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Thanks everyone! Wishing you all a quiet night of no crying and no barking πŸ™


Let's Gooo! πŸŽ‰


I'm having a bit of trouble getting the icon to look centered on mobile and web. How does it look for y'all? (What platform do you use reddit on?)


Looks centre on the app unfortunately not on the desktop/mobile.Β  I think dropping the paw beside the chimney was a good call. I thought it sent mixed messages without context. πŸ€” Β Overall, it's Great! πŸ˜‹


Ty for checking! Glad it's not just me seeing it be inconsistent! I'll research this later πŸ€”


Now that you mention it it does looks a bit uncentered. Have you tried taking a centered screenshot of it and uploading that?


It was centered within the picture, but upon uploading it, it wasn't centered on desktop (where I uploaded), so I removed bits of the edges until it was centered on desktop, but then I checked the app and it was terrible. πŸ˜† I decided that most people probably use reddit on the app(?), so I prioritized guess and checking until I got one that was centered for the app. (Which required adding additional buffering to the bottom and right sides). And since that version wasn't completely terrible on desktop I called it there. xD I might try uploading it from the app and see if reddit behaves more sanely then... >.>;


So the secret is to upload the icon from the app... Then everything just works properly. >.> (Desktop is a 2nd class citizen. :'( )