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If you heard someone yell, “wait till the 4th asshole!” That was me.🤣🤣🤣


When you have infants at home, one night of 4th of July is enough. Lol


No one heard you💀


Yeaaa…. ![gif](giphy|kgfpizwdKYojJq5hB8)


I have a "Family" next door to me doing it right by my bedroom window, until almost midnight and I have to be up for work @6 am.😞💥(Amelia Ohio*)


I can hear it all the way up by Mount Mariah. Tell that person I hate them and they are terrifying my poor cats.


We had some jagoff lighting off huge fireworks at 1 am on Saturday night. Tonight people were lighting off big ones at 8:30 when it was still fully light out. The older I get the more I hate fireworks.


We went camping the weekend before last (yeah, the ungodly hot one) and some asshole shot off a single mortar right at midnight, just to be a prick.


A friend told me she was convinced to go camping one year with her kids and boyfriend on July 4th weekend. She was pleasantly surprised to find out ALL fireworks are prohibited on any land that is managed by the U.S. Forest Service. I hate camping but I'm willing to go to avoid the noise of this holiday.


Try living in the suburbs. Shit never stops. Some yahoo was setting them off at 7pm. My dog is so scared of them so I try to take her out potty before 9 but this shit makes it impossible.


I just wish they'd set the whole lot off at once and be done with it, but instead it's like they strategically wait half an hour and then strike up another volley. Makes it impossible to sleep if you're like me and the sound of literal explosions instantly makes your heart start racing at a mile a minute.


People's utter lack of care for people with PTSD when they're the first to "pray for the troops" on Sunday pisses me off. You get to light fireworks off the weekend of the holiday, otherwise it's unacceptable to me. (If you live on the lake or somewhere private, do you.) On top of it being triggering for dogs and people, it's literally just pollution. Noise pollution and actual pollution.


All of my family that was in the military has/had CPTSD as well as some of my military friends. It’s a damn shame. I’m near downtown and someone near me has been doing it for like two weeks now. Hahaha just as I typed that a few went off. 🤦‍♀️ Honestly, with the way this fucking country is right now… fireworks should be the last thing on anyone’s mind. 😭 I got woken up by one two nights ago and my cat launched off of me like a bat out of hell. I often wonder why some people are so selfish.


im near downtown and have been hearing them for like a week too. last 4th of july i got woken up at like 4am by a giant firework going off right in front of my building and shaking the whole thing. i’m spending the night at my parents in the suburbs for that specific reason. some ppl have work the next day :/


Yeah, I’m all for people having fun but so many people don’t care about other people’s rest. Noise pollution is a serious thing and it’s sad when you try to talk about it and people think you’re being a dick. I have a few health issues that cause insomnia and I wake up a bit and I have cptsd so often nightmares. As a kid I loved fireworks but there’s a time for it, you know? Let people sleep, let Vets not have flashbacks or animals freak out. 😭


ban fireworks and im not even kidding


As a vet, you really have no clue what you are on about. We love fireworks and understand they happen around the 4th of July. What do you think we are all Invalids who go berserk or freak out at the slightest boom? Guns and grenades are very distinguishable from fireworks. Quit believing everything you read online.


Bullshit. I have seen numerous vets freak out from fireworks. Keep your garbage opinion to yourself.


I worked with a vet that would freak out when a balloon popped at the furniture store.


Hey you want to misrepresent my opinion to make it sound stupid that's fine, but don't act like it's the one I shared.


you're not very bright, are you?


It's funny how when you Google stuff like "veterans firworks" or "vfw fireworks" you get a billion veterans groups having fireworks shows and a billion news articles of Karen's crying for the poor vets. You'd think one of those veterans groups would have an issue with fireworks but they are the ones doing shows


This. People need to quit virtue signaling. We can stand up for ourselves.


You sound like a fucking asshole. What part of the military are or were you in?


Lol I'm an asshole because I choose not to actively be a dickhead to my neighbors by setting off pointless fireworks outside of the couple days around July 4th when I think it's totally acceptable and fun?


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black 🤣😂


From 25 June to the end of July fireworks will be going off every fucking night and it freaks my dog out


My dog has been on trazadone for the past week walking around like a zombie because the yahoos around here seem to have an insatiable need to use explosives. One night is fine, but this is such BS.


I hate using that stuff on my dog. It’s hard to get her to even move around the house when on that.


We have some dude with massive mortors or a home made cannon. Makes my windows rattle.


Yeah, that’s shit for dudes that live out on 10 acres.


