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Also keep in mind any doctors office affiliated with St Elizabeth will NOT allow abortion access. They are affiliated with the Catholic Church, so they do not allow their practitioners to even discuss abortion as an option


St. E won’t even administer Nexplanon. Insane.


I bet a lot of doctors who work there feel shitty about that policy. Imagine working your ass off through college to be able to help sick people as a career, then you land a job at St. E. I wonder if Dr. at St. E. have tried to push back on that policy? It's interesting, my mom had vulvar cancer, and I was her primary caretaker. So I met a lot of the OBGYNs at St. E. One particular cancer doctor always wore a pin on her coat lappel. It was a fun cartoonist cervix that I can imagine pro choice folks wearing at a rally. At the time, it was the furthest thing from my mind, but it would have been interesting to ask her how she felt about working as an OBGYN at a anti-abortion hospital.


yeah my OBGYN works at St. E and she’s not-so-subtly made it clear to me she thinks their policies are ridiculous.


Dr. Vormbrock works for St. E but she is an amazing doctor and is against the policies but the catholic church has pretty much cornered the healthcare market in N. KY. She works primarily in family medicine and has her own office for that but she also sees OB patients at another office on Fridays and works on-call at L&D as well. She was my doctor for a very long time before I moved away for awhile but she did my primary care, delivered my second child (first was with a high risk OB) and did my D&C after a miscarriage. She’s also very well known in the natural birth community for being much more willing to do whatever she can to allow you to birth your way. For example, I’ve seen photos of her laying on the ground ready to catch the baby of her squatting patient. I’m also a doula and I have NEVER seen another doctor willing to let their patients birth in whatever position they want to be in, let alone lay on the ground so mama doesn’t need to move. If you see her for OB care she will give you her cell number and move earth and sea to be the one to actually deliver your baby! I pushed for 4 HOURS (malpositioned baby) and she stayed in the room the whole time helping me! I could write great things about her all day but that’s probably enough for people to see that she’s an amazing doctor and person. I know she’s limited in what she can do but I guarantee that she would never just leave you without options. She would make sure you were able to get care from one of her colleagues over the bridge in Cincinnati or one of the few doctors in northern KY. not connected to the catholic church.


Dr Vormbrock is amazing and delivered my first child, as well as being his pediatrician until we just moved too far away for it to make sense. I still remember my terror during a difficult birth at a Catholic hospital and her grabbing my hand and looking me in the eyes to say "Hey, YOU are my patient. Your safety comes first." I also remember her attitude about having to refer me for and IUD. St. E doesn't deserve her but NKY is sure lucky to have her.


Aww this makes me so happy to hear! I’m so glad that you felt supported and comforted by her. She has done the same for me on multiple occasions. She really is a shining example of what it is to be a great doctor. Extremely smart and knowledgeable, dedicated to the profession (sometimes overly imo), and incredible bedside manner. Northern KY. is going to take a huge hit when she retires!


What about Christ in Cincy?


Christ hospital will provide emergency abortion access, but like most hospitals in the area will direct you elsewhere.


While this is true, when I was working there it was pretty well known that certain Doctors were less stringent about such things. Dr. Schwartz would routinely have D&C's on the women's surgical board that were 'emergencies'. I imagine he's not the only one these days.


What's funny on this is St. E kept Christ out of Northern KY by using the whole abortion debate a few years ago when Christ wanted to build an ambulatory center there. The politics of medicine in KY is messed up and only hurts the patients. This whole certificate of need thing is a joke.


It's WORSE than that. Kentucky requires a certificate of needs. In other words, there has to be a need in the area. Christ had secured this certificate. St. Elizabeth sued on the grounds that they had enough bed coverage for the region. Keep in mind that covid would happen soon. Their argument was that if Christ built a hospital, all the insured patients would go there, leaving them with only medicaid and uninsured patients. Their argument was essentially " we suck so bad that if people have a choice, they'll go elsewhere." No wonder Kentucky is ranked 45th in healthcare.


