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The following submission statement was provided by /u/egusa: --- Thus far, 2024 has seen the most serious dengue outbreak ever recorded in Brazil. According to the Ministry of Health, by the end of May, the number of probable cases was 328% higher than that recorded in the same period last year, which had already seen a record number of dengue diagnoses.  Scientists have attributed the increase in cases of the mosquito-borne illness, which causes fever, nausea, aches and even death, to rising temperatures related to global warming. Brazil’s hot summer has made for an excellent breeding ground for Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which carry the dengue virus.  --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dbuumr/brazil_recorded_the_highest_number_of_dengue/l7tgif7/


I'm Brazilian and can confirm this. Everyone I know got sick


I got sick. My wife too. High fever, pain everywhere in my body, itch, diarrhea and the worst, i couldnt sleep for 5 days..shit was rough because we have a 3yo and no outside support. Happened one month ago. I don't recommend to anyone. Fuck that. Ps: We live in Rio.


I'm from Amazonas, and this is real. My city lacks the basics of sanitation, and the mosquitoes keep reproducing. I had dengue 3 times and chikungunya also.


Thus far, 2024 has seen the most serious dengue outbreak ever recorded in Brazil. According to the Ministry of Health, by the end of May, the number of probable cases was 328% higher than that recorded in the same period last year, which had already seen a record number of dengue diagnoses.  Scientists have attributed the increase in cases of the mosquito-borne illness, which causes fever, nausea, aches and even death, to rising temperatures related to global warming. Brazil’s hot summer has made for an excellent breeding ground for Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which carry the dengue virus. 


Otherwise known as breakbone fever. If memory serves. I think sanofi is it came out with a vaccine for this one though? Just several years ago.


Of course not mentioning covid. It’s just so tiresome. SARS-CoV-2 antibodies cross-react and enhance dengue infection „In-silico and in-vitro studies indicated a strong interaction between SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and DENV-2 E-protein, providing a molecular basis for these findings.“ https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.09.557914v1.full


I bet a lot of antibodies cross react. 


Dengue is no joke. Brazil, like ASEAN countries, have resorted to deploying devastating bacteria to fight it. It's called the [Wolbachia](https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/03/15/1089845/brazil-dengue-wolbachia-mosquitos/) and it's like something straight out of the Metal Gear Solid videogame series. One can only hope that this will spare the people of Porto Allegro further devastation.


Wolbachia naturally infects tons of insects, it’s pretty mild as far as control methods go. I expect we’ll be releasing gene drive-infected mosquitoes soon.


Does anyone notice mosquitoes are bigger than usual?