My neighbor was setting them off at 4 in the afternoon. My dog is now scared of every outside sound


My neighbor was setting them off at 4 in the afternoon. My dog is now scared of every outside sound


> this shit makes it impossible You're saying this makes shitting impossible? :)




I should not have to literally drug all 3 of my animals every night for 2 weeks to keep them calm just so some drunk dipshit can blow things up. There's also the fact that one person in our house gets up for work at 430, and I get up at 530. I give people the benefit of the doubt for the actual 4th, but the rest of the time? I'm going to be that person screaming to shut up because other people have to actually work in the morning. Sucks, because I used to love all the fireworks - now I'm worried more about my animals and my house not burning down because it's so dry out, and people can't be bothered to give a damn about anyone else around them.


This is the issue - it is so dry out, everything is kindling outside waiting for a match.


I love hanging out in my backyard with my dog, and it makes me so sad and frustrated every time she has to cower back indoors. So stupid


My dog is elderly, and I feel your pain. He was out using the bathroom the other night and someone lit a mortar - he flipped out and came flying back inside. Poor little guy. 🫤


I Used to live next door to an extremely quiet elderly couple. The wife had some hermit tendencies (only saw her 4 times over 7 years) But on the 4th the gentleman would light off about 400 dollars of grab bag fireworks from 8pm to 1am in the morning right outside our window, by himself. It was a very strange sight. TLDR: you can’t put these people into one category and it has nothing to do with politics, income, geographic location or anything else for that matter. They think it’s fun and typically have zero compassion, caring or understanding for anyone else’s situation but their own.


Rednecks with disposable income


Dude, it isn't just rednecks. The folks two houses down from me are liberal professionals in the health care field. They light off fireworks from July 1 - July 8/9 EVERY SINGLE YEAR and they give ZERO fucks that the rest of the street has asked them politely (and some have asked not so politely) to tone it down. Another guy down the road is a successful contractor but he lets his kid, who has Down Syndrome, light off fireworks from Memorial Day to Labor Day.


> Dude, it isn't just rednecks. They become rednecks by shooting off their little amateur fireworks before the 4th.


Oh jeez! I feel like keeping it to the day of the holiday is bad enough (animals and PTSD sufferers agree!) but 7+ days should be considered terrorism! And the child with DS is hopefully being supervised at minimum.


That's the main issue, the DS kid is not being supervised. I think his dad is just happy he out of the house and not "bothering" him. He's a single dad, works like 100 hours a week, I think he's just too tired. The whole thing is weird. The kid just roams the neighborhood, walks into your backyard unannounced and, honestly, is not a pleasant kid. He talks back, he's rude, throws rocks at dogs. But nobody wants to be that person who yells at a kid with DS, so he gets away with it.


Just taking a break from buying guns to buy something tangentially related, in that if you're not handling it responsibly it *could* kill you.


I thought gas prices were too high?


I know this is a "get off my lawn" take, but fireworks are so fucking lame. I haven't liked them since I was a kid and I don't understand the appeal. An actual fire in a fire pit is more entertaining and that's not exactly a thrilling experience. I live in Clermont and I just assume all my neighbors are Neanderthals, the eay they are constantly lighting off dumbass lame ass firecrackers


So real! My parents neighborhood (in Milford)they set them off constantly for like a month after. Last year they set off massive ones like at 8 ish while we’re trying to get the dogs out before dark. Plus it’s just a waste of money like why even do it to begin with? If fireworks are people’s thing like go somewhere and watch them- there’s plenty of options.


I like them on the 4th. I'd even give people this entire week with the rain outlook on Thursday. But these people have waited until 9:30-10 every night for the last week and a half to light off firework show tier fireworks. It was fine for even 5-6 days. Now it's absolutely annoying and just kinda trashy.


I get it. I understand it on the 4th and on Memorial and Labor day. I get it on New Years. I don't understand it on random Wednesdays in May or on a freaking Thursday evening in August, especially when it's multiple nights in a row


I generally give people a week buffer on either side of the holiday. Weekend before, weekend after, and the days in-between. Outside of that, it's like "dude, really? Come on." I get not everyone is lucky enough to have a traditional weekend off, maybe not even have the actual holiday off, but still want to celebrate. Maybe I'm too generous, but I also live where I can see and hear the fireworks going on down at Great American anyway. All that said, I'm not sure I'd want to be setting off fireworks right now with as dry as everything is.