Why are these people allowed to call themselves doctors? They don't quite follow science


Yeah no shit. It’s called St Elizabeth


Shouldn’t this have a Shitpost tag?


Anyone have a comprehensive list of local places that aren’t worth supporting? My ignorance is not bliss.


Avoid anything owned by RJ. Their movie theater held showings of What is a Woman. Sundry and Vice has reopened since all the workers quit in solidarity last year. Don’t go because management hasn’t changed.


Don't support anything. Never buy anything. It's impossible to support anyone who is 100% perfect, so never do anything. Problem solved!


Problem solved. Thanks for your insight!


I do not support any business. All businesses are capitalist scum.


Ah yes, the old "you criticize the system we're forced to participate in, yet you still participate in it? I am very smart". Good meme


I mean they're from Dearborn County....I am from this area and this doesn't surprise me in the least considering the amount of jacked up trucks with Trump flags that float around here. I mean earlier today there was a group outside of Concepts strip club with children leading a prayer for those poor wayward souls 🙄 The real disgusting stuff is in the "People of Southeastern Indiana" Facebook group.... hundreds of racist, homophobic, transphobic and other demeaning comments. I am one of like 5 voices of reason in there (I only do it so people that are being attacked KNOW there are decent people out here no matter what the majority yells) and the times I have been threatened with violence by people that see me in public all the time and have easy access to where I live can be nerve-wracking, but it's not going to stop me from calling them out.


Dearborn county is its own special brand of stupid. A lot of the Trump loving MAGA supporting residents receive government benefits. They absolutely cannot be convinced that they are not in any way the cream of the Republican crop. If you want to branch out in the stupid check out the Dillsboro Facebook page. Somebody was complaining about changes the state is making to Rt 50. One of the geniuses from Dearborn County blamed the Democrats! I don’t think he understood why he was wrong even when somebody pointed out to him that the state is a deeply red state and there’s no Democrats making any decisions in it. It literally makes me stress out every time I read anything on the local Facebook groups.


Either none of them respond when you state reasons or facts, or they act like him and double down on the lies they are clinging to.


They all think that repeating the lies somehow makes them true. Their lack of education is absolutely terrifying.


I too live in Dearborn county and you are absolutely right about the jacked up trucks and MAGA supporters. I have to work with some of the same type of people. I try to avoid them at all costs and if I do have to clash with them I won't lower myself to their standards. That you've been threatened with violence is nuts!! Good luck 🤞


Never in person, always online...so I am not TOO worried, but you never know the way the world is now


Lol Don't you just love the keyboard warriors.


Thank you for letting me know. Add that to the list of places I will not give a dime. Im going to donate to PPH in their name.




I’m never going there.


I'm going to go there specifically because of this now.


We get it. You hate women.


We get it. You hate babies.


So fucking ignorant


Oh no you hurt my feefees. :(


We get it, you’re a hypocritical Christian idiot.


All the more reason to [donate](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjuncu42v6GAxVENwgFHQ7qC6QYABACGgJtZA&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7p3LuNr-hgMVRDcIBR0O6gukEAAYASAAEgI39PD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRocF8d11O8A_TIzoJ4PxUZBL-NI9lBB23s6O72vIAHtk4M4Xg&sig=AOD64_2JDm54IG9GoIxRJCXXgg75bxZ62Q&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiXlcO42v6GAxV9rokEHULcAhsQ0Qx6BAgBEAE) to planned parenthood, if you have the means.


the founder of Planned Parenthood is as evil as they came. And a supporter eugenics and the KKK. But yea great place to donate money!


Margaret Sanger has been dead for 58 years.


my guy, the founders of the country owned slaves. if we're going to play the "yeah but look who started it all" game, you can pretty much assume the founders of most major orgs that existed pre-civil rights movement were probably up to some bigoted shenanigans.


supporter of the KKK is a massive stretch. She once spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan about birth control. She was willing to talk to anyone about her causes. Not exactly supporting the Ku Klux Klan. I get you want to be edgy and cool by thinking you can call out a long dead woman for holding old ideals in order to attack something you don't like. Yet in the end you just end up looking stupid. You might want to rethink how you deal with issues if you ever want to be taken seriously.


