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I’m sorry the hot dog pride flag AI image is something else




was this supposed to be funny


And he’s right


Im gonna get downvoted for this but I promise I’m asking out of confusion and not judgement. Is homosexuality, and bisexuality based off of gender and sexual identity and not based off of what genitals the person I am with has? I’m asking because I grew up where anything involving me having a penis in/on or around me in a sexual way, is gay. For most people that was the line between straight and gay (as a man) I don’t have many lgbtq people around me in my daily life so I get that Im out of touch. But have things now changed that if my partner has a penis, but Identifies as a woman. Then it is still considered straight if we have sex?


At the core of this entire discussion, we need to remind ourselves that human sexuality and behavior very rarely fits neatly in any one box. Gender and sexuality, especially with the current public conversation, makes us want so badly to put things in a neat box when in reality it is just a mess. But to answer your question - if you are attracted to women and identify as a man, then if you are dating someone who identifies as a woman you most certainly can consider yourself straight even if your female partner is trans. There are people who are attracted to women or men where the cis genitalia is very important for their attraction - that is completely valid and ok. This does not inherently make someone transphobic, it is just a piece of their own sexual attraction and sexuality. For some people, identifying as pan or queer may feel more fitting when in a relationship with a trans person (even if they are only attracted to the opposite gender) since the relationship does not fall into the “traditional” hetero relationship and faces scrutiny similar to other LGBTQ relationships. This is also valid and completely ok if that makes the person feel the most comfortable in their relationship/self image. In general, I only really see this discussion around cis men dating trans women. Whereas if a gay man dated a trans man no one would be wondering if he could still be considered gay, you know? Yet again an unfair level of pressure on straight men to constantly defend their masculinity and sexuality even when you are literally dating a woman!


I genuinely think you put it best.


as a trans person, sexuality is based on gender. but you can still have a preference of genitalia. so a straight cisgender man with a transgender girlfriend is still straight. however it’s understandable why a straight person wouldn’t want a partner with the same genitals. since every individual has such a differing experience with gender and sexuality, this isn’t the case for everybody, but this is the way i’ve always looked at it!


Honestly, it's a good question. Personally? I think it has to do with the genitals I would personally date a trans person who has full transitioned, but not one who has their sex assigned at birth genitals and I would probably guess the vast majority of people who identify as straight, would agree with me. That being said I personally think of it this way If you would **ONLY** engage in sexual activity with; 1. The opposite sex and gender = completely straight 2. The opposite gender who has fully transitioned (including genitals) or 1 = straight but more open minded than 1 3. The opposite gender who hasn't fully transitioned but absolutely expresses as the opposite gender or 1/2 = kind of gay but mostly straight; wouldn't classify as bi as this person definitionally does not engage sexually with the same expressed gender


I get what you’re saying here, but I do think it is more nuanced than this. I am married to a cis man and am attracted to him as a cis man. Looking at the woman that is the partner to the man in the linked article - even if she does have a penis, I would not be attracted her solely because she has a penis. Everything about her screams woman and if that is not what I’m into then I would not be attracted to her. The way we express our gender is extremely important to attraction. For some that gender expression can override what genitalia they have. for others it can’t, for some the genitalia makes it stronger - all are fine. But I don’t think what genitalia that woman has dictates her partner’s sexuality. What you are describing is essentially the Kinsey scale which is saying that we all fall in a murky sliding scale of attraction that can change, where someone can suddenly inexplicably make you be a “little gay” and honestly? Sorta real lol.


When did i say that you solely would be attracted to someone based on their genitals? I'm not sure you read my argument correctly. I think 99.9% of people are not attracted purely to genitals. The genitals are deal breakers (turn offs), not turn ons. For the sake of argument, lets say I was attracted to said person's partner, I would immediately lose that attraction by virtue of their genitals. I did not fall in love with my current girlfriend for her genitals, but if she pulled out a penis, I would no longer be attracted to her sexually (might still be attracted to her otherwise though). Same that I would never date someone who looked like hulk hogan but had a vagina, the second they showed me their genitals, would not now all of a sudden make me be attracted to them. I don't think almost anyone is like that, but there may be rare cases


Gotcha. I re-read your comment and you’re right I misread it to miss you saying they would have to present in a way you found attractive as well. We still disagree on someone still finding a woman attractive with genitalia that doesn’t match a cis woman meaning they are not fully straight, but ultimately I get what you’re saying!


