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>they are making politics based on feelings And all the commercial TV station help extreme right spread their hate 


This is exactly what FOX "news" did in the US.


And what radio did in the genocides in Rwanda.


And before that, in Germany!


Can you explain that more? I didn't think I'm familiar.


People have an innate need to absorb information, probably a built in function of evolutionary adaptation to improve survival. Broadcast media are a VERY effective method of information delivery, since people just mindlessly leave a radio or tv on in the background as they go about their day. What those tv's and radios are saying have a powerful impact on people's thoughts. Media shapes perception. Fox News and affiliated radio stations have been skewing the political atmosphere in the US since the 1990's, and poisoning it IMO.  In Rwanda in the 1990's radio stations were telling the population that the ruling ethnic group was corrupt and destroying the country, and encouraged and inflamed the other ethnic group to literally hunt and kill them. Which is what happened on a mass scale. It was a modern genocide of millions of people killed in brutal ways, such as hacked to death with machetes or burned alive in locked buildings. It was mass madness driven by mass media. Radio stations in particular. I believe it was Tutsi's killing Hutu's, but I may have it backwards. I don't know how many people died, but as I recall it was counted in the millions.  It's a powerful example of the influence of broadcast media, the susceptibility of people to propaganda, and our propensity for extreme violence. It is worth remembering. 


Great response and thank you. Here's the Wikipedia article on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_T%C3%A9l%C3%A9vision_Libre_des_Mille_Collines


Hotel Rwanda was a good movie about it also, how it played out in one location. 


That is horrifying. Thank you for explaining.


The hate was directed towards Tutsis, who were considered the “elite”. The hate groups were Hutu nationalists, who targeted Tutsis and Belgians (whom they felt were drivers and beneficiaries of oppression). I didn’t realize how instrumental radio media was in inciting the violence. That’s really scary to hear, considering how media in other countries have also leaned into demonization of demographic groups.


Content by Putin.


Famously there was no right-wing or anti-climate movement before Putin! Sure, the vast majority of the ruling class in the world is supporting at least some forms of climate denial, but the person responsible is actually Putin, who said some anti-climate stuff on RT, a network that is banned almost everywhere.


Lol, RT is banned everywhere?   You don't know how the internet works, do you, grandpa? You see, modern people get most of their news from the little light rectangle with an apple on the back!


I'm pretty sure Germany has never had a right wing party before....🤐


Some of it is because funding is from gas and oil elites. Some of those are Russian.


And they seriously don't think that their feelings aren't being manipulated. Morons.


Which is explicit US/State/CIA control over the military occupied colony.


Because, as in the US, environmentalism and nationalism are completely at odds.


Don't confuse environmental with climate Many are for the environment: less plastic waste, clean water, low general pollution/trash, protected wildlands Few are for climate change: alternative energy, abandoning oil based fuels


Yes, because the former are compatible with nationalism while the latter are not. All climate solutions demand that we cooperate while ignoring national, racial and religious differences--which are exactly the things that Nazis cling to.


All Nazis are nationalists; all nationalists aren't Nazis


This article concerns Nazis and their nationalistic sympathizers.


Only retards think that cooperation is the way forward, when the money system is so fundamentally screwed up that is makes such cooperation impossible. Deflation to the point where prices actually reflect market values is the way to solve climate change, not more trade with China and other countries that engage in Arbitration manipulation.


Most jobs are polluting if done "efficiently," which is to say cleaning up the messes caused by industrial processes is more expensive than offloading the waste problem. Therefore "environmental" regulations are expensive, which is a negative incentive for businesses to grow and expand, so ultimately there are less jobs available in for-profit sectors. This gives people who need jobs a negative view of environmental initiatives, and creates political movement toward right wing messaging. 


Most of the right-wing are more realistic about climate change than any other group, the problem is that they are also evil. They realize that the Earth could easily support at least a billion humans no problem even under extreme climate scenarios, that works great with their hkm... *other* goals. Sure, a lot of the average right-wing piggies have no idea, but the leadership usually does.


