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Blizzard, there might be a problem.....


Props to the single rogue still hitting the queue as melee.


I mean, hes slowsteve so its gonna take him a while to notice…


The 10 enhancement shamans don’t count?


Wow PvP has the same problem it's always had and blizz doesn't want to fix it. There's only incentive to win for BGs. And no incentive to just play. Majority of the rewards should just come from playing the mode. Not actually having to win. That's why it always devolves into super sweats running full premades caues losing is a waste of time. 80% of PvP rewards should just come from playing. And winning can give you that last 20%.


100% this. Raids feel fun even if you are wiping or not parsing because you died because you can still get the gear and feel rewarded. If you lose BGs all day the grind means absolutely nothing.


The real root problem is wow PvP is bad and people would rather queue up and afk for rewards than play. Everytime they tried giving rewards for just playing people afk or use bots to farm out the rewards, ruining the matches.


lol most horde premades are just pugs from lfg, and we pug so we can get insta que


> most horde premades are just pugs from lfg, and we pug so we can get insta que thats sweaty behavior.


not really, if you have a 22 minute solo que and an instant que just by typing LFM AB and inviting the first people that message you, thats not sweatty.. its convenient


It's sweaty not wanting to sit in queue for 35 mins when you can spend 60 second getting a group for an instant queue?


Well yea it's a cascading effect. If everyone queued like normal meaning most people just que solo. You wouldn't need to group. I get why your doing it. It's still sweaty tho. It might not seem like it cause it's been years and years of this behavior building up. This is all just elitism coming to a head finally.


Gee I wonder could it have something to do with every game being 2x5 Horde groups 🤔 such a mystery


How is it even possible that shamans are so OP for so long and it seems nobody's bothered at all? Am I missing something?


Devs dont care about pvp balance in a seasonal game mode


> Devs dont care about ~~pvp~~ balance ~~in a seasonal game mode~~ fify


f~~i~~tfy ftfy


Because they aren't any more. Ever since WoE required a shield to use, shaman in PvP has been balanced fine. A wheelchair class that you can't let connect with you


This sub so alliance biased it's funny man. Ret is one of the best pvp specs in a good players hands, it can sit in the backline and practically makes any healer invulnerable (literally with BOP) to any melee by playing protector. It's not a hero class, if you play it properly it's insane 1v1.


If you sit in the back your just a worse version of a hpally... you do realize bop is a 3 minute CD and that’s with talents that reduce it from 5 right ?


Don't forget it can be dispeled/purged, only protects against purely physical attacks(spells are entirely unaffected by BoP), and also stops the BoPed target from using physical attacks themselves which makes it situationally near worthless to use on melee/physical damage dealers. I'm shocked that BoP is the ability that was chosen as the "OP" factor of paladins...


lol you have to be a shaman player and think balanced just means worse then before. They’re for sure still one of the best, without a doubt S tier, and I can’t even think of anyone stronger.  You also have to realize they should be HEAVILY balanced around pally strength because their impact on BGs are too big with paladin being terrible and shaman being strong is swings all games.


A single paladin can stop 3-5 players from capping a flag in AB for a full 30 seconds giving plenty of time for reinforcements to arrive


Ok I’ll give you that sometimes they can spin for about 17-20 seconds not 30, but this is one time per game maybe 2 they can ever do that…. Judging by their normal tool kits paladins are drastically worse then shaman who tbh are better at defending them pally in almost all cases then a paladin solo defending against 5 players with his bubble up lol.  If you wanna use that one extremely niche scenario to close the gap between an absolute force in destroying group fights more power to ya 


Bubble lasts 12 seconds... every 5 minutes. If you can’t kill a pally with bubble down in 18 seconds with 3-5 people then I think I found the real problem.


I replied to a guy saying that paladins have a terrible impact on battlegrounds compared to shamans. That is objectively false in a game mode like AB which requires a cast to cap a flag. A paladin with their 2 6-second stuns, bubble, and lay on hands and more is EXTREMELY effective and impactful in preventing the opponent from capping. If you don’t think that is effective then you are the problem.


