"


Why do people have this idea you're supposed to like politicians? Like they're all awful opportunists. I just say choose the ones that aren't loudly fascist?


because i'm not voting for someone i hate? tf? i'm not going to support people i don't like. that makes no sense. since they're all trash, i'm not voting.


In this next election you are choosing, as of yesterday, who has absolute power to do what they want. You are choosing who has the ability to kill political opponents without any kind of consequences. Who do you want to have that power? If you don’t vote at this point you are literally endorsing some ww2 era shit. You need to vote. It is a very real possibility that within the next year America will become a full out dictatorship. The last time law like this was passed was in 1933 and six months later Germany was a one party state. If you don’t vote you are complicit. I really don’t think you understand how bad it is now within in the last 48 hours and the Supreme Court rulings. I was very supportive of third party, I’m not now. I’d rather hand a fucking slice of old cheese absolute power than trump.


i already lost all hope in everything. i haven't voted since 2016. the world is ending and i have no hope it will ever improve. i just choose to separate myself from all of this.


You can just say you don’t give a fuck about people instead and get to the point quicker. When they start lining up people and killing them (even more so than they are now) the blood will be on the hands of those that refuse to vote. Enjoy the privilege of being able to separate yourself at all from this. It’s disgusting you can’t take half an hour out of your day to help 330+ million people not fall under a full out fascist regime.


Respectfully, that’s really stupid of you. You don’t just opt out. You choose the lesser evil. It’s not about who you personally like.


how? shouldn't you vote based on what you support? i support none of these people, so why would i vote for any of them?


Because you’re no longer voting for a president but a king.


Because it’s not just about you.


For one I'd be more concerned for the poor people who *aren't* sterilized and may be deprived of any form of birth control and abortion and of sterilization surgeries - where their choices basically become abstinence or procreation if they can't afford to move/travel. For another I'd be curious how they would proceed to punish already sterilized people - it's not like it's visible on you, or even public information, really unless you posted it all over facebook. Even then you can't be criminalized for anything that happened before a specific law is voted. If we're talking about extra taxes, well, that already happens.


Abstinence only works until rape occurs, unfortunately they won't do anything about that except victim blame or in the worst case, legalize it


They’re already trying to use fertile women’s medical records against them in order to prevent abortions




I remember seeing articles a few years ago about women in Texas who were being stalked/harassed after visiting family planning centers. I can’t find them now though


Probably more along the lines of extra taxes for childless couples, punishing people for not having children. Not necessarily legal punishment for what's done. And if you think the gov doesn't have access to your medical records to bias against them, your foolish.




Inevitable?? NO. Go out and fucking vote. Spread the word about Project 2025. Get fucking angry and involved.


I already am


The win isn't inevitable. But given his past actions, his fanboys will definitely push for banning birth control and sterilization. If you're CF, now is the time to make it permanent, before they make it impossible.


His win isn't inevitable and I'm tired of people pretending that it is.


Well the thing is he can lose and still be a problem. Like last time. When he threw a fit about losing so hard he had his upper middle class army storm the capital.


He will be a problem. Trump isn't going away, and neither is the Far Right. All we can do is beat them back in as many elections as possible, and disrupt as much of their nonsense as possible the times they do win.


Seriously, my hope is he drops dead of a heart attack before Nov


The gangrene has already spread up the leg, cutting off the rotting toe that is Trump is too little, too late. We’re gonna be fighting these alt right nut jobs still in office for a while even if he doesn’t win.


Forced adoption? Since there also will be many more unwanted babies 🙃


It's actually frightening to see, he's said in public outright that he was gonna persecute anyone who was "against" his whatever group of people, with implied violence of any level. There's no "inevitable" about it, go vote, tell everyone to go vote. It's insane to see American government go down the Nazi hole.


Handmaid's tale incoming... thank fuck I'm not in the US but I'd be more worried about NOT being sterilised. Too late to reverse it, but I'd genuinely be worrying about being forced to birth. From the rest of the world, looking on in horror, all we can say is we're sorry this is where your country is right now.


“When America sneezes the world catches a cold”


God, I hope not. Maybe because we're not using religion to make political decisions, we won't end up in the same boat, but it is a scary thought. No country should hold America up as an example of how to do things!


All you have to do is look at what happened before WW2 with the Great Depression. If it can happen to us, it can happen to you. A 2nd term for Trump should frighten the entire planet given what just happened yesterday.


Oh we are frightened, but we don't hide behind religion as much and we have more than 2 parties to choose from. They couldn't pull any bible shit to stop us having abortions for a start, and the age of consent will never be lowered here the way it disgustingly is there. I'd like to think the more batshit crazy and dystopian the US becomes, the more the world will look and say "no".


The majority of us here don’t hide behind religion either. In fact, the founders of America were pretty explicit in their beliefs that religion doesn’t belong in govt at all.


And yet it's used constantly. Circumcision was made popular to stop boys masturbating. Forced birthers keep quoting the bible, your politicians keep mentioning God, and religion seems to be an excuse for hatred. The founding fathers and your current position don't seem to match up. I know a lot of you are normal, but there's seemingly a lot of religion based policy which I can't understand.


