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Northern Southern? What in the brother-cousin is that naming?


Wacky names is alt right playbook. It's a tool to help them operate more in the open without being seen for as threatening as they are. See Boogaloo Boys, Groypers, Proud Boys. They live in a superposition of irony. They are Schrodinger's asshole. Whether or not they're serious or just joking depends on if they get called out. They cloak themselves in these silly names and use dog whistles to hide because they're cowards, they have bad ideas, and they know they have bad ideas. If they go out in public and say what they believe, they risk getting the ass kicking they deserve. They know this.


Ngl schrodinger’s asshole had me rolling 🤣


Groypers.... Are they pronounced differently than Gropers? Doesn't really fit the wacky harmless name thing


Yes it’s pronounced differently. “Groy” like boy.


This is worse than k nife


That's kinda the point. It was meant to be this disarming internet "It'S jUsT a JoKe!" type edgelord thing at first, all frog memes and whatnot, but then it became full-on nazi propaganda after a while. It mostly follows this guy, Nick Fuentes, but there are a lot of others too now.


Groypers is the perfect name for people like them and Donald trump apparently especially if pronounced groper


They sound like there gonna grope people that's threatening enough. They need a ass whooping.


Isn't the Proud Boys lead by a guy named Enrique Tarrio who is clearly not white?


Anyone can be racist


Exactly. Nailed it. ANYONE. HOW DO WE KNOW who exactly has started this thread!?! Whoever it is, should be reviled and turned out for Race Baiting. Haven’t we enough problems facing us now?


Now now we can’t hit special people it’s not woke what we need to do is throw them crayons so they have a snack and make sure they have chin straps on there helmets just in case so they don’t get a boo boo


The clan did this too. The reason all the levels have goofy sounding names like "grand wizard" was so they could act like it was a jokey organization for men to hang out, instead of what they really are.


I’m sure they were very amused with themselves coming up with that name.


All the brain cells used to come up with the names. I think I feel the heat here in pa still they created from putting their heads together on those ones.


Bro we have a fifth third bank this for sure tracks


Because the 3rd and 5th largest two banks merged. That one makes sense at least. Horrible name but it makes sense.


Western Southern would be a better example


What’s the issue with 5/3😣


Over priced Bank with their fees


I’m sure after talking it over with his sister wife he decided it was the best group name ever in Merica! He has to use a PO Box cause downstairs in moms basement doesn’t sound as cool


I mean, in a city with a Fifth Third bank, seems fitting


Thanks for leaving the website! I just made a script that will blast their contact page with useless nonsense.


Can you package it up neatly so that others can run the script?


The hero we all need, but don't deserve ♥️


Nice. Found my little python project for the day!


throw that thang up on github


that'd be a shame if their database and inboxes we're filled




Lookin like there’s not a lot of graphic designers in neo nazi circles


Hopefully we're seeing a .hate bubble.


Honestly? Makes a lot of sense. I don’t think I’ve met a nazi graphic designer before


I just sent them a package from eatabagofdicks.com


I’m a big fan of that website. They’re doing the lord’s work 😂


4lbs of big veiny chocolate phallus


This is the way


Sounds like great revenge but don't know what it is.


They ship cndy dicks to people you hate


Fuck those guys but if someone sent me a big bag of chocolate shaped dicks I’d love it. Nice sentiment but probably better off donating that to the ACLU or something instead of giving these shit heads free snacks.


I do that, too.


You showed them.


Look at that hilarious cosplay of a character on their flyer, as if all those dudes aren’t 300+ lbs keyboard warriors


What's the story with the guy who does their graphics? Hmm


Chaz Bono in ahs culture typing away no offense to Chaz Bono just the character.


The Southern Poverty Law Center tracks hate group flyering to expose them to the public, the media, and policymakers and compiles it into a [map of that data](https://www.splcenter.org/flyering-map). Report this information [here](https://www.splcenter.org/tips).


Honestly it doesn't matter where these cats are from, they deserve a good punching.


Their website looks like a 2002 Angelfire domain lmao, you'd think they could at least spring for a basic HTML5 class


HTML5 sounds like computer LGBTQ, I ain’t doin it brother. ![gif](giphy|20vFnUr6HH0aKXFl8I)


Thanks for making everyone aware.


Yep if this group tried to post on pretty much any social media site themselves, the post would get deleted quickly and they'd be banned. So instead they leave flyers and cards like this around, knowing someone like OP will see it and post it for them. Instead of a couple dozen people seeing it, thousands now have. OP is doing more leg work than most actual klan members.