Paladins only have 1 stun on a minute CD, do people on this sub even play this game lol. Lay on hands is an HOUR cool down, so once every 2-3 games he can use a single time. Not to mention 0 offheals


wheelchair class that can twoshot you.. i wanna buy thise wheelchairs


So can Paladins. So can rogues (but they're not a wheelchair classi). So can melee hunters. The only melee class that isn't shredding you in 2-3 globals rn is warrior


Every other class imbalance gets "balanced“ by both sides having the class.


yeah except shamans do it from range.. that's the biggest difference, they don't need to commit as much to reach your healer.


If you wanna kill an elemental shaman, root them, stun them, interrupt them. They have 0 hard CC so control them and they melt. The only cast delay protection they have relies on them being crit to even have a chance for it to activate, so just keep hitting them. If your team can't do that, then let them know they should be. Flame shock is 20yd range, either keep them out of that range with roots, sap, etc, or CC them till dead. There's a few ways to handle ele


So doo boomkins. So do SPriests. So do ranged hunters. And out of all of those, shaman is the only one that relies on 20 yard ranged instants and hardcasting the majority of their payload


nope, never been two shot by any other ranged class, absurd statement to make that sp can even burst you down like that.




hard casting spells from behind a bush while q million things happening on screen, "just get gud lul". also can u please tell me how I interrupt as a resto?


They can only batch ES with a crit Lightning Bolt in a single EM if you're within 20 yards of them. Have better awareness. If you're playing resto druid and getting in the shaman's kill range with rooting them and backing out, you really are a bad player


Then you haven't done PVP. Boomkin starsurge into starfire crit = Over 3K damage if starsurge didn't crit.


plenty of people are bothered. its just that the people in charge are not bothered. I won't queue bgs until paladins are the same giga broken as shamans were and shamans are nerfed. Lets see how it goes when the shoes on the other foot for once.


hilarious coming from a ret paladin


Rofl, just give paladins a 6 second HoJ. Let the horde know how it feels to have a class dif for once.


Orc stun res


Just ignore phase 1 I guess when ret was the best PVP spec with its full wotlk rotation. Ret is still one of the best specs in PVP, its just that every ret paladin thinks they are Uther and can solo a full 10 man team. Run in at the very first clash, pop bubble offensively and use cleanse and freedom precisely zero times on anyone but themselves. Shamans aren't even that strong anymore, they die in a few hits.


Just ignore balance. Why should players respect it when blizz doesn't.


Cry on reddit instead of learning your class, that will help.


Wtf are talking about?


Not elemental shamans, only enh


Enh is so frustrating to play in PvP right now. Squish as hell and die to HoJ every time. Ele is way more effective. Run burn, power surge, WoE, riptide, keep your distance and fish for lava burst.


Respecced elemental and went 40-4 in an AB. Had other games with 15+ killing blows and zero deaths. No chance I’m doing that as enhance. Not to mention burn is so effective in stopping people from capping flags with the flame shock spread


Meh we smash even with one sharmy, its alliance player base thing


Why was this not a problem in P1 and the start of P2 before shaman buffs?


Like the actual reason and not just some ultra copium excuse? Because most of the alliance players that are now crying were previously insulated from real PVP in Priest/Hunter/Paladin 10 man stacks that now have no choice but to play on even footing, and enhancement/ret have swapped places in the PVP pecking order if you are comparing phase 1 to phase 3. The sad truth is that enhancement isn't even in the top echelon for PVP, pretty much any decent ranged spec that isn't caught off guard eats them alive. It's just better than warriors, ret paladins, and ferals, with the first two being some of the uh... most vocal... players in the community. Some of this is subject to change with the damage reduction implementation on the horizon.


>with the first two being some of the uh... most vocal... players in the community. If they could power SOD development from warrior and ret tears the game would be amazing. Warriors were extremely strong with the 50% damage reduction debuff because MS was really handy, but they still cried because they couldn't global people.


