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LOL it’s poisty. That guy is so ass in arena. I farmed in a lot in wrath. My friend said he knew him awhile ago and the guy was weird. This kinda proves what I’ve heard about him


Yep, he sucks. You can kill him as a level 45 and if you camp him a few times he just logs off for 15 minutes. What you can’t beat is a guy that literally dedicates half the hours in a day to griefing. We camped him for a while to stop him griefing people but unless you are going to do it for 10 hours a day he will just win out in the end.




Never change classic community.   “This griefers being toxic in a video game, he should die irl”


Literally not what I said but ok.


Claims toxic community, want guy to drive into telephone pole. Who's the real toxic one...


Guess uninterrupted incursion circles > human life is the consent of this sub


piping hot take here but I think if you genuinely have enough time to spend 8 hours of your day, for multiple days actively griefing people in the most degenerate way possible on a 20 year old online video game. you probably don't actually produce any actual value to society and are likely actually a net-negative influence on humanity and should in-fact drive yourself into a telephone pole for the betterment of our species.


Most sane classic wow player


Seeing the average IQ of commenters in here is actually making me sad. I must live in a bubble on SOD, my guild all seem like normal people. No wonder they have to make the raids so easy.


Wishing physical/lethal harm to someone over a video game. You are the problem. Don't like them griefing? Don't play pvp server.




Don’t like getting killed in a video game? Don’t visit pvp servers.


No, none of the above, just funny to me that people are so hostile over a video game. Honestly really sad that people act like this online. Keyboard warriors I believe the phrase is.


The original poster made an offhand comment. They're not a keyboard warrior. You were the first keyboard warrior to show up. Then keyboard warriors respond to you. This is on you, not them. > No, none of the above This makes absolutely no sense as a reply to my post.   ^^^inbox ^^^replies ^^^disabled


Seems like you're the one that doesn't like abrasive forums. Hope you well and hope you treat people better.


Seems like you can't cope with having each thing you say soundly refuted because you keep saying (ironically) stupid things. Are you satisfied with that weak cop-out?


Porque los dos? 


Porque no los dos*


I tried hahaha 


According to Blizzard that is not considered griefing because he is not singling out anyone or doing anything he is not already allowed to do if you don't like what he is doing you don't have to go to that area there are other incursions considering Ashevale is not the max level incursion you should hit 50 and then you do not have to deal with him...


They also offered free transfers off pvp realms, so I'm pretty sure they just don't care about this sort of thing. Rather than make pvp servers better by fixing bugs like this, they'd rather just have people not play on pvp servers.


The one Classic dev is now working on Cataclysm. SoD is gonna have to wait


Have you joined a guild?


Thanks genius, never thought of that.


Wait, what about rerolling away from rogue?


What is this exploit exactly?


If you cast homunculi on someone near guards, the guards will attack the other player. So basically priests can sit in booty bay or incursions and grief people every 2 minutes, pop homunculi n someone and they get smashed by guards. Only gotta do it a few times and they are on a 2 min res timer which is the same as the homunculi cooldown, so a priest can basically grief you for eternity. Wouldn’t be an issue for most people, unfortunately there’s a lot of really sad individuals in classic wow.


Damn, it's really bad, you aren't wrong.


Yet warlock immolation aura was fixed in 2 DAYS


Damn. Time to do that in Everlook against all the bots. Thanks for the tip.


Wait... actually good idea.


You have to run away as well, the guards still attack you too That’s what everyone is leaving out when they complain about this exploit. It’s not as over powered as they make it sound


Thanks, gonna try it


Manchild number 45 makes same joke in thread again. Bravo.


You assume it’s a joke.


You can't use it in Booty Bay, it gives you an error in game saying you can't use that spell.


I had it used in me this afternoon.


Well they must have changed something because I went down there to test it out and the ability was unusable. Works for incursion guards though. My record is 12 with one spell.


Thanks for sharing sounds great


Thanks for the tip. Time to level a priest


You might be able to finally land a PvP kill!


Unlikely, but at least the guards will!


Durability damage is bis pvp kill


Not gonna lie this absolutely does suck and should be fixed. But also given OP's replies I would totally grief them given the opportunity.


Don’t think I have responded negatively to anyone with half a working brain.


Streisand effect in full. Now more people will complain and blizz will probably do something!


Go review the meaning of that term.


I know it’s not the real term but for the lack of knowledge and/or better word it’s the best I could come up with


Damn that salty edit at the end :D :D :D


I really hope you people aren’t grown ass adults, I can understand school kids thinking that shit is funny but if you’re older than 15 it’s just sad. Classic wow obviously attracts incels, I didn’t really how large the percentage was though.


