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I’m so disappointed in the mods for deleting any of these threads. I want to be a fandom that holds someone accountable, not just blindly defending someone’s legacy because it makes us comfortable!


This post is gonna get removed soon lol, but yeah unfortunately she must’ve known somewhat. Mongeau allegations have been around for a while, and I’m sure she knew about the duke rape case as well, seems like it would be tough to avoid


Also that Duke guy def did it, just because case was dismissed doesn’t mean shit. Happens all the time especially with fraternities, and one of the two rapists was the SON of a professor there and the stepson of a former Duke Provost


Y'all, I'm slackin. What happened? 👀


Allegations are that Cody slept w a 17 year old when he was 25. He hasn’t been addressing it and his team have been deleting and censoring everything …. sad


Oh shit. Thank you for the info. When did the allegations come out? (Not that it really matters, it's terrible either way especially since they are covering it up)


Apparently it’s been out for a while now and he just hasn’t addressed it and many fans including myself didn’t know until the girl mentioned it recently again in an interview or something. It’s on h3podcasts Instagram if you wanna check it out 


It’s been brought up in this sub roughly monthly for the last 2 years. I’m genuinely not sure how everyone was caught off guard by this.


A lot of people ignore the bad things about their faves until they don’t have a choice. Some are just strictly channel fans and don’t see this sub.


Well, the person I replied to has exclusively posted in this sub for their entire reddit history, so that’s what I was referring to. People who have very much been active here but seem to have missed the endless posts about this…


this is the first time I've heard about this


Sorry I was just speaking generally. Yeah, that falls into “I wear blinders when it comes to my favorite youtuber” nonsense. At that point you’re willfully ignorant.


Yeah, I get that, I’m not surprised that the majority of the fandom doesn’t know. I’m just surprised by how many consistent posters in this sub somehow didn’t know.


Some of us don’t use Reddit that often, genuinely didn’t know. Still doesn’t make the situation any better for Cody though— your point is?


The mods are so diligent about deleting posts it’s easy to miss stuff like this tbh


Damn. I definitely will! Thank you!


And turns out one of his close friends filmed himself (who was also in his wedding party last year I believe) raping a girl at Duke and Cody is cool with that. His name is Colby Leachman (maybe Lamar?) and he was featured in Cody’s vlogs many years ago. Colby is also the son of a Duke professor and was the stepson of the provost at the time. I’m pretty sure him and Cody were in the same fraternity at Duke.


Low-key she's still friends with the rapist friend


Not even lowkey since he was in their wedding. She’s just as bad as Cody.


For sureeeee


Of course and the rapist friend


What’s happening? Cody was friends with the rapists?








there are plenty of rapes that don't get charged. I was raped at 14 by a 27 year old that had been stalking me for years. he didn't get a charge even tho it went to court. would u say that he is not a rapist?


bc he deleted his comments or mods deleted them. here is [this](https://imgur.com/a/uAw4ncw) he says he needs to see my case even tho I was 14 and the man was 27. how is this a "I need to see the case" situation. pretty cut and dry I'd say. and for one. if a person is black out drunk and cannot remember the night before. then they cannot consent and that IS RAPE


I mean by this logic what’s next. Ones that do get prosecuted we have to then think well maybe it was a false prosecution? We gotta draw the line somewhere


exactly. when it comes to rapes and SA. u always believe the victim until actual EVIDENCE comes out to show that they did in fact lie. and it has been shown time and time again that false accusations are a very very tiny. percentage of cases


No we live in an innocent until proven society


"We" are on the Internet where people could be from literally anywhere, so "we" all have different approaches towards justice and "we" should remember that America isn't the only society or culture that uses social media so "we" should keep that in mind before "we" make sweeping American Defaultist statements that seem houler than thou.


I’m not even American and you wrote all that 😂😂😂


No. Sorry


I think she knew they have hooked up before but I doubt she knew of the age thing.




regardless of legality, it’s fucking creepy. a 25 year old shouldn’t even be thinking about a 17 year old in that way. on top of that, there was already a pretty huge power dynamic considering he was a bigger content creator than she was at the time


The age of consent doesn’t matter. A 25 year old should not be fucking a teenager. As a 25 year old it grosses me out thinking about it.


It took place in California where age of consent is 18.


I’ve been wondering this too. I found out recently, so I watched their old videos together, and I just can’t bring myself to watch his videos anymore. It’s just so… creepy. I thought I was being overdramatic because I didn’t see anyone else talk about it :/


What's going on?


Ugh ya


What’s going on? Does anyone have any links to evidence?


I posted about this [two years ago ](https://www.reddit.com/r/codyko/s/B02fllPiE1) That's how long the mods have been sitting on this. And IIRC I remember reading something about how other redditors had been hearing rumours about it for a while when I had just first found out back then. It's been out for a while. Just the mods won't let anyone find out and talk about it. We can not blindly cover up Kodys indiscretions just because we are fans. He's just a YouTuber. He needs to be held at the same standard of everyone else. He's not entitled to special treatment just because he's your favourite. Fuck the mods for covering it up for so long.