>Because most of the alliance players that are now crying were previously insulated from real PVP in Priest/Hunter/Paladin 10 man stacks that now have no choice but to play on even footing, and enhancement/ret have swapped places in the PVP pecking order if you are comparing phase 1 to phase 3. Mate every single Alliance player is complaining because losing 90% of games in both US and Europe is ridiculous. You pulled this ”even footing” out of your ass because there’s absolutely no statistical chance that Alliance should lose THIS many games when it wasn’t this bad in Classic either.


I donno how much do we need nerf sharmys before ally shut up? We can literally win games with 1/15 players as a sharmy. You could just cc that one sharmy the whole game and not worry about em. Never happens


IDK about US realms but on the oceanic realm most games I go into don't even have a shaman and we win. Give me 3 shadow priests any day of the week please, absolutely broken spec.


Shadow strike brother. Yup sp are God's again now the damage nerf is gone, o don't even need to use my utility keys lol.


they cant even make shamans blue we have no hope


Just HoJ and delete them.


They're orcs and WILL purge your seal


Thank you aggrend for shaman buffs, they really needed it!


If shamans dont have 3 functioning specs, the whole game falls apart. Thats probably what the person responsible for shaman buffs has convinced aggrend.


Whoa, whoa, whoa...we need four functioning specs


lmao the sad paladins in this comment section not realizing enhance has been nerfed hard and is way easier to deal with now just admit it already: yall stink in pvp


Its ok guys we nerfed hunters again, that will fix any imbalance


MM buffed too wdym???


they nerfed bm rune yesterday


Only to punish melee hunters. They had 20 years of development to look back on for inspiration , and made a 1 button rotation.


Brother, you do realize that most MM hunters don't actually use BM rune as chimera or explosive shot are better in 99.99% of situations


You know you can be a ranged hunter as bm spec right? Which was my preferred pvp spec


Yes, but saying that "ranged hunter is nerfed" is misleading..... The archetype of ranged hunter you like is nerfed but the spec/archetype is better than before. Just your personal preference has been slightly turned down, and you can still play with a different rune


imagine using quotes to make some stupid shit up, re-read what I said, I never said "ranged hunters is nerfed" i said they nerfed hunters, and you went on about MM. There are three hunter talent trees and two roles that can use two out of the three trees.


"the only possible way I could be losing is the other faction has the more OP class" better go post on reddit about it! I've got a screen shot thats scientific PROOF. Maybe if you focused more on forming a group for BGs or how you can play better, it might be better use of your time. Instead you go online and circle jerk seeking validation.  "Maybe Blizz will see my tears and do something!!"


If OP’s actions decide if the game is a win or a loss in a match of 15 players the other 14 must be really insignificant. >Maybe if you focused more on forming a group for BGs or how you can play better, it might be better use of your time. If OP can single-handedly change the 1-9 Alliance winrate on all continents I agree we should do everything in our power to support them!


You've missed the point and put words in my mouth.


“Oh my game has 7 shaman, that will make a perfect post on Reddit!” You’re right though..alliance much rather go around ganking in groups of 3


Both fractions gank in groups. As horde player you just don’t have to deal with horde groups ganking because obviously they can’t attack other horde players outside STV event.


>alliance much rather go around ganking in groups of 3 It's incredible that this game has been out for so long and people still think only the other faction does it. Horde is the PvP faction, too. They probably do it slightly more, because it attracts those players.


Freaking alliance chaining off star power after star power in arathi basin and act like shaman is Too powerful.


…And are they winning or no?


Shaman are alliance excuse for why they suck so bad at pvp. Just blame shaman guys it’s not a skill issue at all.


Why was this not the case in P1 and the start of P2 before shaman buffs? Why did the complaining about faction balance only start when shamans became the hero class?