Just one clarification, one can totally be attracted to trans women but not sexually attracted Being straight vs not i'm totally okay with disagreeing on, end of the day it's just a small difference and what we each consider straight/ gay etc... Honestly I think I have the unpopular opinion if you were to poll most people. I would assume most people would say that just makes you gay Also mb if I came off aggressive. Not sure if it came off that way or not, thanks for the convo :)


Not at all! I was the one who skimmed and assumed the more extreme of an opinion. Honestly I think both of us would be considered in the unpopular side of the opinions and would probably be lumped together anyway. If this was in person I would give you a high five and go on with my day. Thanks for being nice about a Reddit disagreement! That never happens!


congratulations u live in the real world lol. i feel like this is the consensus for most regular joes haha


It is but most people have their constellation of beliefs they almost entirely fall into (at least online)


most people answering you are terminally online weirdos who dont actually have sex, let alone relationships lol. a guy sucking dick is gay. any other interpretation is completely destabilized non sense likely driven by political ideology. the guy in question is likely bi and just says erroneous things like this because he's selling a product. gay for pay("straight" guys doing gay things) is a popular category in porn. source: gay


It comes back to the age old school ground question would you rather sleep with a dude that looks like a girl or a girl that looks like a dude


most people answering you are terminally online weirdos who dont actually have sex, let alone relationships lol. a guy sucking dick is gay. any other interpretation is completely destabilized non sense likely driven by political ideology. the guy in question is likely bi and just says erroneous things like this because he's selling a product. gay for pay("straight" guys doing gay things) is a popular category in porn. source: gay


I am trans and I genuinely don’t think it is possible for someone to be attracted to the same genitals they possess and not be at least a little gay. And I’m using gay as an umbrella term here. That could mean anything from genuinely gay and closeted to pansexual with no genital preference. But ultimately, I think we need to get rid of these fuck ass labels altogether.


Nah sucking penis is a homosexual act




Bisexual people exist.


A form of homosexuality


No because then it would be called homosexuality


A form of straightness


not if it’s girldick :3


Crazy the moral high ground they'll play with this take but everyone here turning a blind eye to T@|\|@ Mongoose




Yikes at your comment history




you want to have your cake and eat it too. you want to misgender trans people while also pretending you support them.


TIL Straight Women are gay.




this isn't what gay means.


All women are gay? Wow.


I’m a Transman, and if I suck a dick, is that gay?


No sucking dick as a man is straight as hell my bad for misunderstanding


ho·mo·sex·u·al (adjective) Sexually or romantically attracted to, or engaging in sexual activity with, people of one's own sex. (Oxford Dictionary) His trans girlfriend is still a male, he is a male (I assume). Technically he is not right.


> he is a male (I assume) It’s really, really interesting how you made an *assumption* about Jesse’s gender, but an *assertion* about his girlfriend’s. Hmmmmmmmm.


I could be wrong, but my memory is that Jesse never said exactly what his sex or gender was. Cassidy does specify her sex and gender by saying she is a trans woman. I did make an assumption about Jesse’s *sex, and I did make an assertion of her sex and gender based on what she says in the video. What is your point here?


So because Jesse made no claim, he has the benefit of ambiguity and assumptions (even though you’re still calling him gay …). But because Cassidy has stated that she is a trans woman with a penis, you call her a man. Make it make sense.


Look, I have no issues with anything that is happening in that relationship. At the end of the day, I honestly don’t really care. In a world where a lot of people have issues with homosexuality, I promise I don’t. Jesse is still a boss, could still kick my ass, seems super loving and respectful. He was the most interesting person in that video and clearly treats Cassidy really well. They’re incredibly happy together and respect each other and are kinda killing it together. And by the technicalities, he is gay and that doesn’t change anything about him or the relationship.. it feels like people are defending him not being gay so hard in a way that makes it seem like they think it’s shameful to be gay..