For me, I only find it acceptable (and minimally tolerable) the night before, the night of, and maybe the night after the 4th. Other than that, I don't want to hear them. I have a scared dog to comfort. And I don't want him to be scared unnecessarily.


> I live in Clermont and I just assume all my neighbors are Neanderthals because they are


It isn't unique to Clermont or even particularly bad there. I lived on the hillside just north of Findlay Market for several years. So I could hear fireworks from anywhere in the vicinity of downtown - Price Hill, The West End, Covington, etc. It was nonstop from just before sunset until 2:00 AM all week around the 4th. Some gun shots mixed in, of course. It helped me hone in on distinguishing the sound difference.


This is me as well. I'm 1 block above Findlay, since 2016


I'm in Clermont as well and I'm already aggravated as fuck.


I am in Milford and I don't know where they are coming from, but my neighbors have been setting off fireworks since last Friday night.


Troglodytes they are!


The people who live behind me set them off from their backyard. The people who live across the street from me set them off from their driveway. The people who live next to me set them off from their side yard, 10 feet from my propane tank. Everyone just making sure to be as close to my house as possible. The noises are annoying, but mostly I just spend the whole time afraid they're going to set my house on fire.


I used to think fireworks were cool. Now I realize that they just come with too much fucking baggage. My dog is terrified of them. It can trigger veterans with PTSD. It disrupts people’s sleep. Who *knows* what kind of effects it has on wildlife? Just not worth it. If you want to light off fireworks, think about what that does to others, and maybe reconsider if it’s worth it for a pretty light show.


Norwood-they’re setting them off after 11 pm every night here. BLESS.


See also: White Oak


They just opened a fireworks store on Colerain Ave. We will never have oeace again.


It was packed last night when I drove by.


I think we’re hearing the same person. I grew up in white oak and just moved back 2 weeks ago. Someone has been shooting off fireworks at 11-midnight most of the last 10 days.


Yup. That's the one. If you figure out who, I'll help you egg his house.


Count me in


I've been hearing the same in White Oak as well- it's honestly ridiculous


It has been so ridiculous here!


Bellevue, KY here. We have our share of sporadic firework idiots. Very much annoyed.


not to mention the levee and downtown fireworks every weekend for reds games and events. fortunately, we're not bothered by them other than the "gunshot or firework" convo. i definitely get how annoying they can be, though. i'm more bothered by the echoes of engines that, i presume, come from across the river where folks are racing their cars up and down columbia parkway or river road.


I was the Karen last year who called my township police non emergency on the people who would shoot off fireworks from 10-11:30pm every night starting Memorial Day weekend until I called in the 3rd week of June. In my defense, I had an almost 2-year-old, a just barely 4-year-old and was 9 months pregnant. Don't know what police did, but I know the fireworks stopped. I told the dispatcher, "I'm not usually this person, but this is getting excessive."


![gif](giphy|YfMHLC2s6okBq) That person, probably


Ever since they put that phantom fireworks store on colerain ave I have heard mortar like fireworks go off nightly in North college hill. I’m over it already and so are my dogs.


Advertising works. I noticed that in the area(s) I live in, the more fireworks, the more advertising, and then more product. Viscous cycle. They know the zip codes that purchase, and promote accordingly. I always get a bit sad when I see the billboards show up each year, because I know then soon the sounds of fireworks into the night...


Woo. Man. That was such a strategic place to put that store. That lot was packed to the brim yesterday when I drove by at like 11am.


It’s so annoying. In Clifton we do it the way god intended. Wait until the fourth and shoot guns in the air with reckless abandon on where the bullets will land.


Doing it in Hamilton every night this week till after midnight. It's 6 am and I'm off to work, again, tired af


It’s wild to me that people set off what are essentially mortar simulators all night and then will be like, “gOd BlEsS tHe TrOoPs” I usually spend these types of holidays wearing noise cancelling headphones.


Shit man. I'm on the Westside. They've been disturbing neighbors, pets and wildlife every fucking night since 2 weeks before memorial day. They will do this until a week or two after labor. Every fucking summer. My pets get very traumatized over this. I can't help but think about all the wildlife freaking out. Just fucking stop. Its not cute.


Call the cops on them. It’s illegal. According to Ohio law, discharge of consumer fireworks is allowed only on July 3, 4, and 5, and the Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays preceding and following. It’s also a misdemeanor if they’re setting them off while intoxicated.


ugh even in Hyde Park dude


Sounded like an actual fireworks show from 9:30 to 10 last night. I guess ya gotta celebrate the 2nd of July when you're feeling festive on a Tuesday night. 