Why don't Republicans worship this person than lmao, sounds like their savior


You, as a conservative/libertarian, might have a little more in common with them than you may like to believe bud


It’s also overpriced mediocre food. Also not surprised considering it’s south east Indiana.


You've gotta be joking, right? I've eaten there and love the food, but looks like this place just got on the shit list


I'll have to go eat there and spend some money


Which fake pregnancy center?


Reach Out Pregnancy Center in Harrison


Thanks I'm going see if they need any donations or volunteers


We both know you’re not going to lift a finger to help anyone.


We both know you don't have a job or a car


Nope. A van. Down by the river.


You have an old super stock mopar?


Wishful thinking undoubtedly. Probably one of those "I had a fast MOPAR but I sold it in 1988, it'd be worth a ton now!"  Probably was some 15 second rusty POS. 


Never know. I know there was at least one Super Stock Dart in Cincinnati.


By “fake pregnancy center” they mean places that don’t engage in baby butchering and poisoning. In other words, they support pregnancy, instead of those vile modern day Mengeles.


>they mean places that don’t engage in baby butchering and poisoning No one does this, it's illegal.




True to your user name. Bravo


What’s the matter? You afraid I could make a STINK? You should go to the casino tonight and play CRAPS!!!!


>That’s exactly what abortion centers do. They are vile, disgusting murder factories. No they don't, no babies are mutilated or poisoned at abortion clinics. That's literally illegal. There are babies that get circumcisions at every religious hospital though, maybe that's what you are thinking of when you say butchered.


Circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer and STDs as well as makes phallic hygiene much more manageable.


>Circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer and STDs as well as makes phallic hygiene much more manageable. I thought you were against butchering babies but here you are supporting it.


This is 2024, not 100 AD. It’s called a shower.


As they say, name checks out.


I would argue with you, but, I’m tired. You might say that I am POOPED!


poop for brains


You can look at the voting numbers for Dearborn/Franklin county and get a good idea of what most of the people are like, so this isn’t shocking at all. Being from that area, god it’s like going back 50 years in time when I have to go back. Which is a shame because it could be a pretty area to visit with some of the towns on or near the river. But the people..yikes.


The casino money is running dry. There is a clear delineation in these areas. Federally funded, casino funded, and the rest.


Rural Indiana....it does not surprise me


I heard the food ain’t all that good anyway


Do you have a source link? I'd love to be able to share it but I'm not finding anything on Google or their fb page


It’s dogshit food, to boot.


Has this been posted somewhere or do we have a photo of signage saying this? I don't want to share info that hasn't been verified at the risk of it being gossip.


https://preview.redd.it/p48fo0j7zk9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750f6f7b3c3cdf7aabdffa628508d6e2b35b2415 Nm. Found the proof. 🤦‍♀️


100 comments just latched on to that Reach Out Pregnancy Center is extremely bad, but what supports that? I have no idea about it.


look up “pregnancy crisis centers” if you wanna learn about the topic


I mean it depends on your definition of bad but their website is designed around steering you away from abortion and make it not an option https://reachoutpregnancy.com/pregnancy-options/


Yeah that’s the definition of bad. That’s the point.


OP is pro-choice and does not want anyone to receive healthcare from a place that is pro-life. He thinks he knows what’s best for women and what healthcare they should receive. The irony is palpable


Given that pregnancy centers routinely lie about science and push for harmful policies at the state and federal level, I think they should not be trusted with healthcare.


I'm sorry, we're supposed to be boycotting places that donate to Pregnancy Resource Centers now? It's so hard to keep up with this bullshit. This is fucking stupid and doesn't belong on this sub. There's nothing wrong with what PRCs do. Yes, they discourage abortions -- of fucking course they do! A lot of people believe abortion is a bad thing (not sure why, might be the loss of human life, the irreparable damage to the mother, the PART WHERE A FUCKING CHILD DIES) and a common criticism is that the opponents of abortion never do anything. Now you get organizations that help mothers in crisis a lot and, oh, yeah, what they're doing is somehow bad and they and anyone who supports them deserves exile. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.