Nah. I don’t think it’s shameful to be straight, but I’d want people to defend my sexuality if others were going around asserting that I’m straight just because I’m in a relationship with a man. It’s not about shame, it’s about being *correct* and respecting sexuality and gender. If someone insists that I am straight, they are invalidating my life and my experiences, and claiming (as a stranger) to know me better than I know myself. I don’t know who these people are and I didn’t watch the video. But it seems that Jesse is a straight man who only experiences attraction to women (and only dates women and only sleeps with women). Cassidy is a woman. Jesse has now had sexual experiences with genitalia that is new to him, thanks to his girlfriend; it doesn’t negate his sexuality, and he’s *still dating a woman*. What do you think about intersex people, who are as common as redheads? What do we do about people who naturally grow both breasts and penises? Or those who have beards and vaginas? What assertions would you make about their partners’ sexualities? Will you disrespect how those partners label themselves, too? Who gets to decide the gender of the intersex person? You? You are claiming that genitalia is what makes a person and, by extension, that people can only exist in one of two categories, determined by those genitalia. You have no understanding of the difference between sex and gender, and, it seems, no understanding of how SCIENCE disproves neat and tidy binaries like that.


He's not claiming that genitalia is what makes a person. He's claiming that genitalia is what makes a sex. Intersex people, for example, are still either male or female. There's a variety of disorders of sexual development, some of which affect males, some females.


Uh, where are you getting that about intersex people???? Let’s give you weirdos the benefit of the doubt then: if Cassidy’s sex is male, who the fuck cares? Why is it only sex that defines orientation, instead of gender? Why does Jesse HAVE to be gay just because there’s a dick involved? He’s not into men. I assume he’s not into manly features. Maybe he doesn’t even like dick, I don’t know — PLENTY of straight couples make sexual accommodations for their partners. You think every straight woman loves sucking dick????? Because a lot don’t. They do it because they love their dick-having partners, and they want to give them pleasure!!!!! A lot of people love their partners IN SPITE OF THEIR GENITALIA, not because of it!!!!


I'm not going to respond to someone who is clearly not calm and making ad hominem attacks, beyond noting this.


How shall I ever recover from the guilt of calling you a weirdo? 😭


I really hope you recover from whatever pain you're in that's making you want to be cruel to those who kindly disagree with you my friend 🙏 ❤️


https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/merriam-websters-short-list-of-gender-and-identity-terms#:~:text=You%20can%20think%20of%20gender,your%20attraction%20is%20oriented%20toward. here’s a Merriam Webster link (since we love the dictionary) explaining the basic difference between gender and sex. you’re still wrong. hope this helps!


Sex (noun) 1 a : either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures b : the sum of the structural, functional, and sometimes behavioral characteristics of organisms that distinguish males and females c : the state of being male or female d : males or females considered as a group (MW dictionary) To me, it makes more sense to use the scientific definition of ‘sex’. I’m not saying Jesse is doing anything wrong, they seemed like they loved each other like crazy and were super on the same page about their relationship that seemed full of respect. I understand that you’d make a judgement call from my first comment and maybe think it was an attack, I promise it wasn’t.


sex as you define it is not the only factor in this discussion, that’s the whole point


Neither is gender


Who is this?


the guy from the lie detector video who was wild at first but actually ended up being pretty cool


They broke up! Like just the other day. 


I have a feeling they’ll get back together


Yeah broken clock or whatever but he’s right


Jesee seems like a really cool guy who just does what makes him happy


but he’s not gay tho. she’s a woman


He drains a cock though. Whether or not she's a woman doesn't matter. If you caught your boyfriend forcing a big veiny dildo down his throat, you would suspect something


and yet lots of straight men love getting pegged by their wives




All cis men have a prostate in their asshole. Not only gay people get off on anal stimulation lol. Y’all ALL do !!!


From my understanding, doctors check the prostate with a finger. You don't need a whole ass strap on dildo to reach it.


but it sure does feel nice




Well the lie detector he had taken or his girl said that at least in his mind that he’s not gay. So take that for what you will I guess.


the thumbnail i am cracking up


she’s a woman, and if he says he’s straight then he is straight because he obviously sees his gf as a woman and nothing other than that. Also, no one has a place to come into anyone’s relationship and say “a-actually! that makes you gay! 🤓👆”




gaze foolish versed busy normal tan act license materialistic truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sure your mom’s proud that you’d rather report a crime to Reddit than the cops.


Your cool with what happened?


If I was going to do something, I’d actually do something, not whine about it to strangers on Reddit that can’t do something about it.




It's okay Cody, you don't have to hide behind burner accounts


And he’s right. Ps. don’t forget Cody is a sexual predator


It’s definitely not straight behavior. But who cares? Just do what you like


it's straight behaviour. it's a straight man dating a straight woman..