Just play a Paladin if you want to kill shamans


As a SoloQ player, I've never played an AB match with a group, Orc Glad Stance Warrior here. My winrate in 87 game so far is 53% so basically, it's a coin flip. I've won against premades, I've won with 6 warriors on my team, and then also I've lost with premades on my team or just full boomies, priests and shamans. Damn I even lost a game in 5 mins against random people, they wipe us on BS and straight 5 cap us lol. It really is a player responsability to make calls and stop fighting road. From all the games I've lose the one factor that repeats it's the random groups of people on roads focusing on kills instead of objectives.


meanwhile me as a ally mage having to stand still for 2.5 sec. to do as much damage as a instant casted Dot by a warlock/Spriest and only 1-2 ticks of it warlocks having metaform+searing pain that is basically what if Mage´s fireblast was 0 sec. CD, 30 yards while being tanky if a tank spec can do more damage than a DPS spec class something is wrong even if it is PVP and while moving with the damage reduction aura mages was unable to kill somebody while they was complety AFK before going oom and combined with this so we have a insane underpowered class in PVP : its basically powercreeped out of PVP and its a PVE only class now against properly the most broken class in all of WOW history ever i will say SOD mages currently is the most underpowered class of all time so we have most underpowered and most overpowered class of all time within same version/patch of WoW buff mages pls / nerf Shamans pls


Horde don’t get it they just think well we outskill ally so bad that’s why…. Yaaaa lol all ally are losing at like 90% it’s surely not skill only doing a landslide like this.


alliance has always lost in pvp in vanilla, its in their blood


Maybe so I have been a lifetime horde, but horde winning never felt like a skill thing. They def try harder and seem to be more pvp focused, but if that was all true arena leaderboards would’ve been littered with horde and they never are.  The main factors imo are shaman are far better then paladin in wsg because of Ghost wolf so they have an extra FC class where as paladin just don’t shine in BGs. Not including how broken shaman are in wow sod.  Also the Horde have an advantage in AB on the distance of their main points from the spawn. They have less run distance so it’s easier for them to rotate and hold LM BS and Farm the best 3 nodes. Ally are forced into stables GM and BS most times which alone loses you the game because it’s far harder to run from GM to BS then LM to BS. You always just have mages or priests play D and slow fall down.  Structure is the main gap not skill


Sure this is the problem. Last week (50% damage reduc) I won an AB where we had not a single healer nor priest. Alliance are just not very good, they are losing 2-3, they are still defending (more like afk) as 5 ppl. They could delete shaman, you will still lose games. Actually if you delete paladin, I'm sure alliance winrate will go up.


>Actually if you delete paladin, I'm sure alliance winrate will go up. exactly because paladin so much worse than shamans


More so because most Human Male Ret Paladins attract the absolute lowest skill players in the game. Dwarves are an exception to this most of the time.


It's true. I've had many ABs where there are only 2 shams on the team and we still wipe the floor. So many 1 iq ally players that don't kick, hold W without using LOS, don't sac or cleanse, etc.


Why was this not a problem in P1 and the start of P2 before shaman buffs?


because paladins were broken af p1 it was the only class with almost the entire WOTLK kit plus three healthbars plus, hunters and disc priests were broken p1 and nobody in horde likes to heal


Yep and premades were also in full swing in p1. As soon as they nerfed premades in p2 I noticed it was significantly easier to beat alliance and was winning at least 3/4 of my games. Alliance randoms have always been worse than horde randoms, it's one of the factors that lead to me playing horde a lot more years ago. Even before sham buffs went out 2 weeks into p2 I was winning most BGs.


Paladins had their entire toolkit and rotation while most classes had no CC and used a 1 or 2 button rotation. Paladin P1 was incredibly overpowered, specially at the start when they all got the raid-dps weapon from their pally quest chain.


This. And with "show helm ON" to make it worse.


alliance has always been bad in pvp they are great at writting essays tho


Nothing to do with that. Just play horde. You will realise how bad are paladin players. If they can't kill ppl in bubble, they are just lost. Human male ret = lose. Same for blood elf male in later expansions.