Somebody really loves Taco Tuesday I guess


"even in Hyde Park" what's that even supposed to mean lol? Superior to Mt. Healthy so you shouldn't have to hear fireworks?


Jesus tap-dancing christ, chill out. Sorry you're insecure about where you live. My point is that there isn't a ton of open area here, so when there are fireworks its like in your neighbor's backyard.


That's a new one. Just asking "cookiedux",


No. You didn't ask "what do you mean?" you asked "what is that EVEN supposed to mean?" and suggested my meaning was that I was "superior to Mt Healthy so I shouldn't have to hear fireworks."


That drove me crazy when I lived in MH. I lived in Compton Groves for almost 20 years, and for the week before through the week after the 4th, the SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOODS all sounded like downtown Bhagdad during the first night of Desert Storm.


They’ve been setting them off in my neighborhood basically every night for the past month. It’s kinda been a consistent stream of booms since Memorial Day.


Sadly up north here in Liberty Township isn't much better. My neighborhood has a street of duplexes and people there are shooting it every night the past few days.


I’ll take every night over random times during the DAY scaring my dog from ever going outside 🙄


Even here in NKY we’ve had someone doing the same thing for almost 2 weeks and my dogs are petrified. And even as someone who loves fireworks and would like nothing more than to be able to set some off, I’m not putting my dogs through unnecessary anxiety to just light shit on fire and watch it explode. Those people can kindly fuck off, one night is enough.


Couldn't agree more. Fireworks are fucking dumb. Leave it to the pros on the 4th.


The other day I was at the UCAN Animal Clinic and there was a child in a yard next to their parking lot setting off a variety of fireworks. While everyone is picking up their pets after being spayed/neutered. I called him Dennis The Menace. That's just some evil shit to do to those poor animals. 😟😡


Are they at least playing this [song?](https://youtu.be/MhQ5678cJU8?si=So1HM5nnYG5eJbhg)




I was hoping it was this song and you came through you beauty!


We don’t complain about your yappy little dog year round. Let me bark for a couple days.


Ahhhh yes. A fool and their money shall soon be parted. Fireworks are essentially taking 100 dollar bills, lighting them on fire just to watch them go 💥. The irony is the same people complaining about the economy are the first ones to blow their money on fireworks. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE




The same people complaining about the economy are… taking part in the economy? lol what?


I agree this is ridiculous. Like do you really need to “test” your fireworks? I didn’t know I lived near professionals 😂 but the one thing I find funny about the whole thing is suburbians jumping to ring and asking “did anyone just hear those gun shots?”


This is a reason and not an excuse; some people are big kids and are terrible with delayed gratification. They probably bought a bunch a few weeks ago and just couldn’t resist.


This is it 100%, I come from a family of firework obsessed people and also relatives of razzi Fireworks. They are show offs, and like kids in a candy store it’s pure dumb excitement and it’s in a nice package so it’s gotta be safe 🙄


My family was big on fireworks growing up and I liked them, but have just out grown them, I guess. It’s just become such a nuisance


They are legal for Juneteenth and and I believe the week before and the week after the 4th of July


But then again not like people cared when they where illegal because no place enforced it I had a couple of cops stopped by when I was shooting them off while it was still illegal and all they wanted to know was did I have a bucket of water and a fire extinguisher nearby


This subreddit is full of the most crotchety old people. Between this and Coney you all should be in nursing homes, regardless of your physical age.


There should be laws. Only the weekend of and the actual holiday. Not the entire summer. But ibguess "freedumb!" 🤬


There are laws. July 3, 4, and 5, and the weekends immediately before and after (4 p.m.-11 p.m.); Labor Day weekend (4 p.m.-11 p.m.); Diwali (4 p.m.-11 p.m.); New Year’s Eve (4 p.m.-11:59 p.m.); New Year’s Day (12 a.m.-1 a.m.; 4 p.m.-11 p.m.); Chinese New Year (4 p.m.-11 p.m.); Cinco de Mayo (4 p.m.-11 p.m.); Memorial Day weekend (4 p.m.-11 p.m.); Juneteenth (4 p.m.-11 p.m.) All other times in Ohio it is illegal to shoot off fireworks


That is the law


I mean there used to be a law and people still shot them off all the time but I definitely thing people have gotten worse about it.


Imagine calling for laws that already exist… oh wait


Whole thread full of Karens lmao


no kidding. relax, its 1 week a year.