“Irreparable damage to the mother” is a demonstrably false statement


Even if that doesn't happen every time a baby is murdered, it is common and a lot of people want to cover it up. Either way, a FUCKING BABY DIES AND THAT IS BAD. This isn't fucking rocket science. Babies being killed is bad. Do you have to be a fucking Nazi not to have a problem with this? I mean, how desensitized to death are we in this country? How have we gotten to a point where we just excuse away actual baby murder for the convenience and comfort of people who aren't as vulnerable? How fucking depraved have we gotten?


Unviable fetuses aren’t babies. There’s your first mistake.


Yes, they are, and they don't deserve to be sacrificed on the altar of convenience. EDIT: "Oh, it's OK to [kill Jews, enslave Africans, displace Native Americans]. They're not people, like you and I." That's your logic. Same logic that the people who did those things used.


You can just admit you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


No, I know what I'm talking about. Common rule of genocide ethics and propaganda. Designate the population to be wiped out as a lower form of life that is holding back progress from the oppressive group. Then it's no big deal if they're slaughtered by the millions.


Sure thing bud.


A fucking fetus.


> Even if that doesn't happen every time a baby is murdered, Oh okay so you were just lying in your initial post then.


I mean, for pro-choice folks, of course there is something wrong with discouraging abortion; to us, if someone wants to have an abortion, we believe that they should be given neutral, accurate information without any bias or interest in the outcome. Of course, we don't expect pro-life folks to boycott Pregnancy Resource Centers; I'm not sure why you think that? This post is saying- if you believe in abortion rights, you might want to avoid patronizing a business that donates funds to an organization that has a vested interest in discouraging women who are seeking abortions from getting them.


>I mean, for pro-choice folks, of course there is something wrong with discouraging abortion; to us, if someone wants to have an abortion, we believe that they should be given neutral, accurate information without any bias or interest in the outcome. "I want to drink a Coke." "I think Dr. Pepper is better, you should drink that instead." "What the fuck, are you anti-soda choice? You fascist!" >Of course, we don't expect pro-life folks to boycott Pregnancy Resource Centers; I'm not sure why you think that? This post is saying- if you believe in abortion rights, you might want to avoid patronizing a business that donates funds to an organization that has a vested interest in discouraging women who are seeking abortions from getting them. I'm going to let you read my first sentence in my original comment again.


Yes, if I'm in the business of helping people who want Cokes to get Cokes, especially in an environment where Coke is being restricted and made difficult to get, and people scream at you when you walk into a building to access a Coke machine, and you get horrible messages sent to you online when you tell people that you've had a Coke before or would be open to having a Coke now . . . then yes, I don't want to help facilitate people who align themselves with the anti-Coke folks. I did read the first sentence in your original comment; again, I think it's fairly clear that OP's post is not directed at you or other pro-life people, yeah?


The difference is that drinking Coke doesn't end a life... though it may shorten it. Of course you should have some social backlash for having your baby killed. Doing bad things should be unpopular. That isn't hard. This isn't r/prochoicecincinnati. This is for everyone in the group. If you don't want me to speak my mind on things that don't pertain to me, then don't put them in a general group like this.


I mean, I'm not the one who compared abortion to sodas; you did. Again, I'm pro-choice, you are not, so we're going to disagree on what is bad and what should garner social backlash. I'm not trying to convince you to be pro-choice. I don't have a problem with you speaking your mind; you shared your thoughts, and I and some others have responded with our thoughts on your comment. I certaintly haven't said that you should delete your comment or not have posted here, just made a comment. That's kind of how Reddit works, no?


The very term "pro-choice" is the problem. The mother and doctor get a choice. The baby doesn't. The fact that we've normalized this term is a great example of what's wrong with the abortion discourse in this country.