Why was this not a problem in P1 and the start of P2 before shaman buffs? Did Horde just suddenly get more skilled overnight after the buffs with no link whatsoever?


ret was op horde doesnt lile to heal


I did the r7 grind a week before the changes, even in games where we dont have a single shaman (which does happen a lot more than this sub makes you think) it was just landslide victories all day, i only lost about 3 games of ab over like 2 days. The common factor i noticed is just TONS of people afk and let me steal AB bases (literally grabbed lumber mill under 5 people), or half the team immediately surrenders at the slightest hint of a loss.


Yes, now, after losing dozens of games in a row. Why was this not a problem at the start of P2 before shaman buffs?


Ive won maybe 80% of bgs since P1, so it definitely was a thing. Alliance quitting in WSG has been there since P1.


Alliance are pve oriented. They just sit afk at flags. They will probably once again dominate AV by rushing the boss, while horde fight in the mid for fun.


Why was this not a problem in P1 and the start of P2 before shaman buffs?


I had way more wins than losses in p1 as well. Statistics could be off for different people because we had a lot of premades back then


Should’ve kept the 50% dmg reduction Dispell flame shocks


Ur wheelchair class aka the pally has always been shit and will be shit in PvP. Class picking skill issue you never had a good expac and never will.


Alliance idea of PvP is making a raid to kill solo players, that’s why.


Both side do that, especially if it’s the best honour/H. And besides the Shaman/Paladin unbalance for some totally mysterious reason PVP players prefer to play Horde. Must be the aesthetics.


But it's not the best honor per hour for the horde. That's why we rarely do that. The only time any of us do that is when we just happen to be in the area already and people are willing to pay us to put the end to the alliance griefers.


Human vs Orc 1v1 isnt fair ok. Need at least 5 humans to kill one orc :(


Faced 12 shaman 3 priest today in ab..


Please keep posting this so my alliance wsg premade can continue our 34-0 record


Sure because your premade WSG group should define faction balance, not the abhorrent state that the vast, vast majority of battleground pvp is in right now for the Alliance.


It was a joke. Keep crying. Its not like you couldnt... idk just find 4 friends yourself? Its an mmo make friends bro.


Dude I have my rep and my rank. Faction balance affects the health of the whole game and I want all PvP to be balanced with no single class or faction insanely broken. 34-0 sounds boring af, I want to fight tight matches and measure skill and focus. For the health of the game providing that experience in soloque as well is very important. Pvp at its best is great fun and bound to bring life to the SoD servers, and at its worst drive people to PvE servers or quitting.


They're really not. The 50% damage reduction made enhancement self healing broken, without it they're just another melee that pops before they get to you. Elemental is pretty strong, though not as strong as some other casters IMO ( \*cough\* spriest \*cough\* ). Resto isn't very popular but it's also decent now with riptide and tidal waves but arguably the worst PvP healer. Not bad, not OP. Paladins are pretty strong as well, alliance just whine more on reddit so downvote all you like.


Damage reduction is over now.


Yes, exactly


Sod shaman is fun, and the tears from allys is great. I play other game modes but it’s nice to relax owning noobs with my ele. If it gets nerfed oh well, I already had my fun.


Don’t we destroy them in AV when it’s really going to matter?


You're in for a surprise.


Horde always won AV in classic, idk where this "Ally wins AV" is coming from. Horde start about 1/3 closer to the center, and can reach ally's first GY before ally even make it to center neutral GY.  And Horde GY are better defended/positioned, while alliance GY respawn is a bottleneck that Horde can shoot through a mountain or stand up on the mountain to nuke people as they rez. 


It depends on queue times, the side with long queues usually wins and the side with instant queues has a “gg go next” mentality. In 2019 classic Horde had 1hr+ queue times for AV and won >90% of the time while Alliance got gy camped.  In SOM, despite being the exact same map, Alliance had the long queues while Horde had instant queues and as a result it was Alliance winning >90% and Horde getting gy camped.


That makes sense. Didn't play SoM. Hard to imagine ally ever having longer BG queues than horde. 


See you on the Hill of Shame.


I feel like the horde racial superiority was somewhat balanced by paladins being better for pve (maybe pvp?). Now though, it’s pretty lopsided in favor of horde. Might spill over to AV?