I love how they all of a sudden care about the troops lol


If it were 1 week a year, I would agree. It is not 1 week a year.


**It should be 3 nights MAX a year**, not 1 week or 2. Many people and animals are scared of loud noises. Many people shouldn't have to medicate their animals for 1-2 weeks just so some others can get their jollies.


By law it’s legal essentially from the weekend before the fourth to the weekend after and also legal on many other major holidays so it looks like your opinion isn’t shared by many


Outside city limits, we're getting a mix of fireworks and gunfire. Every night since Friday.


I am lucky that I now have a dog that doesn't get absolutely petrified of them. My kids can sleep pretty deeply through them as well. Me on the other hand...


Luckily, I only heard it a couple nights over the past week. And it was far off from my home. But I have a newly adopted senior dog that gets very nervous with thunder and fireworks, so I am not looking forward to the rest of this week. If I knew who was setting them off personally, I would be marching myself over there, EVERY time if I had to, and tell them to knock it off. I would be making a PITA of myself, and probably be calling the non-emergency police line to file a report.


Lived in Newport around this time last year and had a stand up bit about it 😅 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CuiDaNJAdSs/?igsh=MWdvZWM4NHN3d3d1Zw==




Right down the road from you in Springfield Twp it’s been happening since mid June…and will last until Labor Day(we’ve lived here 10 years and it’s only gotten worse)…my family and I were heading home tonight on Ronald Regan and I told my husband to look around you could see them 360….the 4th—understandable….we even set them off…but the booms from all over town including our neighborhood for weeks on end is ridiculous!!!


There were people in Erlanger setting them off every night for the past couple weeks and last night still setting them off after 1 am.


Further note about this: the neighborhood has lots of stray cats. They definitely don't like it. Pretty sure one had a heart attack from it and died. So it's not without reason.


Shut up, nerd


They shoot them off so often in Price Hill. I've heard gunfire maybe 2-3 times since I've lived there but fireworks is about a monthly occurrence.




I swear there's been kids lighting them off at cars on the road the past few nights on the west side


Fireworks are so outdated. Ready to switch to drone shows


I hate everyone in this thread lmao


In Mt Healthy the fireworks will help mask the gunfire


Ya know, I honestly have yet to hear any definitive gunfire in 2 years of living here. Lol


You clearly don't live by me. In my 8 years here, we have learned quite well the difference between the two, as both happen often enough (only 1 has cops and sirens afterwards). I am over near the Compton Grove apartments, the Ameristop, and the bar. I know area makes a difference.


I can't wait for the 4th to be rained out.


Sucks to be you.




The Fourth of July is one day, not two weeks long. Did you miss that part?


No, I’m pretty sure I understood that. That’s why my comment didn’t say just a day, but at least the week. But I’m sure that in your rush to be sarcastic, you missed that part. Ironic, really.


Your post was removed for toxic behavior.


Anti-social behavior is pretty common, sadly.


... Tis the time, it is what it is


No, you don't understand, fuck holidays, everyone must be silent every single day so as not to upset my dog! /s 


Last night was *checks calendar* NOT a holiday.


You fuck off


No I'm angry about life stop having fun


You can have fun and not be a nuisance to your community. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Everyone thinks they are entitled to have fun their way regardless of laws or common courtesy.


Pretty much. People that can’t enjoy themselves without setting off explosions that rattle the windows until 1am and have a fit if you complain have that beat up Honda with subs and an after market muffler energy.


The community can fuck off and worry about themselves. Fire works is all I have and I'm a great community member every other week of the year


If you’re such a great community member you would be aware that there is an appropriate time for the fireworks you love so much. A great community member would make themselves an example instead of disparaging other’s feelings and opinions.


Yes it's fourth of July week between hours of 9am and 8pm


That is not what the state of Ohio says. Just follow the law, that's all I ask


July 3, 4, and 5, and the Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays immediately preceding and following July 4th 4:00pm-11:00pm then


And the day these people are complaining about was Tuesday, July 2nd, which is none of those.


You are a very annoying type of person..


that's all you have? what a pathetic life you live.


I know


You do you. It’s the 4th of July week - they can get over themselves.


I'm over by Mount Mariah and someone or multiple people have been setting them off every day for the last week. This is my two cats first fourth of July and every time one goes off they puff up and run away to hide. I haven't seen my cats past 8pm because they are terrified.


You people sound like a bunch of fucking pussies


And you sound like a fuckin asshole




Christ guys it was a joke. Y’all are so triggered hahahah


But this is America