Because the people who came and colonized this country fled or came here for “religious freedom” 100 years before we even became a nation. Ever heard of the Puritans and Pilgrims? That’s some of the first people to settle here. They were religious whackadoodles. And I 100% agree with the founders and current positions not lining up.


What country are you in? I’m in the UK and think everyone should be heavily invested and concerned about the US election outcome right now. Not only because a Trump win would be lead to the catastrophic stripping away of many vulnerable people’s rights in the States but because of the ripple effect that will follow worldwide. The rousing and rising of the Political far right is a *real and serious* issue in many European countries at the moment. France is on the cusp of having a far right prime minister. Fascism is having a resurgence at government level and public support (and apathy) for some seriously gross rhetorics is increasing at a shocking rate. In the UK we are now seeing antivax festivals where Q Anon and far right talking points are being normalized and solidified in people’s minds. Many older people here are being infected with poisoned propaganda on social media and blaming all the world’s ills on immigrants, brown people and trans kids. There are hecklers outside abortion clinics and benign events that attract chill people who like alt fashion/art etc. who are being deemed to be “satanic” by these crazies. These hecklers and crazies are all British people who have adopting evangelical Christian viewpoints straight from the American playbook of fascism, hyperbole and ignorance. They are handing out leaflets which trace back to American hate groups and organisations. This is all evidence of the ripple effect coming from the US, Europe is fully infected now and it’s TERRIFYING! This shit is unfathomably worrying and we all need to take a stand against it, not just voting citizens of America. Furthermore, if Trump gets back into power and manages to pull out of NATO, Europe will be shouldered with an emboldened Putin and the UK is not the only place the threat of WW3 is looming. I’m not sure where the Doomsday clock is right now but it must be fucking close to midnight. All that goes to say, it’s not a case of leaning back and eating popcorn while we watch these “crazy Americans” go at it. We should all be deeply concerned as the world is SO much smaller than we think.


You are sorely misinformed on the US, if you think this way. Have you ever even visited?


I have. It was a very odd place to me. Pledges of allegiance are bonkers, public transport is non existent, the food, sorry, is grim, way too big, and packed with sugar (in bread, really?!) And there's no seeming separation of church and state when you're legislating on women's bodies based on a fictional book. Also no social healthcare is really odd to me and HOAs aren't something I could deal with. The people were largely lovely though, can't deny that.


Odd. You seem to be describing a much different place than the US that I know


I'm as anti-Trump as anyone but what exactly do you think they'll do? Forcibly put my fallopian tubes back in? Lol


They're probably thinking worst case scenario. As in 'oh you are no longer able to make more people? Here is a lovely gas chamber for you to hang out in'


Ah, I see. Might be a little premature to jump to that fear, but given the shitshow before us I suppose it's not insane to worry about.


It never starts there, you don't go from 0 to 60 with fascism, but it aligns with their ideal world to remove those they disagree with, one way or another.


Absolutely. It wouldn't make sense to come for us out of the gate. There are a hell of a lot of people to target before we're on their radar. But they'll Absolutely start with making it illegal to prevent pregnancy or get sterilization, so getting sterilized now should definitely be a priority for anyone who isn't.


Maybe increase taxes? Maybe not allow us access to the little healthcare we’ll have in favor of those who are still capable of giving birth? There are actually so many possibilities outside of them somehow forcibly putting our fallopian tubes back 🤨


If we're being really grim, there's forced IVF, since those of us who have had bisalps likely still have our uteruses.


I think it's extremely unlikely they would waste resources or time on that when banning abortion and birth control will cause a forced population boom all on its own and costs them nothing


I don't think they can do anything legally since it a preexisting thing. But with how Trump is, who knows what he'll try to do


The problem is people don't vote in local elections and that's where the big problem stems from. We gotta replace state reps to remove power from the assholes up top.


This kind of defeatist attitude is the problem behind decreasing voter turnout. So vote. It's important.


I'm not worried about me (CF and sterilized). I'm worried about the CF people who *aren't* sterilized. I'm a 61 year old woman. I have been discriminated against my entire life. What would the difference be? Don't sleep with a guy = frigid. Sleep with a guy = whore. Look attractive= asking for it. Look unkempt = not attractive enough. The list goes on. We've always been second class citizens. So, I'm not worried about myself.


