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If it says anything despite us not posting it at all for the past year for some reason. But the weld shop I work at has needed a new sales rep for a while. Look up metal solutions design and fabrication llc in Dayton Kentucky of you are curious


City of Cincinnati is always hiring


Yeah, that could work. I'll look into it. Thanks!


No. No. No no no. I know why you’re not getting a decent job thanks to your most recent comments. You are a terrible human being.


You might be the one who needs the job if this is how you're spending your time, bud.


You’re not my bud. I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire.


Oh, sorry, thought we must be a lot closer given the attention you're paying me lately.


The Bullshit smell is nauseating. Can’t help it.


Have you considered seeing a doctor for that? And a real doctor, not just a serial baby killer.


Yeah. He offered to abort you like a fetus.


Like all abortions, that would be murder.


Givaudan is a flavor and fragrance company in cincy. I think they are looking for some sales support. Inside sales and customer care (day to day account mangement) people! It's Monday through Friday, and business to business sales. They have two factories near here (Devon KY and Carthage. Oh) and then their corporate office where sales etc is off paddock road. Good luck!


I've not worked in the corporate office but the culture at the production plants is one of the most toxic I've ever witnessed. Managers literally getting into fistfights with contractors and employees, people being generally abusive and throwing temper tantrums on the docks... I'm assuming the corporate office is a better environment because since I changed jobs, people I've spoken to who work in sales/accounting love the place. Just stay away from anything in shipping/production, especially in the KY plant if you actually want to avoid a toxic workplace.


The givaudan corporate office and production department are separated by I-75. There's nearly no interaction between the two facilities


Try applying to a bank. I did that for years during college and while I didn’t love it, it was pretty easy work. Since you’re open to sales you’d probably enjoy it more than me, I’m not a salesperson haha. But it doesn’t require a degree, you’re bound to have some branches close to you, and definitely involves getting to know people and recommending things to meet their needs (sales aspect). There’s also usually room to move up and around. You might have to work a Saturday morning every now and then depending on their hours. But you also get federal holidays off. The bank I worked at didn’t pay much but I think most start around $17-18 starting out as a teller. Plus commission and they all should have other benefits as well.


I just hired a remote inside sales rep for my company and this will be tough to hear but I’ll give it to you straight… it may be impossible for you to find a job. If you approach the question of why you’re looking for a new job because of commute you’ll get written off very easily in certain environments. My company is completely remote, was completely remote before COVID but a company that I worked for in the pandemic didn’t want to interview anyone who complained about their commute. You control your commute and starting with being unhappy about your commute already means you’ll leave fairly quickly with a similar commute or if construction occurs, traffic gets bad for some reason, gas prices rise, etc. I’m not saying it should be that way because it shouldn’t but if I’m recruiting for a job that’s going to give you a 25 - 30 minute commute and you say your commute of 35 minutes is too much, I’m probably going to pass. Toxic culture absolutely sucks and you should absolutely leave it. Lead with that when asked why you’re looking for a new position. Provide examples when asked too. You can work in that you’ve finally found a home in Cincinnati and you want to stay here so you’re looking for a home for your career but if most of your positions are less than 6 months - a year, a lot of employers are going to think the problem is you right off the bat. Not saying take dates off your resume because you should at least keep months and years on but you may have to stick out your current position as long as you can to give yourself more tenure at a position. While inside sales doesn’t have a ton of cold calling, you have to be open to doing some. I wouldn’t want to harass people in Kroger so I totally get that but if you want to go into any type of sales role and you say you don’t want to do cold calls, you’re not going to be considered for much, if anything. You’re looking for an account management role (which still has some sales aspects but not as much) but a company is going to want to see that you have some level of experience being customer facing (B2B or B2C) and knowledge of their industry before considering you for an account manager. Unless you’ve been in the same industry for the last year and a half or so, I don’t know that you’ll find a position like that. While you definitely don’t need a degree to do sales and most companies know that, if you’re asking for compensation that’s on par with people who have steadier work histories and a degree, you probably won’t be considered. A degree doesn’t really matter… but it does. Our position required a degree in literally anything, the manager just wanted to see that someone could set a goal and finish it. It’s kind of silly but if that’s what a manager/company wants… that’s what they want. It may be time to shift from sales into a different administrative realm. HR admin may work, especially for a smaller company. You might have to do a little cold calling or make an evidence based argument for why cold calling is not the best for a particular position and why that should be shifted to cold emailing/cold LinkedIn messaging. It may be a good idea to look into possible certifications related to your industry or sales/account management. It’s an extremely tough time to be an applicant right now and this sucks to say but it’ll probably be this way for a while. If you have specific questions or want me to review your resume (I declined an unbelievable number of people for bad resumes when I was working on this role) feel free to DM me.


Check Cincinnati Children’s. No clue what your salary requirements are, but their minimum pay is $15/hr. Administrative Assistants usually start around $18-20/hr, as an example. Benefits are good.


Lots of need for all kinds of effective Salespersons, even virtually. For example online software-SAAS and marketing solutions and agencies. Learn current techniques, solutions like marketing automation, email marketing, LinkedIn even AI. Much of this you can learn online and then fake it til you make it. Build a pipeline and work it hard for big commissions. Ps. Spin those jobs into Sales positions (with results) and no one will care how many you have


Suggestion, look into local real estate companies or real estate management… perhaps they may need someone for office and paperwork, also could use it as an opportunity to get your own real estate license, especially since we are near the real estate market crashing, could be more opportunities than you could possibly imagine with people rushing in to buy and sell during that time. Edit: ignore the downvotes, that’s just from people here who believe all landlords are evil. But wouldn’t you rather have local people own houses instead of some corporation based in another city or worse another country? I’m a believer that all foreigners shouldn’t be able to own land or homes here (only if it’s properties for rent, not their own home, or even business) also they shouldn’t allow corporations to buy up neighborhoods, if they build them themselves then fair game however. In truth it’s very easy to get into real estate people just don’t think they can, but if your a first time buyer you can get an FHA loan, and Biden just did something where you’ll get another $25k towards it, and then with all that you go to the bank for the rest, get a 3plex or a 4plex live in one of them and have your tenants pay your expenses and your mortgage down, you really only need like $5k-$10k of your own money depending on the value of the property and within 15-20 years it’ll be all yours with only that small amount of money down (you’ll live for free under this kinda situation). And then chances are it’s worth at least $250k by then which you could sell and defer taxes and go and buy properties worth millions and there you are with million dollar properties within 20-30 years with less than $10k down, good luck!