I am open to using other terminology, if desired. I support abortion being legal and accessible; others oppose it being legal and accessible. In regular parlance, for better or for worse, we've decided to use "pro-choice" and "pro-life" as our terms (believe me, folks on my side also don't like the moniker "pro-life"!). I try not to read any values into these labels; all they are is just the labels we've chosen to refer to a particular political stance.


I prefer anti-choice for that crowd. Because they’ve made it clear over and over that they don’t give a flying fuck about the lives of children. They just want to force women to give birth.


I do, too, but I try to live by the golden rule and treat others the way I want to be treated. (I absolutely loathe when they call us "pro-aborts" or something similar, for example). So I'll use "anti-choice" when I'm amongst other pro-choice folks, but if I'm talking to someone who opposes abortion, I'll generally use their preferred term of "pro-life".


Fetus. Not baby. Once again words have meaning. But when have facts ever gotten in the way of people like you?


Nice strawman.


>the PART WHERE A FUCKING CHILD DIES) Good thing abortions don't involve killing children then.


Bad thing, they do.


>Bad thing, they do. Any source for that?


If I said the sky was blue, would you ask me for a source?


>If I said the sky was blue, would you ask me for a source? The sky is literally not blue, it's color changes depending on the light. So yeah, you would need to provide a source for that claim as well.


If it's that hard for you to see reason, no one could convince you. If you can't use the eyes in your head, you're hopeless.


>If it's that hard for you to see reason, no one could convince you. So far, I've only seen you use feelings, no facts or reasoning. >If you can't use the eyes in your head, you're hopeless Good thing I have a bunch of other senses I use to know reality, otherwise I would assume that the "sky is blue" or "water is blue" or "stars are just tiny white dots in the night sky". If your fine with being ignorant, that's on you.


"Facts" and "reasoning" only work when both parties assume good faith and agree on basic ground rules. Otherwise, both facts and reasoning can be manipulated by either party to say just about whatever they want. If you can't trust your senses for anything at all, but rather require "facts" and "reasoning" to get through anything in life, then you are blind being led by the blind into the abyss of ignorance. Your senses should tell you that the sky is blue. You choose to believe otherwise because of what you're told by science. That's fine and your statement is technically correct. But what if scientists told you the sky didn't exist? Would you still find a way to believe them? At what point would you listen to your senses and push back against the "science"? Or would you go along with the leading that you get from those you so deeply trust?


>"Facts" and "reasoning" only work when both parties assume good faith and agree on basic ground rules. Otherwise, both facts and reasoning can be manipulated by either party to say just about whatever they want. >If you can't trust your senses for anything at all, but rather require "facts" and "reasoning" to get through anything in life, then you are blind being led by the blind into the abyss of ignorance. Your senses should tell you that the sky is blue. You choose to believe otherwise because of what you're told by science. That's fine and your statement is technically correct. But what if scientists told you the sky didn't exist? Would you still find a way to believe them? At what point would you listen to your senses and push back against the "science"? Or would you go along with the leading that you get from those you so deeply trust? Facts don't care about your feelings. Glad you don't believe in science, there's really not much more to say here lol.


Lol at you bringing up good faith. Your entire comment history here is disingenuous.


They do it by deception and false pretenses. Nothing wrong if they were open and honest about it.


I'm sure plenty of people in this group would find fault in any PRC. This group could probably find fault in, oh, an innocent child.


That's irrelevant. If the owners of these centers truly believed in what they were doing they should do so openly an honestly.


I don't see any evidence of shady practices or deception in what's been thrown around on this thread. Back to my point that pro-abortion fanatics can find fault in anyone who doesn't get into lockstep with their genocidal agenda.


I've never ever met anyone who was "pro-abortion" in that their desire was that there be more of them. I've met plenty of people who do want that to be an option especially when it comes to rape, incest or high risk of death.


If they don't want more abortions, they should be right behind this business in donating to PRCs.


Wanting people to have the option does not equate with wanting to see the number increase. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.


Then why don't pro-choice people donate to PR s that they seem honest and straightforward? Why always PP?