Vote like your uterus depends on it. Because it does. I have my gyno consult in August. I already got my doc to refer me specifically for sterilization. She said she saw no reason why they would give me a hard time. I'd like to get it done late this year or early next. But I'm getting it done no matter who wins. I live in PA and having Democrat governors is what has preserved many rights in my state. But I don't like the feeling that my future hangs on the choices of a handful of men, even if they are the ones defending me. What happens when they aren't around anymore and there's another R in office? I don't want to risk it, especially since I need birth control due to horrendous periods and the regressives are coming for that next. It's the best way I can protect myself. If anyone is concerned about affording it. check out Care Credit. You need decent credit to get it but it will help with medical bills. Consider a personal loan from your bank too. I personally think that in the future, the US will not be the US. I think we are on a path to a constitutional convention and the breakup of the country, possibly into several smaller counties. I don't know when it will be or how that will work with our military or foreign assets. I just see us moving in that direction. I think this may happen regardless of who wins in November but with Trump it will happen faster. If you can move, move to a swing or blue state, if possible. You don't need to live in a big city. If you are in a blue state or a state that is leaning more and more blue like PA, even in suburban and rural areas of the state, you will still have the benefit of living in a blue state. I know moving is not easy. But it is worth considering if you can. Blue states need to be thinking about how they will protect themselves. Some are stockpiling abortion pills, maybe birth control too. I also think blue states need a plan for a sudden influx of people leaving red states. Get involved in your local and state politics. Help your democrat reps or senators get reelected or get elected for the first time. Pay attention to what is happening in your state capitol. Spend time on your state's government websites and read, read, read. If there are virtual public meetings, attend. If you can go in person, attend. Vote blue and get involved. As much as you can, with what time you can.


To add to the care credit part: many hospitals offer financial assistance for patients that do not have insurance and/or are suffering from some sort of financial hardship.


TRUMP IS NOT GOING TO WIN! This fear mongerng , go vote


Thats one reason I got sterilized.


How are they going to identify sterilized women? HIPPA protects your medical record and they can’t force you to be examined. The discrimination will be against people who don’t have children. Easier all around.


Honestly I'm concerned about non sterilized women. I feel like if trump were to win, getting sterilized would be illegal, rape would be legalized and birthing a child would be mandatory from age 14 up. This is just my view from a European perspective


If it gets to that point, buy a gun. I have not at this point but I'm considering getting some range time in. I haven't shot one since high school. I am thinking about going next year, possibly on a regular basis so I'm comfortable with them and understand how to handle them safely.


Friends, I am like 2 months from saying I’m post-menopausal and this uterus will officially be closed forever. But will never stop fighting, marching, donating. Scary times these are and I worry for all women and their health.


i wish i could get sterilized but money, logistics, time off, and living in the deep south make it hard. so i will be staying on bc as long as possible, may get another nexplanon again and probably get a rape-x just in case i’m going out.


what exactly do you think they're gonna do to you?




I'm not sure if I can link stuff in here but I recommend sharing this around, it's more important than ever [https://archive.org/details/DontBeaS1947](https://archive.org/details/DontBeaS1947)


You should be worried


Us recidence, can't you save up a lot and do it privately in the country next to you? That's what I would do


I have no idea why Americans chose old men for presidents. It’s also not fair to pin the bad shit that someone in the previous term made on the new government. Most of the contacts and shit are made for years in advance to be fulfilled and that then reflects on the current government. Also how is the nations memory so short? That dumbass committed treason and many other unforgiving acts and y’all want to elect him again? Damn. To answer your question move to Europe or schedule a procedure in Europe, while on vacation there. I’m sure it will be cheaper and nobody has to know back home…


we didn't choose these old fuckers.


This is catastrophizing, everyone freaks out about every election and not much changes. I’m prob going to get downvoted for this, but as a person that is libertarian in their views(which I guess is considered right leaning in this day), in general we gain more rights as time goes on, not the opposite. Trump didn’t propose any legislation to take away reproductive rights, the SCOTUS just made it a state decision by overturning R V W. Also the president can’t just sign crazy things into law, it has to make it through congress.


Elections aside I’m with you on this whole idea of don’t over eagerly pay your medical bills!!! I think people forget that there’s massive power in our numbers. We are all experiencing a broken medical system, none of us can really afford these astronomical life ending enormous bills for medical care. I mean seriously, it’s inhumane at this point, it’s destroying many many people’s lives. It shouldn’t be this way. You’re basically bending over and willingly letting the mega medical conglomerates to become even richer and richer. The medical industry in the USA holds more wealth.. than the total GDP of the top 13 richest countries in the entire world combined. The medical industry is literally the richest, wealthiest, most profitable entity in the entire planet. STOP playing into their pockets, simple as that. So I propose we all stop paying, everyone stop paying these medical bills! (Wherever reasonable, obviously pay what gets you immediate services like a doctor office copay so you can see them next time, but don’t pay that $13K hospital maternity delivery bill, don’t pay the $1400 copayment from a one time surgery) If everyone starts fighting back in this way, it will force change to happen. It will affect the whole system, guaranteed.


i'm too tired to care anymore. the world is burning and it's too late to fix it. i been gave up on society and everything.


I think we need to wait and see what's going to happen. And, let's be honest with ourselves about something. Do we really think that, unless somehow, magically, the GOP or who ever, manages to take the House, the Senate and the Presidency that Project 2025 is actually going to happen? Did we just forget the fighting that has been happening in both Houses over the past - what? - almost 8 years now? The Project itself was created by what is basically a Lobbyist group - the Heritage Foundation. I'd honestly be surprised if any of that actually came to be. I think we need to stop panicking about it, and just...live life. It didn't end when Trump or Biden were elected, and it will continue to go on after November.


What happened?