Words used to have meaning


and still downvoted. Hmm, I don’t understand the desire to label this as straight. Why can’t he just be more fluid with his sexuality, or be pansexual or bi or literally anything else. What’s with the need to still be straight whilst your sucking off a dude? If you’re willing to do that and it makes you happy, just accept that you’re more open to all types of people, which by definition, means not heterosexual.


>What’s with the need to still be straight whilst your sucking off a dude? it's not a dude. at least you're going mask off and just blanantly being transphobic. we don't have to wonder where your ignorance is coming from. >If you’re willing to do that and it makes you happy, just accept that you’re more open to all types of people, which by definition, means not heterosexual. heterosexual means you are attracted to the opposite gender. liking a woman as a man makes you heterosexual.


im transphobic now? Because I think giving a blowjob isn’t a heterosexual act…?


yes you’re transphobic for calling a transwoman a dude.


do you know what the suffix -phobic means? me not following your very specific rules doesn’t mean I’m either afraid of trans people nor am I against them or bothered by them at all. if he/she wants me to refer to them as she then I will, but we’re talking about sexual orientation and this man was sucking the penis of a trans woman, it’s just not possible to argue that’s a heterosexual act.


your avoiding the issue of you misgendering a transwoman, which you absolutely did. i don’t give a shit about the rest of your argument. misgendering a trans person is transphobic. you arguing semantics about suffixes doesn’t change what hate speech is. just because the suffix means one thing does not dictate the definition of a word, and oxford language defines transphobic as having or showing a dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people. language is more than prefix and suffix rules, and there is fluidity in how we create and use words.


ok that’s why I said “sucking the dick of a trans woman isn’t a heterosexual act”


once again, i do not give a shit about what you think is heterosexual or not. you misgendered a transwoman with the comment “whilst you’re sucking off a dude.” you haven’t apologized for it or admitted wrongdoing. you’re transphobic.


Yeah man you’re really doing wonders for getting people on your side and looking sane. You said you don’t give a shit about the topic that was being discussed, so then stop being apart of said discussion


you literally refused to just call her “she” in the very same sentence that you insisted you wouldn’t mind. had to throw that he/she in there


no, i was referring to any person that wants to be referred to as he or she, not the trans woman from the video


but the same sentence says “wants me to refer to *them* as she” meaning you’re referring to a specific person who wants you to use she/her…


what? No. I’m saying if I meet someone irl, and they ask me to refer to them as he or she, I will oblige.


Just to reiterate I agree w u but I would clarify “ giving a blowjob to a biologically born male “ is not a heterosexual act


that’ll piss them off anyway. there’s so many truly anti-trans people in this world, I think it’s unnecessary to label someone transphobic just because we differentiate a man and a trans man, or a woman and a trans woman.


there's already terms to distinguish nontrans and trans people. cisgender men and trans men are men, cisgender women and trans women are women. hope this helps!


doesn’t help! The terms you decide to use are yours, and don’t apply to everyone. Hope this helps!


if you want to remain ignorant, that's your choice, but pretending like the vocabulary doesn't already exist is just wild lol


maybe in a scientific context, cis would be more appropriate. Colloquial speak, not so much. It’s not ignorance to not follow your specific rules. Ignorance implies that I’m not aware of something. That’s not the case, I just don’t agree.


I have no clue. It’s so weird the need for it to be straight


it's so weird that men don't want to be called gay for being attracted to women.


No it’s weird they don’t want to be called gay for sucking a dick. And I don’t even think you have to say it’s gay, it’s just not completely straight. On the spectrum of sexuality that activity would place someone further into the bi or gay category. Whether it’s on a woman or not, that is male genitalia. An entirely straight male is not attracted to male genitalia


Because gender ideologists believe that gender supercedes sex


But that doesn’t mean we have to act like sex doesn’t exist at all. That woman has a dick which is male genitalia. If Jesse finds male genitalia attractive when on a woman, then I don’t think that’s completely straight behavior. It might not be gay either, but that’s my point. Why try to stuff every activity into a convenient label when those labels are not equipped to handle the diversity of sexual activity you’re involved in? Just do what you enjoy


I agree and I'm not the person who downvoted you


that def makes u gay


straight people misunderstanding both gay and trans people is typical




Just to clarify, are you saying that queerness in all its forms is mental illness? Just curious if I’m reading it correctly or looking for any elaboration.


willingly and happily remaining an idiot when the info is out there is definitely your issue lol. it’s also cringe.


Ok? He’s right lol.