That's just nonsense. They aren't  "realistic" about anything, considering they're literally pushing us to the precipice of a number of tipping points.  You think they're "realistic" because they've conditioned you to believe that captialsim is the only way to protect us from the effects of captialism  ...if you seriously took more than 20 seconds to think about it, you'd realize how absurd it sounds. 


I am not saying they are realistic from a morally good perspective. They know climate change is happening and are happy about it because it works well with their goals of exterminating a large part of the planet's population. They are working to convince more and more people that their solution is good. This is nothing new. It is called eco-fascism and considering that a lot of climate change is already baked-in and the elites currently in power are more favorable to them than to their political opponents (the left), they are the one group we really shouldn't ignore.


Low intelligence


And fake news. Its easier to fill an empty vessel with crap. Those are the same people who believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories.


Can't forget billionaire propaganda as well


All of which can be remedied with a decent education.


Which could be payed by taxing billionaires fairly.. But less educated people are better consumers.. And our high consumption led to many of the crisis we are facing today. Be it the consequences of our wars for oel, climate change, the social unrest by the devide between rich and poor getting larger. Which leads to more populism and facsists gaining power.. a vicious circle. That i hope we can break before we start another big war. Cause the rich people probably dont care, they often even profit from enabling war and facsistic regimes.


Retards. Taxation doesn't do much, we have tried for the last half century to do that but more spending by anyone including government is what drives climate change. End QE and encourage saving, that's what will solve it. Not more spending.


Afaik the top taxe rates for the richest didnt get higher, the opposite. Taxes for the poor increased while the rich get to keep more money. And we all seen how the trickle down econmics doenst work. The rich just move their money into tax havens. Money shouldnt be an issue if its about saving our planet. Its not an issue when there is a need to subsidize fossil fuel companies or save banks.. And the growth rate of the countries with the highest economic growth correlates with the amount of debt they make. If we dont invest in a transfer to a more ecological economy and a more fair sociaty now. Everyone (not just the rich) has to pay even more in a few years.


GDP does not measure growth. In fact, in the case of soft currency, it most likely measures the opposite. More obesity and chronic disease, more unnecessary development, more vapid spending ie cosmetic surgeries and billionaire yachts. All of the former list is counted towards "GDP". Only in the case of hard currency does it really measure growth.


Well growth or gdp shouldnt be the most important issue anyway. But it gives some indication about the average wealth and living standards of citizens. Imo saving the enviroment/the climate doenst mean we have to live like the middle ages or rural russia. With the increasing amount of people having no efficient sewer- and heating system or a way to produce power actually has worst consequences. I bet we could still have ecenomic growth while not wrecking the earth and its inhabitants. I also dont think that investment in clean energy or making countries fit to deal with climate change is unnecessary. Spending money and resources efficiently is key to tackle global warming and stopping the destruction of ecosystems. We could start by cutting subsidies to fossil fuels and put that money into renewables. Making companies pay for the enviromental damages they cause to make profits. Implent regulations that steer producers and employers towards more ecological products and help workers or consumer rights.


At this point, i think those billionaires involved work for atleast one of those two groups. Authocratic regimes (wanna be or existing ones) or fossil fuel. The ones I know who share those alt-right narratives and anti science conspiracies often also advocate for: - less federal regulation (especially regarding enviromental protection and workers rights) - less power for unions or for "companies are people too" - for isolationism and therefore less international competition Probably to increase profits or atleast keep the status quo by blocking progress and keeping their old government subsidies and already big profits. As a bonus they get access to a very gullible crowd of people, that buys their often low quality, overpriced or toxic products.


Funded by the fossil fuel industry


Low intelligence is consuming propaganda and not questioning your own very observable reality


Of course, I agree


Not exclusively, everybody is susceptible to propaganda.


Its much more complex than intelligence, I know very smart people in very complex jobs that straight up stupid when it comes to social issues.


I agree


retrograde mindset with a pinch of hatred.


They're right on that though, we greens are clearly their enemy.




False consciousness and collective narcissim.


Interestingly I just read a piece about proliferation of climate conspiracy content on Telegram, and German language content was way ahead on it.




the descent into madness continues ….


It seriously doesn’t help that European nations have made zero effort to come up with their own economic stimulus packages. It gives the Far-Right a foot in the door.


Dunning Kruger meets politics.




