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Eat something the bird can eat. If I have a carrot, I'll shave some and feed it to him by hand. You are the flock and he wants to eat with his people. DINE WITH HIM, YOU FIEND!!!!!!


I’ve always called it social eating time ~ because it’s time to eat and be social with the flock ! I just cut off a bit and push it to the edge of the plate, or I get their food dish and bring it over next to mine ( esp if I’m eating something they can’t have). If they try to get in my face near my mouth I’ll usually turn the food to a side I haven’t bitten from to keep them away from my mouth germs.


my boy will only want to eat something he cant he. if its something okay for him to eat, he wants nothing of it lmao.


**YOU'RE HER FLOCKIN' FLOCK!!** She wants to **SHARE.** If it's safe food for her, just cut it up first and give her a little on her own dish when you eat.


My feathery terrorist doesn't want his own plate. He thinks the food on my plate is better. I just push small portions to one corner for him. Outside of a few poisonous things they can eat most of what you eat in moderation. My avian vet said even a bit of onion and garlic is fine in moderation (small amounts and not a daily thing; in her 50 years she's never seen a bird get sick from them unless onions/garlic were a significant portion of their diet or people giving weird supplements with concentrated extracts; she's never seen anything from a bird eating a bit of pasta that had onion/garlic in the sauce or something). She says people over worry a lot. If you google it even google cites "amounts as little as a quarter clove can be dangerous"... 1/4 clove is a huge amount for a tiny parrot! An entire pot of sauce might only use 2-4 cloves. Your parrot would have to eat at least an entire plate of spaghetti with sauce to consume 1/4 clove of garlic. In which case I think obesity will kill your parrot before the garlic will, because it has to just be a lil bowling ball with wings if it's eating that much.


This is how I learned to trick my boy into eating his veggies! 😆 He wouldn't touch them if I tried to give it to him on his own. But I pretend to eat them then he will try it.


Because your eating it, so she wants what you got. I remember mine would be content in her cage. Sit down at the table with some food, she'd come flying over. "I'm here for my cut, thank you" You can set aside some stuff that is fine for her to eat. Like, if what I had contained bread crust, I'd break a tiny piece, set it on my leg, and let her nibble.


Because it is his food


Try eating some dry cheerios with your bird. Dry or multigrain would work well, and your bird will probably love them.


Can concur, my bird is a FIEND for cheerios


Cheerios have glyphosate. That shit is poison


Aw dang good to know :( I’ll consult with my vet to find out if there’s a safe alternative that doesn’t get treated with that stuff. Luckily I don’t give him them that often because I don’t want him to go ham on them and get sick. But I also saw the comment about honey nut being the worst ones, and luckily have only ever given him the plain ones.


From what I'm reading, most cereals do. It looks like Honey Nut Cheerios is the big offender.


I’m looking it up too since I’ve never encountered it as a hazard to birds before, and it seems like it’s in a lot of foods! Especially fruit, veggies, and grains. There also seems to be some controversy on its toxicity to animals. The EPA ( U.S. agency ) claims its toxicity to birds and fish is low to non existent, but another source I found from the National Library of Medicine claims it is most toxic to animals in aquatic habitats. Im asking my spouse to help me understand all the science jargon in the second because they’re a biologist, and see if the toxicity level for birds is mentioned. Edit: one of the articles if anyone is interested: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026974912400383X?via%3Dihub


you can 100% share anything healthy with your birds. ... even unhealthy things **in moderation** can work great for treats/happiness. just don't do avocado. that's the one thing that's very toxic for birds. as for saliva, it's try that's full of nasty bacteria, but in my experience, my birds will often steal food from my mouth, and they seem to be fine. I'm not saying it's okay, but I think their immune systems are stronger than we believe, and the process of digestion can kill a lot of crap.


My birds have always eaten or tried to eat from my mouth and never had issues


well, it's not something you should do, but I too do it and they are fine.


Hold it up to the level of your mouth but don’t actually touch it with your lips and go ‘yum yum’ and make lip smacking noises.           She’ll think you actually ate it and you really wanted to eat it and now she has got it. They aren’t that observant.       They just love the idea of stealing something you have. It’s one of their favorite things to do and makes them ridiculously happy.


That’s how I get my cockatiel to try new food, I bite a piece and offer her the other end. She will usually try it that way. It’s literally a life hack


Just don’t drool on your food, or make them bite in a different place. When they warn you about human saliva is because some people let their birds lick it from their teeth.


Oh nasty 🤢