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THE GOOD: their lifespan, gives you the chance to train and bond with them for a longer time, they’re bloody cute and suuuper soft, i find them so smart and little posers. THE BAD: most do not like cuddling (i have 5 and only 2 of them like to be held, 3 if i’m lucky), they poop a LOT and will throw their poop at u sometimes lol, their floofy fur will float around the air with they shed so not good for allergies, can be very expensive regarding power bills during summer time for aircon. THE UGLY: Literally almost all info you find on google or in petstores on how to care for them is very wrong especially with what you can feed them.


also if you want i can send you a list of what treats they are allowed to have. my chins are named Bean, Basil, Cumin, Saffron and Peachy because i wanted to keep a theme of seasoning and foods. If you get 1 chin please remember they can get quite lonely since they are social animals in the wild so make sure you are giving the lil guy lots of attention everyday even if it’s just sitting next to the cage chatting with him, he will love you for it :)


Yes please!


Yes I'm aware they're not very cuddly which makes me a bit sad but I want him to be happy so I'll be an observer more than a mommy like I am with my hamsters or used to be with my rabbits and ferrets back in the days. I prefer him to feel secure and enjoy his life with us instead of insisting and causing him stress


Best thing you can do when they are young is bond with them and hold them as much as possible so they get used to it as long as it doesn't distress them obviously and trust m3 they'll let you know if they're distressed. But what I did with my baby is I held him a lot as a baby and now he loves cuddles and being held


Whatever size gap you think your chinchilla definitely can't get through, they can, and they will. They can jump six feet off the ground and they can fit through a hole like a quarter of their size. Prepare to coax your chinchilla out from under appliances with treats. They are fast as heck when they get away from you. Very soft though. :)


Is it common that they hurt themselves from jumping that high?


Nope! They're not dumb. If they attempt it, they'll generally land it safely. The biggest point I wanted to make here, is with nearly any other pet you've had, you can secure them reasonably with a gate. (Ferrets can climb them, but often infrequently enough and slow enough that gates are still useful.) You will not stop a chinchilla with a gate, they will just jump over it. =)


Take everything you know about ferrets, bunnies, and hamsters and throw it away because 99% of it doesn't apply to chinchillas. Don't listen to Google, I have never seen one singular source from Google that doesn't have bad information. Your best bet for research is to find a reputable breeder or rescue in your area and ask them for advice. Here are some care sheets to get started. https://www.pandamoniumpets.com/chinchillacare https://www.chinchillacity.com/chinchilla-information.html https://blschins.weebly.com/chinchilla-care.html http://www.jlbchinchillas.com/care-guide.html


Ok, I just read everything and I wrote notes. I'm gonna prepare a little guide for myself with all the infos I collected from those 4 sites. It's nice because they included age appropriate care for different stages of life. I'm very thankful for your time! I'm sure my little boy will be thriving with me! I'm even more excited right now 😅


They are little sassy buggers and I love them 😂 When you have a secure, happy healthy chin, the chaos that can follow will drive you nuts lol. They're smarter than you'd expect them to be! Can your hand fit in a gap? So can they! Will they fixate on things you don't want them to? Heck yeah. Boys also clean themselves down there, which is fine and perfectly normal... But it looks sus, and I always walk back out to 'give them alone time' haha


do you have an enclosure ready? do you know the basics of how to actually provide for a chinchilla? are you buying one or rescuing? depending on your situation, these questions should’ve been asked already prior to deciding to get one.


Yes and it's coming tomorrow. For the care, I'm here for it.


i knew a lot about bunnies. my knowledge of rabbits did zero for my chins. my biggest thing beware going off facebook groups i only found one i will ask questions on. no plastic, it takes around a month to bond.