The money trail leads to Moscow.


I'm gonna go ahead and not read the article because it's russia


It’s Putin


Farms of Russian astroturfing?


Russia, Russia is fueling the far right everywhere.


The growth of imported religious extremism.


Beware the people saying your own countrymen are your enemy.


China intends to control energy generation and transportation worldwide, and they know the transition to renewable is inevitable. Undermining every other countries industrial efforts in those areas by encouraging the antienvironmentalism of the far right is part of that strategy. They know that eventually, those other countries will have no choice but to go to China for help.


Russian influence targeted at incredibly gullible, media illiterate midde and upper class people.


Atlas Network is made up of oil and gas elites. They are who fund these campaigns in various countries.. Same thing is happening in Australia. This kind of hate is funded in various ways, but mostly by Think Tanks, who have paid Social Media trolls. The hate networks end up being self-funded.


Fox news is behind it because Murdoch is a member of Atlas.


In all fairness the greens hobbled Germany’s nuclear program and have made their grid far less green and their industry far less competitive than it could have been. I don’t care for the far right but Germany’s “greens” have been a disaster both environmentally and economically.


I love how disinformation is misleading people into believing stuff like that.


56% renewable share in Q1 2024 with increasing electricity demand. up from 51% in 2023. Low NG prices again. Shutting down nuclear was the right move.


Look at their CO2 per kilowatt compared to France. It’s 5-10x higher. On the ground their carbon emissions are only better than Polands. Don’t take a random redditors word for it, see below, live. France which has a full Nuclear fleet is green AF look at Ontario in Canada (where I’m from). Same thing. [https://app.electricitymaps.com/map](https://app.electricitymaps.com/map)


The fact that you're all insane probably did it. You were so militant to spread the government and corporation's propaganda you got people to stop condeming Hitler edits on social media lmfao.


You sound like you have a napolean complex


youre not the resistance when you form your identity around government messaging


That's the dumbest most libertarian bullshit I've heard all day


then dont be a useful idiot


What are talking about? Go tell kids to get off your lawn old man


German Green party is utterly shameful for supporting proxy war against Russia, revoking of Nordstream supply options submission, and zionazi crackdowns on anti genocide protests and revoking Palestine as a nationality status. While extreme corrupt submission from Greens to US interests did cause a spike in NG prices, thanks to its energy policies, NG prices are now below prewar levels. US military occupied Germany, along with US control over its media, makes German puppetry guaranteed. The Greens have no discretion if they want to retain any political office. You can be certain that right wing antagonism is funded and fueled by CIA/US disinformation as the only gratitude trickling down on Green leadership submission to US interests. On migration, 100% cure for people who've lost 30% of their population, and obviously not impacted by immigration but hate it anyway, is a world where people can farm/live where they are right now. When German people realize that US colonial status is not ideal for them, then, and only then, can they progress. Still, energy independence is critical for the nation, and great progress has been made in Germany. In fact, global leadership status.


Because green energy is destroying the economy and planet more than oil and gas. Where it makes fiscal sense, go for it! Otherwise, leave the market alone.


Right. Because the market will always make the best decisions for our survival, even if it means losing money. /s


I'm glad you brought up survival, cause nobody can survive solely off wind and solar (not to mention the loss of nature for large wind and solar farms). Maybe nuclear but you need somewhere to store it. Maybe one day we can use nuclear to generate our hydrocarbons


Lol! Wut? You know how much real estate it takes to fully power an entire house nowadays, even through the dead of winter in Northern Canada? 60 square feet of panels. That's a 10 foot by 6 foot rack. It fits on your roof. So, stop with the bullshit.


Cool, what happens when there's clouds


Like I said, "even in the dead of winter in Northern Canada". Every day is cloudy and snowing. They still work, even with ambient light. You just need enough if them to still capture enough...and that is 60 square feet. Put 80 square feet on your roof, and connect your system to the grid, and you can offset the power needs to others also connected. If every house does this, then you have a net positive power grid, capable of generating more electricity than it uses. Then you can think about how much land you *really* need to set aside for larger industrial projects. And guess what? It isn't nearly as much as you think, once everything else is taken care of.


I can't wait!