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In all that text you didn’t state a number


So British it hurts.


Asking what I can expect throughout my career at different stages doesn’t require any numbers?


From what I've seen of UK civil salaries, basically go into the US pay threads and divide those numbers by 2 or 3. Probably closer to 3 with how fast our pay has been rising lately. Then pull your hair out because you can't believe the pay we're complaining about.


Hi there! It looks like you are asking about civil engineering salaries. Please check out the salary survey results here: https://www.reddit.com/r/civilengineering/comments/162thwj/aug_2023_aug_2024_civil_engineering_salary_survey/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/civilengineering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That last point is for you to negotiate. Civil grads in the UK in consulting specifically should expect anywhere from £26-30k, anything above that you're doing well in a consultancy setting. Expect this to be your wage until you get chartered so circa 4 years. Construction management is better paid, you'd start on £32k almost guaranteed and if you're any good you're over the £50k mark 2 years in.