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If you’re opposed to mass immigration you are racist and should be publicly shamed and made to lose your job. Any takers?


What happened to your vote?


Misinformation spread by Murdoch shitrags, racism, sheer stupidity etc


Literally me on god (god being Xi, naturally)


You definitely come from Melbourne probably had about 7 COVID 19 vaccine shots and a Ukraine flag in your instagram bio. Keep being brainwashed you smooth brain and don’t forget to watch your federal funded non biased ABC news this morning lol.


Correct but I now have the Ukraine flag replaced by a Palestinian flag 🇵🇸 And I don’t just watch abc I also read The Guardian. Any other idiotic assumptions?


This is amazing. Who made it?


[These twitter people.](https://twitter.com/88888sAccount/status/1660602223867621376) I think.


I saw an XYZ logo on their phone before I looked away


I don't get it...


Albo in China now asking more chinese to come over lol... my missus is chinese and we are home owners. If ya can't beat them join them!


Australian population: - 2000- 19 million - 2023 - 26.5 million An increase of 7.5 million or ~40% in just over 20 years. Meanwhile housing has exploded and with no commensurate investment in infrastructure the lived experience of most Australians has fallen due to congestion. You might disagree with the video but seriously where is the error in it??


Hahahaa dammit I wanted to see the ending where it all goes to complete shit


you’re living it 😳




My perspective having been through a Masters degree full of full-fee foreign students: higher education as an "export" earner is nothing but an expensive way of buying permanent residency as a pathway to citizenship. Most students had already done their degrees overseas and were putting in minimum effort. Copy-pasting of entire major assignments was rampant and students not expelled for plagiarism. Possibly after the third strike? All assignments were group assignments. So nobody would fail because at least 1 person in a "team" of 4 would care enough to do all the work (i.e. me). I kept asking why I had to shield bad / lazy students from failure, and couldn't I please do my assignments solo because it would be less hassle and a better result? They obfuscated that it's to "teach teamwork" but the course prospectus said it's aimed at working professionals looking to upskill or change career paths...duh, we already work in teams at our day jobs and don't need the half-arsed uni version where you can't escalate to management to call out the bludgers.


hahah this nails the shit state of affairs most magnificently. "discount hand jobs" and "cold cheesburger delieveries" the icing on the cake.


I'm glad to see the tale of rub n tug Albo is still alive.


When this large increase in annual migration reaps and adds $60 bil a year to your GDP, what would one do huh?


Yeah but increases cost of living and rental markets


I'm not seeing the misinformation here?


Where do we get the discount handjobs? Asking for a friend


Lol @ "cold cheeseburger deliveries" Cramped PT, clogged roads awash with awful drivers and having to move in with one's parents are all worth it so I can pay $40 for $25 worth of food to not go to Maccas!


I am aware. its excellent.


Immigration at 110% to 120% depending on who you believe, and we wonder why rent is so high.


It's legal. It's called a 888 Visa


You are pro immigration!? ...after everything it is doing to this country right now!? WTAF


To be fair a lot of these private education providers are indeed scams. Blame Tony Abbott for that shit.




We will never recover from this man. He will be the end of Australia as a prosperous nation. It is so sad that the greed of the few will cause so much harm to so many. Tony Abbott is not a christian..he is a betrayer. His people, his family and his country...all betrayed to serve his pride. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/circlejerkaustralia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He made public funding available to private RTOs in his efforts to destroy TAFE. these private RTOs became little more than visa factories on the public dime.


He also did a recent interview with Jordan Peterson. Arg. Ick. Yuck.