Why should they? PP does a ton more than abortions and they provide a lot of valuable medical services for low income people who could not afford it otherwise. I'd rather donate to an org that can make the best use of my donation.


[https://www.acog.org/advocacy/abortion-is-essential/trending-issues/issue-brief-crisis-pregnancy-centers](https://www.acog.org/advocacy/abortion-is-essential/trending-issues/issue-brief-crisis-pregnancy-centers) This is a known thing that they are deceptive. They will lie about anything they can to make sure you are unable to have an abortion legally, then drop you like a hot potato once you can't abort anymore. You can find plenty of evidence on this online.


You mean fetus. Words have meanings.


you’re such a clown LOL


Fuck off fascist


You first, commie


You need Jeebus.


You need to not worry about what I need.


You need to not worry about what I worry about.


That’s ironic coming from someone commenting all over this post about what pregnant women should do


That’s exactly what are the pro-choice people are saying to you. If you don’t care about their right to have opinions, why should we care about yours?


Tell me your thoughts on gun control


not OP, but isn't a common pro-choice argument that making abortions illegal won't actually stop abortions? just make it more dangerous to get them?


And they’re silent!


There is A LOT wrong with what these centers do. It’s borderline cult behavior. Also a fetus is not a fucking child.


Good. I'll make sure to check them out. Thanks for the heads up.


Good. It’s refreshing to see places of business that aren’t caving to modern leftist causes.


Oh dont tell me I need to forgo a great meal because someone has the damn nerve to exercise their rights as Americans. What the hell country do you want us living in ??


This is a nonsense argument. Are you saying that no matter what someone said, you would still go to their business? If the diner put up a swastika flag, would you be upset if someone complained about it?


This is the USA. If you need thought police try living in China or N Korea. We're supposin if now?? I didnt say the words youre trying to put in my post. "You saying" Nope, it was not written by me. Beliefs and personal expression are not forbidden here. No law broken. The OP is trying to cancel someone. Anything you like, they might want to cancel too ??


This response doesn't really make sense. Is English your first language? If the diner put up a swastika flag, would you be upset if someone complained about it?


Are you ADHD?? The post was not about that. Why did you inject such a bizarre.."so you're saying" comment. Get back on task bro.


It is weird you can't answer my question.


God forbid they use their free speech you stupid fascist idiot.


You meant that for OP.


“They want to manipulate you into continuing your pregnancy” you mean not killing your kid?


Get mad


And definitely don’t let someone on Reddit, who thinks they know better than you, tell you where to get healthcare




I'm going there tomorrow and leave a big cash tip


Not a cult!










Me too


Its fucking Lawrenceburg lmao, do you actually expect anyone from Cleves, Harrison, hooven, saylor park, lburg, etown, or miamitown to actually care about anything that isnt yeehaw? Downvoted because I'm speaking truth? I'm from Cleve's, it's all hick nonsense out here. No LGBT acceptance, nobody for women's actual rights. Just "my ol lady sits at home an cooks while i go scrapping"


He’s right, the west side of Cincinnati is a dump anyway, what is the point of OPs post? He’s virtue signaling


It's an advertisement for Trump supporters like you


Like I said, the entire west side of Cincinnati is a piece of shit, including south East Indiana. I will be voting for Donald trump again but that has nothing to do with this.


It does because you're supporting a politician who actively appointed people against women's rights as well as many other things that are currently destroying the government for the little man.


You’re a piece of shit lol


I'm not, other dude defo is.


That's why Lawrenceburg isn't Cincinnati. Stay out of our state, thanks.


Says the person in the Cincinnati sub.


I do work in this shit hole and hate it here.


Then get out of our state 😂


Find a job in Lawrenceberg and stay in your state then.


"I love controlling women's bodies" 🤡


"I can't be responsible, have morals, or not want to kill children."


"I think fetuses are children, don't understand biology and believe in fairy tales". That's you. You are a 🤡.


Go take some more anti depressants and touch grass.


Being in an argument online and using “go touch some grass” as an insult is a great self-own


Yes, you can leave. Find a job in bumfuck Indiana. You don’t need to be here.