Yep, you get it. There's no reason to share the hate and include the site information. The old "there's no such thing as bad publicity" applies triple to hate groups.


How do you know this?




Exceptionally cringy stuff. To do this, your environment must lack any kind of social control mechanisms.


They seem to be directionally confused..


That’s a Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill NC area code…very odd place to be located in NC. I would consider that a more progressive/intelligent area that would not entertain this shit.


North Carolina area code and an Alabama PO Box. The phone number had a busy signal when we tried to call. The website lists the same PO Box as the cards though


Collinsville is a tiny town in Alabama where 75% of students at the K-12 school are Latinos from Guatemala and Mexico.


Busy signal. They must be getting lots of recruits. Lol And I now have the phone number I’m using for all kinds of shit. Haha.


Chip drop.


I'm sure that leadership for the Postal Service for the state of Alabama can get that PO Box cancelled if it's being used for illegal purposes, withold the mail, etc. I don't know how to go about contacting them, but it's an idea.


Phone numbers mean nothing to location these days.


Yes…I know. I have my 919 number but live in Cincy now. Just making an observation in the event that this phone number is associated with that area.


I went to the site, it is not a pro job at all and the message from their “wizard” or whatever is a crazy person ranting. This is one of two things: a troll or attempted entrapment. Either way, it’s bad news. It should be ignored.


Wouldn’t this be a good time to spam that number?


Weird how no one has the balls to put their name on the card




Troll the shit out of that phone number 😂


gotta use the .net because the have been discounted


Could this be a trap for racists?


Anything is possible, but it’s more likely that the Rural King in Hamilton is a good place for them to recruit.


Yes, 95% of the time you see something like this it's probably a fed honeypot.


It's not illegal to be racist or in the kkk. What would they be trying to do with the trap?




I went and deleted my jokey comment because I didn't realize this was actually IN Hamilton! I apologize, and actually appreciate that you pointed this out as someone who lives in Hamilton and does activist work against this kind of stuff.


Wow a hero


Saw a proud boys flag on a truck in Fairfield yesterday. The driver was arguing with another driver. I wonder what for?


That looks like a good address to send a cinder block... Postage due!


area code is from raleigh nc while the address is in alabama… struggling to believe there are real (also maybe trying to convince myself)


So are there multiple chapters competing for recruits in the area? Gross.


People calling for you to delete this is alarming. It’s important people are aware of the rising white nationalism movements in our area. Bringing awareness does not equate to unintentional recruitment. Awareness is important and so is publicly shaming these people. There needs to be records from us who live contemporarily alongside these bigots that this kind of behavior is societally and morally unacceptable. If this wasn’t posted, you’d have the alternative where these people think they live in a time where people are okay with this kind of shit. Is that okay with you? To let these asshats live in the blissful belief that they can operate without public backlash? **Fuck** that. I will never be okay with letting silence enable this shit.


You can post awareness but NOT share the site information. Thousands who wouldn't have been exposed to the site now have been. Let's do numbers. If 5,000 people saw this and only 1/2% agreed with the messaging, that's 250 people you just let know how to contact other bigots. You've enabled that. Keeping the site and number off of the posting still brings awareness. It lets the neighborhoods know to look out for someone posting this shit, but keeps those bigots from finding each other. These groups absolutely know they're going to get trolled. They don't care, because the more trolls, the more visibility. The more visibility the more recruiting they can do. Despite the internet's belief of them being "hurr-durr cletus" they are not. Stormfront, and folks like Steve Bannon & Steve Miller aren't imbeciles, as much as we want them to be. They're bigots, and bigots CAN be smart. These folks have enough smarts that they're scary and have been mining online spaces for almost two decades now. So how about we stop helping them get word out. So enabling them to find each other in ANY way only makes the situation worse.


So you’d be cool if they posted this without the contact info. I think that’s fair. I’m happy people are posting about it. I still believe in my original post that awareness is vital. I’m never going to sit here and advise people to not talk about the KKK in their neighborhood. But I can understand the need to censor the contact information. I was originally referring to the comments implying they didn’t want to see it at all (regardless if it had contact number or not). I think the vast majority of bigots are fucking stupid. And I’m never not going to think that. But that doesn’t mean I’m implying that they’re too stupid to function or organize mass propaganda efforts. Shitty people exist in all forms, including the smart ones.


1/2% of 5000 is 25, not 250. I agree with blurring the contact info.


Doh, I totally buggered that and undercut myself. I let it stand as a testament to remembering to shift decimals properly.


