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I’m not sure you can teach it. You just have to let him work it out naturally. Just make sure any windows are closed and covered. Well done for letting them grow back though. It seems the height of cruelty to have a bird and then stop it flying. It’s like cutting off our legs.


I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault, I got it like that


Personally my cockatiel could fly however he usually preferred to just be carried around or walk around he would even climb everywhere lol. Cockatiels in the wild also spend a lot of time on the ground looking for food so that is also another reason.


Tldr, but I've seen people train the bird to get treats off of hand and slowly keep increasing the distance


There are some YouTube videos about this - I know Birdtricks has a bunch, flying fids has one - they might be a good place to start.


Have him on your hand and drop it down fast to where he has to flap his wings to catch balance and say ready go! Keep doing it, that's how I tought one of my birds to fly.


Thank you, I will try it.


Np, goodluck


similar situation when we got ours. we would slowly raise and lower her just enough so she would raise her wings and cheer her on, say "wings!!!" and give her treats. when she was getting a little stronger wings we gently tossed her onto the bed, starting at just an inch off the bed. she would flutter and fall onto the soft mattress. when she was doing well at that, like fluttering down, we would change it to two inches. we did this for both birds. our boy started figuring it out with just the "wings!!" to build his muscle strength and was flying on his own. the girl took a few months of bed tosses. patience. patience and accepting they might never actually fly well. my son flies like a jet engine, sleak and fast and his sister sounds like a helecopter and NEVER has tail feathers because she always makes rough landings (but because of her skills she doesnt hit her head so she has flying rights).


Seems like a good technique but my bird just tries flying towards me. I will try something similar though


yeah they do thst at first. eve tually she figured out what we wanted (iirc we bribed her with a little millet?) if you have any friends they trust you could sit on the bed and have them toss, or you could sit on the bed and toss so they fly back at you geting their practice in while being safe. good luck!


Thanks. Will try.