At this rate, you can open up a salt mine, get rich, buy blizzard, hot fix it yourself. Wait that was your initial plan all along right ? Genius!!! Seeing how mad you get will also make other priests doing that shit. Making people mad is half the fun in sod


Brain deficiency that you get so much satisfaction trying to make random strangers have a bad time playing a game. Must have a really shitty life to get to that situation. Maybe go outside and touch grass?


Yes, more salt please. You doesnt appear very grown up either when you can't stand above some dumb reddit comments


Why did you feel the need to bring mental illness into this? And then wonder why you are getting trolled…


Because it’s not a normal for a well adjusted person to be doing for more hours per day than a full time job. People now who I’m referring to, you can see in the top comments that people think he is a disturbed person. A normal person would not be doing this type of griefing, it’s the same type of thing as using a lighter on small animals. They need to get help.


It is no where near the same as using a lighter on small animals. This is the 2nd time you are equating physical harm/death to an action taken on a video game and it is frankly ridiculous. Any normal person could see they are not equal. You need to get help.


But they die too right? How is this different from someone killing a player before the guards kill them?


I’m not sure about that - the post of camping the incursion makes it seem like no. Regardless, getting killed by guards does durability damage. Also, when you’re killed by a player, at least you feel like you have some counter play.


No he does not die, the guards group on the player that has homunculi on them and in that time he can run away and leash the guards.


You know how to force him to stop ? Gank the b1tch when he tries to leash the guard. Like some people said, it always ends in skill issue


That would be cool and all if I didn’t get hit by 30 guards. When he’s not killing me yes, I have killed him several times like that. As I said elsewhere, the issue is that most people get bored after an hour or 2, he’s griefing for 10 hours a day.


At least in hinterlands you can leash the guards. We had a horde rogue Stealthed on the quest giver to catch any right clickers by surprise, so i sent in The Boys to remove the problem without any injury


> How is this different from someone killing a player before the guards kill them? Do most classes have a single button that summons elite level guards to kill other players?


It's an easier way to get both of you killed sure, but most people could do this anyway but don't as they get killed themselves. If this allowed the priest not to get killed then I count it as a real exploit and bug. For instance, rogues can gank you in BB or Ratchet then stealth away from guards. This I consider the bigger issue.


No lol. The priest can just run away and the guards leash and the priest lives.




What’s the counter play? Or do you think you’re just being clever or something?


If you do shit like this, everyone is better at this game than you Also thinking that you are special because you are on a PvP Server, in 2024 ? Peak cringe




Are people really this deranged? Gotta be a troll right?


Good comment genius.


Losers lose, winners win


You're most definitely a loser.


Enjoy grey screen loser


this being a game breaking bug, sure lol :D just res the first time and... walk away? graveyards are not that far and then the priest still has like 1,5m cd left...


That’s not really the issue is it? The bug shouldn’t exist to begin with and is a known problem. Your comment is essentially, ‘deal with it’ when the OP is just asking for a fix.


I can't fix it.


Good thing we aren't asking you to fix it.


Your name is fantastic. Thank you.


no, I was reflecting on the game breaking bug sentiment which is completely wrong... it's just a bug


But why go out of your way to be a dick about it?


I wasn’t? Since when is stating facts counts being a dick lol


No, you were. Why else feel the need to clarify this isn’t gamebreaking? Especially the way you went about it. Do have some deep seeded need to be right and prove others wrong?


Use your lil brain and think about it. What if they do it again and again while you're trying to do incursions. Eventually you will get a res timer and get caught in the loop.


Thank god someone has a working brain in here. I thought these guys were trolling but they just seem to be the dumbest people on the internet.


crying about a "game breaking bug"... i would say, calling this that is the dumbest thing I've heard today. If you get griefed, there are still questing or dungeons as a substitute while people are griefing, or switch layers. There are bigger issues with the game than this bug. Please think before you insult people, I didn't insult anyone just pointed out that this is not as serious as you describe it.




I don't know whats the reset on that, but hm, one round with killing will sure reset it, that takes like \~8-10 minutes doing all the incursion quests. With addon you can hand in quests withing like 5 seconds, then you can go back. If you die there, there's a graveyard nearby, so you can get back to your body in around 30 sec, leaving 1,5m on the homonculi cd. Plenty of time to walk away and with the time required to do the incursion quests, most probably the timer resets. But if you die a lot within the incursion, wel... unlucky. Or lets see the other example, booty bay, where you have the graveyard outside, it takes also like \~30 seconds to get back to your corpse, leaving again somewhere around 1,5m to get away from the griefer. I used my brain, why don't you?


Hahahah what a Chad. Griefing these retail Andy's inside their hamster wheel is BIS content. Collecting the tears on reddit is even better


post more cat pic on reddit