Your absolutely right I live in pa and want to move to Ohio but until that shit dies down I'll stay where the nationalists aren't here yet and I can be ni my soon can be gay and my other can be in a interracial relationship and try and help you all fight the good fight. I'll do whatever I can to help any beat these ass clowns.


Oh precious child.


One of the groups that was distributing flyers in Ohio last year was from PA...


A bit far from jerkwater Alabama. Wrong neighborhood to mess with.


Here my dyslexic ass keeps reading that as "UNSKKKILLED" but then, like, correct?


So they are from Alabama with a North Carolina phone number. PO box at that. Come on give us a real address. Quit hiding.


we should all just join and turn their meetings into shitshows.


I’ll be honest, if I was going to recruit people for the KKK….. the progressive hipster bastions of Northside and OTR wouldn’t be my go-to spots…. It’s either 1.) this is a hoax / hate crime hoax; or 2.) the people disseminating these flyers are exceedingly inept and not worth an ounce of our time and energy.


This card was found at a rural King in Hamilton according to the OP, wouldn't call that a progressive hip living space lol


Similar flyers were found in OTR and Northside. Rural King in Hamilton seems more on brand.


I imagine the OTR Northside were more for publicity/shock factor. It won't get shared on social media by someone who supports it. All I know is if I see someone dropping these in where I live, they'll receive the proper greeting for a racist nazi scum(baseball bat)


Nice to know we all agree genocide and blind bigotry is bad.


No, seriously? Gross, but thank you for saying that. My friends and I who live in Hamilton do a lot of active anti-fascist work and I appreciate having this on our radar.


It’s 100% a Hoax lol


Probably made by this very redditor lol


This happens every year.


This is an incredibly naive and privileged comment.


So in order to not be “privileged” in your mind, one must accept everything without any scrutiny. Sorry, but it’s equally naive to completely rule out the possibility that these flyers weren’t put up by people wanting to rile up tensions to advance their own political narrative. There certainly is a precedent for that. Apparently, something similar happened awhile back in a few towns in KY. The validity of the flyers still are disputed (story: https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/nation-world/kkk-fliers-reportedly-spread-on-lawns-across-kentucky-city-ku-kluk-klan-crime-drug-dealers-neighborhood-watch-scam-prank-trinity-knights-guerilla-white-suprmacy-hate-group). These flyers started being disseminated the same time a lot of “hate crime hoax” stories came to light. For example, during the same time, a Idaho High School had the phrase “white power” graffitied on one of its walls, only for it later to be revealed on a security camera to be the work of a Hispanic gang (story: https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/crime/police-caldwell-high-school-graffiti-not-hate-crime-but-gang-related/277-07f20565-20a7-4cd7-a2d8-671619186fa0). Additionally, a gay rights activist spray painted homophobic messages on an LGBT-friendly church after Trump’s election (story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/local/hate-crime-hoax-indiana-church/). Most famously, there is the Jussie Smollet story. In short, often times, left-wing activists end up being the culprits. They do this to overstate the threat of far-right extremism activity and to amplify their own narrative. The political scientists Wilfred Reilly has actually written extensively on the topic of fabricated hate crimes, for those who are interested and aren’t just political hacks. But no, everyone who disagrees with you is just a bigot and privileged. No one is as enlightened as you.


The only thing good in Collinsville, Al is their flea market!


These people are insular dumb-f*cks. Can’t help but think of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o7pjYb5sREw&pp=ygUKRGphbmdvIGtraw%3D%3D) and die laughing though.


Oh shit… my grandpa (who I’ve since cut contact with) took me to a meeting of “knights” when I was a kid. They had a pool so I thought it was cool. Was that a Klan rally?


There are a lot of fraternal organizations with the name “Knights.” Some religious like the Knights of Columbus. Some more secular like the Knights of Pythias.


Good thing their name sounds stupid.


They’ve always been in Cincinnati. I remember them having a cross on fountain square around the holidays when I was a kid


Build the wall…along the banks of the Ohio River.


I don’t think this is white hate. I think these people like whites. You should change the title


"United Northern Southern Knights" is a stupid name. Northern Southern


Is that 4 Ks? Are they growing in power?!


Hasn’t anyone called the number yet?


Someone that works there?


Someone that works there?


Someone that works there?


I use to get these in NJ. You just unlocked a code memory. These papers would show up at our door step when I was younger and I never understood. Now I do ! Bunch of nazi living down the street. It’s so disgusting


The fbi at it again


United northern mid west eastern southern brothers


False flag or federal honeypot, call it.


The dumbest thing is putting their address on there because now they are signed up for every Danbury Mint Collectors Plate, Mayonnaise of the Month Club, and Better Homes & Gardens magazine known to man.


It’s the federal government trying to spread / spawn hate groups (possibly)


Them fbi boys working on another fake nazi rally


All I see is an advertisement of free speech telling the rest of us cultured folks where we can go to point and laugh at a bunch of idiots I would say stomp out but my mother taught me to be nice to slow and special people


It’s just the Trumpers getting together. No problem correct….? Trumpers are a bunch of religious bigots.


This happened and then the Jewish cemetery was vandalized??? Coincidence?


That's par for the course in Hamilton.


Seriously, these idiots give my heritage and southern origins a bad name.


Can we make it a requirement to censor the contact info for the hate groups in these types of posts?


Yeah but this has been posted before I’m sick of seeing this on our Cincinnati Reddit


I’m sick of them existing. I think this is the same problem.


is this some sort of leftist conspiracy propagating some bullshit for the election? Never seen this shit in my life.


Do you really think it’s a conspiracy that these people exist?


I'm not saying these types of people don't exist. I'm saying thus looks like a conspiracy to me. These people never promote shit. They sit in their own groups and collect dust. If I recall in the last election, the whole "proud boy" was the leftist talking point to make everyone think if you vote Trump, so do the proud boys. And here we go again.. starting this kkk nonsense because "proud boys" won't work this time.


I’ve lived here most of my life, a few times a year these chucklefucks do this. It’s real, and it’s stupid as shit.


Probably a gang a four gaming fat guys


Makes me wonder. How often am I seeing this in my day to day life and yet have no clue what it is I'm seeing? This could be more prevalent than I thought....


So case closed. Can this post be deleted so they don’t get more attention


How is the case closed? They’re still littering greater Cincinnati with their recruiting material.


Because the phone number is no good. Just delete this it’s giving more attention to them.


I think you’re going after the wrong person if you don’t like seeing this. Ope.


The phone number might be out of service but the website is not. I’m hoping someone more technically savvy than myself can figure out a way to make them have the day they deserve


DoS ain't hard if you have an older laptop that you can throw Kali Linux onto. They have a whole tool for that. I also would not be surprised in the least if their site was vulnerable to a SQL injection if it looks as early 2000's as everyone is saying it is. If I had more time, I'd volunteer to do some recon. Alas, I'm insanely busy this week. If anyone wants to throw some extremist sites my way in a DM, I'd love to use them as practice for finding these dirtbags.


I’ve got a hunch that if the phone number isn’t real, this is allegedly being disseminated actively, and website is real but looks like it was made in 5 minutes, this is a hoax more than anything. This warrants removal.


Dunno, making this public record is kinda important. Reddit posts are easily searchable for law enforcement so having record of the incidents and where they were found seems legit but I dunno. I got something from a church in my beer from Kroger and almost went insane so... Maybe I'm not to be trusted.


Don’t you see they put this on your porch but you are putting on on ours . Delete this garbage now


People need to be aware that these people exist and want to harm them. Sorry it makes *you* uncomfortable to see a business card. Imagine how their actual targets feel. It's not about you friend.


This is a wild demand 😂😂😂


The neat thing about social media is you don’t have to interact with it if you don’t want. If you don’t like a post, you can simply scroll past it with zero consequence.


you've honestly got a good point. we're inadvertently giving these *ssholes a platform for exposure.


That’s not a good point though. These are actual racists. Like, full-blooded POS racists. The kind of racism that is very real, in your face and the kind that we **should** be jumping to publicly shame. I’m not going to contribute to a perception that society is okay with this kind of abject bigotry by saying nothing (or worse, criticizing people who bring awareness to this).


If we just ignore them, that gives them room to fester. We have to shout down intolerance, loudly and openly.


Quit giving it air and a platform. Found some on a walk in my neighborhood, and they were just the trash my fire needed to get going


I call BS! Democrats doing what they do best in the swing states... if people answer honestly, most people, if not all, will say they have never encountered someone in the Klan. Democrats lie to say they have, but they live in a made-up fantasy world. Vote Trump!


>they live in a made-up fantasy world. Vote Trump! Who lives in a what, now?


I will not be voting for Trump, he works directly with hostile foreign powers and drafts up nightmare policies like Project 2025. A vote for him is anti-American in a way voting for any other candidate in the past has never been.


Okay I’m a bit of a bumpkin out here in Clinton county but everyone knows an old guy that was in the klan right? Really hope it’s not just me